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8990588 No.8990588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>Unlike any nation in Europe, the United States holds whiteness as the unifying force.

what did she mean by this?

>> No.8990612

>I'm an untalented affirmative action magical realist who knows my fame is totally dependent upon my status in the liberal media as a sanctimonious perpetual victim

>> No.8990643

stop trying to push things using language, colored cunts.

>> No.8990645

white is the ultimate color, ask physicists. color that gave birth to all the other colors. science.

>> No.8990646

wow she's autistic

>> No.8990659

I'm black btw

>> No.8990665


>> No.8990673

I dindu nuffin mista Trump!!!

>> No.8990709

I hate that stupid nigger so fucking much.

>> No.8990713

wow. do you actually think someone cares?

>> No.8990715

>I'm racist and my opinions matter!
wow great thread

>> No.8990723

all isms are bullshit

>> No.8990725

Not an argument.

>> No.8990734

Neither is "She's black so she's bad."

>> No.8990743
File: 339 KB, 632x582, guess how many black women were raped by white men in America in 2015. Seriously, take a wild nutjob guess..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely think she's a deeply unintelligent person who bumbled into a position of moral authority with white progressives. Toni Morrison and her ilk e.g. Zadie Smith, Chimamanda Adichie, Junot Diaz, James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates are basically the Inspector Clouseaus of a literary world where failure is impossible because every mistake they make is engineering by an unseen progressive manager to coincidentally lead to awards, grants, and praise. I would pay money to watch her take an IQ test.

>> No.8990747

Many of the posts you replied to didn't mention her race at all, only her mediocrity as an artist.

>> No.8990753
File: 16 KB, 242x359, SongOfSolomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all well and good, sweetheart, but ms morrison wrote the 25th best english-language novel of the 20th century and, uh, you didn't

*sips tea*

>> No.8990755

You're right, one just called her autistic. I guess that validates all the other racists.

>> No.8990761

Mup da didda doo sirrah

>> No.8990767

>people shouldn't have an opinion if they're racist

>> No.8990773

25th best english-language novel according to whom?
>He goes by rankings from a gatekeeper
This shows you how she is just be propped up by the modern left in order to placate their SJW egos and further their own agenda.

>> No.8990781

If you don't know how to read then you shouldn't be posting on a literature board

>> No.8990785

>le bored housewife who daydreams about slavery memette

>> No.8990795

If that opinion is "I don't like her because she's black," then that opinion is worthless. If a racist wants to debate the actual merits of her writing, I am more than open to those opinions.

>> No.8990808

To leave room for racists to spout their hate and vitriol unchallenged? Is that a better use of a literature board?

>> No.8990811
File: 1.30 MB, 320x213, bobthetomato.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colored people are strong and are taking over America and white people are scared of that
>wow wtf why are white people resisting this???

>> No.8990819

A better use would be to read the posts you're replying to before replying, not after.

>> No.8990834

calm. people here hate other white people as much as they hate other black people and almost as much as they hate themselves. bringing up race is just accidental, to spice things up a little. but yeah toni morrison is an autistic libtard who's just good in storytelling, a skill that does not require intelligence

>> No.8990841
File: 23 KB, 500x375, skeptical[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's just good in storytelling

>> No.8990842

In their defence, she is clearly as stupid as a rock though.

>> No.8990892

>sixteen writers on Trump's America
I knew that hack Junot Diaz would be one of them before I opened the link

>> No.8990915

>Larry Wilmore
Pick one please.

>> No.8991046
File: 265 KB, 334x393, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol I'm so redpilled fuck niggers right???

>> No.8991053

no, just this one nigger

>> No.8991055

Is she actually implying European countries don't have more of a nationalist/white-identity undercurrent than the US?

>> No.8991063

We are all color-blind here, honeychile

(sex-blind too)

>> No.8991079

Not an argument.

>> No.8991082

yeah, it's a weird suggestion. up until fifty or so years ago, a black person walking down the street would have been a novel sight in most european countries

>> No.8991083

It must be exhausting for niggers to focus on their race 24/7. They're too stupid too understand that they're making it worse for themselves.

>> No.8991131

Sula, Song of Solomon, and Beloved are good, no need to chimp out folks.

>> No.8991165


Tell Toni Morrison and others to stop chimping out over Trump then.

>> No.8991181

People are entitled to feeling how they want about anything. And it's important to separate the artist, the novelist, from the actual individual. Plenty of talented writers are shit people with undercooked opinions. Just look at Nabokov.

