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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 114 KB, 917x598, rupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8970802 No.8970802 [Reply] [Original]

the queen of /lit/ is working on her new book whats its gonna be about?

>> No.8970816


I have never in my life gotten so angry at one person before.

I am 57 years old and have bought 4 of her books to burn instead of wood. I have sent multiple emails explaining my hatred towards her.

I cannot do this anymore, I'm leaving this website. No more

>> No.8970819

>I am 57 years old
what was the civil war like?

>> No.8970827

I'm ready to die.

>> No.8970829

>I bought 4 books
Ya, that'll teach her!

>> No.8970840

but aren't you stoked (jubilant) about indoor plumbing and the electric light?

>> No.8970842
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>57 years old
>Has strong literary opinions

Norm is that you?

>> No.8970851

yes, I need you autists to hurry up and build some more of those ice hibernation things so I can be saved for the aliens.

not kidding.

>> No.8970854
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this is probably the best opportunity we'll have to start dumping all the fakes,

if anyone is still keen

>> No.8970860

Why doesn't she use capital letters. Is it an edgy stylistic choice like how many Tumblr kids type or is she just stupid?

>> No.8970899

>ignore mean things because they're truthful and taking them to heart would mean yielding this false sense of superiority we've built for ourselves in our feminist circles where we sniff our own farts

>> No.8970933

>yaas girl slay

>> No.8970941
File: 41 KB, 620x620, 1483373053744_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was a shop, here's the original

>> No.8971572

>I am 57 years old

So how did you feel when you first heard the news about the Archduke come over the telegraph?

>> No.8971582

>love and light

What do females mean by this? It's such garbage. Makes me want to puke.

>> No.8971610

it's a spiritual thing, you fucking garbage

>> No.8971673
File: 6 KB, 388x172, rk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, I googled her book and it all seems to be like this? short meaningless words and an ms paint drawing?

then I get why she is so popular. ugly, brown, a woman. Probably from a wealthy family so she can sit around all day on Instagram posting shit about how men try to use her but she won't let them. Fake feminist bullshit. If she wasn't from Toronto, no one would give a shit.

Oh look at me I'm Rupi Kaur
>pic related

Whatever I don't wanna waist a lot of time on it, you get the idea. it's like the album game where you can make up a band cover by hitting the random button on wikiquotes and imgr

I seriously never knew who this girl was til I opened this thread, and now I know too much.

guys just make a fake twitter or Instagram pretending to be an ugly brown Canadian girl and reap the sweet cash money

>> No.8971687

>men rise up against the primordial earth and create culture
>write poetry about struggling against god on the face of his own creation, about venturing into the underworld to understand death, about trying to find meaning in a bleak and uncaring cosmos
>go on dangerous sea voyages to conquer new continents and discover evolutionary biology and mine precious minerals to build spaceships to create James Webb Space Telescopes to probe the farthest corners of the universe and eventually fuck it
>women demand to be allowed to join the men in their adventures
>are graciously allowed to
>do absolutely nothing other than clad their basest instincts in the outward form of male culture
>any feeling or whim they have, needs to be a poem, needs to be recognized by man
>waste everyone's fucking time with anthologies of poems about how they cried because the coffee maker didn't make their coffee right and I JUST DON'T NEED THIS RIGHT NOW, OKAY, I'VE HAD A REALLY BAD WEEK AND YOU NEVER EVEN ASKED ME WHAT WAS WRONG
>James Webb Space Telescope delayed again

Thanks Feminism

>> No.8971730

How much do people like this even make from their work.

You guys think she's making a lot from her writing? Like she has a "team" for her publishing? wtf

>> No.8971824


cry more, shitlords!

>> No.8971844

If someone said this to me in person at a party or something I'd actually think it's a fairly intellegent satire of the Elliot Rogers style autist mindset. It's not worthy of being called poetry or literature, though.

>> No.8971859

It took me a while to realize she wrote it in 'poem structure', and it was truly appalling

>> No.8971874

I really assume she is simply financially supported by her family. She's somewhat known, but it takes a lot to make a living wage in this field.

>> No.8971881

Her first book sold over 500,000 copies soo...

If each book was 10 dollars (maybe they were 15) she should have about $5,000,000 by now

>> No.8971885

they don't just give her all the money tho

but yeah she's probably made a lot

>> No.8971953

Even if she makes a conservative 10% cut from it thats still 500k for what should only have taken her an afternoon to write.

