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/lit/ - Literature

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8962589 No.8962589 [Reply] [Original]

Is approaching a book under the guise of "learning" inherently anti-intellectual in that in posits oneself as both inferior and superior to the text simultaneously?

>> No.8962597

fuck off

>> No.8962610


>> No.8962611

Off to a good start. Is /lit/ mainly comprised of retards with tall poppy syndrome?

>> No.8962672

How does approaching a grammar or math textbook without the intent of learning make any sense?

>> No.8962684
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do you think your question, your stupid showerhead stream of consciousness shit, which you just pooped all over my /lit/, deserved it's own thread, kiddo?

you're a fucking retard, do you even read?

>> No.8962693

I was not the OP fucking newfriend.

>> No.8962703
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Approaching learning facts and figures is nothing without innate G_d-given intellect and ability, which negates the need to know "facts" and to need to read at all in the first place.

blah blah blah, assblasted much? You have five minutes to prove you're intelligent. Hint: your first post didn't cut it for us.

>> No.8962709

you pseuds are all homogeneous so you might aswell be, shut the fuck up

>> No.8962718
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>Defending this piece of shit
gj your even worse than op, feel free to drink

>> No.8962719

>thinking about stuff is pseud
Just fuck off already you insufferable whingy faggot.

>> No.8962733

>attacking people who want to encourage discussion rather than insult each other for trying out new thoughts
What are you even doing here? Turn the discussion into a more fruitful direction or just admit you lack the ability and get the fuck out.

>> No.8962742
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>thinking about stuff is pseud
there's nothing profound about your thoughts and you sound like you've never opened a book in your life, and even worse you're defending this fucking philistine kek

>> No.8962756
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>> No.8962785

>only thoughts I personally find profound are worth talking about

>you sound like you've never read a book
Honestly, where do you even get this from? What about OPs post got you so assblasted?

Or was it because you got called out for being a massive fuckwad and just can't handle the dissonance of wasting your life on discussion boards while hating discussions?

>> No.8962797
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watch your mouth kiddo..