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/lit/ - Literature

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8996893 No.8996893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walking down a street
>about to cross the road when I'm passed by a group of women on a night out
>hear one of them say the following, "I didn't spend any money last year because guys bought all my drinks and food."

Serious question, how do women expect me to portray them in literature in a 'genuine' or 'authentic' manner when this is the kind of shit that comes out of their mouths?

>> No.8996902

>how do women expect me to portray them in literature
they don't

>> No.8996905

women are simply inferior to the white man, take the redpill already:
>elliot rodger - my twisted world
>schopenhauer 'on women'
>weininger - sex and character

Also, come join us on sluthate and /r9k/ and find out the truth

>> No.8996908

Portray actual genuine women and ignore freeloaders like that. Let them be their own negative example.

>> No.8996911

Well, if those are the types of women you want to write about...

Or you know, you could actually go and meet other women and talk with them and get to know them so you might actually have experiences to write about.

I'm assuming writing about sex is out of the question, virgin?

>> No.8996917

all women are like this, retarded idiot brainwashed bluepilled numale cuck

nice generalization

>> No.8996920

>all women are like this
You don't get out much, do you?

>> No.8996921

There are many literary pieces that expose women for who they really are. Watchmen, for example.

>> No.8996923

i like this wojak

>> No.8996925

okay dipshit, how about this; if women offered to pay for your shit when you went out, would you turn them down?

>> No.8996932

OP would probably freeze and would be neither able to accept or decline

>> No.8996934

Have you even rred Weininger?

>> No.8996944

You can get away with not writing about women at all if you write about homos.

>> No.8996948

>Or you know, you could actually go and meet other women and talk with them and get to know them so you might actually have experiences to write about.

I have met many women and yes, you are correct. There are many intellectual women who are great friends of mine, that doesn't change the fact they could never be a lead character in one of my books. They all possess the qualities of a side character and even then they are pushing it.

>> No.8996954

It's okay, you yourself aren't worthy of anything but a side character.

>> No.8996955

>okay dipshit, how about this; if women offered to pay for your shit when you went out, would you turn them down?

Yes, yes I would.

Epic meme.

>> No.8996956

>free stuff is bad

>> No.8996961

9 times out of 10 that's a fucking trap, my guy.

>> No.8996966

How does it feel not to be attractive enough to have a girl offer to buy you a drink or coffee?

>> No.8996971

>Yes, yes I would.
then you're a fuckin moron

>> No.8996976

>Yes, yes I would.
This is why you're a virgin.

She'd obviously be into you. Take the drink. If you feel so compelled, to keep it even then you buy the next round.

>> No.8996977

>It's okay, you yourself aren't worthy of anything but a side character.

Epic retort, woman.

Why don't you tackle what I said instead of getting upset?

>> No.8996985

I don't drink alcohol and I reject women and their offerings on purpose because it makes them like you more.

Literally a proven fact from my experience, attractive women can't bear knowing you have no interest in them.

No. I just know the game and taking money or offerings from a woman is losing the game.

>> No.8996992

Because there was absolutely nothing in there but your own opinion on their worth based on gender.

It's one thing to more easily identify with your main character if they more closely resemble you and your thoughts. But either you look upon women unfavorably or you don't have enough or any women in your life.

>> No.8996997


>> No.8997004

>I reject women and their offerings on purpose because it makes them like you more

Not when you grow up and people get sick of those games, you jackass. How old are you? Are you old enough to drink?

>> No.8997010
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No. I just know the game and taking money or offerings from a woman is losing the game.
you absolute fuckin' tool