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/lit/ - Literature

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9015384 No.9015384 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw majoring in Chemistry and still find sufficient time to read literature on a daily basis

What are you doing with your life, /lit/?

>> No.9015404

Majoring in Chemistry, except I've read 12 books this year already, have a 4.0, a 8/10 girlfriend, tons of friends, and compete in bodybuilding, you little bitch

>> No.9015405

Studying chemistry and telling everybody about it

>> No.9015409

Lying in bed listening to sad music because the girl I've been talking to stopped replying to my messages

>> No.9015411

its because youre the type of person who gets sad when someone stops replying to you. its because youre the type of person who has long ass conversations with girls via text. start caring about yourself more, others less, and develop a stronger and more independent attitude.

>> No.9015433

>college dropout
>short, fat, small dick, hispanic
>living with parents, 24 years old
>kissless virgin, no friends
>woke up at noon and then got in bitter argument with my mom for the 20th day in a row
>ate a bunch of poptarts for breakfast, felt like shit
>took a massive dump while watching clips of the bee movie and then jacked off, but missed and had to use a napkin to clean up all over the floor
>want to become a writer but haven't read a full book in months, always starting them but getting bored and dropping them
>the last book i finished was siddartha because it's like 100 pages and super easy
>wanted to spend last year learning a new language but learned only very basic japanese, spent most of my time watching anime and jacking off to hentai and JAV
>lungs and head hurts constantly from my nicotine addiction
>spend like two-three hours planning out my plan for this year and downloading various textbooks and creating study guides and book reading lists that I will never follow
>jack off again and then eat a bunch of hot pockets
>start to read a new book but then put it down and open my computer and spend the rest of my day alternating between watching cuck porn and writing "my diary desu" and various other low energy memes on /lit/ while chuckling to myself
>it is now 2:00 in the morning

Rate my life, /lit/

>> No.9015442


>> No.9015446

>graduated with bachelor in computer engineering
>now work as an office slave
>make 105k
>live in tiny studio apartment
>run 5 miles a day
>white/fit/fairly attractive
>diagnosed depression, anxiety, paranoia, and insomnia
>refuse treatment, except for the insomnia
>desperately trying to write, can't work up the energy
>spend most days reading, watching anime, and playing vidya
>spend weekends getting out of town to visit friends and family

rate my life

>> No.9015447

Only read 3 lines and I already feel like I'd kill myself if I were you

>> No.9015450
File: 55 KB, 991x902, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lit-fags completely assblasted by the superiority of STEMChads

>> No.9015451

keep going

>> No.9015454
File: 8 KB, 472x325, impressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you try to describe your life in as negative a way as possible to get sympathy from online strangers but you can't make it sound bad no matter how hard you try

Feels good desu

>> No.9015464


Get on that Prozac my man. It helps a lot

>> No.9015466

>majored in history
>top of my class
>professors personally vouched for me and got me a job at one of the oldest museums in my city doing research
>mfw STEM fags took the safe-route and will be stuck doing soul-crushing work for the rest of their lives

>> No.9015471
File: 51 KB, 230x356, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw STEM fags took the safe-route and will be stuck doing soul-crushing work for the rest of their lives
>safe route

Yeah, if you're an idiot.

Top STEM students didn't take the "safe route"

>> No.9015481


oh man I am laffin

good luck when you graduate

>> No.9015484
File: 82 KB, 634x757, walter-white-jesse-pinkman-make-crystal-meth-tv-show-breaking-bad-days-may-be-numbered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have plan B my man

>> No.9015508

Environmental science. There's a good amount of chemistry involved.

>> No.9015553


>tfw anti-depressants are working

things are starting to look good bros

>> No.9015557


>> No.9015559

>majoring in CIS
>depressed since dad's death in December
>haven't had free time to read or do anything I truly enjoy (besides sleep) since October

feels bad.

>> No.9015572

>Bachelors in Physiotherapy
>just finished Tacitus
>massaged a milf's thighs yesterday

>> No.9016403

>Graduated with a BA in English last year
>Read 20-25 books per year
>Quit video games because I realize that they are a chore
>Quit my job at Tim Hortons because I hate customers and smiling
>Equally fearful of the boredom of office work and poverty of retail
>Join the Canadian Infantry
>It's an interesting job with good pay
>Everyone back home is still struggling in this shit economy
>Life is pretty good

>> No.9016409

Masturbating and trying to find a job.

>> No.9016415

Fuck Prozac.

>> No.9016416

Fitter Happier/10

>> No.9016424

>work from home
>grad degree in literature
>married with kid on the way
>just bought a house last year
>read 100 books a year

It's a very cozy life.

>> No.9016447

>mom died when i was 10, left me a trust fund
>live alone, no job, too much money, my only friends are my cousin and brother and they live 2 hours away
>dont know anyone here
>spend my days reading, exercising, doing psychedelics (just did 2ct2 last week), being lonely, vidya, masturbating for hours (yay drugs)
>dropped out of college twice now
>i have to get a job eventually
>oscillate between depression and egotistical superiority, diagnosed bipolar when i was a teen

>> No.9016449

>writing my master's thesis in maths
>read on a daily basis for the last ~10 years
>looking forward to working 80h/week in consulting and not having time for anything else but reading and listening to music for the next ~5 years
>actually feels pretty good man

>> No.9016467

What do you do to make money

>> No.9016498

Teach (community college) lit courses and grade tests, both online.

>> No.9016732


Fuck you

>> No.9016751

im failing chemistry so i guess im halfway there

>> No.9016786

>Tfw majoring in Literature and still hasn't read a book in his life; teacher somehow thinks I'm some genius when I pretend to know shit

>> No.9016794

I study Natural Resource Economics

>> No.9016833

>Majoring in Chemistry
Enjoy working at Starbucks pleb, but hey..atleast youll have time to read!

>> No.9016861

Nobody even cares you chump

>> No.9016872

I was studying that but then I realized I hated science so I switched to Natural Resource Econ

>> No.9016875

you are like Kafka

>> No.9016913
File: 329 KB, 400x400, 1470893401077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually immersing myself in the humanities. due to your major choice and the work your gonna have to do, you will only ever scratch the surface of the works you read

>> No.9016920

my sisters are both on happy pills

they told me it has helped them so much they feel so different and just straight up happy now and really want me to use it too

i will never succumb to the pharma jew.

>> No.9016926

>Rate my life, /lit/
See me after death.

