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9006807 No.9006807 [Reply] [Original]

So, over the last few months I've been reading Pynchon.

I started with the Crying of Lot 49 which I thought was pretty entertaining as a joke but I couldn't really say I loved it.

Then I moved onto V which had way more substance to it and with which I connected a lot better. In fact, the confessions of Fausto Majistral may be the best short story I've ever read.

So now I've moved onto the fabled Gravity's Rainbow. I'm almost done with the first section and it hasn't swept me off my feet yet but I can tell I'm in for something.

I also read a few of Pinecone's short stories whenever I take a break.

Anyway, what I'm really saying is, Donald Trump is a Pynchon character isn't he? We're just living in the universe of his last magnum opus before he dies, aren't we? It just seems too perfect.

Even the name is pynchonian. It speaks the character of the person so perfectly, brash, boisterous, full of self parody. Hell there's even the Kek conspiracy that got him elected and the deep mythology of /pol/ to dive into.

>> No.9006826

this just made me realize how much I want Pynchon to write Trump's biography.

>> No.9006840

you're on to something.

pretty sure Trump is a Pynchon reader. And Pynchon a Trump voter (if he does indeed vote)

>> No.9006856

>pretty sure Trump is a Pynchon reader.
>And Pynchon a Trump voter

Literally two of the most clearly false sentences I've ever read.

>> No.9006860 [DELETED] 


>> No.9006865
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>> No.9006897
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>> No.9006915

You haven't really read Pynchon, have you?

>> No.9006922

Trump sleeps with a copy of Mein Kampf under his pillow every night.

>> No.9007006

of course I did.

>> No.9007022


>> No.9007092

>muh Trump is a Nazi

Grow up

>> No.9007119

nuh you

>> No.9007211

I'm interested in /lit/ perspective on Donald Trump and this election
Personally (as a non-american that lived over there for a while) I think it was bound to happen, middle white class felt left out and Trump managed to connect with them in a why no other candidate in recent times ever could. All the bashing he received from media and such also desensitivized the electorate, they just weren't phased by all the negative comments they heard any more
Plus, Hillary Clinton is just unlikeable lacks charisma and tries too hard to appeal to young electors
Had Bernie Sanders won, then it would have been a hard call: they're both utopists and I think Sanders would've had the upper edge because he appeals to young voters+disillusioned voters that hope in a big change or "revolution"+Clinton voters who'd never vote Trump+moderate conservatives
But at the same time I don't think he's the devil he's pictured to be, all of his words were just rhetoric we won't do much of all he promised during the campaign

>> No.9007212

>Trump iz a Nazi lol
Learn what Nazism is, child.

>> No.9008085

My take on it is this.

Trump wasn't a massively popular candidate. People have been comparing his populism to Andrew Jackson but Jackson won a landslide.

Trump eked out a victory of about 50,000 votes in three states because Democrats chose the least liked candidate in history and ignored the concerns of working class whites in order to focus on minority identity issues. They were running a campaign for the year 2040 and they almost got away with it.

I dislike Trump immensely and think Clinton would have been a much better choice in nearly all ways but I understand why he won. Voters that literally did not know what to do when faced with what seemed to them two awful choices chose the one that said he was going to try to bring prosperity back to small American towns. I don't think the democrats offered anything to that demographic in this election and if they had just made it one of the talking points along with the agenda they did push it might be a different story.

There is of course that 35% of the electorate that actually loves Trump. The people that watch stuff like InfoWars and generally just live in a separate reality. For them he was always the first choice. They sort of blend into self parody at times.

TL;DR: Trump won because the democrats are incompetent and voters didn't know what to do when face with two terrible options so 50,000 people in three state eked out a tiny victory for Trump.

>> No.9008096
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>They sort of blend into self parody at times.

If you don't understand that Trump's campaign was post-ironic you don't understand the zeitgeist.

>> No.9008209

Was it autism?