I don't know the specifics of the poetry publishing industry so feel free to correct me.

>> No.8971980

You sound like a woman, to be desu.

>> No.8972014

Sweet Lord, how can she be so full of herself and not gain one bit of self awareness? That slimy arrogance that seeps from her every written word like menstrual blood on a pair of soiled sweatpants makes me retch. I don't know why I'm letting myself get so flustered over this garbage, really, it's not worth it.

>> No.8972184

You just blow in from stupid town?

>> No.8972199

>not taking into account production, distribution, commercialization, bookstore cut, publisher cut, etc.

>> No.8972620

>should only have taken her an afternoon to write.

fucking kill me. It's probably true to, not like those drawings are particularly complex. Very traditional diary scribbles

>> No.8972631

Yeah, but her new book has taken YEARS to write, so stick around goy

>> No.8972641
File: 30 KB, 456x402, 1481509855724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yfw you realize that the reason she never uses capital letters is because she associates it with "supremacy", "hegemony", and "imperialism".

True story.

>> No.8972649

I'd seen this book around, but had never actually heard of the author before. Gotta admit, I'm a bit baffled.

>> No.8972651

doesn't count if your brown, fascist

>> No.8972675

poo in loo needs no capitalization either. Should be right up her alley.

>> No.8972676

source please

>> No.8972681

or maybe goosh on douche

>> No.8972701




>> No.8972709

I asked for a source on that claim, not the girl
You sound pretty autistic tho

>> No.8972734

Why doesn't she write in Hindi then? You think writing in English would be pretty degrading, if she truly believed in the supremacy and imperialism language still advances.

>> No.8972760

This. She was born in India too, so I can only assume she wants to be a subversive tumblr famous feminist like emma watson after she became a UN embassador

>> No.8972763

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupi_Kaur#Inspiration

Read this paragraph:

>All of her works are done in all lowercase and the only punctuation they contain is periods. She says she decided to write this way to honor her culture because, in gurmukhi script, there is only one case and only periods are used. She also says that she enjoys the equality of letters and that the style reflects her worldview.

>> No.8972776

>She is inspired by writers like Anais Nin, Virginia Woolf,

virginia woolf had her own problems but she would kill rupi kaur with a single glance of unbridled withering scorn

>> No.8972793


I don't think it matters if she made a dime, which I'm sure she did.

The book was self-published on Amazon I think, did really well and was picked up for a 2nd print by a publisher, who's know signed her for two more books.

So it really never mattered if she got any money off of it, a young 24 year old feminist brown girl from Canada with three books under her belt? She'll be the next JK Rowling, but for poetry. Gonna be so fuggin wealthy by the time she's 30... assuming she doesn't waste it all by starting a women's only feminist publishing house or something.

I know author's never really retire, but if she saved up and invested she never has to work again... assuming anon is right her parents support her.

>> No.8972796

>inspired by Virginia Woolf
I have this sneaking suspicion that she has not read anything by Woolf.

>> No.8972804

But I bet she's seen the movie Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966)

>> No.8972810

She prob just heard the story of her drowning herself with rocks in her pockets and thought it was oh so poetic~

>> No.8972892

Oh feck off it's awful but it's not any worse than bukowski

>> No.8972902


>She also says that she enjoys the equality of letters


>> No.8972908

I wonder if I can write shit poetry to women and make some bucks out of it?

What should I do to make it attractive to this audience?

>> No.8972973


First, research all the buzzwords. You gotta be able to talk about feminism, bigotry, oppression with a straight fucking face and DO NOT fall into the wishy washy trap of "mansplaining" feminism. Just stick with the basics.

You're gonna have to start a tumblr, and follow a lot of POPULAR feminism blogs and blogs about poetry. Pick one or two stupid things that are popular on tumblr, like harry potter + supernatural and follow a few blogs for that, reblog once in a while.

You're gonna have to pretend to be a woman. Either by catfishing, or say you're a transwoman (a man who becomes a woman). If you're white, call yourself mixed race Spanish/American.

Use the feather theme, a free theme offered by tumblr, and put this on your tumblr bio:

(make up a foreign sounding first name) / 21 / maab feminist / hopeless romantic poet in love with the stars

Literally. just that. as your profile image, do a picture of a woman's lips on a dark skinned girl or her nails.

if you want, in your bio include the quote "if a writer falls in love with you you'll live forever"

Now, pick a few themes from below:
drugs, sex, body shaming, oppression, race, culture, mothers, love, rape, self help, self harm, lesbian sex vs straight sex, assault, female beauty, etc

remember to always contrast poems with how people feel about dark skin.