>> No.9016938

>tfw neet and still find sufficient time to read literature on a daily basis

>> No.9017057

If you need a professor to explain a text to you, you are fundamentally incapable of making it. The biggest tragedy of the modern "School of Life" 5 minute philosophy summaries is they make genetic incapables think they could be philosophers.

>> No.9017152

>last grade completed was 8th
>GED at 16
>construction and odd jobs
>joined US Navy at 21
>avionics tech
>seperate and get job a boeing
>shit sucks get job in construction managment
>wife and 3 kids
>read all the time
>not so bad after all

>> No.9017164

>The biggest tragedy of the modern "higher education" 3 year philosophy summaries is they make genetic incapables think they are philosophers.

>> No.9017184

Why is this a /r9k/thread?

>> No.9017220

A lot of people who posted have gfs or kids. How is that /r9k?

>> No.9017247

kafka got pussy, was tall and handsome, and was a great brooding writer.

>> No.9017333

>look like a 16 year old boy bc of my traumatic childhood
>everbody in my family has a different kind of mental illness, execpt me
>high functioning father though, he a professor and under the top best 1000 doctors in Germany
>studying psychology and chemistry at the same time currently
>finished my bachelor thesis paper in psychology about psychoanalysis last month ago
>getting my first bachelor degree next month
>feels good
>beautiful and rich girlfriend, her uncle is a successful author
>great sex life
>enjoy smoking DMT
>and the best of all: chess FIDE 2000

I'm ballin'. Amor fati.

>> No.9017395

>manlet with traumatic childhood and a meme-degree enjoys playing a highly repetitive board game
>I'm ballin'.

>> No.9017415

>can't even reply to the right poster.

>> No.9017434

>thinking STEM people dont like doing what they do

>> No.9017440

Majoring in chemistry is basically as useless as majoring in English unless you are doing Pre-Med.

Fuck off STEMfag

>> No.9017450

>he's so insecure in his career he feels the need to denigrate others

>> No.9017520

nigga that's literally what OP's post was

>> No.9017615

>college drop out
>50% of the time im 100% i want to live the literary lifestyle
>the other 50% i just dont know
>diagnosed bipolar, pills make me feel like a tame version of myself
>addicted to the Internet
>started lifting
>reading 3 novels at the same time
>somehow managed to stop the urge to kill myself, feels un-lit
>0 lewd contact with a female on the last 12 months
>no job
Rate my life

>> No.9017648

">>>/r9k/" / 10

>> No.9017696


>last grade completed was 8th
>GED at 18
>construction and odd jobs
>joined US Army few months later
>logistics specialist
>separate and sit on GI bill, fuck around w/ odd jobs again
>shit is still sucking
>should have taken 45k salary job as single man when i got out immediately but that feel when you get out of the army
>no one loves me but i love booze
>it could be worse

>> No.9018486

I still havent used my gi bill. Cant find time for school with work and kids. Time runs out next year.

>> No.9018513


>can't do anything for long periods of time that involve mental power as i get intimidated by the road ahead and the outcome

>even though have confident in all material aspects of life, the mental escape me and i live in fear of doing anything remotely accomplishing

i'm not happy with it. i just can't do anything.

>> No.9018684

I refuse to believe anyone can find that shit interesting. In high school doing labs for chem and bio were so useless and boring, I can't imagine making a career out of that mundane shit.

>> No.9019048

>tfw none of that except 10/10 model gf
feels good

>> No.9019113

Lol ok dude. No one is as immersed in "the humanities" as you. What a guy you must be

>> No.9019129

Majoring in Computer Science and still finding sufficient time to read literature on a daily basis.

>> No.9019223

>assuming stem people do anything like high school classes were

in reality, most stem jobs are creative and interesting if you have the skills and knowledge

>> No.9019284

>CS major and hate it
>work a shit job at the moment
>everyday i just think about how much i hate my major and job
>should have gotten a liberal arts degree at least i wouldn't be so miserable
>haven't fucked in a few months but then again i'm not really trying

>> No.9019314

>Often engage in orgies
>Read whenever I can

>> No.9019434

Societal 7/10 but your soul is shriveling /lit/ 3/10

>> No.9019717

what's your iq roundabout? supportive non-shitty childhood?

>> No.9019724

>i have to get a job eventually
why anon? desultory?

>> No.9019946

139. It wasn't shitty, but not especially supportive. Neither parent got past high school and both of them have either been janitors or minimum wage production workers most of their lives. I'm the only one out of my many siblings to even finish high school.

>> No.9020012

>if you have skills and knowledge
Stopped reading there

>> No.9020036

literary genius in the making t b h

>> No.9020040

>actor in multiple successful tv shows
>8/10 GF
>fairly autistic so find it hard to hold a conversation, make meaningful connections
>feel sad becaus there's no light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.9020092

literal meme person/10


>> No.9020094

This makes no sense. The top students have the easiest route, because they are top students. (And will probably get a good, safe, and nearly guaranteed job after they graduate)

On the other hand, the people bad at STEM would be taking the opposite of the "safe route" if they decided to major in something STEM. (It's harder, they're bad at it etc)

>> No.9020110
File: 124 KB, 633x758, Dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18yrs male
>about to drop out of high school where I've (for the first time in my life) made some friends
>I haven't felt my fingers in a week, they function but it's like there's no blood circulating
>Concider suicide often
>When I don't feel well, I hear voices
>I've hugged and kissed, even spooned but still virgin
>Still managed to get cucked
>Spend my days stressing my schoolwork, never doing it
>I don't sleep often and eat bread with cheese and drink only unprocessed milk
>I get very well along with girls if I put on a fun act, but I can't be at all be personal with, they go away
>Still need girls around, when I'm alone I have a consuming lust
>Sometimes my body will simply shake with need of sex that my hand cannot ease
>I'm afraid I will frighten someone and that my family would know who I am and that I am not a happy child
>I have decided that I will bicycle through europe this summer
>I will kill myself on the mediterraenian shore during a sunset and hope no-one finds me

>> No.9020134
File: 471 KB, 512x288, 1484604319829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing yourself because you can't get laid in high school
>can afford a European vacation where he bikes around like a fuck stick
Sleep more you dumb retard you're stressed because you stay up all night on fucking 4chan.

>> No.9020188

Nigga be happy you can make girls laugh if you need someone to talk to about your issues see a therapist

>> No.9020192

Exactly what his post reminded me of too.
A pig
in a cage
on antibiotics.

