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/lit/ - Literature

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9007652 No.9007652 [Reply] [Original]

>Being monolingual.

Why the FUCK aren't you learning another language pleb?

>> No.9007655

I know, you're right, I hate myself for this. I want to learn German but I can't be fucked among all the other shit I have to do day to day.

>> No.9007662

Already speak in three tongues, know a fourth.

>> No.9007675

Not even an anglo, I know 3 languages. Language learning is vastly overrated (thats why mostly women do it), if you want to learn a language, study a programming one. It actually trains your logical thinking instead of replacing one set of words and grammatical rules with another.

>> No.9007731
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>programming language actually trains your logical thinking
>this is what garbage tier code monkeys actually think

>> No.9007740


>> No.9007811

Why not do both?

>> No.9007814

Im learning spanish

>> No.9007828

Diminishing returns.
Lets say you want to get yourself into french literature. I'd make an argument that spending two years learning french and then two years reading french novels would result in less understanding of french lit, than just reading english translations four years straight.

>> No.9007833

I know English, and a little bit of German and a little bit of Russian. And one more language that no one knows or cares about.

If you were born in a non-English speaking country, then you are pretty much guaranteed to have at least 2 languages under your belt.

I want to learn latin. An utterly worthless language, but I think it's cool, and I really want to read some literature in the original language, such as Caesars commentaries on the gallic war.

>> No.9007844


I disagree. Are you monolingual? If so, you don't know what you are talking about. Some things simply cannot be translated, while keeping true to the original.

>> No.9007849

I just told you I speak 3 languages senpai. My native is russian if you have to know.

>> No.9007863


I'm not the guy you replied to.

If you speak 3 languages, then you should be aware that language and culture are both tied together, and you can't truly understand one without the other.

>> No.9007930
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>Not even an anglo, I know 3 languages. Language learning is vastly overrated (thats why mostly women do it), if you want to learn a language, study a programming one. It actually trains your logical thinking instead of replacing one set of words and grammatical rules with another.

>> No.9007939

>"speaks" 3 languages
>denies the immense importance of language for perception of literary works

>Пceвдoинтeллeктyaльный дoлбoёб

>> No.9007953
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>learning another language before you've even read the top 3 Best Books of the English Language:

>Shakespeare - Complete Works (RSC)
>Milton - Paradise Lost (Modern Library)
>King James - Holy Bible (Cambridge)

>> No.9007965
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>Best Books

>> No.9007983

English is just retarded French, so translations work quite well.

>> No.9007991
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>not best books

>> No.9007998
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>muh historical importance
>muh cultural relevance

>> No.9008008
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>implying those aren't valid reasons

>> No.9008012

You do know that KJV was written by the best scholars in the land at the time of Shakespeare (whose grasp of the language wasn't an anomaly, his contemporaries are also impressive), right?

>> No.9008040
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>implying same reasons don't apply to Quran, Tao Te Ching, Mein Kampf and dozens of other books

>> No.9008114

Not to the same extent as the bible.

>> No.9008118

I'm a native speaker of two languages, I'm quite proud of my English level and I'm studying Japanese at college. This summer I'm starting an Icelandic course (I've already paid for it).

So yeah, I'm not monolingual at all.

>> No.9008126
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>speaking languages other than English

for what purpose

>> No.9008149


I speak fluently turkish, bulgarian, german, english and russian and i can't say more than you just don't know what you are talking about.

Different languages have different gramatical construction which trains your brain.

>> No.9008167

Not really, if you believe that historical importance is a valid reasons to waste time on subpar literature, you should start with cave paintings and egyptian hieroglyphs

>> No.9008213

I've studied Spanish for 2 years and have read several books in the language.

I will say that reading in another language affects you in a different way. However, reading good translations is a far more productive use of time than bothering to learn another language in order to simply read books. There are people who dedicate their lives and careers to learning another language and translating literature. Do you really believe that a tenuous grasp on a second language will allow you to read a book and take as much as you would from a good translation? It's highly doubtful.

