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9015444 No.9015444 [Reply] [Original]

The Bhagavad Gita
The Bible: Authorized King James Version
The Confessions
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
The Qur'an

What am I missing?

>> No.9015445

a fedora

>> No.9015457
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>> No.9015459

l'epic of l'gilgamesh

>> No.9015549

Is using the fedora meme in situations where someone isn't being an Atheist a new meme in itself?

>> No.9015568

What are you even attempting?

>random scriptural texts
>one spiritual classic
>one famed poetry collection


>> No.9015579
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>> No.9015580

Tao Te Ching

>> No.9015585

The dhammapada

>> No.9015589

I want to blow my mind on religion all while spending less than sixty dollars Canadian on Amazon.

>> No.9015635

Well then you're doing a fucking stupid job jumping into major texts with no grasp of the worldview behind them or scholarship on the history, commentary, or even genre.

If you want to grasp Christianity, you can start with their worldview. Scholastic Metaphysics by Edward Feser (or his book The Last Superstition if you want an anti-New Atheist polemic), Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger (recent Pope Benedict), and a catechism of whatever denomination you want to check out for Christianity.

Replace Confessions with The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton.

Get a Gita with commentary such as Easwaran's along with Classical Indian Philosophy by Moharty for Hinduism.

Hamidullah's Introduction to Islam is good for Islam. Rubaiyat is good but iffy towards what you're seeking.

>> No.9015652

An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon - Bhikku Bodhi

But before this either read an introductory book to Buddhism or have a good read on the Buddhism related wiki articles (read the main article on Buddhism, the articles for each school, and the articles for the core concepts)

>> No.9015664

>having an image of God on the front cover of the Bible

For fucks sake, I'm no Puritan, but for Christ's sake that is triggering.

>> No.9015671

The Bible?

Basically a collection of tales of the fantastic, outdated and with little relevance today. Apparntly this work has inspired some sort of religious following, though how anyone these days can believe in any sort of omnipotent God defies belief.

A few interesting tales, but all very moralistic (as you would expect), and quite insular as well. It is always dangerous to try and control people by trying to force them to live under the tenets of any religion, and these 10 commandments are also a little far fetched.

'Thou shalt not covet graven images?' where did that one come from. But on a rather more serious note, it is quotes like that which make this book rather dangerous. It dismisses all other religions and does not preach any kind of tolerance. No wonder our world is in the state it is.

>> No.9015674

t. Reddit

>> No.9015676

you mean t. amazon review

it triggered me so I posted it here

>> No.9015683


>today i sat on a comfy pillow in the garden
>and saw a beautiful girl near the pond
>god i wish i could fuck her

>understanding religion

>> No.9015703



>> No.9015708
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Fucking terrible.

>> No.9015709

It's the best

>> No.9015713
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Why wouldn't you get that one?

>> No.9015719

Because American memes.

>> No.9015721

why would you use a translation from an another translation?

>> No.9015722

Not a religious text though.

>> No.9015724

What strange taboos you religious folks have. You really like to make a fuss over nothing.

>> No.9015726

A better Bible

>> No.9015729

Such as?

>> No.9015732

It's interesting as a work of pseudo-history. It might contain a lot of bizarre stuff, but then so does Herodotus.

Let's face, Christians never actually read the Bible, so it's up to historians to get some mileage out of it.

>> No.9015745

ESV= Protestant
RSV= Catholic
NASB= Most literal and accurate translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic text in English but its Catholic

Protestants took out 7 books of the original canon to fit their needs and wacko interpretation so I encourage you to find out whats for you

The King James is okay to have but it shouldn't be your first or go to Bible because its a waste of time to figure out with archaic 17th century English meant, Do you give the other books this same treatment? Like do you want an archaic translation of the Quran or one that's recent and more true to what the original text was?

>> No.9015770

To add to this, the RSV includes books not in the Christian Canon because some sparse Orthodox churches still use them as part of their liturgy, despite knowing they are not canon. They keep to the same liturgy they've always had.

>> No.9015933

reading the qur'an alone doesn't do anything. You'd atleast have to read a popular collection of the hadith and have a notion of the biography of muhammad (the sira)

>> No.9016809
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Nice trips.

You're missing the reason why you're reading these things. Do you just want to figure out religion and have an idea of why it is so important to Man? Read Campbell's Masks of God, then Jung's Man and His Symbols.

>> No.9016845

Incidentally, all of the items in OP can be had at a library sale or used book store for like $10.

>> No.9018185
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>> No.9018189

>The Dao
>Not a religious text
How new are you?

>> No.9018193

>having an image of Muhammad on the front cover of the Quaran

>> No.9018199
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Pyramid Texts

>> No.9018206

>it's a waste of time to read something beautiful with an inch of effort
>the difficulty of the text isn't half the point of reading it
t. Last Man

>> No.9018209

I swear somebody in a thousand years is going to rediscover these memes and actually start a Cult of KEK

I can imagine historians trying to track down old outdated servers to research exactly when the mysterious frog-god symbol was first invented

>> No.9018213

>The King James is okay to have but it shouldn't be your first or go to Bible because its a waste of time to figure out with archaic 17th century English meant, Do you give the other books this same treatment? Like do you want an archaic translation of the Quran or one that's recent and more true to what the original text was?
The Bible is supposed to be archaic. The KJV was actually intentionally archaically written (by the standards of the time) to make it sound more like a sacred text

>> No.9018216

>I swear somebody in a thousand years is going to rediscover these memes and actually start a Cult of KEK
How are you speaking English, ò Man of Hermopolis?

>> No.9018219

one of these is not like the other

>> No.9018231

I think it was more to avoid neologisms and grammatical constructs that would be quickly outdated.

>> No.9018238


Only worthwhile post in this thread. You don't learn about religions by reading a bunch of random scriptures.

>> No.9018260

What's a good printed Hadith collection in English?

>> No.9018937

I've asked this in multiple threads and have never gotten a good answer, even from Muslims.

>> No.9018957

Alter for Old Testament (unfinished), Lattimore for New Testament.

>> No.9018978

The Avesta is all you need senpai.

>> No.9019348

Yeah, there's just shady results on Amazon by publishers that release out-of-copyright works.

>> No.9019352


>is all you need



>> No.9019385


>> No.9019549

*falls to knees and cringes before imaginary father*

Was your real father so inadequate, anon?

>> No.9019553

How clueless are you?

>protip: try actually reading it

>> No.9019815

what else would you recc for Islam and Hinduism? also do you have any for Buddhism?

>> No.9019873

>NASB= Most literal and accurate translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic text in English but its Catholic
>New American Standard Bible
That really turns me away from it.

>> No.9020016

It's an atheist attempt at redefining the meaning of the fedora meme. One which, ultimately, will result in failure.

>> No.9020049

It was never about atheists. It was about smug poseurs trying to affect moral, intellectual or sartorial superiority.

Some insecure godtards like to tie the meme to atheists ... a ploy which is failing as we speak.