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9011574 No.9011574 [Reply] [Original]

Best anarchy-based fiction?

>> No.9011582

The Dispossessed
>subtitled An Ambiguous Utopia

>> No.9011584

You could read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

It's fiction and the only thing that can debase its idiocy is anarchy

>> No.9011663

anarchist "theory" in general.

also check this dubs.

>> No.9011710
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you have been visited by the ultra rare and deadly pepe of anarcho-capitalist ideology. He only appears once every 400,000 child starvations caused by market failures.

A moral iconoclast, this danger pepe will protect your liberty with his hikau poem

>hippity hoppity
>get off my property
>or die

respond with "thank you mr pepe" or your property right will be infringed

>> No.9011713

Thank you mr pepe

>> No.9011724

Maybe the monkey wrench gang

>> No.9011738

Only book i've read that could be described so is The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. It's ok, describes a voluntary society that devolves into democracy after a revolution.

>> No.9011740


Thank you mr pepe

>> No.9011765


>> No.9011768

What kind of anarchy do you mean op?

>> No.9011773
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>> No.9011775

Thak you mr pepe

>> No.9011854
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The Ego and His Own

>property rights
>muh NAP
Awfully spooky tbqh

>> No.9011872

Thank you mr pepe

>> No.9011876
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thank you mr pepe

>> No.9011945

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9011946

The Monkey Wrench Gang

>> No.9011959
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y'all niggas need to read the goddamn bread book

>> No.9012312

Thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013417

The road

>> No.9013420


No Logo is pretty good, but it's not necessarily anarchist.

>> No.9013426

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013440

How do you even redistribute wealth without a government

>> No.9013446

>everybody will, like, want to redistribute their property, and it'll be, like, peaceful and shit, maaaan

>> No.9013462

>Now, on the contrary, when every one is to cultivate himself into man, condemning a man to machine-like labor amounts to the same thing as slavery. If a factory-worker must tire himself to death twelve hours and more, he is cut off from becoming man. Every labor is to have the intent that the man be satisfied. [...] His labor is nothing taken by itself, has no object in itself, is nothing complete in itself; he labors only into another's hands, and is used (exploited) by this other.
That's fucking retarded, even in primitive societies people must spend most of their lives surviving (hunting, gathering fruit, taking care of children, making fire, etc). There was never a point before capitalism when people simply lounged around and did nothing. Workers actually have MORE time to themselves than the common man of the past.

>> No.9013473

Even then it doesn't make sense. You would still need a centralized body that collects the money/goods and makes sure that everyone gets equal amount of wealth.

Or do they imagine that everyone lives in hippie commune farms, without real industry, and the 'socialism' is just people sharing their eggplants?

>> No.9013477

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013618

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013628

Thank you Mr Pepe

>> No.9013655

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013665

Tank you Mister pee-pee hahaha

>> No.9013716


thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013722

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9013887

Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron.

>> No.9013898
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>redistribute wealth

what did they mean by this?

>> No.9013954

Thank you mr pepe

>> No.9014036

>once every 400,000 child starvations caused by market failures

that does not sound very rare at all

>> No.9014061
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>your property right will be infringed

>> No.9014067
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B for Bendetta :DDD


>> No.9014083

You put the "moron" in oxymoron, you moron.

>> No.9014091
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>> No.9014113
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thank you mr pepe

>> No.9014119

>even in primitive societies people must spend most of their lives surviving (hunting, gathering fruit

Not true for non-agrarian peoples/

>> No.9014139

Island huxley

>> No.9014141


honky: someone soliciting a prostitute

>> No.9014223


i feel like im the divinci code right now

>> No.9014239

TMIAHM is a great book.

It's a fantastic primer for a more liberal concept of human politics, but it's important to keep in mind a couple things

>The Loonies weren't allowed to have actual government because they were technically a prison colony.
>They fought a revolution for the right to establish a government, more or less.
>In the beginning, thousands of people died before the voluntarist society stabilized.

That said, it sounded like paradise.

>that moment when some asshole watches emergency volunteers doing a practice airlock repair and talks shit the whole time
>they ignore him, verify that the airlock works, and then proceed to use it to blast him into space.
>main character vouches for them at executive cell meeting afterwards

Fuck, that was a good-ass book, my guy.

>> No.9014682

Thx mr pepe

>> No.9014695

illuminatus! trilogy

>> No.9014707

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9014723

Why do you fuckers feel compelled to respond to these "curse" po

>> No.9014785

China mievelle is an left-anarchist iirc. There's some of his ideology sprinkled through perdido street station and the scar

>> No.9014834
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thank you mr pepe

>> No.9014842


>> No.9014850

Libertarian isn't anarchist.

>> No.9014983
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>> No.9015056

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9015139
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thank you mr pepe

>> No.9015601

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9015967

Theft only exists if you have property rights

>> No.9015986

Anarcho-Capitalists are a subset of libertarians

>> No.9015991

thank you mr pepe

>> No.9016059

and they're not anarchists

>> No.9016087

They advocate for the abolishment of all government, how is that not anarchism?

>> No.9016132

thank you mr pepe