>> No.9008219

Learning a language is hard. It takes effort. I'm too lazy. Give me an easy quick fix tip to learning one quick and I may do it. Until then I'd rather be pleb.

>> No.9008223

Does learning a second language make the average person smarter? Especially if they learn it in adulthood.

>> No.9008245

Oh ok. You are just a muslim asshurt that nobody gives a fuck about the nonsense of your religion.

>> No.9008247

No. It's allows you to get a new view on communication and learn different ways of constructing and your thoughts and interpreting the world. But it doesn't make you smarter by itself.

>> No.9008251

>someone mentions Quran
>he must be a muslim
>my first day on /lit/

>> No.9008291

Learning a second language has a lot of cognitive benefits (e.g. improving your memory), as well as health benefits (such as deterring Alzheimer's disease). If you decide to learn a language that has similar roots to your mother tongue, it will help you a lot with vocabulary and articulation.

Just be careful not to get cucked by the culture of the country whose language you are learning. They tried to push that crap on me when I was learning Spanish in university.

>> No.9008308

Speak three fluently, some French, and grammatically incorrect Japanese. Will probably learn Hindustani, with the Perso-Arabic script.
I'd hate being monolingual, 2017 or not.

>> No.9008335

>Learning a language is hard
Nigga you do realise that you learned one as a literal babby?

>> No.9008341

>improving your memory
Memory cannot be 'improved'
>as well as health benefits (such as deterring Alzheimer's disease)
No research backs it up

>> No.9008400

>Im learning spanish

suerte aprendiendo los conjugados es donde los anglos fallan mas.

>> No.9008404


I can't decide on which language I want to learn. I want to learn Danish but it's not really applicable.

>> No.9008457

Why would you want Danish? It's an ugly sounding language. Learn Norwegian - it's pretty good plus you will be able to understand written Danish to a very high degree.

>> No.9008727

I don't know about Danish, but Norwegian has a very simple grammar. Very similar to English.

>> No.9008747

Ja! Norsk er den beste språket!

>> No.9008749

>No research backs it up

>> No.9008795

I started picking up my first second language early this year
Hoping to become fluent enough to read novels by June. Putting in 2 hours a day

>> No.9008802

Learning Spanish and Ancient Greek right now.

>> No.9008819


L'inglese è una lingua barbarica e priva di musicalità. A sentirvi parlare sembrate cani che si abbaiano in faccia.

Translate this.

I'm out faggots.

>> No.9008837

>pizza pasta parmigiano I'm a filthy finocchio who'd love some north african cock up my ass
Italian is really easy to understand tbqh.

>> No.9008838
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>tfw forgetting your french
A-at least I'll still have Spanish, r-right guys?

>> No.9008843

Looks like Latin with severe retardation.

> English is a barbaric language deprived of musicality. Listening to someone speak it feels like being barked at in the face.

Disgusting. Just learn Latin, friendo.

>> No.9008850

>tfw when I know 3 languages because I come fron an immigrant family that lives in a country with a different language that is not english.

>> No.9008859
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>tfw I'm shit at the both languages I know, but still want to pick up a third

It's just that I don't know which one.

German, French, Spanish, Italian. Fuck, I don't know!

>> No.9008869

good language
good language
meme language
meme language

>> No.9008886

They're all good languages.

>> No.9008890

>Overall, bilingual patients developed dementia 4.5 years later than the monolingual ones.

>> No.9008895

Latin is also a meme language.

>> No.9008896

Just read more French books

>> No.9008906

French is the worst romance language.

>> No.9008910

Latin is the language of educated thought. I wouldn't expect you to know this.

>> No.9008914

Wrong. French has the best literature of all the romance languages. The official hierarchy of literary languages are as follows:

English > French > Greek > Latin > Italian > Old Occitan > German >>>> Spanish >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, and other eastern languages

>> No.9008921

>worst romance language
What is Portuguese and Romanian.

>> No.9008924

/lit/ I want to learn a new language but I can't make my mind on which one:
I'm undecided between
>Russian (interesting, possibly useful business-wise, I know the alphabet already)
>German (I love the language, I know people over there, however everybody in Germany speaks English as well)
>Chinese (hands down the most useful business-wise, but I hate the Chinese)
What do you think?

