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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 242 KB, 1280x1140, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8971827 No.8971827 [Reply] [Original]

No stack and recent purchases thread?
Stack and recent purchases thread.

>> No.8971834
File: 26 KB, 410x306, SpeedStacking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say stacks?????

>> No.8971838

sage all stack threads. don't support mindless consumerism

>> No.8971890
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The Shelley was a gift for someone else

The Herbert was a gift from someone else

>> No.8971893

>Russian books in the background.
>Translated Dostoevsky.

>> No.8971898

who in their right minds complains about translated dostoevsky

he's no flaubert

>> No.8971926

Why would you read a translation if you speak Russian?

>> No.8971937

The only stacks I have are the fat stacks of dosh I saved from not having to buy books anymore.

t. ereader mustard race

>> No.8971943


Good man

>> No.8971944
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me

>> No.8971950

P&V translation of C&P

Never heard of Adler or Abramovic. They any good?

>> No.8971951

>mindless consumerism
You're expanding your mind with books you prat why are you on Lit if you're against that

>> No.8971955

>look at my unreadable books am I unikue
just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.8971960

Adler's alright, just modernist NY style. Abramovic is an artist, that's an autobiography

>> No.8971963

Have you read Speedboat? If so, thoughts?

>> No.8971972

I haven't, I just picked up Pitch Dark from Waterstones Gower St because there was a nyrb display and I thought the cover looked neat

it's on my list though, I imagine the style is very similar to Pitch Dark

>> No.8971977

>buying books and arranging them in pretty stacks to look cool
>the same as actually reading them
You're a fucking dunce

>> No.8971981

using the word 'prat'

kys yourself

>> No.8972024

You have a problem with my man Robert Balddick?

>> No.8972027

I have a problem with you taking shots at me in a place of refuge, you fucking loser, leave me alone.

>> No.8972029

They don't become unreadable after you've stacked them.

>> No.8972031

you're certainly not stacking (You)'s

>> No.8972037

Just ordered Purple Hibiscus and The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

>> No.8972047

this is a stack thread, not your blog

>> No.8972065
File: 50 KB, 540x960, 15996213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it begin

>> No.8972068

Stack and recent purchases thread. This is a board for people who read.

>> No.8972099

>he fell for the meme

>> No.8972108
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All bought in the same second-hand store. I really love coming home during the holidays.

>> No.8972114

I did, and it's not the first /lit/ meme I've fallen for.

Infinite jest sits and collects dust on my shelf

>> No.8972116
File: 93 KB, 720x1280, bookstax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make way

>> No.8972121

most of your guys stacks look like brand new books. Where do you go to get them? I only ever go to second hand.

>> No.8972122

see there's leaders, and there's followers

but i'd rather be a dick than a swallower

>> No.8972124

amazon.com desu

>> No.8972127


>> No.8972131

>implying its a good thing to be a leader on 4chan

Have fun when the gubment comes knocking
bookdepository if you don't live in USA and still want free shipment

>> No.8972142

I went to a book fair today and bought all of these for 16 dollary doos

>> No.8972143

Im canadian so this is a godsend. Cheers.

>> No.8972144


>> No.8972145
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forgot pic

>> No.8972146

I love white cap books

>> No.8972148

Kys kys yourself son

>> No.8972153

Jesus, I really feel like 2016 is his year on /lit/. If I had to guess I'd say it's due to Putin bossing everything right now.

Also, I hate to break it to you but you may have bought a prose translation of the Canterbury Tales.

>> No.8972154

>implying they won't be read and that's their sole purpose
Make sure your fedora doesn't fall off when you lean over to pick up your ereader

>> No.8972174
File: 57 KB, 800x600, Six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have a package coming in today with 7 books in it.

For now take this less recent stack

>> No.8972267

>being French
>playing Warcraft

>> No.8972271


That's a publicity my man.

I needed to use a website to take a pic.

>> No.8972322
File: 70 KB, 692x577, 1483051978957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a fucking box
>their design don't line up

>> No.8972328

Oddly aggravating

>> No.8972336
File: 27 KB, 389x255, 1438447699521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it fucking triggers my autism too

No idea how they could make such a mistake, and more importantly, why it hasn't been fixed

>> No.8972359

most of my books I got on second-hand book stores but some memes I had to buy in a website here in my country that imports books from the US.