>> No.9020219

>0 lewd contact with a female on the last 12 months

He isn't a virgin. Not /r9k/.

>> No.9020221



>> No.9020232

>Last semester before I get my BS in physics
>Have nice offers from nice law schools
>no friends
>Don't enjoy anything besides exercise
>Fucked nerves in both arms from 4 straight years of working at a desk for 12+ hours a day
>See everything as escapism
>Only read because it feels somewhat productive compared to masturbation or shitposting
>take 2 antidepressants to not want to die

>> No.9020235


>start law school on Monday
>nervous af been a hermit NEET the last few years since I quit my advertising job to finish undergrad
>read at least a book weekly
>gym often
>started mediting recently
>recently started seeing a 6/10 Ivy League patrician qt but don't know where it's going
>still in love with my 9/10 ex
>stalked her trancontinentally last year
>wouldn't speak to me
>have attachment issues from being adopted
>sent a picture of DFWfleshlight.jpg to new girl the other day
>tfw she thought it was my fleshlight
>scared about being around crowds
>missed the orientation week
>city is hot enough to make me kill an Arab
>positive/mixed outlook about the future
>still have three years of law, then articles
>hopefully will get to Switzerland one day
>would be so easy to go back into advertising but feels like I'm wasting my creative mana
>want to write

>> No.9020245

Majoring in Law, living a very good life, can't think of any complaints.

>> No.9020263
File: 788 KB, 1204x888, Näyttökuva (227).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to afford in a bicycle trip from north to south
I will sleep in the sleeping bag and buy bread from shops on the route, I have nearly 800 euros so I can also stay somewhere in case of rain
Pic related is my travel plan. I might go to Paris too if I want to when in France
And it is not just that I can't get laid, it is also that I often have feelings overriding logic. I think about the situations rationally when it doesn't make any sense logically, for example when I was alone in my house four years ago I became very sure that in the bathroom there was a huge dust mite that breathed slowly. I heard the breathing and put a chair in front of the door to stop it from coming out. After that I thought that if it was going to kill me, I would stand better chance at first trying to kill it. I got an axe from the shed and broke the bathroom door into pieces. After hacking the door for some hour I realized that I was standing in the bathroom and there was no giant mite, this kind of stuff is why I don't want to live. It is sometimes very frightening but somewhat controllable with apathy and ignoring the voices but it doesn't make me happy.
Especially completely unsurpassable feelings that I get at first glance that don't make any sense and make things difficult

>see a therapist
B-But you are my therapist, /lit/

>> No.9020276

>he plans on crossing kaliningrad
yeah good one genius

that thing fucked me up when i was hitch hiking down from the baltics.

>> No.9020282

Why? Is it the maximum security border?
I'd really love to visit Kaliningrad

>> No.9020289

do you have a visa for the russian federation?

>> No.9020312

Not yet, but I thought I'd send the request sometime soon once I fix the dates

>> No.9020333

>aggressive, depressed, mentally unstable high-school dropout
>poor as fuck
>dysfunctional family
>every day feels like torture
>attempt suicide
>be put in a psychiatric ward as a result
>suddenly meet a very cute girl, potential soul-mate
>grow passionate about film and literature
>develop a relationship with said girl
>madly in love
>quit drugs
>find a job abroad, move with her to a new home
>travel all over the world w/her
>start a major in Literature
>adopt a doggo

>Gee Eff leaves all of a sudden and I can't reach back to her
>drop out of university
>doggo dies
>become more erratic progressively
>boss sacks me from the job
>left without a penny, forced to go back to my homeland, to my disfunctional family
>addicted to drugs
>every day feels like torture

It could be worse.

>> No.9020342

>It could be worse.
Honestly, my friend, how?

>> No.9020363

At least I feel like I have somewhat lived. If things had stayed the same I would find it difficult to harbour any hopes for the future.

The world's an interesting place and if I manage to deal with these problems I could even come to enjoy my lifetime.

>> No.9021386

Big families seem to be strong evidence for a genetic explanation of intelligence. My mom's side had brothers dropped out of grade school who can't tell their ass from their elbow, but one of the brothers tested around 140, went on to complete grad school and work at Disney. Environment just doesn't hold a candle to the genetic lottery.

So is it then just pure futile cruelty to chastise the genetic incapables of not grad schooling? Even if they work hard enough to push the pig through the python, it seems they'll just be bored and barely afloat...

>> No.9021447

As the first person you replied to, all of my siblings aren't necessarily genetic siblings. There were a lot of step-s and half-s in there, plus adopted cousins.

I would agree though, since we were all raised the same. Even received the same gifts on Christmas in different colors. Things seemed to go wrong for everyone else around puberty.

>> No.9021569

>would be so easy to go back into advertising but feels like I'm wasting my creative mana
you're hoping law will be a rich creative release?

>city is hot enough to make me kill an Arab

>> No.9022803

Oh shit, he completed grad school? And even worked at Disney? Must be a real genius, that guy.

>> No.9022836

>married, no kids
>work as a ship in engineer in military
>have a nice house, pay nothing for rent, no bills except wifi
>social media has destroyed attention span
>currently reading 7 books, can't finish a single one

>> No.9022850
File: 134 KB, 800x410, ludwig-van-beethoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>composer and pianist concertist
>have to pretend to be well-read costantly because everyone around me has a formal classic education
>have read half a book in 2016, 2 full books in 2015

>have become a master orator in my teenagehood (I'm autistic and I had to overcompensate in order to communicate with other people)
>vast lexicon (at least in my native language)
>god tier debating skills
>tfw no one will ever know that you're an ignorant philistine

I guess I should fix this situation, but my attention span is honestly way too low. I'm pretty sure that to manage to get well-read before my 40s I would have to drop completely any sort of internet leisure activity.

>> No.9022875

Story pls, I'm lonely as fuck

>> No.9022882
File: 1.95 MB, 500x270, closeup(holy fuck).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, but I'll try:

>Second year at college (will graduate early)
>Haven't been in a serious relationship for ~2 years (but I'm honestly not interested -- I have tons of friends anyway)
>Began reading/writing a LOT this summer
>But stopped working out
>Parents pay for school/food/housing/etc
>Insomnia (even though I keep busy no-sleep fucks with my schedule)
>Got accepted to another school that's the best in my field
>Got a high-paying gig for the beginning of the summer

>> No.9022895

It was for his job, fucknuts

>> No.9023037

well, no one doubts genius is genetic. But it's the lesser individuals like yourself where we wonder weather your mediocrity is your fault or that cesspool you call a a genome.

