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/lit/ - Literature

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9006764 No.9006764 [Reply] [Original]

Never read a book before, how do I start?

>> No.9006770

Go back to your anime and manga

>> No.9006979

Start with something easy, like something you might read in high school or even middle school. Try Catcher in the Rye maybe.

>> No.9006992

Start with children's books (Goosebumps), work your way up to YA (The Giver, Harry Potter), and finally start reading books meant for adults (1984, Brave New World, Jurassic Park).

>> No.9007017
File: 92 KB, 500x940, Ryo-Sakazaki-Fatal-Fury-King-of-Fighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

approach book
grasp firmly in both hands
open cover
direct gaze to first sentence of chapter one
begin reading sentences
process information
try if possible to think thoughts using your brain
when you become tired, put the book down
congratulations! you read anon
we're all proud of you
you are now a cool guy, like ryo sakazaki from KoF
ryo is tough, but did you know he likes reading too?
he's read four books!
try and beat his score!

>> No.9007025
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You start with Bordiga ofc

>> No.9007046

page 1

>> No.9007050

how do you stop yourself from getting bored

>> No.9007057

If you come across a book you genuinely like, you won't get bored.

What kind of stories you like?

>> No.9007060

Books are enterteing :^)

>> No.9007063

page 2

>> No.9007076


>> No.9007080

What topics?

>> No.9007082

At the front.

>> No.9007343

has anybody actually tried reading a book in reverse?

>> No.9007456

>anime and manga
Get out newfag.

>> No.9007510
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It'll be hard to get into something like the war and peace if you haven't read books before.

I'd reccomend starting with something short and lightning paced. A comedy or adventure would be ideal. The hobbit and the neverending story are both very creative and fun fantasy books and the Jack Reacher series are packed with adrenaline. If you're looking for a comedy with and engaging story The Rosie Project is very accessible to normies.

If you want to get into literature, then you should read works from authors who are accessible to all ages, but still carry heavy themes. I'd reccomend Orwell or Hamsung.

>> No.9007690

How have people never fucking read a book before?

>> No.9007700


>> No.9007798

Very carefully is how.

>> No.9007801
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>> No.9007824
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Read 'Welcome to the NHK' if you like manga and shit.

>> No.9007856

da Vinci's diary desu

>> No.9007877

Have shitty parents and don't do your schoolwork. Not hard.

>> No.9007885


>> No.9007891

I'm assuming OP isn't counting text books, and/or is from a third-world country. Joking aside, reading something because you have to and reading something because you want to are two completely different experiences. I'm 99% sure OP's just fucking around though.

1) Find book about a thing you like
2) open it
3) read the words on the pages in sequential order

>> No.9008511
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>from KoF

>> No.9008664


>> No.9010036


To be honest books can be hard to read if you don't have a good understanding of the language.

If you were to try and read something like Lolita, I doubt that you'd make it past the first chapter without giving up.

You should either start with books with simpler vocabulary or go buy a kindle where you can look-up words by hovering them.

>> No.9011110

Oh fuck kindle does that?
Gone are the days of being forced to discern big words through their context and see them enough times and feel like you have a good grasp of their meaning until someone outright asks you to define it and you can't. You know what I mean?

>> No.9011446

Yeah it's great. Also any word you look up gets saved to a vocabulary builder where you can review the words and learn them.

>> No.9011556


>> No.9011570
File: 24 KB, 225x346, 51gI+862K+L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this book