I saw her blonde hair
and blue eyes
from across the table.
She was about to speak,
but when women speak we must be sure
no men are around to hear.
The waitress in the dingy café looked exhausted.
Thinking about her kids at home,
as her boss yelled at her for not smiling.
I looked down at my dry, cracked brown hands
I wondered if I could be blonde too,

Bam. Done.

Write a few poems about that shit, post for free on your tumblr. engage people, talk to others, ask well known tumblr poet feminists for general advice, etc.

when you get to about 100 followers, shouldn't take more than a few weeks maybe a month tops depending on your effort level, start self publishing on amazon

do this for a while, then create an exclusive collections of short stories and poems after a lot of practice on what works within the community, and start sending that off to various publishers and magazines

repeat until you kill yourself

>> No.8973040

Equality of letters, nice
Some people DO try too hard to be edgy

>> No.8973053

If I contract a terminal illness, I'm killing Rupi Kaur.

Not joking.

>> No.8973073

It's a hydra, you kill one five more will clamor for her place. feminism isn't real because women don't truly support each other, you'd literally just be giving some other bitch her 15 minutes.

why not write an even better book of poems than her and then mock her on tv lol

>> No.8973092

Is this what DFW meant by people who can utter banal platitudes sincerely?

>> No.8973186

I'm pretty sure that's a direct quote from my twisted world. Not even satire.

>> No.8973202

Yeah, if you Google the first sentence without line breaks the first result is literally My Twisted World.

>> No.8973243

thx senpai

>> No.8973377

how many poems should a book have?

>> No.8973641

It really doesn't matter, I'd say about three or four per chapter, maybe about four or five chapters if you mix it up with prose and short stories with the poems. You can have shorter collections too of just poetry.

be very minimalist is the design of your book. Have a title that isn't really related to the content to complete the aesthetic. make sure your foreign sounding name is very visible

I got you senpai

>> No.8973908

It's a cheap trick to appear aloof.

>> No.8973915

I think Mira and her friends do the same.

>> No.8974077

>whats its gonna be about?

it's gonna be about 100 pages with about 20 words and a childish scrawl on each page

>> No.8974137

what about her book coming out after that

>> No.8974153
File: 28 KB, 601x508, wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after many months of thoughtful conversations with my exceptional team I have wonderful news to share

>a few months ago I had the privilege of signing a new book-deal.

>what that means is i am currently tucked away in a quiet cabin somewhere putting the finishing touches on book two.

>tfw you will never feel this feel

>> No.8974176

>implying Bukowski is bad

Takes more talent that her. Plus, at least Bukowski had a world of experience before writing, and offered a somewhat unique angle.

Being a spoiled rich feminist cunt that writes motivational poster aphorisms is not poetry.

>> No.8974401

Childish and juvenile. The equivalent of pols current attempt at starting gang warfare through making spook accounts of random tyrones. If you believe there is an intellectual argument against this woman's popularity explain it clearly, send it for publication, do actual literary criticism. It should not take much effort if the work is as shallow as it appears.

>> No.8974414


>> No.8974444

So much salt in this thread

>> No.8974952

harold bloom already did it

>> No.8975208

No, he was shit too for many of the same reasons. Misanthropic alcoholic postal worker is a more interesting background than some brown cunt online, yes, but that's about all he had going over her.

>> No.8975236

Would you guys be happy or mad if she took her criticism to heart, learned technique and this book is actually very good?

>> No.8975238

it scares you how accurate i was huh

>> No.8975243

well i guess ultimately it doesn't matter, but if i had to answer it would make me happy and hopeful

who was it that said a bad writer, with practice, can learn to be good; but a good writer will never be great?

>> No.8975336
File: 3 KB, 125x83, 1447597213246s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slept on quands

>> No.8975743

Is this meant to be a poem? I read it as one.

>> No.8975819

>That slimy arrogance that seeps from her every written word like menstrual blood on a pair of soiled sweatpants
under roasted

>> No.8976657

lol no, but her poems are written very similar style

>> No.8976954
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 342c9651406ce4e3a6426d87d37aa5b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8977356

Haha, I hear you, but, I refuse to believe that any 57 year old man would start a reply with "fuck.", it just seems to millennial to me.

