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8993865 No.8993865 [Reply] [Original]

when did you realize that you were a worthless non-genius?

>> No.8993873

when I wasn't in the top 10% of my school.

>> No.8993879
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Between '07-'08.

>> No.8993882

When I posted in /critique/

>> No.8993884

That depends on your standards.
Since a long time ago, but probably had the confirmation midway through high school. I also realized most people aren't as smart as they think they are.

>> No.8993891

In actually doing work I've come to realise I'm pretty smart.

>> No.8993905

oh shut up. i said genius.

>> No.8993908

I know, but I haven't done enough work or been compared to enough people in order to claim 'genius'.

>> No.8993926

Most "geniuses" are literally autistic. Worth isn't objective. I'm content where I am, intellectually.

>> No.8993935

>so when did you realize you weren't a genius
>posts in thread without answering the question and instead takes the opportunity to stroke the ol ego
so it's safe to assume you're still waiting.

>> No.8993945

so you accepted it only recently and are taking comfort in it by associating genius with an unsavory attribute. sounds reasonable.

>> No.8993947

Odd, it was more along the lines of 'chin up'.

>> No.8993958

chin up for whom?

>> No.8993964

Anyone resigned to the idea they are a non-genius.

>> No.8993970

how would "well, i'm pretty smart" be interpreted in that way?

>> No.8993977

[Well I used to think I wasn't able to function but] in actually doing work I've come to realise I'm pretty smart [so there is still hope for you.]

>> No.8993986

you fucking condescending shitbag.

>> No.8993997


>> No.8994002

Worthless is subjective. It's completely fine to be a non-genius as it is not to be 7 feet tall and packing large, top percentile genitals. Not everyone fits that category and chances are that you don't. I choose not to let it defeat me in what I want to do. If it takes me more time and effort to accomplish the same thing as a genius, then that's my life and experience. I waste my own time by sulking over it. I sacrifice my own happiness by not pursuing my goals because there is someone better.

>> No.8994006

Some decent replies in this thread at least. Genius is overrated and more often the not the flipside of major character flaws. Fuck genius. I'd rather have fun and experience my life to the fullest than die an overachieving sociopath.

>> No.8994007

so you have realized that you're not a genius but not that you're worthless. soon.

>> No.8994012

more self conciliation from yet another non-genius

>> No.8994014

when I only got into shitty colleges and realized men invented maths that I struggled with.

>> No.8994016

ah, honesty. at least you're not worthless.

>> No.8994018

I'm worthless to billions of people at the moment. People that are thought to be grand movers are also worthless to billions at the time of writing. In time, people you view as having worth will be as worthless as anyone you do not. I'm being baited, but there are probably people that actually agree.

>> No.8994019

at the same age of entering college*

>> No.8994022

When I left my shit-tier high school and got to college.

>> No.8994025

blah blah blah. it's a simple fucking question. quit struggling you worm.

>> No.8994037

Everyone and noone is worthless. Even geniuses. It's a dumb term.

>> No.8994044

thanks for your input, slime.
>implying that someone is going to want your shitty response that was better put a few posts above

>> No.8994046

Thanks for your input neo-redditor.
>implying cuck a doodle doo you're a cuck

>> No.8994051

>simple question
>reads into everyone's responses to hear what he wants
You got me, fella. Far be it from me to tell you how to live. This isn't an original thought and yet countless people have made their peace and countless people will. If anyone reading this is actually brought down by the notion that you're not special by two definitions, then you're not worth much by one of mine.

>> No.8994067

>paragraph bitching

so no geniuses exist on this board. all i get are fucking faggot losers who want to tell me what worthlessness represents. gotcha.

>> No.8994072

I pose that geniuses are unlikely to be on 4chan, having better things to do.

>> No.8994079

>insinuating that you have the capacity to comprehend the motivations of a genius
nice meme, son

>> No.8994084

shortly after i was born

>> No.8994092

>not prenatal
i guess if you could understand the requisites for genius before you were born, and could weigh your own attributes well enough to determine your status before you had escaped the womb, you would be a paradoxical babygenius

>> No.8994143

>insinuating that you have the capacity to comprehend the motivations of a genius
>nice meme, son
How is that a meme, you disgusting brainwashed wannabe?

>> No.8994162

But I am a genius, anon. Stop being silly.

>> No.8994202
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all three of these posts dug up a separate painful memory jfc

>> No.8994216
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>he doesn't know the meme
prove it.

>> No.8994220

I suppose I admit I can't understand the motivations of someone simultaneously so self-absorbed and insecure that they feel compelled to brag about what they consider the immeasurable breadth of their intellect in anonymity to people they will never knowingly meet, for no possible benefit other than patting oneself on the back for being so impossibly clever as to be smarter than a bunch of goons on a British picnic-making site.
Truly, you are beyond mortal bounds.