>> No.9008931


>> No.9008932

There's nothing special about latin, it's just a fucking language like any other, calm down your romanboo tits

>> No.9008941

Chinese is hardly useful as all international business in China is conducted in english.
Just choose the language of whichever culture and literary corpus attracts you the most

>> No.9008942

>no Russian
>lumping eastern languages together
>Spanish in wrong place
>Old Occitan on chart at all

>pseud pretending to know anything about languages

>> No.9008949

Russian is overrated as fuck, a few novelists isn't enough to justify learning a language for

>> No.9008958

>hands down the most useful business-wise
Where does this retarded meme come from? All the international business is in English and even if it wasn't you shouldn't learn any language purely out of a theoretical possibilty of ever doing business in the country.
>everybody in Germany speaks English as well
It's also meme, although it's getting better rapidly.

>> No.9008965

>he thinks Russian is just 5 /lit/core authors

>> No.9008973

>he thinks that anybody gave two shits about Russian literature before or after Leodor Tolstoyevsky

>> No.9008988

>entry-level bait
This is not /mu/, try harder.

>> No.9009027

As a russian, we didn't even study Tolstoy or Dost in school. It was all Pushkin, Gogol, and Chekhov

>> No.9009033

I don't like my own people and culture let alone anybody else's

>> No.9009038

Did you drop out in 9th grade?

>> No.9009042

>English at the top of the ranking

>> No.9009043

Granted, I went to math-oriented school

>> No.9009049


>learned English because it's my country's language
>learned Portuguese because of grandparents
>learned Japanese because I'm a weeb

I haven't used Portuguese in years since my grandparents passed away. Anyone know some good Portuguese literature?

>> No.9009060

So did I, but we still did it. Hating Tolstoyevskiy, because you're too young and pleb to understand it is really the main meme of high-school literature lesson in most schools.

>> No.9009066

>good Portuguese literature
There's virtually none.

>> No.9009076

Ah, that's a shame.

>> No.9009081

Russian literature can literally be boiled down to
It's not worth learning Russian for.

>> No.9009086

Just learn Spanish

>> No.9009102

Pentecostalist pls

>> No.9009114

English literature can literally be boiled down to
It's not worth learning English for.

>> No.9009123

wastes space in the brain for higher thinking, along with wasting time

>> No.9009127

Sure, but it isn't if you're using your time well, you're on 4chan. Also I'm sorry bud, you're not doing much higher thinking.

>> No.9009134

99.99999999% of the information in your brain is visual

>> No.9009138
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>higher thinking

>> No.9009140
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I'm reading this book right now, if this doesn't count as higher thinking then I'm at a loss for what does

>> No.9009244

Not hard anon. Maybe you're stupid for real, ever thought of that? Not trying to be a dick but there's a possibility that those are only excuses for not recognizing that you're actually challenged and find hard things that clearly aren't.

>> No.9009400

Эни pyccкиe в тpeдe?

>> No.9009417

I'm into lit because the English I learned as a baby is not enough to convey what I'm thinking and feeling through my thick layer of autism. You think I want to learn a new language to not be able to communicate in?

>> No.9009423

Pero, los conjugados son muy facil, creo que usted habla mierda.

>> No.9009432

Baт дy ю вaнт, кaмpaд?

>> No.9009437

Двaчaя, бpaтюни

>> No.9009462

Learning italian was veramente una pasegiatta. Im thinking of learning either french or german, now

>> No.9009499

Check out /lang/ at /int/ if you need resources for a language:


>> No.9009506

Already know some
>classical education
Of course I should have specified, the most useful business-wise after English
>you shouldn't learn any language purely out of a theoretical possibilty of ever doing business in the country.
Well I disagree, learning a language can open new perspective from a commercial standpoint as well
I agree one's life should not be incentrated on the business aspect but neglecting it altogether is equally stupid
>all international business in China is conducted in english.
>All the international business is in English
In my opinion, peaking in the native tongue of the person you're dealing with establishes a stronger bond right from the start and shows respect too.
But if you say Chinese speak English estensively then there's no reason for me to learn their shitty language provided I hate their shitty culture

>> No.9009514

/int/ is just /pol/'s residence, so I'd rather not

>> No.9009517

>tfw know only swedish and english
>tfw feel lazy

>> No.9009528

Spanish is a lowbrow language.

t. highbrow

>> No.9009531
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What the fuck is Malay

>> No.9009533

Obviously, not to discuss anything but to get resources.