>> No.9023395

Haha... college is nothing my man.

>> No.9023399

>>tfw no one will ever know that you're an ignorant philistine
Oh they know alright, they know.

>> No.9023406

Fix your hip, you little faggot.

>> No.9023442


>> No.9023451

>have M.Sc. in engineering
>study philosophy for fun
>own apartment together with 2 good friends
>part-time job I enjoy
>single, but comfortable
>great social life
>going to finish The Iliad today

It seems to me that you guys suck at making the right life decisions, but I guess I'm just a normie.

>> No.9023461


>> No.9023464

, >antidepressants working
Cf Irving Kirsch

>> No.9023474

Why do you lack of any time anon?

>> No.9023481

hey friend Bs in engineering here, is the M.Sc. worth?

>> No.9023486

how do you have time to run 5 miles every day?

>> No.9023492

18, currently NEET and preparing for military enlistment. I'm trying to figure out what I should do with my life through lit. Last year I read 30+ books in Japanese because I was learning that. Started coming to /lit/ at the end of 2016 and I've read about 10+ books so far this year.

What can I say, the NEET life is fun and fulfilling than people say.

>> No.9023518

You have a BA in English and you only read that much? Your type is unbearable, you non-readers or wannabes ruin English class by bringing everything down to your level, then again you have to be pretty dull to study English, why do you need the teacher's shitty presentations? What a dull degree, actual readers don't study English because they're not instagram girls. Also if you believe that 'liberal education' wank you've fallen in company with hacks line DFW, god, English students should be shot

>> No.9023521

They're faith healers anon

>> No.9023550

>military enlistment

>> No.9023622

Christ dude. Why so hostile?

>> No.9023642

Im a mega autist and way beyond you in power levels

>> No.9023681

He has severe autism

>> No.9023945

List them fag

>> No.9024188

>living in a shitty neighborhood in a third world country
>no crime, less hygiene, poor infrastructure and economy
>in 'college' for an bachelors in engineering majoring CS
>college is long, boring 'lectures', basically high school with shitty teachers
>leaves me bored and depressed
>less time because of mandatory attendance in college
>get along with people, but no friends
>got interested in a girl, good friends, has a bf, lost interest
>really weird mood swings
>happy when doing things time to time, but bored most of the time in college

I know it gets better but I lost my youth and will probably be a low paid wage slave for the rest of life.

>reading about first world problems

>> No.9024202

Asia or South America?

>> No.9024205

South Asia

>> No.9024247

I'd say so, the job market today is very competetive especially in my country, and having the M.Sc instead of Bs gives an undeniable edge. You also gain a deeper theoretical understanding of your field of study. Bs in engineering tend to be, as far as I've seen, more practical in nature, and so extending it to a M.Sc enables you to tackle novel problems in a better way, imo.

But it really depends on whether you like what you study or not. For me it was no real choice; education is free where I live, and I love being a student.

>> No.9024266
File: 179 KB, 505x492, Ai oot rotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>education is free where I live, and I love being a student

>> No.9024279

Mate I have had two bouts of psychosis, severe anxiety, depression and derealisation most of my life. Had my life fall apart, lose all my friends and still managed to get back to Uni and make some new friends and get two new jobs.

Get the fuck out there and fight like a man.

>> No.9024288

that place is poison for the mind
do you want to hurt me?

>> No.9024300

That's like 40 mins you fat fuck.

>> No.9024306

It can always be worse. That's an important thing to remember.

>> No.9024370

You sound kind of schizophrenic, there's treatment for that.

>> No.9024756
File: 17 KB, 658x332, 1483659640429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started college out of state because I had not yet encountered reality due to my sheltered upbringing and wanted to go balls-deep
>end up not being able to afford my second semester
>stumble upon philosophical nihilism, which made concrete all the thoughts that I was having at the time
>fail my second semester of my freshman year
>forced to drop out because I can't pay
>1 year later
>I'm actually feeling pretty good now
>I have a $10,000 debt to pay before I can even go back to any school
>Nobody in my family can pay it or cosign a loan, and my shitty job and high rent prevents me from paying it

I feel like an absolute loser, hold me

>> No.9025820

I dont think so. He's much older than me.

>> No.9025921

>stem student
>Like my major
>hate the people
>There are no women
>I have borderline personality disorder
>I want to die every other day

>> No.9026291
File: 36 KB, 564x564, mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can smell your huge cock when I open the bag of Bugles.

>> No.9026481

Nice projecting. I'm sorry that you're having doubts about your time wasted in grad school.

>> No.9026514

play [some 4 chords song] anon xDDDD

what pieces you playing? i'm tackling op 109. my teacher (probably one of the best pianists in my country, don't worry it's a hole) is low-key signalling that i lack maturity to tackle late beethoven haha

>> No.9026904

Are you me? I always have to point out the logical fallacy every thread.

>> No.9026955

I remember reading in one of these threads about some guy that spent days in library reading, living on 5 euros a day. I wonder what happened to him

>> No.9027053
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>> No.9027154

His dad's dead and he's in college, I'd imagine finances are tough

>> No.9027204

Same bruh, chemistry is boring af though

>> No.9027582

>read books
>study mostly music theory and mathematics
>play classical guitar and piano
>been a neet for a few years total
>went to do my compulosry military service
>had a job at a library for about half a year
>after that at a shitty grocery store (current)
>thank god it'll only last for about 3 months
>been there only a couple of weeks
>out of fucking nowhere, get a fucking seizure (first time i've ever had one)
>i wake up and have no clue what is going on
>go to hospital and get a medical certificate to slack off work for a couple of days
this all happened yesterday. although it sucked balls (being on the neurological ward listening to other nutjobs word salad) i kinda value it as an experience. made me see how vulnerable i really am as an living organism, i now appreciate life more as a consequence

>> No.9027634

Haha well done slugger, I remember when I took intro to organic chem too! That nomenclature, am I right??

