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/lit/ - Literature

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8976612 No.8976612 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't understand it.

>> No.8976616

That's not extremely surprising. Hopefully you'll do better on your second read.

>> No.8976639
File: 29 KB, 267x400, terrified1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that face when GR made TOO much sense

oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

>> No.8976953

Nobody really does. It's a vanity piece. All /lit/'s meme books are.

>> No.8977586
File: 1.50 MB, 1222x3649, A lit Guide to Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8978363

I'm reading it right now and the text seems somehow very fast-paced
Maybe it's also that I'm terribly hungover and that english is my fourth language, but it does feel very jumpy. Is all Pynchon like this?

>> No.8978371

war is bad and propagates itself in a globalized postmodern capitalist society

>> No.8978374

You're stupid. Really, really stupid.

>> No.8978382

You shouldnt be reading Pynchon

>> No.8978407

He invents some narrational techniques that are somewhat novel. Whoop dee do.

Ulysses: invents stream of consciousness. Yippee.

Infinite Jest: Invents omniscient third person inter-personal narrator. Hooray.

Vanity pieces. All of them. "Look at my new shiny thingy!"

You are the stupid one - you fell for it.

>> No.8978415

You're really stupid.

I'm laughing that someone took the time to type all that -- even if you are trolling. You're a lonely guy behind a screen, typing, jeering against pieces of human art that you'll never even begin to touch; you'll never posses the sheer human will and intellect to create anything like that.

Thank for the laugh, faggot.

>> No.8978455

With each post you become more my fool - it's obvious you have no experience with any of them. You don't even understand that post.

>> No.8978464

>this user has autism

kill yourself, really

>> No.8978472

>Invents omniscient third person inter-personal narrator.

you're retarded

>> No.8978497

DFW wanted to impress girls.

Pynchon can't stand that he has a ballast stone from the Mayflower at the end of his driveway, but Nabokov was still better than him.

Joyce was jealous of Bram Stoker.

Still nothing from your side, plebs.

>> No.8978504

Where have you seen one before?

>> No.8978527

Joyce wasn't jealous of Bram Stoker

lmao wtf
If anything he blew his Proddy ass out of the water.

>> No.8978542

I'm talking about motivation, not result. It was vanity.

>> No.8978551

That's incredibly reductionist. Just because they liked one particular new literary tool doesn't mean the books can be boiled down so easily. There's a lot of quality in the works, and you can't deny them just because they were a little overinfatuated with one new concept.

>> No.8978553

All writing is vain, you fucking sperg.
I bet you're one of those kids who goes out screaming "I FOUND THE ANSWER! I'VE SEEN PAST WHAT THESE SHEEPLE SEE! I UNDERSTAND HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE" after you've arrived at realizations that everyone already inherently knows.


>> No.8978577

So, where?

>There's a lot of quality in the works
Actually, there isn't. And you can't describe any, because you've never read them.

>> No.8978582

Mason & Dixon is just as good if not better.

>> No.8978590

>where do I find third person omniscient that jumps POVs?

If you have to ask that question, then you don't deserve to read.

I bet you also browse /pol/, because you seem like someone who has a severely skewed worldview and a intense God complex because you've unearthed "the truth."

>> No.8978594

>All writing is vain, you fucking sperg.

Now that - that's sad. And dumb. And really young.

>> No.8978599

Exactly as predicted - you don't know.

Keep posting though. Every one proves me right.

>> No.8978604

All writers have a complex in which they believe what they produce and what they say is worth the attention of the general population.

Now you're just projecting. Please, go back to /pol/ with your lame bait.

>> No.8978607

I'll admit I haven't read all of them, but I'm partway through Ulysses and it has clever wordplay, intricate themes, multi-faceted characters, and funny jokes. I'm not great at analyzing works of literature, but what I've read so far seems to be well constructed with multiple levels of meaning and intelligent thought put behind it.

>> No.8978610


Wow, this pseud got buttharmed by the truth bomb

You're not being honest if you claim there's no vanity and ego involved once the page count starts climbing north of 400.


But that's not true

>> No.8978611

This thread is full to the brim of autism!

Even Reddit ain't this bad.

>> No.8978624

>10 troll posts
>not one says anything about a single book

>> No.8978636

>missiles are dicks

I get it. It's hard to admit you've been trolled by your dead, reclusive, or petty asshole heroes.But at least try to hide the cogdis. It's very unPatrician.

>> No.8978638

It's only part true. GR deals with far too many themes to distilled into one sentence.
Pynchon speaks about the military industrial complex, uses his layering of narratives to convey the immensity of power structures of his day, compounds narratives to speak of the confusion and dissonance of modern American politics and desire for wealth, control, and "security." He knows of the inside machines that make the MIC hum; he knew of MK Ultra, the Nazi technology the modern world is based on, he knows of America being the aggressor now. He knows that humans are on a never-ending cycle of violence and death, and how sexual perversion is inherent and stems from the same place war comes from. He knows of the salacious manipulation of governments to control the population.

What's your take on it?

>> No.8978668

For real bro?

