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/lit/ - Literature

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8988104 No.8988104 [Reply] [Original]

Writing "deep" things is a waste of time. Stories, poems, limericks, haikus. Thoughts. All of it. It's all the same. It embarrasses me when I read peoples' writings. I'm talking even books at the library... "professionals". Really, think about who likes doing this the most: girls aged 14-22 or so. That should tell you all you need to know about the act of writing as it's typically done.

I've come to enjoy writing about "nothing" very much. Writing like writing doesn't matter. Because it doesn't. Writing in this manner... there's no pretentiousness in it at all - fitting, because I'm not a pretentious person, in fact, pretentiousness bothers me to my core.

What I mean by this is, I will write my day to day activities or what happened to me in my life the past couple days. I'll write grocery shopping lists, and little nonsensical sayings and doodles. I also keep a journal of ratings of music I listen to. What comes out is just free flowing. I'm not trying. I'm not thinking of what word I can use in place of another to sound more intellectual or "mysterious". It's honest writing. Everything else is quite frankly literally tryhard. Made up stories - that's fine if you're 12 and grew up all your life being taught to let your imagination run free. It's embarrassing when you grow up and still put it on paper.

Try it. Stop your worthless "deep, creative" writing, and write about "nothing". Once you do, you'll never go back - you'll read your old writings and will be embarrassed.

>> No.8988111

Fuck off

>> No.8988115

reading this was a waste of time

>> No.8988121

The first step in becoming a good writer is handling constructive criticism and suggestions with a little class.

What I outlined in my OP, if you follow it, you will find it opens a whole new world for you.

>> No.8988127

But the 'nothing' stuff is what IS deep, depth doesn't come from aping stuff that you imagine to be profound.

>> No.8988133
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*jacks off in your direction*

>> No.8988201

>I'm not a pretentious person, in fact, pretentiousness bothers me to my core.
What's the term for this kind of self-contradiction? I feel like there was one.

>> No.8988230

Delusional hypocrite

>> No.8988268

So you have stated your case on nothing? >8^)

>> No.8988275

You mean, emphasising technique.

Might as well just gather different writing techniques past and contemporary, and practice on them. If you want to evade the magical alchemy of poetic meaning just ignore ALL content at all, forget about your day to day activities, and just perfect your "technician" skills.

But I suggest you also perfect your ability to work with the "chemistry" of images. For examples of this at work, in serious form, you might as well study pre-20th century poetry, up until the romantics, particularly Blake.

Zimmerman, a composer, wrote a piece, the last before his suicide, called Requiem for a Jungen Dichter. Dichter being german for poet ("dichten=condensare", "to condense"). The death of the poet might mean that we already live, today, with information overload in media, in a highly compressed world of superimposed clashing images. He makes the Beatles play simultaneously with Beethoven's 9th and the voices of Hitler and Mao. It's a mess but a powerful view.

Jacques Ellul, in turn, sees the emphasis of technique on the side of the propagandist, and his ability to use images for manipulation. Same with all commercial advertising.

I remember, in Brave New World, when that conditioning propagandist finds the Forbidden Works of Shakespeare and was obsessed with it, "this is brilliant propaganda!", to paraphrase.

>> No.8988280

So you're a nihilist trying to differentiate yourself from other nihilists.

lol behave

>> No.8988286

what you really mean is, op, you have found a way to justify your lack of skill and unwillingness to put effort ino your writing by disdaining these things as worthless arbitrarily, saying that writing that you have been working on and refining is somehow less honest and reflective

read fox and the grapes

>> No.8988321

Your time is not valuable. You are wasting it on the pretentious asshole literature board of an anime website that is largely associated with neckbeards and neo nazis. Get over yourself.

>> No.8988323
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Pic related.

I'm curious now OP. Would you be willing to post a writing sample to illustrate your point?

>> No.8988435

Honestly this

>> No.8988445


but are you a rocket man?

>> No.8988485

What the hell did you just say about me, you big phony? I’ll have you know I dropped out of Pencey Prep, and I’ve been involved in numerous prostitution attempts, and I have smoked over 300 cigarettes. I am versed in composition writing and I’m the craziest sex maniac in the entire world. You are nothing to me but another phony. I will goddam sock the hell out of you with all my might, for Chrissake. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the Internet and all? Think again, you moron. As we speak I am buzzing my incognito network of ducks around the park and your address is being tracked right now so you better prepare for the winter, lousy bastard. The winter that freezes the fish and all in the pond. You’re goddamn dead, I’m not kidding. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can complain in over seven hundred different ways, and that’s just about my lousy brother D.B. Not only can I whine about everything, but I can dance with every dopey girl that I meet in a bar and I will dance until I knock you out, I swear. If you only knew about how I would plug you with six shots with my automatic when I’m bleeding and all, maybe you would have shut your mouth. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and know you’re going to pay the damn price and all, you corny big shot. I will drink highballs all over your room and you will hit the ceiling. You’re a goddamn phony, sonuvabitch. I’m not kidding.

>> No.8988496

Holy kek, excellently crafted b8

>> No.8988527

With pleasure:

>"It's the middle of January and it rained today. Ugh. So dreary. Last year by this time we had a crap ton of snow! I don't get it, it's so freaking annoying. What's the point in winter if there's no snow. Anyway, while it was miserable and dull outside, I rearranged my speakers and put them on stands. Looks, and sounds, much better this way - the way they were before, I had to sit on the floor, which I liked for a while. But the lack of padding would quickly make my butt sore, and also leaning against the sofa soaked up a lot of the bass. Anyway, I then listened to an album through the "new" setup, and now I'm about to make some soup for a little snack (New England Clam Chowder by Progressive) - better eat it fast though because wrestling will be on soon. Not quite sure what I'll do after that, we'll see."

>> No.8988552

go to bed karl-ove

>> No.8988555

>not quite sure what I'll do after that. We'll see.
This is so fucking deep, man. You GET it.

>> No.8989370

Your post was worthless.

>> No.8989391

Oh, the irony, you pretentious little pony

>> No.8989493

Hola Reddit

>> No.8989826
File: 47 KB, 323x499, 5186RLIXsLL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the book for you, my friend

>> No.8989893

i was with you until
>What I mean by this is, I will write my day to day activities or what happened to me in my life the past couple days. I'll write grocery shopping lists, and little nonsensical sayings and doodles. I also keep a journal of ratings of music I listen to. What comes out is just free flowing. I'm not trying. I'm not thinking of what word I can use in place of another to sound more intellectual or "mysterious". It's honest writing. Everything else is quite frankly literally tryhard. Made up stories - that's fine if you're 12 and grew up all your life being taught to let your imagination run free. It's embarrassing when you grow up and still put it on paper.

you have a fucking diary (desu). this is the most teenage girlish thing of all.

and boring. it's boring too. it's better to not write anything at all

>> No.8989901


>> No.8991030

Nobel Prize, interesting. Didn't Obama win one of those?