Right now I feel like I have satisfied my 'physical' collection though, so I get most of my books in the public library or if I don't find it there/do not want to read a translation, I buy them if I find them cheap in second-hand bookstores, if even then I can't find it, I read it on my computer, which is not really my thing

>> No.8972382
File: 223 KB, 1018x678, fdnffkaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. Don't bully me.

>> No.8972391

>*Unsheathes katana.*

>> No.8972397

>Unironically being Italian

>> No.8972403

prepare to get redpilled

>> No.8972406
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Into the trash you go lefty.

>> No.8972409

go suck a somalian cock

>> No.8972414
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Fucking iPhone.

>> No.8972415
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>tfw to right-wing to rotate a picture

>> No.8972421


alright im gone

>> No.8972461

>None of you niggers have Piketty. The greatest economics work published this century.

>> No.8972471

Best answer

>> No.8972502
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pleb as fuck my man.

>> No.8972640
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>> No.8972660

glad to see you have never read a book in your life

>> No.8972674

stop posting this in every stack thread

>> No.8972729

Awesome stack. Swedish?

>> No.8972735
File: 65 KB, 625x626, cff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old bait photo


>> No.8972939

dips febora

>> No.8972959

it's like 3 weeks old famalam

>> No.8972970
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>> No.8972991

Hey, you're the guy with all the French books. You helped me with the Gargantua. Do you have any french translations of Dante's Divine Comedy? I'm looking for one and can't decide.

>> No.8973295
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>> No.8973303
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(be)rate me

just got warlock in the mail.

>> No.8973312

>Cultural Marxism starting pack

>> No.8973350
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Please rate

>> No.8973352

>no discernible literature

>> No.8973363

>To kill a mockingbird
High School/10

>> No.8973396


>> No.8973413

does lit consider perfume as a bestseller trash?

>> No.8973484
File: 100 KB, 1334x1000, 16107705_10154290581233861_141850577_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably thinks black lives actually matters. 0/10

Only books I've read here is The Long Ships (it's great) but lots of books I want to read. 9/10


Props for Zweig, Mishima, McCarthy and Gogol. Minus points for the amount of meme books though. 8/10

Never seen the Bible split up like that, pretty cool. Other stuff is all great too. 10/10

Stop playing video games, nerd. 3/10

>buying books just to validate your own already held political beliefs



Mostly good books but all those cracked spines and ugly editions hurts my eyes.

pretty gud 7/10


meme'd hard.

Cool stuff. 8/10

You won't read the History of France

Literally all great books, OP is not a faggot. 10/10

>> No.8973663

Pretty good, but why did you get the ugliest Pynchon cover available?

>> No.8973677

why does everyone hate those covers? i don't have any so i haven't seen them up close but they have a very comic book bruegel look to them which i think perfectly fits pynchon's style

>> No.8973760

it has authorial corrections the us version doesn't have

(source: https://www.pynchon.net/articles/10.7766/orbit.v1.1.33/))

>> No.8973814

Middlemarch can be chore but it's fantastic my dude, I hope you'll like it

>> No.8973861
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>> No.8973961

Diary of an Angry Black Man / 10

Would cross to the other side of the street if I saw you.

>James Baldwin + Ta-Nehisi Coates next to each other

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

>> No.8973966
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>> No.8973968

Who sold you this? Just go back and ask for a refund.

>> No.8973976
File: 159 KB, 1015x1280, 1474183993786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully too hard.
Especially don't bully about the Lovecraft book as it was a gift.

>> No.8973983

What's the myths book like?

>> No.8973986

10/10. Jealous of the Egypt books. They sound really good.

>> No.8974003


What's wrong with Lovecraft exactly?

>> No.8974006


>The "I think shooting police is sometimes justified" starter pack

>> No.8974014

Lovecraft is great for a so-called "genre" writer, one of the most accomplished horror writers of all time. i like him better than Poe. Interesting stuff otherwise anon, if you appreciate and understand The Trial when you read it I'm jealous of you that you'll be reading it for the first time.

>> No.8974015

He's a racist anti-semite and considered genre fiction. Basically the same thing that's wrong with GRRM, except also racist.