>> No.9009554

>writing out usted

>> No.9009563

>having any bearing on intelligence
Whorfcucks pls leave

>> No.9009573

>tfw Swedish is beautiful and I would love to speak it
>tfw you have to learn meme languages instead, because Swedish has absolutely no good literature

>> No.9009642

perhaps you could try and think of a country that begins with "malay", anon?

>> No.9009655

>I'm a native speaker of two languages, I'm quite proud of my English level and I'm studying Japanese at college.

>I'm studying Japanese at college.

>> No.9009695

You know I'm being facetious, anon. I mean how did it end up having the second most number of second language speakers

>> No.9009722

There are several hundred different languages in Indonesia. Malay serves as the language of government and a lingua franca and is counted as secondary.

>> No.9009747

Personally I'd rather get better at english than veer off into other languages, it's my native tongue but I grew up on slang so it's hard fixing

>> No.9009953

But you can do both.

>> No.9009977

You have to go back to central asia roach

>> No.9010077

> implying everybody here is a monolingual american

It's pretty normal to be European and know atleast 3 languages. If you're from scandinavia you'll automatically learn 2 more.

>> No.9010301

>Claims being bilingual isn't really that important
>does this in his second language on an English speaking website
Small irony, I think

>> No.9010331

There are approximately 6 million people in the world that knows Danish. Take it from someone who know - learn something more relevant.
It's not worth the hassle, especially with all the counter-intuitive rules

>> No.9010369

I know Spanish, since it's my native language; English; and Portuguese. Being the last one pretty much useless since I never had to use it.

>> No.9010370

Which non-euro languages are worth learning for literature?
I don't watch to learn another fucking romance language and memorize the same bunch of rootwords in a slighly different way

>> No.9010374


>> No.9010381

Nice trip dubs!

>> No.9010386

Chinese, japanese or korean for asia. Everything else is euro
>middle east is shit
Though arabic seems interesting

>> No.9010394

I would like to learn some Asian language but I don't wanna be seen as a weeaboo.

>> No.9010403

>If you're from scandinavia you'll automatically learn 2 more
How so? Finns can into Swedish, Norwegians and Scanians can into Danish and sometimes Swedish, but Icelanders and Swedes are usually to smart too learn inferior languages.

>> No.9010405

Should I learn german senpai? I know portuguese, can get by in spanish and know english pretty well.

>> No.9010407

>try to speak Danish outside of Denmark
>someone calls an ambulance because he thinks a German with Down's syndrome is having a seizure
Top meme language.

>> No.9010410
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Yes. Captcha confirmed.

>> No.9010411

Yes there is. I'll name a few:
José Saramago
Clarice Lispector
Machado de Assis
Graciliano Ramos
Guimarães Rosa
Fernando Pessoa
Carlos Drummond
Luís de Camões (Os Lusíadas, epic poem)

Don't listen to this memer >>9009066

>> No.9010418

Because it's not possible to learn another language without proper immersion. And where I live everyone is monolingual; therefore it's not possible for me to fully learn another language

>> No.9010435

Even if I don't plan on using it at all, other than to read? I was thinking about taking classes on german in my college, they are quite cheap.

>> No.9010441

i feel like i need to learn conversational german or french in order to read lots of higher literature

they throw that shit in here and there, and there are foot notes only like 75% of the time

>> No.9010469

I can't tell if it's worth to you personally, but it's one of the best languages to learn in terms of literary relevancy. Plus you already speak Romance languages and adding a Germanic one is good for development (please don't meme about English being Germanic).

