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/lit/ - Literature

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9001019 No.9001019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no books dealing with the fact that it's impossible these days for a non-Chad to get any female attention ever?

It demoralised me so much to see Chad and Stacey couples or hordes of Staceys at the universities in my city (both with a female majority), and knowing that I'm excluded from things. The supposed social contract or any obligations to society seem a joke as a result.

>> No.9001025

What's a 'non-Chad'? Anyone who can't get laid? Then it's a bit of a tautology.

I'm fairly ugly and have no problem. Am I a Chad now?

>> No.9001026

Have you tried realizing that you might be a boring person or just a plain old asshole, and that people would rather spend time with someone else?

Because it's made me a happier person to look at my flaws and improve upon them.

>> No.9001032


How do you not be a boring asshole?

>> No.9001033

try /r9k/ and don't come back, thanks.

>> No.9001034

Stop spending so much time on /r9k/.

>> No.9001036

It's heartwarming to see that the replies to this kind of bait are mostly made by people with some self-awareness and social intelligence

>> No.9001044

I also spend a lot of time on anime and vidya besides ranting about women and liberals online.
So it's not because I browse /r9k/. I'm very accomplished. I've read everything from Schopenhauer's 'On Women' to Elliot Rodger's My Twisted World. Also, sluthate and wizchan have redpilled me, so it's not from a lack of wisdom and knowledge that I'm discarded

>> No.9001050

Force yourself to talk to people, read about how to talk to people, pick up a hobby so you've got something to talk to people about, be interested in the person that you're talking to.

>> No.9001068
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>this entire post

>> No.9001072

Stop looking only for Staceys then.

>Wouldn’t it be better to ask what boundaries Nature
>Sets to desire, what privations she can stand and what
>Will grieve her, and so distinguish solid from void?
>Do you ask for a golden cup when you’re dying
>Of thirst? Do you scorn all but peacock, or turbot
>When you’re starving? When your prick swells, then,
>And a young slave girl or boy’s nearby you could take
>At that instant, would you rather burst with desire?
>Not I: I love the sexual pleasure that’s easy to get.
- Horace, Satires BkIISatII

>> No.9001091

>Do you ask for a golden cup when you’re dying / Of thirst?

True. Settle for a 4/10 and get on with your life.

>> No.9001115


>realizing you're not chad but still lusting after stacey
>hmm hurr why aren't gorgeous women willing to look past my appearance, life is so unfair

You deserve every second of your loneliness.

You also deserve to die for posting this shit outside of /r9k/. Sage.

>> No.9001125
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>tfw no homely but caring gf

>> No.9001133

I read this in Elliot Rodger's voice.

>> No.9001141

some books by houellebecq deal with the subject.

>> No.9001143
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Well, here's the thing OP.

There are books dealing with the non-Chad trying to get a beautiful female's attention. There's hundreds.

It's a basic concept called "going after girls out of your league" and its been done in movies, books, comics, SHIT, every VN is based off this concept.

The thing is, the number one reason why people like YOU lose to CHADS every time, is because you don't fucking try.

You're non-competitive. They have something you don't and that's confidence. Faked or real, they are proactive characters, and everyone loves proactive characters.

You see any famous stories about people wanting to not get involved with conflict, and ignoring it completely to maintain their safe little life and do nothing? No. Bilbo left the fucking Shire. Hiccup went out and got himself a dragon. Kamina went out to fight the Beastmen, and Neo decided to give up his normie life for what he truly wanted.

While life can't be simplified and streamlined like a piece of fiction, the same rules apply. You cannot earn those beautiful girls by NOT LEAVING THE COMFORT OF YOUR REGULAR LIFE.

Because then those Chads you despise so much will, and then you'll be giving them no competition.

You don't get girls by sitting on 4chan. You don't get girls by binging video games. You don't get girls sitting on a computer not doing anything. That shit doesn't earn mates.

It don't impress the gullible hormonal stacey that wants to show her dick trophies off to her friends, and it won't win that Hanako look alike you've been pining over on Instagram. You can't win them if you have nothing to show for it.

This is why you go out and do stuff. Go hiking and take pictures. Do different recreational activities, get involved with a hobby you can show off. This is why guys who exercise, who work on cars, who play guitar, who skateboard, get so many women.

Because you can display them to females and get their attention, approval, and eventually continuous praise. You DON'T get it by snapping pictures of you sitting at an intense playthrough of EVE or ARK, and you sure as hell ain't going to send her into a warm-faced yearning lust over your gamerscore or hours on steam.

The second strategy you need is numbers. Humans are social creatures. Who you hang with gives you a group advantage.