>> No.9027650

>Taking a gap year
>Have a place to read English at top university in September
>Best friend lives next door
>17 year old qt. girlfriend lives 20 minutes away
>Take Md and smoke weed with both of them regularly
>Worked in a bar and a department shop since leaving school
>pretty easy work, gave me money, have just over a grand saved up for travel around Europe
>Just read The Plague, moving onto Sisyphus this weekend
>meeting gf's lumberjack dad later today
>had an interview for a job in a betting shop earlier today, ideal job for me for where I am in my life
>Been writing poetry and a screenplay for a mockumentary
Pretty cosy tbqhf. My life feels like it's been on a steady upward trajectory over the last few years. I'm not looking forward to the inevitable drop, whenever that will be.

>> No.9027992

The drop is gonna be your gf cheating on you with your best friend.

But seriously, sounds like a comfy life. Good luck with it, anon.

>> No.9028316

>have a loving family
>have some friends I talk to at college once in a while
>have a girlfriend who says she loves me every day, is extremely devoted to me and cares about me way more than I deserve
>My best friend whose had a pretty shitty life is forced to move by his parents
>He's away from his gf of four years in a place where he knows no one
>He's getting more and more distant
>Despite going through a lot of shit he is still a more interesting and well-rounded person than I am
>He knows it too and can be condescending and overly-sensitive to certain things sometimes
>alternate between feeling bad for him, feeling jealous of him, and feeling fear my ideal life will be struck by the inevitable tragedy everyone experiences, and if I will have the willpower to deal with it
>starting to romanticize suffering, feeling as if I need to suffer to be a more full person and I have been given something I don't deserve
>english major and want to be a published author but doubt my own willpower
>despite thinking i'm a better writer and reader than most of my classmates, I have read comparatively little classics

Thanks for the excuse to vent in a blog. I needed that.

>> No.9028444

>alternate between feeling bad for him, feeling jealous of him
Why do I feel like this about all the people that I'm close to?

>> No.9028464


damn your life is eazy and middle-class common

>> No.9028501

>NEET, been jobless one year after two military enlistments
>alcoholic (see enlistment), live at home with parent unit
>have had GFs, watched friends kids grow up. family is a waste of time desu.
>constantly analyzing works of fiction instead of enjoying them
>have an A+ brain, want to write screenplays & short stories
>can't motivate myself to write day-in and day-out
>get older, fatter, weaker, die of cancer within 5 years

my great regret is never having made it, anons.

>> No.9028504

>tfw double majoring in phiosophy/English and I STILL find time run/watch films everyday and hangout with my girlfriend/friends in my apartment all while having a boarding school teaching job locked down after the semester ends

Goddamn my life is good right now I hope I don't fuck this up

>> No.9028542

This shit is crippling. I got over it a few years back but it still haunts me

>> No.9028591

Rate: 25, clean off drugs, 10/10 18 y/o gf who shares my passions, fitness, reading, baduk, meditation, vidya, studying finance, feel happy

>> No.9028592

>Fucked up A-levels so I'm doing them again
>In Oxford
>I am surrounded by students
>I am surrounded by looming architecture
>I did not apply to Oxford this year
It is eating at me.

A-at least I'll always be able to pretend I'd have been accepted.

But hey, I met a qt Russian who's into lit.

>> No.9028603

What A-levels you doing?

I'm doing Bio and Psych (did a lad's BTEC because I was young and without direction, but I need an A-level in Bio for Uni so I'm doing them with my last free year). Both of them are piss easy, just had mocks and I got A's on both.

>> No.9028640

Are you still alive? I wouldn't be.

>> No.9028650

Biology, English (lit ofc) and History. Biology is like stacking bricks together, and hence easy to learn, and the exams are easy to finish: A*s, thank God. In English I already managed to get As without doing silly things like reading the books or finishing the exams (so you can see I was made for /lit/...), and I managed to scrape an A in this part of it, too. But History...you need to finish your exams in History. So my mocks sucked, which is worrying, because it's what I'm applying to uni for (along with Mandarin). Yes, you can really say I'm going down in history.

I'm glad you are getting As. At this stage that must be heartening. Which uni are you aiming for?

>> No.9028672

You have the cancer or you're expecting it?

I'm 29 and on first military enlistment. Is it too late for me?

>> No.9028684

Yeah. You should really get some sleep.

>> No.9028690

Sleep is for the weak.

>> No.9028698

Yeah. You should really get some sleep.

>> No.9028706

>Biology is like stacking bricks together, and hence easy to learn

I agree with that. I taught myself iGCSE Bio during my BTEC and got an A*, so I've got a nice bit of groundwork to build on already.

Psychology is just a memory test; the bulk of what your tested on is remembering ezpz theories and the names/details of studies. Despite this most of my class is shit.

I'm going for Bournemouth University, simply because it's close to my hometown and it's got good ratings for the course I'm choosing (100% student satisfaction iirc). I know it's not a prestigious or /lit/ university but I'm aiming for a Bachelors in Physiotherapy so that doesn't matter.

Where are you headed for history?

>> No.9028723

Teaching yourself is a pretty good indication of true ability. It's also something I could never have done—not, at least, without far too many amphetamines. I hope you put it in your PS. Which BTEC were you doing?

I'm not surprised you find Psychology with its memory-test shit. That doesn't sound fun, although I knew a guy who insisted it was.

Myself, I am gunning for Edinburgh. It is, in truth, the best I could hope for if I also wanted Mandarin; I took no language A-level. The old quarter and castle are a nice added bonus.

But this is assuming I can get in. Unlike you I'm gambling on a homoshit degree, so the university is worryingly important.

>> No.9028754
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I'm seeing double

>> No.9028757

Ability played its part, but it was mostly commitment to spend a few hours each day just reading the cgp book until all the information remained in my head. Not having much of a social life can be a great aid in regards to education. I was doing Level 3 Public Services. I can hardly remember most of the shit we covered. We just did units on various public service related things, and our final mark was based on what grade we passed each unit in (Pass, Merit, Distinction). 90% of my coursework was just re-worded from the student book -- people aren't lying when they say BTECs aren't rigorous.

Edinburgh is a good choice -- I've heard the night life is decent and it is a very pretty city. But ay, the good thing with Physiotherapy is once I'm in I'm essentially guaranteed a job; whereas with History you'll have to know what to do to get the good opportunities. Good luck anyway.

>> No.9028765

>Fite me, the thread

I know this is 4chan, but ffs.

>> No.9028770
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Expecting cancer. Dad died at 55. I've got a fibrous mass under my left pec that hurts whenever I lean over onto it. I'm afraid to get checked out. Better to just die.

