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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 214x306, dfw688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8970740 No.8970740 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a rap David wrote in 1994.

Ayo DFW back up in this mawfucka
Bout to spit some PoMo Flow
My Nigga Tommy P, get at me
Prepare for hot bars of Doom
Also, fuck you, Harold Bloom!
Ayo, so, but then, it goes like this:
Ayo my homie pass the Blotter
Get my shit high. Epiphany: This Is Water
Weed smoke to my dome, white banner flying,
Thinkin of my Moms, The Bitch had me crying
Fuck Harvard, yo, I dropped the fuck out
That's when I met a new literary scout
I wrote some shit, yeah, it was 'ight
About some bitch and her crazy plight
Now I'm finna unload my Best
Shit's gonna cash, funny, a true Infinite Jest
My prose is swag-central, Swag-O--Matic
I wrote a potboiler, The Corrections,
I told my homie Franzen he could have it
I needa get my dick sucked to scratch an itch
I got no love for hoes tho, I'll throw a table at a bitch
Yo, girl, show me the tushy, let me at that Audience Pussy
Blast your O-Ring with my load
Orin is me, I still ain't no love for hoes
Let me tell you again who I am:
Davey Wallace, bitch, and this ends my jam

>> No.8970756

If you spent another hour editing it would have been funny.

>> No.8970757

You aren't funny.

>> No.8970765
File: 153 KB, 394x594, MyPotDealer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8970777

>implying I'd edit a post I spent a total of 2 minutes thinking up and typing

>> No.8970795

Ya lad, we know how long you spent on it.

>> No.8970797

that's not what he wrote. THIS is hat he wrote.

Hey my name is david foster wallace and I'm here to say
I got the freshest lines, don't go away
I can rhyme orange with door hinge
fuck you dumbass ass niggas white people supreme
bitch don't ream
just cum and cream
lick my dick suck out the cream
this ain't no dream
you sucking my cream
right out my peen!

>> No.8970815

ok maybe five minutes
I'm sorry you lie about how much time you spend on things though


>> No.8970836

I think you need to stop reading and reading about dfw

>> No.8970859
File: 121 KB, 250x310, dfwmememan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another that goes out to you from DFW's ghost
it's called suck my dick, anon

Yo, I'm getting sick if your spergy shit
Stick your head in a bag and take a helium hit
So not even your mother has to put up with your lack of wit
Your rightful place: on a chink board
Spewing your trite opinions on the written word
Your second rightful place: down on your knees
While I, Daddy Wallace, hit a blunt full of dem trees
Mouth open, anon, as I unsheathe my thing
I call it Big Daddy, or The Pale King

>> No.8970870

Couldn't get past the failed board and word rhyme. Not quite as bad blotter and water, but I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and say: todo esta bien.

>> No.8970923
File: 800 KB, 685x1024, IToldMyPotDealerHeWasCute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a pedestrian analysis of lyrics/poetry

lmao wtf are you in grade 10 English class???

Coming at you again, you fucking dunce
Near rhymes are rhymes too with their consonance
What did I tell you, you pathetic fuck?
You're out of your depth
You're probably what they call: Beta Cuck
Get down on them knees, as I told you before
You spanish soon-to-be-used whore
You stupid, idiotic young dope
Start sucking while I meditate on this Bob Hope

>> No.8970942


>> No.8970978
File: 160 KB, 343x315, 1458004533771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ayo, you little fucking dunce
Back at you again after some bumps
Of that good shit, Bing up my nose
To cast verbose hellfire and castrate your prose
If you're writing is like most I've seen on this board
You deserve to be committed to come Psych Ward
For no-talents and pseuds alike
I'll carve off your head to hoist it on a pike
You can't phase me, kid, you never will, you spic
Come back again after you finally read Moby Dick
Or pick up some Bomb-Ass Borges
Better yet, grab a hold of some archaic vernacular about The Old West
Blood Meridian, there's cum on your chinagain
Go back to your mommy, you punk-ass wannabe

>> No.8970996
File: 54 KB, 640x360, dfw12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was rubbing The Pale King, erect
I didn't even bother to check Auto-Correct

*To some Psych Ward

>> No.8971041


>> No.8972081

Thanks for the keks, MC Kafkaesque.
I wish you the best, that ain't even a Jest.

>> No.8972998

>/lit/ thinks ironic raps are funny
oh boy

>> No.8973009

how about you all keep editing the original post instead of trying to "rap" ...might actually be more entertaining to see the end result.