>> No.8991213

>Plenty of talented writers are shit people with undercooked opinions. Just look at Nabokov.
Nabokov's opinions were mostly matters of taste or aesthetics...I don't think his politics extended much beyond anti-Soviet sentiment and even then he was too much of an artist to let that take precedent in his writing. This current crop of writers, though, behave more like bloggers or television pundits rather than actual artists.

>> No.8991220

>People are entitled
Let me stop you right there. Sure she and others can say whatever she wants but we are free to call them out on it.

>> No.8991304

>talks like a woman
>tumblr meme

>> No.8991313
File: 153 KB, 717x880, IMG_0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you are? Go back to your normie sites if you can't handle it, libcuck sheep.

>> No.8991322

Well buzzworded, friendo.

>> No.8991332

Epic post

>> No.8991345

>be black
>complain about oppression in the mainstream media
Serious question: who exactly do these niggers think are against them? White people are the least racist race in the world; if they were as evil as blacks think they are they would have already exterminated them.

>> No.8991565


>> No.8991590
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1471350425720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but /lit/ is my /pol/ safe space!
>this never happens on /r/redpill!

>> No.8991591

It seems american negroes think that Europe is some sort of post-racial paradise with century old multicultural heritage, just because Josephine Baker lived there.

>> No.8991682

There are a lot of incorrect assumptions about Europe (e.g. Europe is one culturally unified entity). Nobody really knows what the fuck is going on in Europe, not even other Europeans. I cringe every time I see some "intellectual" claiming that Europe is better than America.

>> No.8991982
File: 283 KB, 960x796, 1468785803655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>unlike any nation in Europe

>> No.8992000
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1484523113929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people are the least racist race in the world

>> No.8992212

>blacks can't be racist

>> No.8992267

Whites at the moment are probably far less racist worldwide at this point, but go back 150 years... lmao not even close, whites were the biggest assholes on earth.

>> No.8992376

She's wrong though.

>> No.8992385


ya let's ignore the chinese, the ottomans for the sake of like proving like a totally popular opinion correct xddd

>> No.8992405

Obviously never heard of Japan.

>> No.8992431


Negro drama. Black Drama.

Nobody's get 's tired of it? Only one ethnicity always require special attention. Enough of that, they are not kids.

Borges, Guimarães Rosa, don't win a Nobel and this eternal cry baby wins. Nobel Prize what a leftists joke.

>> No.8992449


It might as well be a participation ribbon at a child's soccer game. In 1992 they gave both the peace prize and the literature prize to native indians, for no reason other than the fact that it was the 500th anniversary of colonialism. One of the natives was later found to have invented most of the interesting details of her nobel worthy autobiography.

>> No.8992461

>>Unlike any nation in Europe, the United States holds whiteness as the unifying force.
>what did she mean by this?

that she is defining "whiteness" in some boutique way that encompasses all the things she doesn't like about living under capitalism, while excluding the things she does like about it (like having her relevance perpetually guaranteed by a radicalized commodity system) and then defining those as "Celebrations of blackness," all while somehow maintaining that latter as a form of exteriority, despite its very neoliberal complicity in the system as a whole.

>> No.8992465



i mean racialized

>> No.8992477


james baldwin is a genuinely insightful and intelligent novelist and essayist, though. i would not rank him under that "ilk"

>> No.8992485


She is pretty hypocritical desu. If she hates us so much why does she take our money?

>> No.8992497

Didn't need to try so hard to sound smart, but this desu.

Wish a decent politician would fuck off and try to start a new party. The Democrats are getting hijacked by the authoritarian left, the Republicans are hijacked by the authoritarian right, and the Libertarians are so dumb they ran Gary Johnson.

>> No.8992712

White people were literally sacrificing their lives to end slavery 150 years ago while Africans, Asians, and Arabs proudly engaged in it

>> No.8992745

I'm American, I love France, I've lived in France, and I have never lived in a country more racist than France.

Not to mention, in countries like the Czech Republic and Hungary, race is ignored, more than America, and in a "faultier" way than in America (depending on your political leanings). I would imagine if they had as many immigrants as France does now, the situation would be even worse.

I've never lived in the UK or Germany, but they do seem more open towards people of color. I get that impression from visiting both countries for around a week, and meeting Germans and Brits abroad, so my sample is less than negligible.

I like Toni Morrison, and I find myself sometimes agreeing with black people's position on race, but I think if she lived in Europe for a little bit she'd be very surprised how openly racist it is, or the rest of the world for that matter, compared to America.