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8991177 No.8991177 [Reply] [Original]

What are essential war novels?
No comical satires or muh glory, I want human despair and tragedy under the cruel circumstances.
Preferably set in the last century.

>> No.8991187

All Quiet on the Western Front

War and Peace (not within the last century)

>> No.8991189
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>> No.8991191


>> No.8991206

Storm of Steel is a must read for you OP

>> No.8991237

thanks lads

read it a few years ago, vonnegut memes aside, I found it very good and also hopeful in a way, as simple as it was.

>> No.8991271

Songbird by Sebastian Faulks was a worthwhile read when it actually focused on the war instead of the forced female protagonist

>> No.8991280


My mistake, the title is Birdsong

>> No.8992326

For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.8992451

Forrester - The General
Paul Scott - Jewel in the Crown

>> No.8992482
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>All Quiet on the Western Front
came to post this. I guess Journey to The End of The Night, too

>> No.8992500
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everything by SVEN HASSEL

>> No.8992535

is this the one caught lying about being a holocaust victim and then said 'just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it's not true'?

>> No.8992542
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HaSSel is underrated.

>> No.8992554


He was a holocaust victim, he just embellished his actual experiences without honestly admitting to writing fiction. Still fraudulent and pathetic IMO. See also: Jerzy Kosinksi.

>> No.8992592

The holocaust wasn't real, my dude. The only reason the small amount of jews died is because the allies disrupted supply lines. The victors determine history.

>> No.8992964
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