>> No.8974020

I've only thumbed through it quickly, haven't gotten much in to it yet. It seems more or less like what you'd expect from the tin. It has what seems to be a fairly nice set of notes for each text. They come after the text, rather than being eg. footnotes on the same page that they reference, which I know some people dislike, but I actually prefer notes being presented that way.

I don't really have a problem with Lovecraft or anything. I'm just honestly not very familiar with his work, and just wanted to specify it wasn't actually a book I picked out for myself or anything.

>> No.8974026
File: 1.69 MB, 3984x2240, DSC00119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! Been reading this stuff recently, doubt you've heard of any of it. Get cultured, plebians.

>> No.8974047


Lovecraft is one of the rare authors that can elicit any feeling of dread in the reader; he's one of the best horror writers.

Way above GRRM imo.

>He's a racist anti-semite

So was Céline, but that doesn't make Journey to the End of the Night automatically bad.

>> No.8974053

is that you, 1000 books girl?

>> No.8974062
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in order for something to be bait there has to be a set up. the pretense you offer is: "my taste is better than yours and you dont recognize these books". not this pretense would work if the punchline were hard hitting but it just isnt. if you had pulled out some stupid books that are respected in some circles you could have gotten somewhere and yet now it is just kind of stupid. though i guess you got me to respond so you trolled to a certain extent.

>> No.8974091

Oh you poor little thing, can't afford decent books?

>> No.8974182
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I wonder where on the spectrum you'd have to be to be reading about video games.

>> No.8974192

And what do you read, shit like Dusty Etsky?

>> No.8974201

How about we discuss it over some Garfield literature? Only the finest satire to brighten your day.

>> No.8974238
File: 3.89 MB, 4128x3096, 20170114_234007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am new to this board, Currently re-reading the Count of Monte Cristo.
Rate please.

>> No.8974346
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x1836, 20170114_180713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked these up today from half price books.

>> No.8974356

>half price books
I love HPB. I wish mine was closer. It's a 35 minute drive, so I only go like once a year. I buy books online and at thrift stores and sales instead.

>> No.8974388
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x2560, IMG_20170114_162231985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me next guys

>> No.8974478

Nice choices dude.
Read them all or still working through?

>> No.8974506

>kjell askildsen

min neger

>> No.8974508

I'm living in the Scottish Borders so 6/10 for Robbie Burns, but eh for everything else. Le Conte is OK, I guess.

>> No.8974516

just got a kobo today

time to start an infinite digital stack

>> No.8974567

I do pity you. My job used to include selling those. You got more returns than sales (literally, we had to accept returns of online purchases). Kobo to the Kindle is like 50 shades to Dostoyevsky!

>> No.8974590

is it an issue with the store or the actual device?

>> No.8974713
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I had a little bit of money set aside to preorder a Switch, but it turns out they forgot to make games for it so I used that money to buy books

>> No.8974778

Is that running man related to the movie at all?

>> No.8974784

This is a meme, right?

>> No.8974807

They're both about a dude in a reality tv show in the dystopic future where he gets hunted. Beyond that, they're very different.
Why would it be?

>> No.8974818

Cool. Maybe i will pick it up. Loved the movie growing up and love the premise. Have you read it yet?

>> No.8974837

I read it ages ago, picked it up to give it a reread. it really good. All of the early Bachman books are good, it's the stuff King wrote that he thought was too angry or political to release under his own name. The Running Man is angry and political as hell.

>> No.8974845

Well that seals the deal. Thanks man.

>> No.8974877

>implying 'libertarianism' is right-wing

>> No.8974881

>English Standard Version
>Not King James

>> No.8974903
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>he actually started with the greeks

>> No.8974926

wrong hitchens dude

>> No.8974933
File: 1.56 MB, 285x500, emma!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best of all stacks

>> No.8974937

>he didn't start with the Greeks
Have fun having no foundation for all of western literature, pleb

>> No.8974940


your head

>> No.8974980

The Abolition of Britain is fantastic but I thought the Rage Against God was just a poor rant. Then again, he's a columnist for The Mail on Sunday, not a philosopher. I much prefer Roger Scruton or Evola for that.

>> No.8975361

35 minutes is only once a year? Neet? I drive 1h15m just to get to work.