Usually you see Chads in groups of Chad-like people, and the reason for this is because they get a TEAM ADVANTAGE when trying to impress members of the opposite sex. A girl is more comfortable rejecting you with her friends around, or when you're in a group filled with people that are the same "Attractiveness level" as you.

Numbers matter. When you show up with your friends, all of them laughing and happy and providing an aura of comfort, it also makes them less apprehensive. It makes them comfortable as well. Whe you come around by yourself, shyly sniveling and pretending you AREN'T trying to start up a relationship with her, her instincts are going to make her drive you off.

>> No.9001145
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You desire "Stacy" like most other boys (mediators of desire)

Girls desire "Chad" like most other girls (mediators of desire)

Try and articulate your own desire

>> No.9001170

4/10s won't settle for less than an 8/10 girl. It's the free market in action. Just give up and find Christ while you still can.

>> No.9001175

If you have the slightest shred of intelligence and curiosity, your mind is always full of topics to ponder over, even if they're not extremely interesting. If you don't have anything to say to anyone, ever, it means you're either too shy (which means you have a sheep mentality that makes you believe in social ranking and in your made-up inferiority) or too stupid to deserve the attention of another human being and you shouldn't worry about being alone because you're used to it and the world could do with less people who believe in the myth of Chads and Stacys.
Your self-appointed inferior status wouldn't mean a thing if you stopped caring about what others think
There are a lot of women out there who are just as desperate, alone, awkward and laughable as yourself, keep hope

>> No.9001184

>I'm fairly ugly
lmao @ yr life

>> No.9001193

Tips on how to win your Retarded Stacy bitches' Vagina Access Codes

1) Jealousy Factor. Stacies wanna piss other girls off, and piss off their exes. They play for the "Rebound" and you need to assure you are a painful, venomous rebound to everyone she wants to hurt. That Chad boy who cheated on her? She wants to prove that she can do better than him. Her girlfriend Jessica who's stuck up and is just "Begging for a bitchslap from karma"? You're the go-to-guy for that.

You can be the first bed choice of this girl if you build up Karma and a reputation as something to be wanted. How do you do this? By simply hanging out with the right people. Pretend you're interested in their shit, and "Hang out" with them all the time. This doesn't mean learn how to play pool, or shoot hoops or drive fancy cars, it means GETTING SEEN BY YOUR TARGETS and letting them get a good first impression of you. Do you look like a gangly nerd? Fix that. Throw some OBEY shit on, maybe a flat brimmed hat, and talk about how great you are and the accomplishments you did are. Boom, they think you're 5-star material just from that. Girls are fucking stupid, and I am not joking. Even an Evangelion binging sloth can't fuck this up.

Shallow meaningless sex is still sex, and girls will do the weirdest shit to get back at people. Sex tapes? Fucking on cam sites? blowjobs? fetish play? Don't fucking matter. They are getting what they want, and you are too.

>> No.9001196

I've done quite well for myself, lad.

>> No.9001203
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for gods sake, just find your local intelectuals pub. pretty easy to spot, always has shelves with books, each chair is different, they serve 20 kinds of tea, bad overpriced wine and it's located near university. take part in open discusions, go to the performances, even meetings with the (good) authors. poetry evenings are for fags, but it's pretty easy to win (just write in rhymes and not about how sad you are), and then the chicks will join your table, in most of the places you get free alcohol for winning too. teach at the uni, you don't need to be a professor to get first year students. there's ton of college girls around and it's funny how easy it is to impress them

if you're not socialist or communist just pretend that you are

if you're on /lit/ and you read fantasy there's no coming back for you

I actually think more guys at my uni has stupid but hot girlfriends then girls have stupid but hot boyfriends. anyway if you're not boring and uneducated just take a part in cultural life, you'll see it's all about sex and drugs

>> No.9001207

>having to compensate for what you are by what you do

>> No.9001217

>implying ugly women don't want Chad
>wanting to be the second choice beta bucks
>not knowing that women cheat all the time and get away with it most of the time

>> No.9001227
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>dude just make getting girls a full-time job lmao

>> No.9001228

>beta bucks
not so good at the old memeing are we

>> No.9001229

I can't make myself prettier tbf.

>> No.9001233

>what are sexual dynamics
Men like most women. Women only like Chad and at best tolerates the others

>> No.9001234

I know. That's what's funny.

>> No.9001240

>Men like most women
speak for yourself

>> No.9001245

It is what it is and so on.

>> No.9001254

Lets take this into /lit/ mode. How can you use your book obsessions, writing skills and possibly art skills to win a beautiful girl?