>> No.8978671

Confirmed for having read at most the first chapter

>> No.8978684


>> No.8978691

The guy trolling in this thread truly has me baffled.

I don't think he has many real friends. I think he probably posts Ben Shapiro lectures on Facebook to the annoyance of his FB friends.

>> No.8978707

>t. pseud

>> No.8978716

I'm rereading mason and dixon and I thought the randumbness of what he's talking about was the confusing part but his large shifts in tone are jarring. He describes a ship battle as an inconvenience, then a tragedy, with other emotions nearby.

>> No.8978720

Gotta hand it to Gravity's Rainbow. I know it's a meme novel around here, but man, it changed my life. I'd grown up thinking reading was homework. A novel was drudgery for me. This attitude lasted way into my high school years, a time when if I wasn't asleep in class I was skipping and hanging out in a buddy's basement doing bong hits. We'd play this game where we would get high and make up a crazy scenario like, OK, what if everything was very serious, right, like it was a serious place and time and everywhere you looked everything was highly serious, but what if at exactly the point when everything was at its most serious and you expected the next moment to continue the trend of utmost seriousness, what if, at that very moment, a gorilla wearing a fez on a giant unicycle rode by. My friends and I would collapse into convulsions of laughter, punching each other and slapping our knees. "No! Stop it! Fucking stop it!" a teary red face would choke out. We called it The Game, and normally we only played it while we were blazed in a basement, but once in a while we would play it in school. One fateful afternoon a few of us numbskulls had detention together. We sauntered in (high, of course) and sat down to serve our time. At some point we started to play The Game, right there in detention. Our supervisor, an English teacher who was known for being kind of a hardass, was for some reason being super chill that afternoon. We occasionally got pretty loud with our laughter, but not even once did he tell us to keep it down. He just sat there at the desk reading a newspaper. We even got a few chuckles out of him. Then, with fifteen minutes left of our sentence, he folded up the newspaper, came over to us, and sat down on a desk. He was holding a thick book. "Here," he said, "I think you guys might get a kick out of this." We read the cover: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. OK, we said. We were skeptical, but we took the book. I was the first one to read it. My mind was blown. This guy Pynchon had been playing The Game since the early 70s. You think that since the book's about World War II that it's going to be all serious. But then you're like, wait, whaaaat? Did that guy just go down the toilet? Why is there a pie fight during the serious war? Why is there weird sex happening? Weed? This guy Pynchon blew all our random scenarios out of the water. I gave it to the other guys to read, and we agreed to stop playing The Game entirely. We decided to leave it to the master. Thomas Pynchon, whoever you are, we salute you.

>> No.8978721
File: 84 KB, 1474x816, 1440665576764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that's not true

War, The Rocket, The Rocket State and The System are all named as a force beyond any individual's control, a secular religion worshipped by the likes of Blicero (human sacrificer, crucifier of Gottfried on the rocket) Jamf (national socialist chemistry and The Void) and implicitly Hitler, The Soviet Union, and the Nazi Party, (state capiatlism!!) and a personified deity (always capitalized, The War, The Rocket) at times showing consciousness.
The Counterforce ultimately fails because The War has no point of defusal. Pointsman is a face of War's madness but he is one insignificant (and archaic) outgrowth of an endless network. Anarchism too, helmed by Squadolizzi and his crew and giving life in The Zone is shown as another failed opposition to The System, either doomed from the start by naivete or crushed out by the power of Imperialist Nations that pick any unoccupied zone apart.
Kekule's dream is a pretty straightforward new age critique of Capitalism, our material and imperialist obsessions angering the Great Serpent, and the Shell conspiracy in Part 2 as well as Tchitcherine's analysis of the Rocket State (Russia buying from the same war suppliers as Germany, such as IG Farben) and Enzian's paranoid ramblings while riding his motorcycle on Speed spell it out pretty clearly.
The postmodernism angle has to do with Mexico and his cheap nihilism, there's a lot of emphasis on the cold forces of new rolling over the ideals of the past - 'The real and only fucking is done on paper', also Pudding and Pointsman and the V2 bomb which sounds off before exploding and characterizes the postmodern world inacessible to anything but inhuman mathematics (the poisson distribution!) - which further enables the autonomous running of the self fulfilling system of economy fueled war:

"Don't forget the real business of the War is buying and selling."

>> No.8978777


This autism is astounding.

>> No.8978781


>> No.8978794
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1484467754565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8978803

go away, NEET
Go project somewhere else already

>> No.8978807


My take is that the last big war I can recall is the Vietnam war, which had ~3 million casualties, and ended nearly 50 years ago. I would not say that war is propagating itself at all.

>> No.8978856

If this is oc, I salute you

>> No.8979369

You are worthless.

>> No.8979415

I think you might actually have a mental disorder.

>> No.8979490

It's not, it's an old pasta.

>> No.8979713

Not the millions dead in Iraq and US/Russia proxy wars in this last decade?

Pay attention u fucking nerd lmao holy fuck

>> No.8979905

thank you bud

>> No.8979911

obvious bait retard is obvious retard bait

>> No.8979938

Pynchon doesn't even understand it. He said he was drugged out writing it to his friend once.