>> No.8975369
File: 117 KB, 1029x302, P1120122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get redpilled my dudes

>> No.8975441

fuck off to plebbit

>> No.8975465
File: 150 KB, 900x555, $3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack cost $3 at a thrift store

>> No.8975470
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Stack cost $5.78 at a thrift store

>> No.8975475

are you 12 years old

>> No.8975478

don't worry, american apparel is shutting down so there's no risk of him actually stealing anything.

>> No.8975487

lefties get butthurt cause he was racist

>> No.8975519

>he still buys books instead of torrenting them

>> No.8975526

>Do me next guys
Make sure to lube up your boipucci

>> No.8975556

The iliad might be my favorite book. Good work.

>> No.8975566


Whats that edition of the bible called?

>> No.8975582

I'm halfway through all of them.

>> No.8975589
File: 134 KB, 1369x770, IMG_20161204_162448695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books in portuguese are:
Allegories Of Underdevelopment: Aesthetics and Politics in Modern Brazilian Cinema
Anjo Pornográfico - Biography bout Nelson Rodrigues, great brazilian writer
Just read the between the world and me one, pretty fuckin good

>> No.8975680

Esv readers bible six volume set

>> No.8975681

>Cheating on The Greeks
For shame.

>> No.8975688

I would never. I have two unabridged copies of the Iliad (one pictured), one of the Odyssey (Fagles), Plato, Xenophon, books containing many of the plays, and I'm planning to buy some Artistotle.

The book was bought for purely non-cheating reasons: to review works, and read the commentary.

>> No.8975691
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Left is me, right is my girl

>> No.8975830

Very nice my friend.

>> No.8975845

you're in for a good time with the magic mountain

>> No.8975847

I am willing to bet the $10.50 you spent on that stack that neither you, nor your GF will make it through a single one of those books.

>> No.8976040

I wouldn't say it was poor but what he set out to do has been done better by others. Scruton is definitely better but I think Hitchens is a good introduction to conservative writings, and then you can move on to people such as Scruton.

>> No.8976191
File: 190 KB, 1600x900, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stack I got for christmas. I really recommend Growth of the Soil

>> No.8976197

>bunch of unread books

wow man ur such a patrician all you

>> No.8976218

Norwegian. We have å, o and æ, swedes use ä and ö.


>> No.8976222

I have unironically dropped reading translations.

>> No.8976232

Hell man, if I could read it in Norwegian I would. Hamsun is a fucking great author

>> No.8976256

you have been severely memed

Agreed; Sult blew me away when I read it. I also have Markens Grode lying somewhere in the pile of books on my nightstand

>> No.8976260

I recently picked up The Yale Shakespeare. It's an old collection of shakespeare's stories that are separated into 40 hardcovers, each hardcover is an individual story.

>> No.8976261

We also use å though.

>> No.8976268

How have I been meme'd? I would just get the basic gist of the story. Everything of beauty is in the prose, and when it gets changed it might as well be a cover song in a different language, with different tempo, beats, melodies.

>> No.8976285

You're right, I guess I forgot since I rarely notice å in swedish for some reason, it's not as widely used as in Norwegian I believe.

You either have to learn a dozen languages to be able to read all the great works, or you have to contend yourself to reading a small sample of them. You might find some beauty in a translation; you're guaranteed to find none if you don't.

>> No.8976303

I redirect you to

>> No.8976304

>them. You might find some beauty in a translation
I read two translations for the works of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy and deemed them shit.

>> No.8976318

Do whatever you like friend, I just find it unwise to cut yourself off from the huge library that is available through translations.

>> No.8976324
File: 19 KB, 420x420, jussi aho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided, that instead of half-assed translations butchering (supposedly) great works I could embrace my own language and culture which I find way more fruitful.

>> No.8976382

I read books for what they have to say, not for the pretty words.

>> No.8976390

You could then just read its Wikipedia page, lol.

>> No.8976413


>> No.8976545


>> No.8976803
File: 1.18 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20170115-WA0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First UK press dropped in the mailbox

>> No.8977239


you're a real charmer

>> No.8977301


>> No.8977464

The device is a cheap imitation, keep a close eye that it is holding battery charge, also don't invest too much into it as it will fail spectacularly within a year. Usually months 9-10 if used. The makers appear to assume that nobody will actually use them for more than a few months and tell su to expect most sales to come at new year resolutions rather than as seasonal gifts.

