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/lit/ - Literature

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8989491 No.8989491 [Reply] [Original]

I don't connect with ethno-nationalism at all, but it dominates the discourse in my country. Given that I'm basically a Marxist ideologically, this makes me feel really alienated.
Pls give me some literature to understand and appreciate ethno-nationalism, if there is any, or I'll just continue to dismiss it as reactionary garbage for classcucks.

>> No.8989510

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control--
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf--
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

>> No.8989581

The book Ethnonationalism would be alright.

What country do you live in btw?

>> No.8989619

My diary desu.

>> No.8989649

hmm a ethno-nationalist book for a marxist might be difficult how about reading mussolini he used to be a socialist

>> No.8989824

>I don't connect with ethno-nationalism at all, but it dominates the discourse in my country.
I find that difficult to believe. Which country is that?

Anyway, it's just another kind of tribalism. If you don't see the appeal at all, you might be autistic. But most likely you're just brainwashed and/or too young. Education in general should help. History, biology, social sciences...

>> No.8989856

Please explain the appeal to me. Not him, but I want to see what you have to say.

>> No.8989862
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>I'm basically a Marxist ideologically

>> No.8989889
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>He is a Marxist

>> No.8989903

White people are the highest quality people. The higher density of whites, the better your nation will be by every metric. It's real simple m8.

>> No.8989906

>Marxist Ideologically

May I ask how you can justify that when every Marxist experiment creating a new and much worse elite, removing an economically feasible bourgeoisie, and impoverishing the proletariat?

>> No.8989908

>Muh true communism has never been tried

>> No.8989909

People generally like those who are like them more than those who aren't. It goes all the way from liking the same brand of beer to having the same religious beliefs. Have you never noticed this?

>> No.8989956

>Pls give me some literature to understand and appreciate ethno-nationalism
Just listen to the major composers from the second half from the 19th century. Nationalism is mostly just aesthetics.

>> No.8989971

Basically one or both reasons why you prefer a certain kind ("race") of people:
1. familiarity
2. preferable characteristics

Even if you discard 1 (say, you grow in a mixed environment), discarding 2 is pretty much impossible.
Note: the preference is always contextual. For example, if you're building a 100m running team you might prefer different people than if you're building a mathematics team or if you're selecting people to be your neighbors, countrymen...

As for tribalism itself, there's tons of sociological literature for that.

>> No.8989976

>say, you grow in a mixed environment

And the familiarity part is also about 'people who look like you', regardless of who you grew up with.

>> No.8989988

what you wrote is not true tho

>> No.8989990

You're retarded, and exactly the kind of question I thought the regular anon could give.

This is right, and of course I noticed.

This is the right and a good answer.

I'm bored, forgive me.

>> No.8989994

Answer * in the first quote.

>> No.8990033
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>Given that I'm basically a Marxist ideologically

I bet you're from London

>> No.8990047
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>You're retarded
White people are quite clearly the best people on Earth you delusional faggot. There's mountains of scientific data to verify this, and you can just look at the results we've produced. Would you rather live in Norway, or Somalia? Would you rather live in Maine, or China?

You're the retarded one here, my man.

>> No.8990082

China is white you fucking retard.

>> No.8990105


>> No.8990108

Wow that really contributes my threads.

>> No.8990113
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>> No.8990184

>China is white

Lol wut

>> No.8990248

china has less homicide and violent crime rate tho

i'd certainly feel safer - especially after industrialization finishes in the inner provinces

