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9016258 No.9016258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the underlying factors behind the fact that men fail out of the humanities/academia/higher education while women succeed, besides the idea of innate ability and preternatural gifts?
>inb4 muh war on boys

>> No.9016266

>he tries to spice up his bait but it's still shit

>> No.9016267

Muh war on boys

>> No.9016270

I wanna fuck her

>> No.9016279

he is male

>> No.9016289
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even better

>> No.9016294

Women have nothing better to do.
Men have families to feed.
Thus, men are either not going to study in the first place, or if they do study a humanities subject, they will notice it won't make them money and switch their major, which could be regarded as a "failure"

>> No.9016296

What are the underlying factors behind the fact that men earn more money worldwide across all fields while women are still stuck whining, besides the idea of innate ability and preternatural gifts?

>> No.9016299

Men and boys like action and doing things. Women are better at being passive and focusing on their studies. By no intention, school is simply geared for women.

>> No.9016302
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Men base their lives around extreme histrionicy and building their personalities around suiting other people instead of shaping their own. So naturally males do "better" in the workplace which is basically based entirely ass-kissing and, ironically, emasculation. Women are free thinkers.

>> No.9016309

dykes are superior at prose and they keep easily swayed young females around with only the token male for the occasional exceptional homosexual tutors. daily reminder the basis of all education is pederasty and reading books made you gay.
we can now dedicate the rest of this thread to
>tfw not grill and will never write mrs dalloway

>> No.9016312


It is probably to do with the humanities/academia/higher education being highly social fields where the participants have a lot of hot sex with each other.

Unfortunately, the sexual landscape is rapidly changing, and there is no need for a surplus of men. All that is required is a small pool of attractive-to-women men (Chads). These men can then fuck pretty much any and all of the girls given a long enough time period.

Even the ugliest woman feels validated after being fucked by one of these Chads, even if he was drunk and she is just a funny story to tell his bros about, and so she will turn up her nose at anything less.

This essentially pushes a bunch of low-tier men out of the social innings. It is no exaggeration to say that being a social drop-out in college leads to becoming an actual college drop-out.

Fortunately, just as it only takes one Chad to fuck a lot of girls, it only takes one crazy beta to rise up and kill a lot of normies.

TL;DR women are shit lol

>> No.9016319

see, education made this guy so gay he didn't even notice all the college lesbians and equates women with the pooper. thoroughly laconised, we'll have to dress his wife in boy's clothes.

>> No.9016320

t. robot neet

>> No.9016342

post benis

>> No.9016359


Imma go ahead and counterbait.

What are the underlying factors behind the fact that men are responsible for literally 99.999% of all inventions, great works of art, and historical events besides the idea of innate ability and preternatural gifts? Why is it especially white men who can actually be construed as Gods, subjugating all other groups under their will and conquering the entire planet?


>> No.9016362

>Women are free thinkers
They're free to think whatever they won't as long as it happens in the kitchen.

>> No.9016363

it's what stops them from masturbating their appendages off

>> No.9016368

>free to think whatever they won't
they are the best nihilists and therefore transvaluers of value

>> No.9016372
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Male productivity and creativity is only possible through docilization and feminization.

>> No.9016376

They get much more funding and 95% of them are in psychology or sociology.

Not a single one is remotely intelligent, by the way.