>> No.8977473

Ensure you read the penguins first, after you read the Oxford ones you will just be insulted by how much the writings are simplified by Penguin.

>> No.8977570
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>> No.8977590

Second hand is the best. Fretex is the only place I buy books now. Jack London translated by Nordahl Grieg 20kr. Good stuff

>> No.8977603

Glad to see where Brexiters come from. Your pal Nigel fled like a true patrician when they see your library!

>> No.8977707
File: 93 KB, 331x429, 1b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.8977720

¿Te gusta la Editorial Acantilado? Tienen libros buenísimos

¿Qué libros de ellos te han gustado?

>> No.8977755

Seeing how the Penguins are poems and the others are not, I seriously doubt there would be any comparing.

Anyway Fagles are supposed to be one of the better translations.

>> No.8977764

mega cringe

>> No.8977812
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>> No.8977834

Nice, good luck compatriote

>> No.8977922


Excellente pile

La Boétie / 10

>> No.8977942


Nope, I'm looking for one myself actually.


The translation by Jacqueline Risset seems pretty good, but I haven't read it myself.

>> No.8977957

>Italo Svevo
Your GF is a nice girl, Zeno's Conscience is a criminally underrated book, though I haven't read anything by him.

>> No.8977975


>> No.8978013
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>> No.8978108
File: 3.51 MB, 1318x1447, 1483914665876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered three Everyman's Library Pocket Poetry books. I was told they were Smyth sewn. They're fucking glued.

Admittedly it's still a good buy because they were only 15 dollarydoos each but still.

I'm fucking buying Folio from now on.

>> No.8978130

probably because those pocket poetry things are like 250 pages long.

everyman's library books of any substantial length are sewn.

>> No.8978145


Then they should say that on their website instead of:
>Pocket clothbound volumes from the world's greatest poets, and with a stunning range of anthologies. Each volume has an elegant jacket, full cloth sewn binding, silk ribbon marker and headbands, with gold stamping on front and spine and decorative endpapers. In size, price and presentation they make ideal gifts and are a joy to read and collect. More than eighty titles in print.

>sewn binding

>> No.8978155

oh, well if it says that then they're in the wrong.

they probably cut costs... hope the longer books dont go the same way. buy now.

>> No.8978165

Memed by Folio. Just buy penguin collections if you want to read poetry, if all you're interested in is collecting good looking editions then best of luck

>> No.8978182


I was looking to buy something that would last a long time as I wish to start a personal library to pass down through my family. I'm not that mad because it wasn't that costly, but there is still some disappointment as I thought these would be suitable for such a collection.

Bloody glue barely lasts 25 years before it loses a large amount of its elasticity and flexibility.

>> No.8978248

Search "la traduction de textes plurilingues italiens chinellato" on Google Books and go to page 13 for the Commedia (its a short pamphlet on translating italian renaissance texts. It compares the translations of Scialom (Livre de Poche), Risset (GF-Flammarion) and Vegliante (NRF/Gallimard). It's very specialized, but it'll give you an idea of what Risset's version is like.

>> No.8978316

Doesn't work

>> No.8978327

>speaks Spanish
>reads Pavese and San Agustín in English

Are u retarded?

>> No.8978538


Vegliante is the best.

>> No.8978543
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>"Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants", Goodal
>"The Lime Works", Bernhard
>"The Art of War", Sun Tzu
>"The Plague", Camus
>"Sun and Steel", Mishima

r8 if you want, if not, then that's fine as well.
I'm having a terrible hangover, so I guess I'll start today with Goodall's book and a glass of plum Rakija.

>> No.8978598


down and out is worth the read, but it's not what you'll be existing

>> No.8978710
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Just once, I'd like to see a stack of autobiographies. Here is a stack that I'm working on. Should take a week or two. How long would it take you?

>> No.8978717

Law 101 is a generic Oxford press by feinman

>> No.8979074
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>Horus Rising

>> No.8979086

Are they any good? I see Golden One keep recommending them but he is a larper so I don't really take his recommendations for books very serious.