think tokyo or seoul

>> No.8990594

It's genuinely amazing how juvenile and uninformed anti-Marxists are. When I was a liberal I often felt challenged by authentic left positions, precisely because they are based on economics, historical understanding of social structures and how oppressed groups are conditioned by material inequality etc. Liberalism and yesterday's liberalism, conservatism, are completely idealist systems of thought, their whole argument is based on abstract categories like nationality, ethnic pride, individual liberty, religious values, free will etc.
Socialist ideas go back to the beginnings of classical political economy, but Marx was the first one to properly demystify how socio-economic systems work. It's extremely naive to think there are politically neutral stances one can hold on virtually anything. The economic relations of production, which together constitute a given historical mode of production, have always privileged a certain class at the expense of the mass of the population. Unequal distribution in the material means of subsistence naturally leads to the unequal distribution of social status, and forms the ideological superstructure of society. Practically speaking, the political, cultural, religious values of a society uphold the continuity of the dominating class, and are always obscuring the real, material inequities with empty rhetoric (some people just deserve more / they got where they are due to hard work and talent / you just need to work harder and stop whining etc.). This ideology permeates every aspect of social life, and plenty of work has been done since Marx to prove it beyond reasonable doubt. Class struggle is literally a structure of society, and all that marxists want is for lower classes to act in their self-interest. The bourgeoisie aren't exploiting you because they're naturally evil, they're acting in their own-self interest. The contradiction is that if you depend on your daily labour to survive, you have no stakes in this game - class consciousness is realizing that emancipation means dismantling the whole system of socio-economic relations that concentrates the wealth in the hands of mega-corporations and billionaires, and instituting the social ownership of property.

Now go Google historical materialism and read everything Marx and Engels wrote about it, or stop bringing up childish "arguments" like human nature.

>> No.8990653

>my opinions are so interesting that they justify my perpetual whining
Why does every leftist think this? Who the fuck told you that it was okay to behave like an obnoxious baby? Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Nobody cares about what you think. Your ideas have no relevance to anything other than your paranoia. Nobody is going to read this diarrhea and that's a good thing.

>> No.8990677

I guess you've never heard of the Strasser Brothers

>> No.8990679

You seem to be upset.

>> No.8990685


I read it and thought it was interesting.

It's ironic how you're coming into this thread talking about how nobody cares what other posters think, throwing a tantrum and trying to derail it instead of letting people have their discussion. Reactionaries are the biggest PC crybullies around.

Anyway, if you don't like people's posts, don't read the thread. The picture of marx should've been trigger warning enough for you; I don't walk into where you work and slap milo's dick out of your mouth.

>> No.8991244
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>> No.8991268
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>You're retarded
Not an argument.

>> No.8991283
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>Pls give me some literature to understand and appreciate ethno-nationalism
Nazis in disguise, proselytizing as always.

>> No.8991300

>the industrial revolution was revolutionary

>> No.8991314
File: 53 KB, 298x389, IMG_1578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks have consumed welfare in the United States at at least double the rate of the White population for over fifty years. East Asians were comparably poor when large portions of them moved to America in the mid twentieth century. They both faced discrimination and massive institutionalized segregation. Now, decades later, East Asians are wealthier per capita than the native White population while the Black population still fails.

Your assertations of economic determinism are childish and cringeworthy, at best.

>> No.8991969
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true you'd die to some poor construction instead

>> No.8991994

And yet for all the inane ramblings of the Marxist, never a tear for the millions of dead, and the sham "states" that arise.

>> No.8992015
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>china has less homicide and violent crime rate tho

Less than Maine? I doubt it. America's homicide rate is skewed by a large black population, among whites murder and violent crime is quite rare. If black people and mexicans didn't exist the US would have the same homicide rate as Western Europe or East Asia.

>> No.8992017

Boy, this is making the rounds today. The vast majority of non-European scientific literature has never been translated outside of its original language. That chart is basically a list of countries by number of available works in English. Don't fall for memes so easily, anon.

>> No.8992121

And not a single refutation. Face it, you are juvenile idiots and I'm right.

>> No.8992130

Real marxism hasn't been tried yet.

>> No.8992170

important work not translated into english get a load of this retard

>> No.8992324
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Nice samefag

>> No.8992354

English is literally the worst at this, you idiot.


>> No.8992387
File: 984 KB, 856x836, smethwick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to read literature.

Your pic is from the Conservative campaign in Smethwick, right?

The people were really worried about the town's demographics being changed.

Pic related.

>> No.8993074

Just came to say I love that poster OP.

>> No.8993948

Shoot yourself in the mouth for being a Marxist you disgusting criminal.