>> No.9010578

Yeah, it has a ton of literary worth. I feel the need to learn a language. Just not entirely sure which one.

>> No.9010625


>> No.9010629

doesnt real

>> No.9010648

English is a better language than French and is a Germanic language with an 'informal' Germanic vocabulary and a 'formal' Romantic vocabulary.

>> No.9010662

Learn German and then you'll be able to learn the Scandinavian languages, save Icelandic because it was a good bit more isolated in its development, much more quickly than otherwise. Plus, you will know German.

The Scandinavian languages (except Icelandic) can be poorly described as largely English grammar with a vocabulary that is very similar to German.

This is of course a simplification, but it's not too far from being accurate.

>> No.9010682

>english is bad becuz muh english is bad wa ma-ma pizza pizza

>> No.9010726

Hurr Durr I speak Italian and Spanish and Portuguese.

Or it's I speak my native language plus English.

>> No.9010732

You don't need to learn German to learn Scandinavian languages and it doesn't actually help in any meaningful way. The only "side effect" language German helps with is Dutch and even then mostly in written form.

>> No.9010739

Most speak their native tongue, English and another foreign language, often a neighboring one. You don't have to be mad there are people superior to you, though. :^)

>> No.9010743

I didn't say you have to learn it, I said it wouldn't hurt to learn due to cognates, and German is by itself a good language to learn.

>> No.9010748

Learning Weebanese and German. What resources do/did you dudes use when at the sub-2000 word level?

Also, FUCK kanji.

>> No.9010760
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Then learn Chinese

weebs learn Nip and k-pop muh dikk fangays learn Korean.

Most people who knows Chinese i've met are business people and actual adult acting folks, you'll find some weebs and muh dikk people early on in Chinese learning but they never stay with it.

>> No.9010789

top kek

Japanese is an attractive language, Chinese is not and Korean is not.

>> No.9010795

>lel kek business meme adult meme how gay
>lel kek my subjective perception is objective fact
Yeah, you will fit it nicely with the "learning Japanese" crowd.

>> No.9010798

Because I'm a lazy idiot I guess.

Been wanting to learn German for ages and I even have the full Rosetta Stone program to boot.

Problem is, the microphone I have is fucking garbage and RS itself isn't that effective.

I mean, it doesn't even bother to differentiate between certain words, it's all match the picture shit.

Besides, I doubt my ability to retain any of it.

>> No.9010806

murican learning swedish

>> No.9010820

>Japanese is an attractive language, Chinese is not and Korean is not.

Agreed. Chinese is probably one of the least attractive sounding languages in the world.

Nip is attractive.

Korean has some good written aesthetics though for the autistic 21th century man.

>top kek

It's true though.

You need some major drive to learn Nip, Gook or Chink.

For nip its usually being a major weeb.
For gook its usually some major K-pop korean grill fetish.(few stay with it thought since its not enough for people to get through with it)
Chink has not one thing to channel people into learning it though, so you'll get a more widespread community, such as work related.

>> No.9010853

>murican learning swedish

Arabic with Swedish pronunciation?

>> No.9010902

I learned a bit of German while living in Germany but after several years of living in the states, I've forgotten a bit. Learning a language takes a lot of time and consistency that I simply don't have the time for. You don't see results for at least a year of being fully immersed imo.

>> No.9010915

>You don't see results for at least a year of being fully immersed
It works much better if you don't spend every day shitposting on 4chin while being immersed.

>> No.9010933

>objective fact
Doesn't exist

m8 I can't understand a bit of Japanese and have never even thought of learning it, I'm just shitting on you sperglords.
I'm learning German.
Sure, they're very alien to anyone that was raised on an Indo-European language, but that doesn't somehow make a STEMsperg engineering exec that learned Mandarin to discuss raping the planet of its resources any more admirable than somebody that learned Japanese or Korean for their media.

>> No.9010955

>but that doesn't somehow make a STEMsperg engineering exec that learned Mandarin to discuss raping the planet of its resources any more admirable than somebody that learned Japanese or Korean for their media.