But yeah, I hope this cunt dies slow

>> No.8977389

what did she mean by this instead of
>book deal

>> No.8977725

go away rupi

>> No.8977754

nice bait

>> No.8977775


some anons are working on an alter-personality

>> No.8977802

bukowski is one of the worst memes in literature

please stop

>> No.8977803

that account will never take off unless it starts a meme

>> No.8979412

unironically this

>> No.8979975

Or someone involves it in a meme..................................................


>> No.8980044

Too forced to grow organically

>> No.8980083

Did fucking Jaden Smith write this?

>> No.8980723

the cis white scum still more
to go in our town hand
in hand with the zionist
and media too we have to
kick them down we are of
color we unite and
we are ready to fight

fuck the swastika
fuck the holocaust
fuck the swastika
fuck the swastika
fuck the holocaust
fuck the mighty swastika

-rupi kaur

>> No.8980847

Nice one.

>> No.8980938

>Ultimately it doesn't matter
Reeeeee Nihilists get off my board, this is a Christian struggle board REEEEEE

>> No.8981250

i'm going to remove my
remove myself
so there won't be anything

because you are everyone
you hate
when you're asleep or
all the choices you've made

you are everyone you hate
and it is ruining your

-rupi kaur

>> No.8981568

I've only read the first section of this book. I'd like to hear some critiques. I think the simplicity works for it, as it plainly says what it is trying to accomplish to those 'on the outside'. I am one of those outsiders because I am a cishet white dude. Which is fine, I'm not going to have a from experience understanding of what she's trying to say.

I was sat in a Barnes & Noble reading it alongside a girl who's been sexually assaulted and she started bawling. That sort of sold me on the idea that this book is, if not good, doing what it set out to accomplish.

>> No.8981744

>I was sat in a Barnes & Noble reading it alongside a girl who's been sexually assaulted and she started bawling.
i don't believe you .....

>> No.8981859

>keep gratitude alive in your heart

>> No.8982172

sounds too much like a song, not a poem. her shit isn't musical or rhythmic

2/10 not subtle enough

>> No.8982188

>I was sat in a Barnes & Noble reading it alongside a girl who's been sexually assaulted and she started bawling. That sort of sold me on the idea that this book is, if not good, doing what it set out to accomplish.

True, but this statement has potential falsehoods. You zero in on the girl who has been sexually assaulted as if that is the only trait which allows her to appreciate poetry or literature, what other things does she usually read? Is she interested in literature in general or in genre fiction or self-help books? You must give a more whole statement to be entirely accurate.

>> No.8982292

i am a droplet of
black ink
on white paper.

minority - rupi kaur

>> No.8982828


If you are going to be critical of his "zeroing-in" dont zero in on one aspect of my dude's post

He's saying that IF the book was intended to be emotional turbulence for those it applies to, it has done its job. Nobody said it was good literature

>> No.8983551

Where were you when James Dean died?

>> No.8983612

>All of her works are done in all lowercase and the only punctuation they contain is periods

How the fuck can you guys stomach that?

>> No.8983707
File: 174 KB, 1368x1026, rupisakurBloodyFeminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this 3rd world invader?

>> No.8983831
File: 405 KB, 431x425, cut the funny business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8983859

I can't tell if she's on her period or if she just sharted.

>> No.8983869
File: 3 KB, 125x89, 1443839085514s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference?

>> No.8984178


>> No.8984204

What's her address in Toronto?

>> No.8984952

nobody is going to waste their time criticising harry potter or hunger games or rupi kaur's books because these readers do not give two shits what anyone thinks about their reading habits. they are stuck in their little meme bubbles and will just comment little three word replys like "oh. my. god." or "this. so much this." as they dish out their money at whoever talks about period blood in the deepest way. these books exist outside of our world, if you want to sell your soul and talk about consent and the patriarchy to make some money off tumblr chicks then go ahead. this stuff doesn't deserve an intellectual critique, especially a critique that nobody will take seriously.

>> No.8986133

oh. my. god.

this. so much this.

>> No.8986207

I wonder if she knows some people are into this.
I want to rip those pants off and stick my weiner in her bloody vag.
I wanna put my weiner in her!

>> No.8986240

Yeah. So sad and alone being a brown girl in Toronto. Such a white page that Toronto

>> No.8986496

Literally why would someone take a picture of that? Like what are you trying to prove...