It's easy, you display your skills confidently and openly. I drew hentai like a fucking perv in school to make money, and always wanted to impress this girl I had a crush on in school, so you know what I did? I just toned down one of my old hentai pictures, made it more heavenly and artistic (she liked horses so I drew her with one) and I gave it to her on her birthday. She absolutely fucking loved it. Let me explain this, as she was a 9/10 cheerleader currently dating the "Chad" that everyone speaks of and I had 0% chances of winning her heart.

Yes, I was a gangly wanna be kurt cobain looking fuck who never socialized, but that one thing I did left a permanent and positive imprint on her. Every since then, she's hung around me, even if distantly, and remembers my name. Sure, I'm not fucking her, but down the line, I learned from one of her friends that I was one of her "top 5 picks". If I just you know, shaved, washed my hair and learned to perk up.

People write books on how to win ladies constantly, and while its all filled with common sense shit, every time you read that book, it will put you on the right direction.

It's not about turning yourself into a Normie, or transforming into a Chad, thats not fucking it at all. It's evolving from a autistic sloth with a gaming obsession, to a confident hot guy with a quirky interest in games and reading. It's about finding your best features and maximizing your potential for them.

Self improvement is no different than a game most times, and the more you drive to improve what you can do, and what you are, the better you appear all around. Throwing yourself out to be seen by hot girls usually helps, because the self-consciousness will spur yourself into spending more time at the mirror, taking that extra shower you didn't think you need, and lifting some weights while you wait for your match to start.

Really, just capitalize on YOU. Learn your prey (the girl), and don't wait for the perfect opportunity.


>> No.9001272

I take it back, this has turned in the usal shit-slinging festival.

Just saying, the people who post the most robotic comments are ironic and doing this just to get a laugh out of those who fall for it right?

>> No.9001277
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lol you got fucking friendzoned. Have fun being an orbiter, cuck

>> No.9001279

That's basically it.

I don't know what they want me to say.

"Here's an easy 10 minute activity that will win that heavenly brunette you can't stop admiring" or "in just one hour, you can defeat all the Chad scum who are in the way of your dream girl".

If you have the hours and will to make inarticulate garbage posts on a message board, you have the time to get off your ass and say hi to girls at Barnes and Noble and shit.

Is it a full-time job? Fuck no, it's not hard either. Exchanging numbers and building trust takes only a few minutes. You prove your trustworthy and sociable, catch her on a good mood, don't be a creepy ponyfucker (unless the girl is a creepy ponyfucker) and with a display of confidence, you'll be acquainted and you'll be able to text her in your free time.

You can either be lonely and yearning full-time, or be happy with a grill full-time, you choose.

>> No.9001280

Look harder, OP. Read Elementary Particles.

>> No.9001286

no. it's people who heard this shit all their life, never got girls and now they are just repeating it, pretending it worked for them, while they never even tried (but it wouldn't anyway)

>> No.9001288

All of what you said doesn't matter if you don't look at least a bit above average, and even then there's a chance you'll be turned down because of the competition.
But I do agree that you need to do all that most of of the time if you want a Stacy, the problem is - that's basically wasting your whole life. We have the choice - we don't need to be animals who only live to procreate.
I will sit at my home and play lots of video games (do other shit I want too, but I mention video games because you mentioned them in the post), because I enjoy doing that, and if I want sex, I'll go to a hooker or something, pay and get it over with.

>> No.9001292

you're a prick, kys

>> No.9001294

Are you talking about the posts with advice? Cause I was talking about all the "redpilled" posts.

>> No.9001300

>All of what you said doesn't matter if you don't look at least a bit above average

it's just clothes, hairstyle and not being fat

>> No.9001304

I guess that part is even worse

>> No.9001309

no u

>> No.9001310

That's how it is if you're a woman. A man can be fucked by shit-tier genetics (height, face, small build)

The world is not inherently fair.

>> No.9001314

I seriously hope you're just baiting. Face is the most important thing, then comes the body, then height.

>> No.9001315

I can't tell if I should answer this ironically or seriously

>> No.9001321

>too stupid to deserve the attention of another human being

okay I guess I'll just stay alone thank's anon

>> No.9001322

You just need to have good sex once in your life, then you'll realize that women are memes, sex is a meme and neither are worth the effort and time they take to get. Especially women. Dating is like having friends but worse.
Don't listen to anyone telling you that you're boring. How boring women find you correlates directly with how much they want to fuck you. Don't waste your time on some boring, bullshit hobby just because you want to create an image that girls find attractive.
Stop making up excuses for yourself. A guy is much less fucked over by being ugly than a woman is. No one is attracted to a woman's personality, social status, hobbies, etc.

