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8967184 No.8967184 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that the next cultural movement will be backward-looking and a "return to tradition," /lit/?

There is, logically, nowhere to go after postmodernism. What comes after what comes after modernism? There is nowhere forward to move now, except right into a wall. The only direction to go is backward.

>> No.8967190

maybe we'll finally move past gay shit like philosophy lmao

>> No.8967211

trans human futurist traditionalism

>> No.8967220

>this guy still doesn't know that science will allow humanity to transcend itself, negating all past culture completely

>> No.8967223

This thbqh senpai

>> No.8967224

You are a cis white male scum. Saying we should go backward to archaic conceptions such as happiness, freedom, enjoying life. If you are not on the progress train you are Hitler.

>> No.8967238

It's true, a lot of people are already heading that way

>> No.8967243

Like literally. Hitler, that is.

>> No.8967311

This isn't a new problem/idea. Transcending POMOism is what DFW meant when he talked about "getting past irony"

Google it Anon

>> No.8967316

>There is nowhere forward to move now
t. the last monkey in the tree, watching the other monkeys take to walking on two feet

>> No.8967325
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New Romanticism when?

>> No.8967328


this new cultural movement is due to lack of imagination. yea, your popular culture might become stupider but the intellectual tradition will continue to change.

>> No.8967409

>When did you realize that the next cultural movement will be backward-looking and a "return to tradition," /lit/?
when I saw people on chans picking up Christianity as an ironic retreat from liberal modernity, but then became unironic about it

>> No.8967413

lol @ 4chan retards trying to predict movements

>> No.8967487

Critical Realism is the next big thing desu.

>> No.8967516


You idiot. You don't realize that the groping search of the past for something to do is postmodern in itself. What the fuck do think 50s nostalgia is? Vapor wave is the latest and most self consciously postmodern phenomena, and NRx fits the bill. What you're describing is postmodernism as such, and not in any way an """escape""" from it. You colossal dolt, you stupid fucking ass. You're really just tossing terms about with no idea what they mean. You goddamn idiot.

>> No.8967557

I realized it talking to my nephews. They look at the political left the way my middle-school friends in the 90s looked at Christianity. Their favorite things to talk about are nordic myth and their "stupid sjw teachers." I try to steer them toward actual European history more than myth & legend, but it doesn't seem to interest them.

I think I may be bonding with them, either way.

>> No.8967571

Worst thing that could possibly happen tbqfh.

>> No.8967576

The traditionalist rage isn't a social movement, its the thrashing and kicking of a dwindling minority group being pulled against its will into a world is hates. Existentialism won a cultural victory in the 1960's. The new movement in academia and society in general is tearing down the tattered ruins of the old guard to build up new from scratch.

>> No.8967589

*tips fedora*

>> No.8967604

There will be two camps, ultra conservative, slightly reactionary normies that are horrified by singularity and the trans-human neo-homo sapiens super race

>> No.8967610

get out fag

>> No.8967636

This can't be.
Transhumanism is an idea inherently tied with liberalism and thus, cannot coexist with tradition.

>> No.8967640

>Doesn't realize that we're in peak degeneracy and about to collapse

>> No.8967646

"Tradition" just means the barely educated and barely connected misconceptions of old.

There is no going back after the Information Age. It would be quaint at best to pretend Boomer notions hold true today.

>> No.8967675

if a cultural movement actually carries out a "return to tradition" well enough it would discard the fetishization of "cultural movements" in general, which is essentially a fetishization of what's new, and was more or less a product of modernism (in the sense of around baudelaire and wagner forward), which is the most obvious root of decadence to begin with

>> No.8967698

Maybe. Still plenty of room for postmodernism at the top. Or if you have a cushy lit job that rides on it. But ideally wealthy, suave, cosmopolitan types will go on reading cool literature.

Politics is going to take the bloom off the rose of that stuff at the bottom, which is why the red pill will continue to attract followers. Pomo won't look quite as sexy if things continue to go the way they are going. I don't know how it will attract university support though, which is why I don't think that stuff will acquire the weight of a movement for a long time, if ever.

The ideal thing to come after postmodernity would be silence. Once we figure out how much of culture is just memes ironically understood or memes ideologically understood...

Meh. Just watch it burn.

>> No.8967761

>renaissance is pomo lmao
Also, vaporwave is ironic.

>> No.8967763

This. Any true, honest attempt to "go backward" would be unironic. It would be sincere. Not "new sincere" either, just plain old sincere.

>> No.8968071

>The traditionalist rage isn't a social movement, its the thrashing and kicking of a dwindling minority group being pulled against its will into a world is hates.
Last I checked Trump won.

>There is no going back after the Information Age.
Last I checked Trump won thanks to fake news.

The potential for information is not the same thing as the use of information itself. Which is already being controlled and obfuscated.

>> No.8968083

idea x is contrary to idea y.
idea z emerges from idea x.
idea z can coexist with idea y.

>> No.8968085


>> No.8968091

Except idea z cannot exist without idea x. As I said, they are tied.

>> No.8968095

can't you really imagine traditionalist variance of transhumanism?

>> No.8968100

Really makes you think....................