>> No.9028773

I bothered to post in this thread

That says enough

>> No.9028774

>better just to die

Surely its better to potentially survive or die under the warmth of pain killers, than get fucked up the ass by untreated cancer?

>> No.9028784

>graduated welding school with welding certificates
>work a part time job
>looking for welding work
>am reading daily and as much as I can

rate my life /lit/

>> No.9028791

>welding work

>> No.9028812

>but it was mostly commitment to spend a few hours each day
That's what I mean.
>Not having much of a social life can be a great aid in regards to education
...And this is sadly true.

About 100% of my knowledge of literature can be put down to crushing loneliness.
>90% of my coursework was just re-worded from the student book
To be fair, that's what most subjects usually boil down to.

Thanks m8. I've got a few ideas, all of them difficult to get into—but worth trying, I think. If the worst comes, there's always the army...
He is a sick man.

>> No.9028859

Luckily for me despite my lacking social life I've never been low on the social scale. I've always been at least on the equestrian level, aside from Year 7 when I was one of the "boffins", but I abandoned my nerdy friends in Year 8 and climbed the ladder.

>About 100% of my knowledge of literature can be put down to crushing loneliness.

Most of mine is due to spending a large chunk of my life in front of a computer screen. On the good side I believe its made me smarter and definitely more knowledgeable in a range of subjects, but its probably the main reason I'm not as socially active as my peers -- but fuck it, I'm happy (albeit in a slightly discontent way).

>To be fair, that's what most subjects usually boil down to.

With most subjects its about memorisation for an exam, then applying said memories; with BTEC there are no exams, so you can just mindlessly copy from the book in your freetime and get yourself a D*D*D* with ease.

>Thanks m8. I've got a few ideas, all of them difficult to get into—but worth trying, I think. If the worst comes, there's always the army...

Just do what you need to do, even if you need to step on people's toes. If you're thinking about the Army, I'd go for the Royal Engineers; they'll teach you a trade so when you're back on civvy street you'll have a job to do.

>> No.9028907

>decently attractive
>nice deep and attractive voice
>large penis
>charismatic and funny
>actual exceptional genius
>majoring in EECS (looking to do research) but pursuing literature and philosophy as minors because of my love for them - I literally enjoy everything I study
>still plagued by depression and thoughts of suicide a majority of the time
>only Adderall and Prozac give me any sense of reprieve
Why is life like this? I feel like I have very little to be unhappy about - yet I still am.

>> No.9028927

you're probably looking at it too humanisticalllylylyly

try a different anti-depressant like wellbutrin

start meditating

do some shrooms in a forest

>> No.9028950

You actually mentioned two things that I had been considering a lot; I plan to start meditating as well as read a few new poems a day to see if that will help any. Looking to also take some substances that might help like mdma/shrooms/lsd/something.

>> No.9028961

>becoming a teacher
>Music rehearsal 1h a day
>Drawing/Painting 1h a day
>Reading 2 h a day
>Workout 0h a day because I'm a lazy fuck

>> No.9028973

Meditating should help, but its not a one off solution; it's a commitment just like literature.

For substances I'd try some shrooms or acid, do a lowish dose and do them some where you'll be happy. Have a buddy look after you if you can.

>> No.9028991
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>majoring in EECS

>> No.9029072

Probably should have done either pure math or physics, but I'm not particularly mad that I didn't - I'm doing much of the same stuff anyway.

>> No.9029357

Good luck anon, you're gonna make it!

>> No.9029464


I'm in US and have no money.

>> No.9029674

>tfw 21
>tfw graduated high school at 19 because i hated going
>tfw both parents were orphans and put into canada's residential school system
>tfw mom has white blotchy scars from when nuns took steel wire brush to her flesh
>tfw haven't seen my father in 6 years
>tfw no idea if he's even alive
>tfw last i saw of him he was still drinking himself into oblivion every night
>tfw ptsd, anxiety, and depression
>tfw worked since i was 14
>tfw on my own since i was 15
>tfw family has basically disintegrated
I'm thinking of computer science...

goddamn, I've had a sad fucking life. Thank fuck for books.

>> No.9029831

>3rd year History undergrad at top 5 Uni in the world
>Comfy lifestyle of reading 19th century historical literature and writing the odd article for student newspaper
>Already got a graduate training contract with top 10 Law firm in the world
>Still somewhat lonely

>> No.9030265
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>EECS and math
>much of the same stuff

>> No.9030311

You should go full Knausgaard. Might have some success, actually.

>> No.9030465
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>CS major and really enjoying it
>in a successful, loving relationship of 2+ years
>was struggling with anxiety but i'm working through it
>stopped reading books for a really long time, idk why
>used to be really good at writing too
>getting back into reading by reading classics
>want to get a comfy penetration testing job so i can buy all the books i want and read them and maybe write a book someday

doing bretty good so far

>> No.9030613

godspeed anon

>> No.9030634
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I'm really interested in psychology, linguistics, and Wittgenstein's philosophy, so I assumed a Psychology Ph.D might be my best bet for continuing my education while also making money, but now I'm thinking a cushy CS degree or business might be a better bet, giving me free time for those topics while also having a living. Problem is, I did CS for 1 year in university and felt like it was futile, unimportant work.

Any anons feel the same way as me? Is it better to suck it up and get some money-making undergrad degree or pursue your interests as far as possible professionally?

>> No.9030640

>Got a degree in molecular biology
>Research Scientist for better part of a decade
>Decided to get another degree in software engineering
>still regularly read fiction (sci fi, historical, fantasy) and nonfiction (biographies, skills, history)

Feels good I guess.

>> No.9030652

Chemistry is a simple major, so of course you have time.

>> No.9030699

top kek
18-year-olds are old hags like all women and thereby cannot be '10/10', and can have no 'passions'

>> No.9030702

enjoy it while it lasts anon

>fired from day job
>heavy drug dependency
>probably going to drop out of uni this year
>have only had weird fucked up open relationships
>anxiety and depression has gotten super worse
>used to be really good at writing
>getting back into reading by reading classics as well
>trying to get life back on track by writing for a shitty philosophy blog

>> No.9030711

#1 miskate of posting on any board other than /b/: naming your major

>> No.9031518

You have literally years to get your life back on track.

>> No.9031549

>med student
>Manage to read at least 45 min - 1 hour every day
>Almost always near top of my class
>No girlfriend. Have lost faith in love, just one night stands.
>A large number of acquaintances, no close friends, mostly because all of them are too banal

Rate my life.