>> No.9001323

>worthless ugly virgens detected

>> No.9001325

>I was an orbiter for a girl and I'm too stupid/autistic to realize how much of a beta I looked like
Holy shit, stop giving advice
Normies are generally dumb and shallow
>social media
>fuck Trump
>lol I'm so weeeeeird

>> No.9001326

ugly people shouldn't get sex
the real problem is chads being sluts with no standards not the other way round

>> No.9001331

What the fuck are you blabbering all of a sudden, you drooling fucking moron? You do realize that you're just proving yourself wrong with that comment? You're agreeing that face matters.

>> No.9001334

t. roastie butthurt that Chad won't settle for her while she cheats on him with Brad and Tyrone

>> No.9001336

My first post in this thread, ugly virgin loser. I'm a girl btw. We hate ugly creeps like you

>> No.9001342

girls on the internet

>> No.9001345

>le "Houellebecq is a good and very insightful writer" mëmày
All the characters in that book are normies, what's more normie than fucking middle-aged desperate people because you're middle-aged and desperate yourself? " Wow I'm amazed there's a mention of snuff movies and of a Chad fucking Stacey's"
Houellebecq is to literature what McDonald's is to cuisine: very enjoyable and efficient in itself but so damn vulgar and forgettable

>> No.9001346
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>I'm a girl btw


>> No.9001352

This projecting is adorbz

>> No.9001354

>disgusting genetic trash forever-unloved virgin detected

>> No.9001357

Not projecting. Being such a nu-male nice guy that you think you're a stud for orbiting a girl is pathetic and belongs on reddit.

>> No.9001364

I'm pretty ugly, girls still complement on my looks. they didn't when I had virgin long hair and big brown sweaters in highschool.

>> No.9001365


>> No.9001366
File: 46 KB, 500x553, IMG_0661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Here's a picture I just took of myself.

>> No.9001368

Nay, good sir, I shall not partake in these plebeian gathering of shallow spirits you insist in calling "watching a movie". The power of these shoddily made moving images has no hold on my mind, hardened on the anvil of theoresis and pure language.
How wrong were those forebears of ours, who thought music the purest of artforms for a mere accident on invisibility; indeed, as epoch-defining writers themselves they should have held their craft in higher esteem.
Oh, look at me rambling again; but it is such a joyous activity I should, sometimes, deign to initiate you too in this mistery of mine - as far as your cerebellum, that unsteady mindship, may take you. Off you go, now, I won't keep you any longer. Alas, company is but a distraction from my calling.

I would like to bludgeon you with Heidegger's On the Origini of the Work of Art then force you to watch Satantango and Parajanov until your eyes bleed. Dickhead.

>> No.9001370

You see mismatched couples all the time. Or you would if you decided to get out and try. Stop making excuses. My brother is ugly and chubby and he's never even dated below a 7.
It's almost like personality does matter and you can't accept that you don't have an appealing one.

>> No.9001372

>I'm pretty ugly
>girls still complement on my looks
Normie logic, everyone!

>> No.9001373

You're not ugly. REAL ugly people don't get fucking compliments from girls, retard.
>inb4 your not working hard enough
Not everyone can be attractive. Ugly people have to exist for the Chads to stand out.

>> No.9001375

Demi-Chad reporting in with triple digit pussy.
Even if you're 6ft+, lift, talented, intelligent, and have good facial aesthetics, it's not enough for keepers. You need money on top of all of that or you're playing the lottery trying not to find a turboslut. It's the ultimate grind.

Money will get you relationship. It might suck like pic related and you get cucked, but you'll get it.
Chad without money will just get to fuck roasties and hookups that will use you as a throwaway.

You need the following I've concluded to reasonably have a chance:
>Facial aesthetics.
>Good job.
>Meticulously kept home.
>Good physique.
>To be intelligent, interesting, and """""deep""""" (aka read horoscopes).
>Traditional manly man.
>Be unbelievably understanding and accepting of their insanity.
>Insane amounts of money, and even then you get cucked.

>> No.9001380

>if you don't have an opinion on the latest superhero movie you're a fedora
Normies have just as frivolous and stupid hobbies as robots.

>> No.9001385


>grown man taking selfies.

>> No.9001386

Your brother is either facially a Chad, tall, or has social status

>> No.9001391

>REAL ugly people don't get fucking compliments from girls, retard.
You're wrong, and I think >>9001364 isn't lying. Sadly, he is ugly. Why? Because girl lie to ugly people so they can boost their confidence, because they think they're good people if they do that, and because they need to boost their ego. I know this seems weird, but beautiful people don't get compliments, they have other people hit on them, OR, they do get compliments, but it's from literally almost everyone.
I got a few compliments myself, but as I explained above, that only confirms I'm ugly. A double confirmation - every compliment other than two of them came from ugly girls.