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/lit/ - Literature

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8989585 No.8989585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you living the literary lifestyle /lit/?

Seriously, I want answers.

David Fishkind (patrician, wunderkind):

>wakes at noon
>reads for an hour or so
>eats a slow breakfast and stares from his window pondering life and the universe
>ushers his latest conquest out the door so he can focus on his writing without distraction
>takes a long solitary walk by the ocean
>rushes home with an idea for a passage in his novel
>arrives at his apartment just as a storm arrives and gets to work
>writes for hours in peaceful isolation
>takes a nap
>keeps writing
>ends the day by organizing a visit from a cute, sensitive, self-aware young woman with an interest in the arts and desirous of overcoming her repressive tendencies (a result of her intellect) by performing interesting and non-mainstream sexual acts
>discuss philosophy and literature with her for hours before snuggling up under the duvet covers in hushes silence watching lightning breaking over the ocean

You (loser, nobody):

>wake suddenly at 7am
>shower quickly and shovel breakfast into your mouth in a hurry
>rush to work / class and sit there baggy-eyed and exhausted
>waste most of your day doing something you don't want to for the sake of appeasing your family, friends or society
>ruin your neuroanatomy by repressing your instincts and Will
>use public transport
>trudge home in the rainwishing you were dead
>open a book but fall asleep almost immediately due to exhaustion
>tell yourself that tomorrow is the day you'll start writing the Great American Novel
>spend 30 minutes trying to convince a bossy, stressed-out career woman to go on a date with you (you pay for everything)
>spend a few restless hours sleeping before your alarm starts ringing again

I don't get it. Do you guys not realize that you only have one life on this planet? Do you really admire society so much that you are willing to sacrifice your life and contentment in service of it?

>> No.8989588

I'm redpilled amd hence not a cuck. I value whiteness, pride in masculinity and the male form, and strong white work ethic

>> No.8989593

>I am desperate to prove myself to my absent father


>> No.8989599

Ensuring the future of the white race is my primary motivation in life. It ought to be yours as well

>> No.8989603

Stop talking. Like, seriously.

>> No.8989607

We are being genocided, brainwashed idiot

>> No.8989611


he followed 8 dubs up with 9 dubs. he has earned the right to talk itt. this is objective and true.

but he does come off as that soapboxing sperg who is always trying to force conversation toward what he'd like to talk about. you know the one.

>> No.8989616

I'd get bored

And there'd probably be lots of annoying people at the beach

>> No.8989637
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Papa bless.

>> No.8989664

Why in God's name does he have to be a Jew?

>> No.8989667

If he wasn't he wouldn't be published

>> No.8989693

I'm working on it, man
>up at 5
>read for an hour or so
>light snack
>write short stories for a couple of hours
>wash up
>make a large breakfast
>take a stroll
>start drinking gin & tonics
>watch anime
>drunkenly submit work
>nap on day bed
>go out/anime

>> No.8989698
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>wake up at 6
>5 min shower
>2 hours of writing while having breakfast
>get dressed and leave the house at 8.15
>45 minutes reading while commuting
>work 9 to 5.30
>gym 5.30 to 6.30
>go back home: another 45 minutes reading
>prepare dinner
>writing from 8 to 10 with my food
> 10 to 11 I read or watch a tv show

It's a lonely life, but I chose it. It is possible to write 4 hours a day and read for 2.5 hours a day with this schedule

>quit your job

I won't. I love my job.

>> No.8989712
File: 133 KB, 1200x803, camus_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you living the literary lifestyle /lit/?
>Seriously, I want answers.
>David Fishkind (patrician, wunderkind):

because I hate narcisstic culture of literatureTM people

>> No.8989721

who's the guy in the OP

>> No.8989724

Sounds terrible

>> No.8989729

Get your shit together, degenerate.

>> No.8989737

How do you honestly suggest one goes from one to the other, with bills to pay?

>> No.8989757

I know it's a vice, but I love it. It's what motivates me to get up in the morning. I don't hesitate to say that my number one priority in life right now is perfecting my Japanese so I can watch it without subtitles.

>> No.8989758

What is your job anon?

>> No.8989784

He has dubs after all, so we should talk about whiteness and stuff I guess. Though you got dubs too, so I guess we should agree that he's a soapboxing spreg.

>> No.8989790

> You (loser, nobody):

> >wake suddenly at 7am
> >shower quickly and shovel breakfast into your mouth in a hurry

Nice try, but I wake up every day between 4 and 9 pm, eat breakfast leisurely, and then read for hours before falling asleep again just after sunrise.

>> No.8989930

>bills to pay

What a fool you are to place bills ahead of literary ambition.

>> No.8989959
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1477124289841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting and non-mainstream sexual acts

>> No.8989965

It's called not having rich parents OP.

>> No.8989966

Stop making threads about this kike faggot it because of mongs like you we're circling the drain

>> No.8990004

This is actually true. Abandon the cities, live in small farming communities. Start CSA farms and sell to liberals who love that sort of thing.

Go back to to church. Plymouth Brethren chapels foster real community.

>> No.8990117
File: 1.25 MB, 2216x2416, keepitchill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8990118

That doesn't describe me at all. I work from home, don't strive to be a writer and am already married.

>> No.8990132

>non-mainstream sexual acts

you got me there pal

>> No.8990198

>not wanting to get babies after we imosed our way of life on the reat of the world, thereby destroying every culture and nature that was worth preserving
>they are genociding us, hurr muh freedom

>> No.8990201

The 'literary' life doesn't exist. And if it did then the shittiest lives should be considered literary, not ones like you described. Joyce, Nietzsche, Poe, etc, generally lived really terrible lives yet produced great works. I daresay that a troublesome life actually contributes to literary genius

>> No.8990214

You are so stupid it actually disgusts me on a physical level.


had an easy life. Born into a wealthy family, attended a top college, married a qt catgirl, then worked fewer than 20 hours a week as a teacher in a comfy Italian coastal town.


was born middle-class, attended a comfy college, settled into a comfy academic life for a while then lived as a hermit in a comfy little cabin in Sils-Maria


married his qt 13 year old cousin, was able to support himself for long periods by writing alone,

>> No.8990223

I can cherry pick too.

>> No.8990241
File: 141 KB, 992x1856, FdZtiXM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otherwise pretty good, but the only thing is that public transport is patrician. I'm not projecting; I actually recently moved to Dallas and traffic/ driving to and from work is the most /slave/core activity. It's why all the greats live in Paris and New York; you and your friends showcase the latest fashion whilst reading a great novel and signaling at cute girls. It's like a coffee shop that takes you home.

Other than that, great post.