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8959991 No.8959991 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there NO great female philosophers?

>> No.8959992

Hannah Harendt you stupid scum

>> No.8960027

don't bother replying, just sage and report shitpost

>> No.8960059


>> No.8960081


>> No.8960123

Because Philosophy was solved before women had rights

>> No.8960127
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Simone Weil, boyo.

>> No.8960146

wahhh wahhh
u never will has gf or ate pussy

>> No.8960162
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Because philosophy is a phallogocentric discourse.

It encloses and secures. What is a woman's use in matters of philosophical bricklaying?

In every philosopher there is a hysterical woman crying: 'What do you want from me'?

Just look at Immanuel Kant, or Descartes, the ultimate philosophers were haunted by the hysteric in them! Pascal and Plato are more cases, whereas Plato was haunted by the ghost of feminine sophism and play, Pascal was the fainting girl to rationalism.

Remember that only the hysteric causes knew knowledge, the Master and the University discourses only guarantee the circulation of established knowledge.

>> No.8960174

Chantel Mouffe is my Carl Schmitt waifu

>> No.8960176

>I'll post the thread again, surely this one will have a good answer and generate some good discussion

>> No.8960187
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A better question would be why are there no Great male philosophers?

>> No.8960202

speak for yourself i fucked 38 bitches and eat pussy like a pro

>> No.8960213

ok zizek

>> No.8960250

what are some examples of sophism?

>> No.8960705

> he forgot about Ayn Rand

>> No.8960730


Derridaean pls go and stay go.

>> No.8960737

because while great men were thinking, women were fixing their hair and prettying themselves up for an aristocrat to take interest in them

>> No.8960755

>Why are there NO great female philosophers?

What about Immanuel Kant you idiot

>> No.8960759

>look her up

>> No.8960783

>had to look her up
illiterate retard

>> No.8960788

>resentful Jew
>muh power
>the death penalty is only good if their Nazis goys, muh feels

>> No.8960791
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I can smell the estrogen from here.

>> No.8960810
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>> No.8960816

it wasn't funny you pleb

>> No.8960820

The fact that women do not tend waste any time on philosophizing is in fact one of the few things that are superior about them compared to men.

>> No.8960824

Women view everything men do as a waste of time. Their opinions don't matter.

>> No.8960862


>> No.8960892

more like immanuel cunt amirite

>> No.8960905


Philosophy is the only good use of time.

>> No.8960916

Uhhhh Hilary Putnam you pleb?

>> No.8960937

its threads like these that i need to remind me that /lit/ is only good for book recommendations and nothing else

>> No.8960939

you're joking, right?

>> No.8960944

shut the FUCK up!!!

>> No.8960952

because you're a gay solipsist

>> No.8961278
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you are so superior.

>> No.8961295

Elizabeth Anscombe was a baaad bitch

>> No.8961411

cause philosophy grows out of angst. angst intensifies in loneliness. and it is only intense angst that opens your mind into grasping the timeless human principles.

and women get attention. that prevents their angst to merge with loneliness and thus prevents it from growing into something that will put their minds in a truly perceptive mode.

>> No.8961419

/pol/, seriously can you stop making these posts?

>> No.8961424

Women feel angst and loneliness. What on earth makes you think they don't? A few too many Stacys around you? Read Virginia Woolf.

>> No.8961427

im not saying they dont feel it. im saying societys reactions cure them and dont let them develop them.

>> No.8961430
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>implying nihilism isn't the greatest philosophy
>implying your moral gods are greater than women's material goods
sure thing buddy, you're winning philosophy, all the way to the bank XD

>> No.8961434

What do you mean society's reaction?
As someone who's gf has suffered cripling loneliness and depression throughout her teenaged years, I'm really confused.

She dislikes female friendship because she doesn't like talking endlessly around problems without a solution, and male friends tend to get crushes on her. Before me, she was totally alone.

>> No.8961436
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>> No.8961438

>had to look up arendt

Why are you here?

>> No.8961675

>As someone who's gf has suffered cripling loneliness and depression throughout her teenaged years

precisely. you and everyone around her support her or at least are aware of her suffering. men in the same situation can be, even if of course not always, just forgotten and left for dead. in that situation, where you are truly alone in the world, the mind opens.

>> No.8961732

If you belive that you are a nihilist you have not truly grasped what a nihilistic world view means.

>> No.8961739

In what way is Dickinson philosophical?

>> No.8961760

She was alone, for years. So was I. We only met after high school, and supported each other out of the situation.

>> No.8961788

>supported each other out of the situation

i guess it is useless to continue this...

>> No.8961805

I'm just saying that it wasn't society who helped her. It was one person; me. And most men would be helped by one person if they got a girlfriend. Society itself did fuck all when she was in that situation, just like it did for me.

>> No.8961827

>she suffered from crippling loneliness and depression
>male friends tend to get crushes on her
She has tons of male support and beta fags like (You) ready to make her feel wanted.

Men don't have that. Your gf is probably just a loser who fell for the self-pity meme.

>> No.8961844

Attempted male friends. She had none through most of high school, because the one she did have fell in love with her and she wasn't interested. Other than that, she was bullied by other girls.

I don't think she's a loser. She's really intelligent, watches lots of great movies, reads good books, travels etc.

