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/lit/ - Literature

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8978956 No.8978956 [Reply] [Original]

I recently read pic related and was blown away, though the ending was a bit shite. Please remove the methodological goggles through which you view the world and its events long enough to recommend books THAT HAPPEN TO BE (not because they are) written by female authors. My problem, and thus my reason for making this post, is that I now have one book in my library of some 500 books written by a women (a book that deserves its place, mind you), and I wish to explore the possibility that maybe, just maybe not all women authors are shite. Please, I implore you, post the best you've read. I'm not a cuck, a gender traitor, or a gril (although I do find it sad that this prelude is now customarily required of these type of posts), however, I only wish to expand my appreciation for female authors.

Don't let me down.

>> No.8978982 [DELETED] 

don't you get it yet? fuck off!

>> No.8978984

Uh, get what?

>> No.8978990

The Bell Jar

>> No.8978995

then the answer is no, you haven't gotten it yet. a lost cause.

>> No.8979007

That girls cannot write books? I read a 500 some odd page book that suggested otherwise, and you're posts are not convincing enough to convince me that the meme is real.

>> No.8979008

>happen to be women but not because they are women
this is fucking stupid. why try to cloak that you want books written by women? as if you're ashamed that you want books written by women. fuck sake.

>> No.8979015

Well even if women are innately less capable of writing you're statistically bound to find outliers. It is genre lit but I find Anne McCaffrey to be a solid writer.

>> No.8979018

Virginia Woolf desu

But the Secret History is one of my fav books for sure, its very cozy

>> No.8979027

no, dude. not that women can't write, but that you begging for women specific books is fucking annoying. read what sounds good, what looks good, enjoy whatever it is. don't force the fucking woman meme. if it's a good book the author doesn't fucking matter. none of us go around saying "recommend me some books written by men pls". it's fucking obnoxious. if you want to read lit, do that. if you want to mince around faggotly and request gender specific literature, then fuck off.

>> No.8979031 [DELETED] 
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>woman "writes" book
>99/100 times the husband wrote it

>> No.8979036

On the Subjugation of Women
by John Stuart Mill

His wife wrote it

>> No.8979046

Because I wanted actual recommendations and not shit posts like yours. I know what people like you think of books written by women, but what I don't know are those books written by women that are worth a read. I'm not cloaking. I'm just trying to distinguish myself from those people who forsake talent for congenial identity traits. Of course, this would require presupposing that women can actually write though. I was just looking for recommendations outside of the typical Middlemarch, Brontes, Jane Austen line, that's all.

>> No.8979051 [DELETED] 
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>the other 1 time it's the dad


>> No.8979055

White teeth by Zadie smith

Visit from the goon squad by Jennifer Egan

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood

Left hand of darkness by Ursula k leguinn

If you liked the secret history read the goldfinch

>> No.8979056 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8979060 [DELETED] 


>husbands face when his wife cucks his works into oblivion

looking at you shelley.

>> No.8979069 [DELETED] 
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>recommend me a book written by a black person
>but not about slavery

>> No.8979070

>then fuck off
I would but you (You) have thus recommended zero (0) books as of yet. I realize your way of viewing things would presuppose that their is no gender bias in the estimation of what makes great literature great, which there may not be, I dunno (... ?), but for the sake of this post, which is what you are replying to, please indulge me by replying with a "great" book written by a women that I can then read and then judge. That would be more helpful.

>> No.8979075
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>> No.8979077


>> No.8979085 [DELETED] 

>we wuz kangs

stop it

>> No.8979092

If this isn't a troll OP:

Virginia Woolf's The Waves and Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping are two of the most beautiful novels I've ever read. Prosaically magical.

Mary Gaitskill and Cynthia Ozick write great essays.

Marina Tsvetaeva and Anna Akhmatova are two of the greatest Soviet poets.

>> No.8979101 [DELETED] 

>Great books written by female authors


>> No.8979102 [DELETED] 

>that writing
Wew, u sur u're not a gril?

>> No.8979113 [DELETED] 

And this is supposed to provide justification in favor or your position? Is it not, tell me, the alleged charge that women are incapable of writing anything but insubstantial nonsense which serves as the may reason against reading their works? You can't meme your way out of reality, bud.