>> No.8994223

Never have, and never will. Either because I actually am a genius, or just delusional.

>> No.8994230

>insinuating that i have claimed in any way to be a genius
my word, a true man. welcome to the club.

>> No.8994231

When your "in joke" is only in your head, you're just a retard, anon.

>> No.8994236

Got bored, huh? You could not be more arbitrary, OP.

>> No.8994237
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>he's resorted to calling people retards simply because he does not know, in a futile display of impotent fury

>> No.8994241
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>i don't understand the reasons why you do things, so you must be arbitrary

>> No.8994254

I haven't yet desu. I was one of the smartest kids at a top elementary school (the only kid smarter than me was a close friend who graduated valedictorian in high school and went Ivy League after), but I had behavioral issues, my grades went to shit once I began going through puberty, and I became an internet-addicted NEET ("homeschooling") shortly after. I mean, I'm an idiot now, but I feel that with the right upbringing I'd be a genius. I have a younger brother that's a math genius as well currently writing his dissertation at MIT. A few more distant geniuses on my mom's side as well, including a Harvard graduate that founded a billion-dollar company, and nuclear physicist that worked on the Manhattan Project. I wish some evidence would present itself to prove definitively that I was never a genius, so I would never have worry about what could have been.

>> No.8994270

candid, i like it. you get a gold star. genius? no. you can settle yourself on that point right this moment, as i have determined it for you. unfortunately, according to some more rude anons, i am far too arbitrary a person to reveal my methods by which i determine your current stature in the braining department, so it will simply have to suffice for me to say you are not a genius. i hope this has served to assuage you, though i assume that the old adage regarding ignorance will apply in your case as anyone else's, being as average as you quite certainly are.

>> No.8994331

>I don't actually know any funny jokes, so I'll just pretend the things I say are funny secrets

>I don't have any good reasons for saying or thinking the things that I do, so I'll just pretend my opinions are interesting secrets

I'm noticing a pattern here. Amazing how the word "meme" has revitalised so many damaged egos! Cute pics, though.

>> No.8994343
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>he simply cannot let it alone
please, let the maggot eat its way out of your eyeball already, it's making me feel sorry for you, turning your head this way and that.

>> No.8994356
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But anon, he and I are friends.

>he simply cannot let it alone
Aahhh... Now I see the wall.

>> No.8994369

Not an argument.

>> No.8994375

>tfw genius
>tfw autistic
My flesh wants a gf to cuddle and hold but my brain just wants to shitpost on 4chan all day

>> No.8994385

I don't know what i can become, i have too many blocks stemming from being the youngest sibling in my family, not having a close relationship to my dad or really any at all at a young age, and deep seated fears from childhood that still control decisions related to ambition and hard work.

>> No.8994391

when I failed 6 times in applying to university.

>> No.8994392

I realized when I was born that I was gay due to environmental factors, like pollution and vaccines. I'm now an environmental scientist. Let me tell you: China is polluting our minds with their Communist propaganda. So I joined the local church, and I take commune often. I'm not gay anymore on the fifth of November at 12:31:59 pm. In that moment of peace, that's when I realized fags are cigarettes in British terms. Smoking kills you and releases carban monoxide to kill your friends.

>> No.8994400

>being aware of these impacts
>still being barred by them
Anon, just go into the world and get what you missed out on. There are a bunch of wannabe Freuds who would delight in being your new and improved father figure, and some of them can even help you overcome your Adlerian inferiority complex!

Get some!

>> No.8994403

>actually existing
ah, my dear sweet lamb, so pure, so innocent.

>> No.8994409
File: 23 KB, 442x333, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>environmental scientist
>local chirch
>5/11 12:31:59
>carbon monoxide
Holy fucking shit, anon. You've blown it wide open.

>> No.8994421

>Holy fucking shit, anon. You've blown it wide open.
Actually, he blew his ass wide open while fucking shits before he went holy, anon.

>> No.8995518

When I stopped striving and working... oh wait so never

People aren't great mostly because they lack talent, that is a meme. They aren't great because they never work and never reach greatness. Disgusting.

>> No.8996151
File: 227 KB, 1252x1252, Wicket W Warrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i'm a worthless genius?

>> No.8996157

but anon...

>> No.8996206

I'm actually a genius but I refuse to sell out.

>> No.8996262

years and years ago, and i realize it afresh every time i try a little anyway. at the moment i'm fixated on the desire to be 'great' in my own eyes to the extent i don't care about much anything else. i know it isn't possible, but that only makes me want it more.

i spend most of the day despairing about my mediocrity and lack of talent, about how my work will never reach anyone, how it will always be considered secondary to that of other people. about how even i would pass it over if it was someone else's. it's gotten to the point where i can't enjoy successful works because i resent their creators for being loved!