>> No.8961846

m8, everyone's a nihilist in most forms of nihilism. it's whether they're aware of it and actively seek to use that knowledge that makes a distinction between nihilists in that worldview, but not knowing one is a nihilist has never stopped one from being one. please read nietzsche before saying stupid shit, it might tune up your polemic if not your ideas.

>> No.8961859

>it wasn't society who helped her. It was one person; m

lol that was cute. you, my friend, are a product of society- 'you' didnt do anything, society impregnated your mind with its values and then threw at your consciousness some concrete motivations which pushed you into helping her instead of some hobo on the street.

>> No.8961880

But she helped me too, so it doesn't really lend credence to your whole 'only women get helped' theory. Is she not also a product of society?

>> No.8961890

i didnt say only women get help. i said women always get help. men too, but not always. it is those who fall into the depths who rise into the sky. the rest lie on the earth.

>> No.8961989

Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist, his whole lifework is a struggle against nihilism.

>> No.8962013

he was an active nihilist, which is different to a passive nihilist like schopenhauer, but still a nihilist. his entire philosophy is based around realising the pervasive nihilism of the modern world as a necessary step to different nihilism, not less nihilism.

>> No.8962022

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche regularly blows them out of intellectual discourse. Philosophical projects are diametrically opposite to feminine vanity. Whereas a woman is born with intelligence for deception and parasitism to ensure her survival and that of her ego, no woman ever understood truth. They understand it in principle, of course, but only if they honor it...

>> No.8962028

Philosophy is logical in nature.
Women are emotional beings, not logical.

>> No.8962054

>misreading nietzsche, who supposes truth as a woman at one point, this hard
>reading schopenhauer's condemnation of male vanity as "[p]hilosophical projects [...] diametrically opposite to feminine vanity"
i know it might be hard to believe but the idiots who told you those sections were anti women just do not understand how nietzsche or schopenhauer express fondness. schopenhauer even blows men out for intellectual discourse as half his career, while nietzsche was only slightly less of a sperg about it. it astounds me the amount of anons who read these two authors as poorly as i would expect an sjw to, and often, even arriving at the same conclusions as an sjw about the position nietzsche or schopenhauer hold. the weltanschauung is strong in this internet formation, whatever caused it.

>> No.8962061

You don't understand.

There are very real physiological differences between men and women that lead to different development. Add to that different upbringing and different hormones and you end up with different thinking.

+ there are already studies that have established that the majority of high IQ people are men.

So its pretty logical that men end up dominating philosophy.

>> No.8962080

Oh woe.

What a life of having men fall in love with her. Such a lonely life to be perpetually desired and validated but never attracted to them enough to reciprocate.

>Watches great movies

Nice fucking memes man. Every vapid cunt in the world with money from mommy and daddy loves to talk about how worldly they are to absolutely no affect. Its all just commercialized posturing.

>> No.8962142

There's a girl from India I talk to in my engineering class. Today, we were talking about what we like to do in our free time. I told her I like to read philosophy and she said that in her country, it's mostly women who read philosophy. I proceeded to tell her that that must be an Eastern thing, because Western philosophy is founded on the Greeks, who fucking hated women.

>> No.8962181

It's possible to appreciate and enjoy a philosopher without agreeing with all of his views.

Aristotle believed women were deformed men, but I still read him. It's all a matter of whether you can appreciate elements of a thing and not the whole, and if you can move beyond one (imo negative) trait or belief.

>> No.8962260

I can tell youre miserable

>> No.8962345

>knew knowledge
am too high for this

>> No.8962393

that was his point

>> No.8964125

cause you need consistency to make something concrete out of your thoughts. menstruation breaks their minds every month so they cant make something, or if they can it takes them much more effort and time.

>> No.8964186

came here to post this, literally my favorite writer

>> No.8964203

I honestly can't name a single female philosopher. I've just read what has been considered great/essential according to popular consensus.

>> No.8964275
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good post

>>8961844 >>8962260 >>8961434
is it possible to be more of a deluded solipsistic asshole? youre the type of Other we theorize to exist but haven ever actually met

go away normie scum

>> No.8964341


Came here to say that. Only one that came to mind instantly.

I kind of like reading Nussbaum every now and then even though we are pretty far apart politically.

>> No.8964345

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.8964347

>Attempted male friends. She had none through most of high school, because the one she did have fell in love with her and she wasn't interested. Other than that, she was bullied by other girls.
Holy shit. You are really fucking good at baiting people. Made me reply 8/10.

>> No.8964375

>Implying women don't see men without friends as losers

>> No.8964382

Plus the IQ distribution: there are much less extremely intellegent women than men.

>> No.8964392

Also more extremely dumb men than women btw

>> No.8964394

>Philosophy is logical in nature.
Explain how did it come up with such faggy witch craft as metaphysics then.

Tell me something like Kant or Hegel isn't just ridiculous

>> No.8964531
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t. red pill philosophy

>> No.8964610

so this... is the power... of female discourse... woah...

>> No.8964656

because there are no great females

>> No.8964666

So /lit/ is just another /b/pol/ now ?

>> No.8964720


(nice trips)

>> No.8964730

Why there are NO great male pregnants?

>> No.8964832

women don't call themselves philosophers.

>> No.8964951
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>aksing a question about women on /lit/

Why would you do that?

>> No.8964962

It's more /r9k/ then /pol/