It does, since I originally responded to a guy dreading being associated with those sorts of people by learning an asian language

>> No.9010960

>I'm just shitting on you sperglords
>lel kek i was only pretending to be retarded
>epic trolle xD
Go back to 9gag.

>> No.9010988

>reaching worthwhile goals in life is no better than autistically watching cartoons and listening to trashy pop songs
Infantile anime retards and their sympathizers should be put into forced labor or killed.

>> No.9010996

>worthwhile goals
Not at all

Stop being a brat.

>> No.9011006

>Not at all
Precisely the reason you should be put down.

>> No.9011016

le alt right meme
it sure must be cool being 13 and on the infamous hacker site 4 Chan

>> No.9011033

>everything is meme
>appeal to age
>funy 4chan yoke
Just go back to whatever den of mentally challenged you climbed out.

>> No.9011039

>appeal to age
You began this way.

>> No.9011273

Any recommended books/resources for learning French grammar that are relatively accessible?

I've been using shit like Duolinguo, Memrise and Anki but I think I'm starting to hit a wall where I'm learning vocabulary but not learning grammar.

>> No.9011662

get a basic conjugation dictionary and Mise en pratique Grammaire books.
they focus purely on grammar but explain everything in french. so you must study with google translate.
after the third book you will know everything grammarwise for b2

>> No.9011666



work through french with ease or le francais en pratique // using french if you're advanced, you can find the audio on piratebay, and you can get book only (using french, livre) on amazon for like $20. look at this video. as for grammar rules, look up hugo's french in 3 months for a nice bird's eye overview grammar ( http://bookzz.org/book/2213745/4afb3c )

can buy on abebooks if youre in the US for less than $4 i think.

check it out and if you want more recs or have questions feel free to ask, feel free to browse the yt channel i linked as well, he's a well-known polyglot and has many videos where he showcases his abilities. he learns languages for literature too, so he's like us.

>> No.9011673


i'd probably disagree, french grammar is very easy and if you just get familiar with the rules and read a lot and make an effort to notice them while you are reading it will probably be more effective than doing non-necessary grammatical drilling. do grammatical drilling in a language like greek, russian, or arabic which have complex verb systems, but french grammar really doesn't require you to know much. get a basic grammar book after you have some founding in the language and work through it to learn some of the rules and then read and work to notice the rules, but, like i said, there really isn't much. just take note of the different conjugations and try to think about them while you're on a train or something.

>> No.9011698

Good god, when will the neetshit mememasters off themselves?

>> No.9011720

I am a native Spanish speaker, speak fluent English, devoted one hour a day to learning German the past year, and am currently learning Russian. I also know a few phrases in Finnish.

Unless you have a reason to learn a particular language, all you should learn is English.

>> No.9011733

>good Portuguese literature

>> No.9011735

Those who have Swedish as their mother language (5% of Finnish population) will learn Swedish, Finnish and English. But although learning Swedish in schools is mandatory for Finnish native speakers, it is a very despised and unpopular subject and few of those with Finnish as their mother language speak Swedish to any substantial degree.

>> No.9011737

Pero los conjugados son muy fáciles, creo que usted esta diciendo gilipolleces.

>> No.9011764

>when will NEETs leave the website made by and for NEETs

>> No.9011786

I second this.

Took classes to get a basic level, started reading progressively harder /lit/ with a grammar book on the side.

Russian took considerably more work and dull grammar drills.

>> No.9011789

Im sorry :(

>> No.9011800

Dunno about that, but it does a lot to sharpen your grammar.

>> No.9011866

I speak English natively and fluently. What language should I learn? Keep in mind, I will never need to speak it other than for LARPing purposes, since English is essentially the universal language now.

Should I pick something with a heavy body of literature, or should I pick a language that will really make me think (i.e. not an Indo-European language)?

This is a serious question, no meme responses please.

>> No.9011868

It's not that being a neet is the worst part, it's that they are unoriginal parrots is the worst part.

>> No.9011879
File: 29 KB, 519x585, benji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which languages do you like?

Keep in mind that you'll have to spend a couple hundred or even over a thousand hours to get a good grasp of a language, so your motivation is a big concern.