>> No.9008216



>> No.9008220
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>> No.9008221

What level of mental and emotional retardation is necessary to sincerely use that word? Do you even know what the fuck it means?

Does anyone?

>> No.9008226

oh shit

>> No.9008227
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>to sincerely use that word

How do you know I'm not using it ironically?

>> No.9008230

Yes. Autistics are much higher IQ and are closer to their Neanderthal ancestors. Having an Autistic for a child shows that Trump has good DNA. For this reason, I have married a traditional Asperger woman, and I suggest that you do too.

>> No.9008236

>Does anyone?
learn to use google, faggot.
>Post-irony (from Latin post (after) and Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eirōneía, meaning dissimulation (or feigned ignorance) is a term used to connote a state in which earnest and ironic intents become muddled, or less commonly, a return from irony to earnestness, similar to New Sincerity.

>> No.9008237

If Hillary, a candidate who rigged her own party's primaries won, it would have spelled the end of American democracy. I'm glad someone other than her won.

>> No.9008243

>implying he doesn't just have an IQ of 300
>implying he doesn't secretly have contempt for his father and everyone around him
>implying he isn't a mini-Caesar who won't one day take over the world
>implying he's not the one who gives orders to Trump
>implying he is not an ancient demi-God come to save humanity and is only so standoffish because of all he knows, has seen, and all he's suffered for humanity's sake and all he suffers by hiding up his true mission
>implying you don't know who I'm quoting

>> No.9008244

Post-irony is when you say you want to kick out the Mexicans because it's funny, but you really want to kick out the Mexicans.

>> No.9008252

Wow, it's literally just the same bullshitting techniques/dissimulation politicians have used throughout history, mixing truth with lies to deceive the masses --- packaged in a fancier, newer word! Post-truth is something new too, eh buddy?

Go fuck yourself, seriously, you blithering idiot. If "post-irony" isn't a meaningless meme word, nothing is.

>> No.9008260
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No, you are simply a plebe who does not understand the fine distinction here >>9008244. Laid off factory workers in Michigan understood, but you didn't.

>> No.9008261

>Donny drives the country to absolute shit but makes it a monarchy
>Barron inherits the Kingdom after The Don's 40 year rule
>Although he's utterly retarded in every other way, Barron has a gift for leading countries
>Thanks to Barron's guiding hand, America is a Utopia by 2060
Screenshot this post

>> No.9008275

I know you don't get, that's fine, but his comment goes to the point of the OP, that Trump ran a post-ironic campaign, just like Pynchon's characters act.

You don't actually think Slothrop didn't know dressing up like a fucking rocket was a ridiculous thing to do. But on the other you also can't claim he didn't believe in what he was doing.

>> No.9008286

Want an illustration of Trump's post-ironic campaign? It's when Joe down the street hears Trump say he's going to build a wall and thinks it's hilarious, then goes to vote for Trump so he'll build the wall.

>> No.9008290

I thought Barron's autism was all memes but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.9008634

Oh fuck, I thought it was all memes too but that video was surprisingly persuasive, as was that webm

>> No.9008666
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>Pynchon became so intelligent he effectively dissolved into the fabric of space time and now all of reality takes place in the pynchverse

>> No.9008675

You'd get more upvotes if you posted this on reddit, friend :)

>> No.9008686
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>Pynchon was actually the duck
>He made M&D draw the line, thus creating the politcal-geographical possibility of a lot of the socioeconomical and cultural divides that made this election possible
>Satan trips confirm

>> No.9008688
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>And Pynchon a Trump voter (if he does indeed vote)
What do you think he meant by this?

>> No.9008697

It's backlash from the left people are tired of their shit.
Also DNC fucked up by picking Hillary, it was pretty much Trumps win when this happened.

>> No.9008796

it's not clear that he votes, it's not even clear he actually exists

>> No.9008898

Good post

>> No.9009148

Trump is not nearly self-aware enough to be doing all of the shit /pol/ attributes to him