>> No.8979100
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They're written by a bunch of different people, so they vary wildly in quality. But anything by Dan Abnett is pretty good, anything by Aaron Dembski-Bowden is great. Stay away from Ben Counter or Nick Kyme

>> No.8979120

Alright, thanks.

Are they and the storylines sanctioned by Warhammer or is it just a bunch of people making stuff up as they go along?

Asking cause I don't really want to get into it if just out of nowhere some woman can just write one of the books about a black female of color fighting the man on the planet of Xyrkus.

Is the setting and world set in stone, I guess is what i am asking?

>> No.8979131
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Picked these up a week ago. I had only read on McCarthy book before (all the pretty horses) and absolutely despised it.

Read blood meridian first and didn't put it down once I loved it so much. Moved on to child of God and outer dark, and both were absolutely fantastic in there own right. I've been reading the Comanche book (empire of the summer moon) along side whatever fiction book I'm in the middle of and its great, a perfect post-bloodmeridean read as its on the Comanches.

I'm 10 pages in to Suttree and hoping it's as great as the others

>> No.8979147

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

>> No.8979159

Blood Merididan is great, basically the only book I've ever wanted to re-read the second I finished it.

>> No.8979204


>> No.8979211

It's a bit of both. Authors pitch to the Warhammer publishing house and get their plots approved but they have a much freer hand on characterisation so cool stuff comes out of the series occasionally. The plot is fleshing out back story 10,000 before 40k so you know shit is going to get proper fucked by the end but that's not the point of the ride. Above Anon's recommendations are right on the money Abnett/Dembski-Bowden do the best ones. Kyme and Graham McNeil are workmanlike at best and cringe at worst. They're a fun read that serve as a nice break/palette cleanser after more challenging reads.

>> No.8979220


>> No.8979268
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Long time lurker here. I've had these arrive in the mail over the last few days, and I'm still waiting on the following clothbound editions from Penguin, that should arrive today: The Odyssey, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Art of War, The Prince, Confessions, The Nature of Things and The Ramayana.

I'm a fan to stylized collections, and since I didn't have any of these Western cannons in hardback, I picked them up on sale for just under a thousand dollarydoos.

>> No.8979286

that is a really nice collection although i'm not fan of Penguin hardbacks, they're too feminine looking in my opinion.

They should have made those patterns be dustjackets and then have just plain looking hardbacks under, like Everyman's library.

But anyway that is a sweet collection.

>> No.8979453

I mean, I think they look nice too, but seriously? One thousand dollars?? Seriously???

>> No.8979471

This is what happens when you have more money than sense. These editions are tacky as fuck. It's a great collection as far as content goes but i would laugh out loud if i walked into a room containing this.

>> No.8979494

Holy shit you wasted your money. I could get these books for $50 at a thrift store, or just buy a harvard classics collection for like $300

>> No.8979516

49 books for $1,000. They are way fucking nicer than my copies. I guess if you have that kind of money go for it.

Personally I buy every book I want as cheap as I can because I'm poor. I spent about $100 this month and got 37 books (mostly classics). Next week my thrift shop is having a $5 bag sale. Will probably get a few dozen more books for $5.

>> No.8979518

>spending a thousand dollars on ugly copies of books that are in the public domain anyway

Please tell me you're lying and work for Penguin or some shit

>> No.8979531
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the result of watching too many female booktubers

>> No.8979533

You can't get new Penguin Classics Hardcovers at a thrift shop that easily.

Even if you don't like the covers, they're still good editions of the books.

>> No.8979538

Please go back to /v/

>> No.8979615

Wrong. This is the superior french bilingual version. ISBN: 9782070387236

>> No.8979664

Honest answer: that's the tacky edition with the cheap see-throught fragile paper.

>> No.8979694

Funniest post ive seen on lit

>> No.8979701

Just the The Basic Works of Aristotle from Modern Library yesterday. I still need to read Plato first but I'm excited. You guys recommend Bloomsbury or Cambridge for a companion on them?

>> No.8979722
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Only recent purcases

>> No.8979728

Best living historian?

>> No.8979732

Huh. Seems as though you like buying and photographing books more than you like reading them.

>> No.8979736

I sometimes do that too.

