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/lit/ - Literature

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8967997 No.8967997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be redpilled
>hate women
>realize I need to expand my horizons
>want to get a female perspective and not be reductive and simplistic
>last weekend pick up Middlemarch, The Waves, To the Lighthouse, Sappho's poetry, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, the philosophy of Anscombe/Arendt/Weil/de Beauvoir/Butler, the short stories of Flannery O'Connor, the poetry of Emily Dickinson, various works by Stein, Winterson, Munro, Carson, Zadie Smith and a couple more
>spend all weekend reading them all
>mfw it's all utter dogshit

>> No.8968005

>think I hate women
>start talking to women more often
>hey this really isn't bad
>I now hate men

>> No.8968004

now imagine if you had read those prior to poisoning the well

>> No.8968025

>I pretended to read all these books I'm about to namedrop*

>> No.8968035
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>>be redpilled
>>hate women

Being redpilled doesn't mean that you "hate women". It just means that you are very closely aware of their motivations and ploys.

You sound like an impressionable dunce.

>> No.8968058

And you sound like a numale cuck

>> No.8968066

So you read
>Middlemarch, The Waves, To the Lighthouse, Sappho's poetry, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, the philosophy of Anscombe/Arendt/Weil/de Beauvoir/Butler, the short stories of Flannery O'Connor, the poetry of Emily Dickinson, various works by Stein, Winterson, Munro, Carson, Zadie Smith and a couple more
In the space of one weekend. Ok.

>> No.8968067

Not everyone is an inferior reader like you, sweetheart.

>> No.8968069

t. slow reader

>> No.8968072

>>hate women
t. virgin

>> No.8968074


>implying that was a cuck post

I get it now. This was actually a low energy bait thread the whole time.


>> No.8968081

I was saying he should have read it faster. Lol plebs.

>> No.8968084

This tbqhwy

>> No.8968090

Men are objectively worse tbqh because women are less full of themselves and are conditioned to be nice

>> No.8968093
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>women are less full of themselves and are conditioned to be nice
i know this whole thread is memes and /r9k/...but please tell me you dont actually believe this

>> No.8968101
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>> No.8968104
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Unless you are a gay dude you aren't more interested in talking to women than men. You aren't fooling anyone, m8.

>> No.8968114

It's true desu just look at /lit/, full of angry arrogant poseurs. what happens when young men have their id unchained.

>> No.8968119


Are you the OP that is still trying to save his bait thread?

>> No.8968123

The best conversations I ever had were with a fairly normie woman actually. Sat up from dawn to dusk talking about life and everything. I usually find it easier/better to have deep conversations with a woman I have a connection with than my male friends.

>> No.8968134


>Sat up from dawn to dusk talking about life and everything. I usually find it easier/better to have deep conversations with a woman I have a connection with than my male friends.

Were you ever trying to fuck any of these women when you were having these "connections"? There must be a reason why you can talk deep topics easier with women than men.. gee I wonder..

>> No.8968142

>hate leftists, SJWs, cultural marxism, etc.
>read so-called redpilled authors to strengthen my convictions
>can recite by heart countless passages from Russell Kirk, Edmund Burke, G.K. Chesterton, and other important conservative thinkers
>decide to finally read Marx to better understand my opponents' arguments
>move on to other leftists, eventually arriving at Adorno, the progenitor of cultural marxism
>this should be good
>my deeply held convictions are challenged, eloquently picked apart
>fuck these marxists! what do they know?
>read more Frankfurters, and even some Frenchmen
>doubt sets in
>spend hours each day arguing with myself
>along with my beliefs, my very identity is eroding, being supplanted by these strange new beliefs and ideas
>finally hits me
>I'm a leftist

What the fuck? Why didn't any of you tell me the whole redpill/conservative trend on 4chan was a joke, that leftists were constantly being mischaracterized to fit into the patently false right wing narrative? I used to think leftists were the ones who were "brainwashed", and that universities were largely to blame. Now I realize why most academics are leftists. It's because, rather than hearing about the left through bad interpreters, they've read Marx and other leftists themselves. These are people who are infinitely more conscious of ideology than the right. I can't believe how wrong I was.

>> No.8968149

No I wasn't trying to fuck her because we were on different continents, but yes there was mutual sexual attraction. I don't see how that would invalidate our connection though, if anything quite the opposite.
Btw this is why people call misogynists virgins, because the reason they hate women is a lack of meaningful relationships with them.

>> No.8968159


>Btw this is why people call misogynists virgins, because the reason they hate women is a lack of meaningful relationships with them.

This is the most nu-male shit I've ever heard. Normie guys get just as bored with women and would rather talk to men when they want to have funny or "deep" conversations. You get some women that are cool and are able to do much of the same but in general the rule is the rule for a reason. Men are entertaining and women like to be entertained.

I think you just get intimidated by men, bro.

>> No.8968160

try the redpill again retard, see what's happening to the white race and how white women choose nonwhites and numales over me

>> No.8968161

Unpopular opinion time:

There's nothing wrong being a leftist as long as you can ignore the bullshit and seeing things through a critical eye. Most leftists got no sense of logic. I mean, just recently a lot of them defended a group of black young adults even though they committed both torture and a hate crime against a white man with special needs. The leftist ideology isn't all that bad, it tends to be in the right places in terms of the moral compass we use today, but the majority who follow the standard taints it. Remember, according to nearly all leftists you can't be racist if you're white and you also got privilege up the ass for said skin color. While other ethnic groups can be as racist and offensive as they please due to being "oppressed".

Basically, most of the people in the left are just a bunch of overreacting, sensitive, hypocritical man-children.

>> No.8968163

Depends on what you mean bbdeepy deep. Philosophy and politics, sure I would agree with you, but most of that is just intellectual masturbation. There's far more to life.

>> No.8968164

>most of the people in the left are just a bunch of overreacting, sensitive, hypocritical man-children
So are most of the people on the right

Also, leftists don't give a shit about identity politics. You're talking about liberals

>> No.8968165

Remember to report friends, take only 5 seconds

>> No.8968171

>Also, leftists don't give a shit about identity politics. You're talking about liberals

Okay, that can be true. I tend to mix up these political groups a lot since I'm not leaning towards liberals and the left.

>> No.8968174


You talk to men on 4chan all the time. But irl you avoid them because they are "full of themselves" and women are "nice".

But aren't they far more full of themselves here? Where there are no social checks and balances ever required in etiquette?

>> No.8968176

I really, really hate american meme ideologies and your meme races

>> No.8968177

>You talk to men on 4chan all the time. But irl you avoid them
Kek, 90% of my RL friends are men.

>> No.8968179
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>> No.8968181


>> No.8968182

>there are people who don't disdain men after browsing 4chan for years