>> No.9011882


In order of understanding:


I'm really brushing up my german atm

>> No.9011884

Easy mode?
>German, French

Hard mode?

>> No.9011892

>English is essentially the universal language now
Absolutely top cake, mate. Try living anywhere outside your Anglo country for a considerable amount of time.

Obviously you should pick one that will bring you most fun. Now whether you will have more fun learning it or reading literature or perusing some other type of media is a question only you can answer. I would only suggest to not dive into some autism-tier logographic Asian memery right away, Read up a little on different languages, watch some videos of native speakers and try some which appeal to you aesthetically.

>> No.9011896

>using swamp German in 2017

>> No.9011899

Pick one because you like the country, the people and/or the culture and Art they produced.

You should have an ulterior motivation for learning a language. Maybe communicating with your Spanish friend, reading Hölderlin, watching Czech movies in the original, travelling around North Africa or getting a promotion. Language learning is hard work, and if you are not motivated you will fail. You have to keep your goal in mind to stick to it, even these days when you believe you're making no progress.

What I'm trying to say is don't pick a lanugage by asking strangers on a cantonese carrot peeling forum, you dumb fuck

>> No.9011913

Go here and check out which sounds interesting to you if you want go for something random.


>> No.9012087

literal retard

>> No.9012122

Learning Polish, not getting very far

>> No.9012127

>Learning Polish
My condolences mate. It's a really beautiful language though, keep working on it

>> No.9012216

The Chinese language is just as horribly robotic and souless as the Chinese people. Don't do it.

>t. ex chinaboo

>> No.9012256

Is learning russian worth it? And how long would it take to learn it?

>> No.9012379

Because English is superior to all other its nice to know other linguistic styles but world peace can exist without the world speaking english its the superior language and humanity cant progress FORWARD without a unified efficient language

>> No.9012495

>Muh scholars.
Not an arguement

>> No.9012499


>> No.9012510

underrated post.

>> No.9012513

I would hate to have to be involved with conducting international relations in regards to Swedistan.

>> No.9012518

t. Englishman gets it and is /ourguy/
>Travelling around North Africa
well meme'd my friend.

>> No.9012523

t. Islamic apologist.

>> No.9012533

It depends on your native language. Russian is highly inflected, so native anglos will have a harder time than romance speakers

>> No.9012635

>tfw you try to do you first epic trolle, but nobody cares about your /b/-tier bait

>> No.9013378

German has more 'archaic' grammar than French. They are not in the same category of difficulty to an English speaker.

>> No.9013480

I speak English, near fluent Irish and enough French to get me buy and read basics.

>> No.9013501

>get me buy

>> No.9013512

I know Latin and Spanish, which is funny because Latin is a patrician language while Spanish is a plebeian language.

>> No.9013595

What do you mean "cucked by the culture of the country whose language you are learning"?

>> No.9013609

Smart, educated romans spoke greek. Latin was spoken mostly by retarded plebians, hence vulgar latin

>> No.9014167


>> No.9014184

learn hindi then

>> No.9014196

I'm brazilian and I know enough english without problem. Since portuguese is my natural tounge I already read 3 or 4 books in spanish on my kindle. Sometimes I have to use the dictonary, but it is that often desu.

I just wished I learned some grammar, I couldn't write a single sentence in Spanish.

>> No.9014234

Smart, educated Romans also spoke and wrote in Latin. See: Virgil, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.9014268


>Will probably learn Hindustani, with the Perso-Arabic script.

Nigga just say you're learning Urdu and get your head out of your own ass.

>> No.9014350

French is easy, aesthetic and has a good body of lit to read when you master it.

>> No.9015002

for being retarded
like commie units to burger units

>> No.9015076

изyчaйтe pyccкий язык тoвapищ. я тoлькo yчил пo-pyccкий нa кopoткoe вpeмя

>> No.9015085

If you can read in Spanish and English, you can read A LOT of great works from last century.

>> No.9015087

This is honest and true.

