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File: 24 KB, 331x500, Twilightbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8963890 No.8963890 [Reply] [Original]

What is the male equivalent of this? I want to read about young qt grills fighting over a generic young male self insert
Preferably not written to be YA and written by a man
Hard mode: written by a man over 40 that also passes for patrician lit
No depressing shit pleas I just wanted to feel good it's not fair girls have this

>> No.8963893

Aren't there a bunch of Chinese cartoons on this theme?

>> No.8963931


>> No.8963967


>> No.8963980
File: 128 KB, 581x443, ZWn5Eqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harem anime

>> No.8964981

I mean in book format

>> No.8965007



>> No.8965072


Generic as fuck, if you get tired of that boring shit give the Log Horizon light novel a try.

>> No.8966216

>young qt grills fighting over a generic young male self insert

that would be Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein.

> opinionated old fuck maintains a stable of three hot "secretaries"
> young man raised on Mars comes to Earth and seduces them away from him

>> No.8966225

Sorry, only manga really suits that theme. Love Hina or Negima would be about perfect.

>> No.8967777

Mike's not a good self-insert
he starts out as a retarded man from another planet and then there's a timeskip and he's the messiah of free love orgies and cannibalism

>> No.8967781

Initial D

>> No.8967791

>it's not fair girls have this

Oh grow up you little wanker.

>> No.8967797

literally any heinlein. heinleins portrayed worlds of free love kind of fall apart when you realise people are narcissistic in real life.

>> No.8967802

wheel of time has the chosen one of destiny and his

childhood friend
childhood mentor
exotic foreign girl

all fighting over him for pretty much 14 books

>> No.8967817

I got really into Heinlein in college
I remember in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" the particular flavor of polyamory was something he called "Line Marriage" where you just kept inducting progressively younger people into the marriage, and they were supposed to sleep with the oldest guy in the marriage on their honeymoon.

But then the girl ended up ditching the old guy to sleep with the protagonist anyway so it was like "why bother introducing this concept if you're not going to do anything with it"

I mean of course it was just free love propaganda/the fantasies of an aging science fiction author, but still

>> No.8967827

shit man, did you ever read time enough for love? it's a deconstruction of incest, and he's in pseudo relationships with his two daughters and time travelled back and fell in love with his mother

i mean christ he writes great stories but.

i loved in the moon is a harsh mistress how the moon forces it's independance by chucking rocks down the gravity well. so simple, but so effective.

>> No.8967904

Just avoid those with a female protagonist

>Hard mode: written by a man over 40 that also passes for patrician lit
No such thing

>> No.8968117

"Tarnsman Of Gor" has some themes like that. Just dont read the sequels.

>> No.8968145

Literally all of them that aren't gayshit or 4 cute girls doing nothing for 12 episodes

>> No.8968168

>Chinese cartoons o
like what