>> No.8973020

Fuck jokes, fuck cynicism and laughs
When I step up the whole place gets class
True sentiment, Im putting the man back in human
I remember you bitches, I showed up and you ran.

Damn this Dave is KURAZY

>> No.8973083

lmfao 8/10

>> No.8973126

shut up, bitch

>> No.8973174
File: 1.15 MB, 1815x1596, Mother-Child_face_to_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, that's real cute kiddo. you kiss mommy with that mouth?

>> No.8973196
File: 242 KB, 1500x1000, DJ Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo ayo DJ Bloom on the mic
'Bout to scalp this bandana-wearin' dyke
We agree on one point, for you said it best
Your whole oevre is an infinite jest
You try to play it off as autistically gallant
But I find that your work lacks discernable talent

>> No.8973207



Come at me.

>> No.8973213 [DELETED] 

Ayo, you sound like a bunch of wiggers

>> No.8973281
File: 99 KB, 1126x384, Respect da police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973316

what was he reading???

>> No.8973586

i actually believed this was real because of 'girl with weird hair'

>> No.8973846


This guy is just a meme here right? I read Brief Interviews with Hideous Men and I was actually embarrassed by how bad and juvenile it was.

>> No.8973877

So much buttthurt in this thread.

>tfw half of this board doesn't read and the other half jizzes when referring to themselves as ""literati"" and take themselves far too seriously

>> No.8973885

Looking For Alaska

>> No.8973903

I'm posting this for you. It's a fair use excerpt. It's by a famous writer. You've probably never heard of him.

The book of my enemy has been remaindered
And I am pleased.
In vast quantities it has been remaindered
Like a van-load of counterfeit that has been seized
And sits in piles in a police warehouse,
My enemy's much-prized effort sits in piles
In the kind of bookshop where remaindering occurs.
Great, square stacks of rejected books and, between them, aisles
One passes down reflecting on life's vanities,
Pausing to remember all those thoughtful reviews
Lavished to no avail upon one's enemy's book --
For behold, here is that book
Among these ranks and banks of duds,
These ponderous and seeminly irreducible cairns
Of complete stiffs.

>> No.8973916


You're a massive faggot.

>> No.8973937

Tell me about the Victor Frankl guy from Hideous Men.

>> No.8973953


I don't remember who that is. I read the book years ago. Aside from the first story with the kid on the diving board, it was fucking terrible and, beyond that, cringe-inducing/embarrassing.

>> No.8973992

That's what I thought.

>> No.8974031


You thought I wouldn't remember every aspect of a book I read half a decade ago and disliked? Wow, very prescient. Look I know you think you're not a faggot, but you really are. You can change though, but you probably won't.

>> No.8974130


You don't deserve to read, idiot.

>> No.8974145


I'm sorry you like a shit, no-talent, hack anon. Maybe you'll develop taste someday.

>> No.8974163


Do you even understand the nuances of syntactical analysis, the carrying cadence of rhythmic prose? Do you not understand he was writing against a salacious culture that had embedded itself in him?

Or do you just take /lit/ Bloom drivel as your creed?

I bet your writing is shit btw

>> No.8974166


I definitely don't write. You keep outing yourself as a massive faggot though, The Bloom reference was a joke. Stop taking yourself so seriously, okay?

>> No.8974239

>haha I was just pretending to be retarded

Do you live your whole life spazzing out as you're backed into a corner?

Way to project by the way, faggot.

>> No.8974275


I think you should take a good look at which one of us is 'spazzing' right now. You're embarrassing yourself pretty good.

>> No.8974318
File: 222 KB, 660x440, wallace_ellis_rect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm withholding my anger
Though I'd like to be the strangler
Of this punk ass little pussy's puny neck
It's my right to insist
That he acknowledge my existence
But he just displays complete lack of respect"
That's what he says to himself
As he use his magazines to trash me
As he sits with both his feet up at his desk
Smokes a bag of his weed
And starts imagining things
And he just can't see that he's manically depressed
And in his jealousy and envy
It just whirls him in a frenzy
As he turns on MTV and sees my face
He don't exist in this world
So he just twists and he twirls
Spirals and spins till he hurls himself into rage
And it's destroying him slowly
Cause he does not even know me
Even though he sees me everywhere he goes
So he just tortures himself
He has no fortune and wealth
So he extorts someone else to get his dough
And now he's acting like a bully
So he tries to push and pull me
But he knows that he can't fool me so he's mad
He has no choice but to scream
And raise his voice up at me
Cause it annoys him to see that I ain't scared

>> No.8974871

>this user has autismn

nothing to see here, folks

just a /pol/ user who wants to be SMERT now