>> No.9015971

>not speaking at least 4 languages

>> No.9015993

I'm so smart that when I speak to people I purposefully use five languages I know when speaking to them. When they get frustrated because they can't understand me I criticize their lack of education and how stupid they are for not knowing more than 20 languages. I just learned English to write this comment. That is how advanced I am.

>> No.9016010

>he's this mad about being monolingual anglo trash

>> No.9017185


German and English are basically sister languages, quite a few similarities.

>> No.9017191

There's literally almost none, English is much closer to Scandinavian languages.

>> No.9017219

Nah, you're wrong. Kill yourself.

>> No.9017225

Wow, you sure memed me, reddit.

>> No.9017231

>English isn't a Germanic language

How fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.9017240

I know 5 languages

1 is my native language. 2 I grew up learning. The other 2 I learned throughout High School/University. I use these languages every day at my job and I make far more money than my peers because of this particular skillset.

It's not overrated at all

>> No.9017254

Is there a better language learning software than Rosetta Stone?

Rosetta Stone is fucking garbage, it's all picture picking and explains almost nothing.

>> No.9017294

>I don't understand linguistic so let me say something I read on Wikipedia
Only a quarter of English words are of Germanic origin, orthography is a complete mess and grammar was simplified to the point it has little to no similarities with German. In that last respect and overall English is much more like Scandinavian languages. Educate yourself before engaging in intelligent discussions, my angry teenage friend.

>> No.9017313

>Resort to ad hominem insults

Yes, "intelligent" discussion, indeed.

>> No.9017326

>he ignored all of the actual arguments
>something something discussion

>> No.9017341

I'm technically C1 in Italian. But i haven't used it in years, since i've been to Italy, so i'm rusty.
Someone asked me if i'm from Friuli, dunno if that's a compliment, or an insult.

Anyway, do you have any simple, but good Italian books to recommend?

>> No.9017351

Why bother conversing with someone who just resorts to insults?

That's pretty petty anon.

>> No.9017365

>he keeps ignoring the arguments
>he can't simply admit being wrong

>> No.9017373

>devoted one hour a day to learning German the past year

whats sorts of means did you use if i may ask, how you went about it

>> No.9017381

>lol I'm right ur wrong.

I disagree with you, but your need for self validation is quite obvious. I won't stroke your ego for you.

>> No.9017409

>I disagree with you
>can't provide any counter-arguments
>hurr durr ur pathetic and mean and need validation
Enroll in a debate club. I'm sure your high school must have one.

>> No.9017417

>More ad hominem

I'm sure you often wonder why everyone you come across grows to dislike you.

>> No.9017438

>still can't provide a single argument
It's wasn't an ad hominem in any way, just honest advice. You seem to have genuine trouble debating.

>> No.9017466

You seem upset that I refuse to argue with you.

That's okay anon, this is the last (You) I'll be throwing your way. Have a nice day :^)

>> No.9017473

>say something stupid
>get BTFO
>"to smart too argue"
Good day to you too, carat nose.

>> No.9017692

English is a barbaric language and bereft of musicality. To listen to it being spoken feels like a dog barking at your face.
>tfw knowing French and Spanish with some basic Latin gives you Italian for free.

>> No.9017717

French is fucking disgusting phonetically. It sounds like someone's talking while eating. Spanish is okay but it's a really boring language that has nothing unique about it. Italian is Latin For Dummies

>> No.9017721

Can you read bona fide literature in Japanese; how many kanji do you know? How long did it take you to reach that level?

>> No.9018282

But it's a common misconception that anyone can understand code. Language itself is different. Besides, the prior market is becoming over saturated.

>> No.9019361

what race are you?

>> No.9019378

Yea I didn't realize until I started learning german bit other languages don't have "fancy words" like english.

>> No.9019388

Keep in mind there are many more english speakers with very diverse culturally backgrounds then there are russians, from russia, where shit suck, its either grey or white and its always terrible out regardless.

>> No.9019551

>I'm lazy and spent too much time saying that learning languages is a waste of time so now I can't justify starting to learn one

You are only digging a deeper hole, before long you'll be a anti-language learning nazi and there will be no comeback from that.