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9018082 No.9018082 [Reply] [Original]

>need 200.000 characters worth of short stories to enter a writing competition and earn some cash
>Put every stupid short story i have written on it, including some i consider quite awful.
>mfw 195000 characters.

>> No.9018089

If you have only written 195,000 characters you shouldnt be entering competitions.
Thats only about 30,000 words mane shiet

>> No.9018096

I tend to write long ass novels not short stories

>> No.9018106

fill the rest with giant ascii cocks

>> No.9018128


>> No.9018154

interpolate a dream scene

>> No.9018167

what kind of fucking contest judges by character count....?

>> No.9018172

Well get writing, faggot.

>> No.9018176

Then you shouldn't have a problem shitting out another page and a half, senpai

>> No.9018181

I decided ill write another shit short story to fill the 5k character void.

Please vote which idea from these is better.

A) A normal story/drama about friends going for a beer. The story ends abruptly once one of them tries the beer, and finishes like a tv spot.

B) A good man and an evil prick die and go to heaven. The good man starts getting increasingly angry and frustrated at the fact that they let the evil guy in heaven just because he halfassedly repented for his sins.

And yes i know both ideas are bottom of the barrel.

>> No.9018187

I had that problem too for a while, though lately I've finally started pounding out short stories that I like.

The key is get into rehab, and then have your first homosexual experience, in that order. As that's what happened to me.

>> No.9018201

>The story ends abruptly once one of them tries the beer, and finishes like a tv spot.


choose B. Because it sucks but it at least kind of makes sense.

>> No.9018205

Do B, and make the good guy be sent to hell because he doesn't respect God's will.
Honestly, these are both horrible ideas but oh well

>> No.9018210

I know, i just need to fill pages quickly.

>> No.9018221

You realize you're definitely not going to win a competition if you have to pad your stories with bullshit, right?

>> No.9018223

Well, i have over 30 stories and some of them i consider are pretty good. Im sort of betting on the shittiest stories going unnoticed between them.

>> No.9018227

what the hell kind of competition is this, that you have to submit like 35 stories?

>> No.9018229

C. Copy and paste this thread into a document and don't even attempt to format it

>> No.9018248
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1484812056147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no story limit, just character limit really (over 4 stories, over 200.000 characters is what it says). I agree is retarded but i believe they are trying to make a book or something.

My short stories tend to be, well, short, so to fill the character quota i put lots of them.

this sounds like it could make me win the money

>> No.9018870

put a space before all punctuation , then the wordcount will include them . legal students do this all the time .

>> No.9018877

This is the best idea.

>> No.9019576

>to enter a writing competition and earn some cash
Uh, it's the competition organisers who earn the cash - from the entrants.

Harvesting entry fees for meaningless competitions is the oldest scam in the book.

>> No.9020170

There is no entry fee. You send your stories by email. The winner gets 80k. Thats it.

>> No.9020518

>The winner gets 80k

80k what....?

The biggest prize amount I've seen in just about any writing competition is like 5k dollars.

>> No.9020566

Yeah sorry, 80k of my third world country currency. Which is indeed 5k dollars.