>> No.9031562

>small, ugly gay boy just transferred from mediocre private uni to local public school bc $$$ crisis, had a 3.8 GPA ~but~ :^)
>double major in Math and Ling, working shady low-paying jobs at local tutoring places
>education & training up before college more or less exclusively in the arts but all I absorbed was pseud-mentality, not skill
>people used to tell me I was a good writer but they were either probablydefinitely lying or just falling for a few cues that I picked up from good writing and slathered all over the place without real inspiration or consideration
>realized that I'm a horrible, inevitably destructive drama factory and that nobody should have to be around that so I've been spending the last two weeks cutting everyone out of my life because I don't want to be a burden on them anymore
>haven't left my neighborhood except like once to go buy a bunch of collapsing Loeb Classics off craigslist
>my days now consist of disingenuous Grindr use and half-assed Latin study

rate my life ;^)
if you know me IRL (a lot of people I know use this) I'm okay and you should focus on yrself!!!

>> No.9031564

also The Recognitions is a bad book

>> No.9031577
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>thinks chemistry and reading are accomplishments

>> No.9031601

>English degree with writing emphasis
>day job unrelated but pays enough to get by and has good benefits
>working on a fantasy novel

>> No.9031616
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>Rhetoric and Linguistics major
>Senior year of undergrad, pushed all my literature and heavy linguistics courses off to the last minute
>Reading any time I'm not in class or at work
>Have to reread The Sound and The Fury with normies and hyperfeminists
I just wanna read Burke again, yall :(

>> No.9031619

>small ugly gay boy

How many dudes go gay because getting girls is hard

>> No.9032729

>Waiting to hear back from colleges
>Reading V.
>Wearing corduroys and weighing 125 pounds
>Smoking too much pot on the weekends
>Writing short stories
>Being in a hidden, not exactly dating, relationship with a girl my friends hate who has too much anxiety to ever publicly display affection.
And trying to figure out what I do in the post-graduation to summer span of time.

>> No.9032951

>majoring in chemistry
>literally applied physics

At least major in math

>> No.9032957

I know this is kind of off topic, but watch Gran Torino. It will answer a lot of your life's problems.

>> No.9033014

>dad died at age 53 from terminal disease 2 months ago
>in engineering and hate my fucking major
>90% of the students are Chinese or Indian and are terrible to work with
>the only things I enjoy are mathematics and philosophy, but I'm poor and can't afford to major in something that isn't practical
>just recently took back my 7/10 GF who cheated on me
>feel like a huge cuck but she's the only girl I've ever loved and who understands me

rate my life

>> No.9033583

tech jobs are boring and soul-crushing, your suspicion is true. You wouldn't have as much free time as you'd like imo.

>> No.9033591

Pretty average

>> No.9033730
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I'm majoring in English and still find sufficient time to study chemistry on a daily basis

>> No.9034388

>>I don't sleep often and eat bread with cheese and drink only unprocessed milk
What was meant by this

>> No.9034413

>insomniac, partially because I want to stay up partially because I genuinely can't sleep before 2am at the earliest (lasted years)
>3 people I can hang out with, but only about once or twice a week at the most.
>No gf, no hobbies other than dota 2, guitar and web design/programming shit.
>cs major and so far it's pretty cancer considering I have to take upper math and hardwarde courses when I'm a fucking software guy
>No family support, my dad is an OCD narcissist, my mom is a loving person but extremely selfish and stubborn, my brother is shady and with the wrong crowd but seems like a good person who's just in a bad place and my sister is possibly an actual sociopath (although I suspect that of my dad too)
>stuck living with my dad who's the worst in the family and now about to be stuck with my grandma because he fucked up a loan
>Strong desire to improve my social life but I suck at talking to people and I'm really shy. All the more frustrating because I'm a 9/10 who's downgraded to a 7 because I don't take care of myself and the girls I do attract rarely are only in it for my looks.
>Basically eating like shit and constantly tired and feel depressed on a daily basis with no energy to change habits.
>feel completely drained mentally and physically, upset with my life but I don't feel like I have the resources or energy to change.

rate mine.

>> No.9034431
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>I read a lot
>I write a bit
>Everything else is irrelevant
>I don't have enough space for books, so I got kindle
>It's pretty great

>> No.9034448
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>majoring in accounting because not intelligent enough for real jobs
>hate the prospect of working my life away
>dealing with depersonalization for past few months
>on anti-depressants and anti anxieties but they only give a transient reprieve
>plenty of friends
>get with plenty of girls but no interest in sex because of HUGE foot fetish
>all the girls leave because i never fuck them and i only want their feet
>love to read and write but never find the motivation to actually do it
>feel like a complete loser compared to others at my age

>> No.9034522

Schizotypal personality disorder/10

>> No.9034532

Working full time and getting a degree in electrical engineering

>> No.9036012

Money will run out in 5 years or so at this rate. I love working on things i care about and honestly ive had too much time on my hands.

In the long term id love to work in either computer networking or security, maybe doing white hat pen testing? Im just getting started so nothing is set in stone, but i know roughly what field i want to end up in.

>> No.9036088

>>get with plenty of girls but no interest in sex because of HUGE foot fetish
>>all the girls leave because i never fuck them and i only want their feet
This hit me fucking hard.

>> No.9036131

Buddy, accounting will get you a solid six figure job by the time you're 28-30, if you go corporate (big4 or industry).

Or you can do that shit solo, picking a few clients here and there, making enough to make ends meet, and having a bunch of free time.

It's a breeze, but ye, definitely not a real job.

>> No.9036644

kys response/1000

>> No.9036742

>need of sex that my hand cannot ease

sorry mate but I laughed there

>> No.9036824

Medical doctor, magazine editor who finds time to routinely have his short stories published.

Fuck y'all.

>> No.9037618

? Yes he did you fucking imbecile.

>> No.9037628

See a therapist.

>> No.9037642

>In science the is only physics; the rest is just stamp collecting.
- Lord Kelvin

>> No.9037658

Yes, good to continually reflect on the possibilities of how shit life can be. This helps us feel better and inspires us to fulfil our goals. The more you can visualise awful things happening to you, the more successful you will be.

>> No.9037696

>The drop is gonna be your gf cheating on you with your best friend.
This. He's going to drop his load in her face.

>> No.9037734

Me too anon.

>> No.9037752

Man, it would suck to be so abnormal.