>> No.8979738
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archetypal /lit/ stack & stacker

>> No.8979741

All those are December purchases for 2017. I'm not buying more books til the year is over

>> No.8979816
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There's a Kinokuniya near me now! Finally, I can get Japanese books for a decently cheap price. Picked these up tonight.

>> No.8979827

Have you read any/all of these? I'm leaning towards Vegliante with Scialom at a close second, but your input is appreciated if it's sincere.

>> No.8979852

Did- did you just go out buy every book with a title/author you recognized? Do you actually plan on reading these, or did you just want to fill some shelf space?

>> No.8979856

It is sincere. I have it, actually, and have checked out a few editions out there. If it's french you're looking for, that's the ideal deal imho. The book is tick, tight, has thin but readable pages AND has the original text on the left.

>> No.8979858
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I don't post on /v/, I don't actually own any video game systems right now.

in case anyone was wondering, Young Allies sucks, and Welcome to the Ballroom fucking owns

>> No.8979872

Ah and yes, do go on with Vegliante and co, seems like a good thing by the look of it. Glad to see another french cuck, anyhow.

>> No.8979972


>> No.8980320

An incredible waste of money on hideously ugly editions. Book shelves so so much better when they have eclectic combinations of books, rather than teen-girl tier books.

>> No.8980479
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Another wasted life.

>> No.8980488

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8980493
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Recent pickups

>> No.8980543
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>Seeing all these nice looking Iliad and Odyssey books
>have an E-reader and read them on it
Makes me want to purchase them just for show.

>> No.8980544

Dudes, why is "war and peace" tome so small in English?

>> No.8980547

I really quite like the Penguin Deluxe ones, but they fucking fell for the shitty deckle-edged paper meme which makes it significantly less comfortable to read.

I will fucking NEVER understand why publishers pull this shit.

>> No.8980554

Eh. If you're gonna read African-American literature, this is the stuff to get. 5/10

>> No.8980556

Shorter words.

>> No.8980570

>Eh. If you're gonna read African-American literature, don't. 0/10

>> No.8980591
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You could have got the same books for $5 in late charges at the public library. Did you ever stop and think that maybe your taste would change one day?

>> No.8980593

You really think any of that is getting read? He bought them because they look pretty.

>> No.8980626
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Stacks beside my downstairs reading spot.

>> No.8980680

Honestly, that's the reason I picked up Horus rising since The Golden One kept raving about it

>> No.8980709

Dude lmao

>> No.8980728

I'll never forget this post.

>> No.8980732
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dude weed

>> No.8980764
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(sorry it's not a stack I took this before I saw the thread)

>> No.8980871

truly underrated post

>> No.8980971
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Fucking richfags

>> No.8981460
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Received today

>> No.8981508

Witam anona polaka, skąd masz tego Mishimę?

>> No.8981548

I seriously want to assault you for this abhorrent collection of books

>> No.8981674
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Not recent purchases per se, but these are the ones I've placed on my bed side table .
I'm planning to have read them before March.

>> No.8981690

those book covers are ugly

>> No.8981692

Crainte et tremblement is great but quite hard to read. the second part of the book is better than the first one

>> No.8982111
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Got all these for $9 at a library sale.

>> No.8982154

I've heard great things about that Herodotus.

>> No.8982486

Damn that's a steal.

>> No.8982517
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>> No.8982536
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$18 total


>> No.8983078

how is the penguin Proust? been meaning to get it but have reservations the size. also, are the covers as hideous as the look on the promotional material?

>> No.8983087

fucking phone bullshit.
excuse the spelling.

>> No.8983091

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8983155

If you live in the US I would probably redirect you the the Everyman's editions that are bound in 4 volumes which are about the same thickness with black spines and white covers. Same Moncrieff translations, and even though I personally have nothing against those penguin editions, I find the color scheme awful for the Recherche books plus the everyman's editions have an introduction by Harold Bloom

>> No.8983159

damn, I've been casually looking around for Huysmans and Levi-Strauss for years. Almost never see either of them in stores.

>> No.8983178

>bookdepository if you don't live in USA and still want free shipment
I live in Canada, and that merchant charges $6.49 per book, there's no deal for ordering multiple books at once.

>> No.8983299

>I live in Canada, and that merchant charges $6.49 per book, there's no deal for ordering multiple books at once.
Then you're doing something wrong anon. Book Depository has free shipping world wide, including to Canada where I live.

