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8961183 No.8961183 [Reply] [Original]

If irony is a one-to-one relationship between the thing being ironised and the one doing the irony, can there be more than one layer of irony?

Because even if multiple ironies can be said to be ironised, there is only one link between the chain of ironies and the ironiser

>> No.8961190

Hey guys, I think OP is a really smart person. *ba-dum-tssh* Ha-ha! It was funny, because I'm being ironic!

That's multiple layers of irony, ironically making fun of the OP while also ironically making fun of corny jokes/people who think they're really cool and sarcastic and use irony annoyingly. I'm also making fun of people who are autistic and overly rational through this autistic and overly rational post. Etc.

>> No.8961192

How many layers of irony are you on right now OP?

>> No.8961198

That is only one layer
You are ironising two things but not another layer of irony

>> No.8961298

Yes but what you don't understand is I was being ironic with that whole post on purpose by ironising two things while not adding another layer of irony and claiming I was adding another layer.

>> No.8961306

The greater issue w/r/t irony is the idea that all irony is equal, and that if one is being ironic one is just as clever and funny as the next person being ironic.

>> No.8961350

what if youre being ironic in an ironically bad and stupid way

>> No.8961378

Really depends on how good the bad and stupid is.

>> No.8961394

thats immaterial because if its a bad bad imitation, its still bad
if its a good bad imitation its still bad
so both achieve their stated goal

>> No.8961721

Are you asking, if one can ironically be ironic?

>> No.8961752

No im asking if being ironically ironic means you can have more than one layer of irony if you are only ironising one thing

>> No.8961829

Ironically being ironically ironic ironically.

I am writing a story. You are asking, either the entire story as a whole, can be ironic, in which there can be no other layers of irony, the only layer is, an author, writing an ironic story.

Or. I am writing a story, an in it, multiple ironic things occur. Is that multiple 'layers' of irony (succ) or is that just 1 layer of irony, multiple occurrences of irony?

I am writing an ironic story, and in the story the character is ironically writing an ironic story, wondering if it is possible to write multiple layers of irony in his story, so he writes a story about a character writing an ironic story who wonders if he can multiple layers of irony, and multiple ironic things happen in each story, and lets say in one scene multiple ironic things happen, if those multiple things are different types of irony, but related in some way, is that layers? What is the meaning of this layers, I suppose is what we are trying to get to the bottom of. Ironception

>> No.8961841

That alanis morrisette song, is it ironic that her song is about irony, but everyone says the things in it arent really ironic? But if they were, is that multiple levels of irony?

>> No.8961852

what's the use being pedantic about what is or isn't layers? do you really think this is somehow profound?

>> No.8961865
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I guess its a matter of perception
But in the story each occurence of irony in a 'layered' ironic meme story is still a single occurence and doesnt necessarily take place "in" it, if the upper layer of irony containing it where ironising its ironic contents, the ironic sublayer would not need to exist as the upper one would already have referenced its contents, this each irony exists on its own and not within the other, unless it exists only as implied in the upper irony

>> No.8962068
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>> No.8962298

this is the great question of our time

>> No.8962358
File: 36 KB, 297x251, 1efkn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irony is a manifestation of negative critical Reason. There's no 'layers of irony' as some presume. We are dealing with an ongoing dialectical process.

You can't go back. The edenic garden of sincerity is forever closed to all even moderately self-aware beings.

Best we can hope is for all-corroding cynicism, universal shitposting, to reach such heights that lead to our realm of illusion withering away, revealing Ultimate Reality.

>> No.8962506

I think its interesting, purely theoretical, I personally, am completely lost right now trying to understand this, if it is possible for multiple layers of irony to exist, like maybe there is a simple answer, there likely is, but it evades my understanding right now, the meaning of this

>> No.8962530

There is only sincerity.

If you are ironic, you are sincerely ironic. If you are insincerely ironic, you are sincerely insincerely ironic.

Is irony, always about humor? What is the difference between sarcasm and irony?

Irony is make believe, pretend, play? (as one might say, everything that is not necessary is?)

Though in the case of sarcasm, it can be used, to express a sincere sincerity, to try to show the absurdity of a position you disbelieve.

>> No.8962621

but you must realize that there are no physical layers. it's only a metaphor that suggests that the only person who truly knows if something is ironic or not is the one with the intent. so to answer the question, there are no layers. there is only the illusion of layers.

>> No.8963269

>there are no layers. there is only the illusion of layers.
Well then 'the illusion of layers' was what was being talked about.

If the 'illusion of layers' contained a multiplicity (of layers) then its not really an illusion.. ok you can say its an illusion of layers... but we are still talking about the potential for layers to exist, even if metaphorically.. can real layers of irony exist... if you say: illusionary.. meaning, in the mind... in what way?

Is there any meaning to that? Or are you heading down the path of, anyone can say anything exists in their mind and there is no making sense of any of it: banana can = 1 frisbee a million irony layers lol...

irony is syntactical, this is like mathematics of language.

Either in accordance to agreed understanding of the concept of irony, it is agreed that irony can exist. Can it be agreed layers of irony can exist? And not in the way that retards can agree that blue poop tv car can = chocolate rainbow 16 party sledge bridge ribbon 77

>> No.8963860

you have shitty reading comprehension if that's what you got out of my post

>> No.8965169

Each layer exists only in that it modifies the "layer" above it through reference
There is only one "real" layer

>> No.8966102

No you are :P

>> No.8966131

>There is only one "real" layer
Are you certain of this?

Why can there not be multiply layers of irony? This is the question: If there could be multiple layers of irony, what would that mean, how would that look like.

Like there is a sphere, the sphere is 1 whole, but you can slice the sphere. So now the spheres are parts. Lets say the sphere is one whole story, you can make 3 slices in the sphere, and say the middle section, is a moment of irony. Lets say the entire story is written ironically, is it possible for that middle section, to be an irony, 'beyond' the fact that the entire story is written ironically, and what it be appropriate to categorize the whole then, as being an ironic story, which contains another 'layer' of irony, or do you look at the whole and say, there are 2 particulates of irony, the whole as a work of irony, and this section as a moment of irony.

What is the meaning or matter of the term layer, in relation to this.

Further more, to maybe further elucidate, if you took the sphere, and made 20 slices, and maybe in one of the slices was irony, and then you made 2 more slices to make a section in that section, of another moment of irony, could it be separated in such a way, as to appropriately label this 'different layers of irony', or is there only ever, 1 layer (the 1 whole story) with different moments of ironic use.