>> No.9037778

>Kissless, Handholdless virgin
>average/skinny but started exercising, could probably be pretty decent looks wise If I stopped eating like shit
>barely attending one class in art school just to stay enrolled and keep that student loan money
>not planning on graduating
>convinced that I have a few truly original artistic insights that will pave my way to fame of some degree
>decide that if I'm actually delusional than I don't deserve recognition as an artist and will be content to eek out a living as a monkish factory wage worker and keep grinding on the side for whatever recognition I can get.

guess iem brobably a fagg :)

>> No.9037781

>high-school dropout retail 9-5 wageslave
>no prospects, dumb and undereducated
>wanted to go to uni but I'm starting to realise that maybe I just don't have what it takes to be a functional adult let alone an intellectual or someone with a professional career
>fairly attractive, have had gfs, but social skills have gone down the drain since I've been living on my own and now I think I'm a possible schizoid
>no close friends, cant talk to anyone
>used to be a massive pervert thanks to 4chan, got into voyeurism, started taking upskirts because i had a massive fetish for it
>get caught and arrested
>2 years probation and permanent criminal record

I win. Can I kill myself now?

>> No.9037787


reading is a waste of time desu

>> No.9037806

This thread is still up? Almost 6 days faggots!

>> No.9037856


my curiousity brings me to the internet to listen to high impact violent sounds while amped on caffeine, searching for books relevant to my interests

most of my day is composed of sitting around half naked in kevlar underwear, figuring out what useless college malarkey i want to spend my GI Bill on even though i already have a resume that says i saved the federal government 1.8 million dollars

i think alot of people hate me because i choose to be a piece of shit with no life

>> No.9037880
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>not a virgin but have no prospects at the moment
>majoring in civil engineering
>go to major party school in Mass
>just transferred in
>only have 1 real good friend, 1 friend i'm gonna reconnect with from high school, and my roommate who's cool but doesn't seem to be around much and already has an established friend group.
>in a frat from last school but since I just transferred in I don't know any of the brothers yet
>MFW things are looking up for me at least though

>> No.9037888

>Studying mechatronics because the name sounds cool (still I have no idea what that entitles)
>Use to study communications which is as shity as it sounds
>Virtually no friends
>Alone most of the time
>My only friend (or the only one that I actually like) is a cute girl that I really like but Im too much of a faggot to make a move on
>Being in the hospital multiple times because my stomach is such a weak and fragile thing
>Diagnosed with depression
>Posible autistic
>Spent all my free time playing videogames, watching movies, and reading
>Parents constantly remind me that they are ashamed of me
>All my dreams and hopes shattered by cruel reality

On the other hand a girl gave me a hand job last winter so i guess life isn't bad after all.

>> No.9037905

glorified mechanical engineering
you're gonna make robo-waifus boy

>> No.9037909

yay :D

>> No.9038187

>studying philosophy since 2012 but only have like two semesters worth of course credits due to chronic depression that made me dropout several times
>no gf, only had sex with hookers
>money I saved up doing menial data entry work is almost gone

>> No.9038242

How'd you get caught?

>> No.9039709 [DELETED] 

>got in the best uni in my country, BS, yet to choose major
>not good enough
>i can literally do anything i want with this degree
>bought 30 books from discount book stores and secondhand book stores in the holidays
>mostly 'good' books, such as books by nobel prize winners, /lit/ recommendations, other well received books
>trying to read the bible
>questioning whether my life mission to be a 'good man' with empathy, humility, honesty, hard work, ect is a worthwhile endeavour
>might adbandon all my dreams and values to try to become a dentist and exploit my country's absurd dental prices

>> No.9039784

>where did my time go? who stole it?
>make money doing mind numbing online surveys

>> No.9040173

>saved a couple thousand dollars, moved out of state with some friends, sharing a house
>convinced myself a new start will make me happy
>college town, so I can start when I want to
>5 months later, I have only $500 left.
>I wasted 3 of those months lounging around like an asshole, being to afriad to put myself out there to get hired.
>I've put out 20 applications, only one interview, which was over the phone.
>I can't even enjoy reading anymore, mostly lie there doing nothing all day
>roommates try to help, but I've grown to dislike them more and more as time goes on
>I sit in a pile of bedsheets all day, stewing in my own self-hatred and pity as the hallucinations set in
>I thought I had them under control but after I moved they got worse
>debating just offing myself when I can't afford rent anymore

McDicks won't even hire me.

>> No.9040302

>make money doing mind numbing online surveys
so you're the cunt who keeps sending them

>> No.9040557

Old boys got a rough shag in there, just like he gives it to his old lady. Good man.

>> No.9042032

Got sloppy one day, hung around the same area too long and somebody caught on and called security. Got confronted and asked if they could look at my phone so I booked it out of the mall, hastily deleting everything as I ran. Made it outside and had more security waiting for me so I thought that since it was my gf at the time's local mall I should clear things up to save being confronted another day while with her. Went into the security room and showed them my phone thinking I was in the clear but one of the guys was a techie who noticed that I didnt have the latest iOS, so he updated it which revealed everything I'd taken was stored on the cloud, even after I deleted it all off my phone. Had about a hundred pics and vids. Cops were called, I got taken to the station and put in a holding cell for a couple of hours and then charged. Court ensued for the next few weeks, gf broke up with me after I told her, and that's that. She ended up telling her friends about it as well so I ostracized myself from that social circle out of disgrace.

tl;dr got sloppy, white knight caught on, iCloud betrayed me

>> No.9042107


Why did she leave anon?

>> No.9043215

Very post-modern of you

>> No.9043262

I cooperatively have a worm farm with my mom so I have a lot of free time considering they are disgusting low maintenance and I work with them maybe about five hours a week until it's time to harvest their shit and then it cranks up to about fifteen hours a week.

Market on Saturdays and random people wanting to buy during the week. Most of my time is playing with my dogs, playing video games (to pass the time at the office), and reading. Mostly reading.

It's a relaxing life, I guess. Little stress.

>> No.9043472

>20 something low testosterone male
>performing undergraduate studies at a middling university
>mild depression and anxiety
>no real friends or romances
>don't actually read that much, describe myself as "getting into" literature
>incredibly insecure and engage in compensatory posturing about my lifestyle on the internet

rate me /lit/

>> No.9043828
File: 63 KB, 240x239, 1483032488235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sent a picture of DFWfleshlight.jpg to new girl the other day
>tfw she thought it was my fleshlight

>> No.9044746