>> No.8979115


>> No.8979117

Actually not a bad idea.

>> No.8979119 [DELETED] 

Stop it

>> No.8979123 [DELETED] 

you have no desire to read female literature, you just want to argue. hell, you beg the question by suggesting that they can't write to begin with, and that you want to make sure otherwise, with the help of lit.

if you really wanted a few people to give suggestions, you would have just posted "what are some great books written by female authors".

>> No.8979127
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>> No.8979130

Edit to this: forget le guin, she a shit meme

>> No.8979138

forget the rest too without exception it was all written by one woman or another

>> No.8979141 [DELETED] 

>it's by a le woman so it must be good!!!!
Fucking identity politics bullshit, talk about the book or get out. The sex of the writer doesn't matter.

>> No.8979144

bless you for a real, quality answer. most people on this board would struggle to name one women writer they enjoy beyond JK Rowling or someone who has wrote a "classic" (Shelley, Atwood, Harper Lee, Toni Morrison)

>> No.8979148 [DELETED] 

something tells me you barely read any women writers if you're this mad

>> No.8979151 [DELETED] 

you talk like a female redditor

REEEEEEE and so on

>> No.8979154 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with anything, cunt? Stop shitting up this board.

>> No.8979155 [DELETED] 

I begged the question, or appeared to at least, because I know the ideological climate of the boards on this site. I thought anons would respect it as a sign that they are dealing with another anon that has put in the time to know how things are typically done here, but what I did not expect (and what I hoped to avoid by begging the question, so to speak) was that those very anons would use my disarming disclaimer as a point on which to launch those very attacks I was hoping to disarm in the first place by posting such a disclaimer in my original post, senpai. And now you are taking up the very typical stance of "you have no desire to read female literature" in order to discredit the intentions of my initial request. I have copied the names of every female author posted in this thread, dude, but here you still are arguing a point that is irrelevant, and which I had hoped to avoid by writing my post the way I wrote originally did.

>> No.8979157 [DELETED] 

>you barely read any women writers

As if this is a bad thing

>> No.8979162 [DELETED] 

you talk like a fag

>> No.8979163 [DELETED] 


>> No.8979165 [DELETED] 

How little interaction with women must you have to type "female redditor" without any sense of irony to how pathetic you sound?

>> No.8979168

Charlotte Bronte is great

>> No.8979170 [DELETED] 

t. female redditor

>> No.8979175 [DELETED] 

> ignoring 50% of the population
> as if it is a bad thing

You'd think /lit/ would be smarter than the rest of 4chan as you all statistically have read at least one book. But oops! I guess not.

>> No.8979178 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 822x474, IMG_0629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a MEN'S board

Women and nu-males get the FUCK out

>> No.8979179 [DELETED] 

get your homophobic shit off the literature board, nazi

>> No.8979182 [DELETED] 

XD upboated!
And so on

>> No.8979183 [DELETED] 

>all groups have the same frequency of good writers
Well we wouldn't need a seperate thread for them if that was the case, cuck

>> No.8979184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8979187 [DELETED] 

4chan isn't a board, Missy.

>> No.8979188 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. How did your human brain churn out a post this bad?

>> No.8979191 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8979193 [DELETED] 

Typical feminist thread.

>> No.8979197 [DELETED] 

If women are so good at writing then how come every thread they make is a garbage fire?

>> No.8979199 [DELETED] 

then you must be the typical boring post that adds nothing to the conversation, just in time!

>> No.8979206 [DELETED] 

We don't separate them because of the literature they produce. Women have, instead of a penis, an orifice called a va-gin-a, as well as breasts which I'm sure you've already noticed. Neurologically, there are also differences between the sexes, and these are the reasons we have separate categories.

Read flannery and stop being so obviously new, crossboarder.

>> No.8979208 [DELETED] 

Hi OP, how's your false flagging going?

>> No.8979210 [DELETED] 

>women are just as good as men!
>there are only a few great female authors vs the entire male Western canon

>> No.8979252


here is a thread asking for "good German authors"

>> No.8979257
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When BTFO, call him a fag