The only reason you'd get charged for shipping on Book Despository is if you're an idiot and searched for an out of stock book and it linked you to AbeBooks, which you somehow didn't realize was a different website.

>> No.8983359
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This is who I ordered from, right off of Amazon. The books came from England, and when I contacted them to see why my shipment was over a month late they mentioned that they usually ship books one at a time. All of the books I ordered said they were in stock.

Do they have their own standalone website that you ordered from?

>> No.8983375

>Do they have their own standalone website that you ordered from?
Yes you stupid cunt.

>> No.8983389

Looked it up and they do in fact have their own website with free shipping, but the prices differ from what they're selling it for on Amazon.

One example is
The Otaku Encyclopedia: An Insider's Guide to the Subculture of Cool Japan going for $15.75 plus $6 shipping on Amazon, compared to $27 on their own website. So, still cheaper to go with Amazon despite not getting free shipping.

>> No.8983390

Yes they have a website but its about the same price as the prices on the marketplace prices are adjusted to compensate for the mandatory shipping fee.

Shipping to Canada is slowish, usually 2-3 weeks

>> No.8983406

Just buy from Amazon.ca and buy enough books at once to hit the $35 free shipping threshold.

>> No.8983559


>> No.8984390
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>> No.8984397

>post a public library

>> No.8984511
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ancient history has me hooked.

>> No.8984671

Great taste anon.

Chess Story and GGBoy are fantastic. I would recommend you read The Sot-Wood Factor before GGB though

>> No.8984679

Tell me how you enjoy Moonman's winter follies.

>> No.8984722

>That's a publicity my man.

Ca c'est dit <<advertisement>> en Anglais.

>> No.8984784
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Ayy lmao

>> No.8984792

Holy shit anon good luck with Fulton and Harris.
That course kicked my ass. Fucking Frobenius man...

t. combinatorialist

>> No.8984891
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Also listening to The Witcher series on Audiobook

lotta Dostoevsky, I think I might give him another shot, maybe 16 year old me had shit taste

you know you're actually allowed to read fiction as a libertarian, yes?

I mean sure Lovecraft was a racist, that doesn't make his work not good.

>Heinlein's best work

>> No.8984928
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>> No.8984939

Your stack is giving me a seldon crisis.

>> No.8985013
File: 372 KB, 955x1028, 10 books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did i do /lit/?

>> No.8985121

why would you censor a book title, what could be so bad that you don't want strangers to see?

>> No.8985124
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>> No.8985143 [DELETED] 
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there is no way this post is real come the fuck on lmao there is no way.

you are either lying about being a long time lurker or you are one of the worst lurkers this board has ever seen.

>> No.8986211
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>actually believing this

>> No.8986236

hardcore memeing right here

>Jelly on the MDE book tho

>> No.8986477

> Book title is Le Rouge et le Noir
> Rouge, which is red
> Still translates it to scarlet

>> No.8987196
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, 2016-12-24 12.47.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horizontalstack of some recent reads.

>> No.8987261

it's painful too see that

>> No.8987266

*to kek

>> No.8987344
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>> No.8987894


>> No.8987953
File: 428 KB, 1280x720, 2017-01-17 17.58.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty picture
Here's a better one.

>> No.8987961
File: 423 KB, 1280x720, 2017-01-17 17.59.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On deck.

>> No.8987970

Sorry for you loss anon.

>> No.8987982

He tricked us by making "Ready Player One" so good.

>> No.8987999
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20170117_161002041[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my picture, what the fuck

>> No.8988088

Someone stole your stack picture? That's pretty pathetic

>> No.8988097

Yeah, also that book was atlas shrugged.

>> No.8988102

I thought I remembered seeing it without the black bar.

>> No.8988546

Stoner- Williams
Sutree, the border trilogy - McCarthy
TCOL49, V - Pynchon
Steppenwolf, Narcisuss and goldmind - Hesse
Complete plays of Sophocles

Bought these all the first week of January and read pretty much everything but the Pynchon and Sophocles and suttree which I'm starting tomorrow. No pic because I'm at work but if that's the point these threads then this is stupid.

>> No.8988688

Get your fucking life in order, you hippy.