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/lit/ - Literature

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8959177 No.8959177 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I'm bored. Anyone in Melbourne want to meet up and go to the Federarion Square book market on Saturday?

>> No.8959187

I would, if I didn't have a family and a strong fear that you would murder me. Or even worse, be an awkward person.

>> No.8959223

I will meet with you

>> No.8959227

No murder
Cool, when and where and how?

>> No.8959231

I will be dressed as a bouquet of roses.

>> No.8959241

>No murder

That's what a murderer would say.

>> No.8959243

The art gallery
in my wheelchair

>> No.8959249

I'll just stay there all night tonight so as not to miss you.

What possies can you handle in that chair?

>> No.8959252

all of them

>> No.8959256

Fuck yeah, I won't be able to sleep tonight!

Like all nights.

It's cold out here.

>> No.8959263

So what is your name?

>> No.8959270

Depends on who's asking. I get called all sorts of names. My pals call me Toothless Gillard.

>> No.8959275

Can I call you Gummy Gill?

>> No.8959280

That's what my OTHER friends call me...

>> No.8959283

i would come but i'm working whole day and have something at night :(((
if you're at melb uni this year we can hang

>> No.8959285

Am I your other friend?

>> No.8959303

Please tell me you didn't go to Xavier?

>> No.8959306

Lit meetup sounds pretty cool. I'm down for this.

Not a 10/10 qt fembot however...

>> No.8959350

I'm down for it OP.
What time?
We can meet on the corner near the infomation building

>> No.8959407


From 11

>> No.8959408

unfortunately no i did not go to xavier

>> No.8959411
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Is it even still on?

>> No.8959413

If you're willing to meet a leb then I'm down for it

>> No.8959417

I would, but I work. Also, I'm scared of murder, as the other anon said.

>> No.8959419

I'm a femanon, but honestly why would I trust the men of 4chan?
That means I'm probably at least twenty times more likely to get murdered.

>> No.8959420

>scared of murder
Why the hell would he invite you to fed square to murder you?
Worse thing that happens is he's a sperg.

>> No.8959423

See >>8959420

>> No.8959429

>anons scared of murder

Do you honestly think those type of people browse /lit/?

Also, fuck off Dom

>> No.8959430

Also the likelihood of being told I can't actually read is quite high, considering the place this is, and the gender I am.
>tfw the other women I know read YA or nothing and the men who read hate me on principal

>> No.8959434


>anon doesn't know I carry a pocket knife

Also any Canadian / QC anon that wants to talk / meet up?

>> No.8959437

If we meet please be my gf

>> No.8959440
File: 667 KB, 870x722, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, Is this thing even on? Your link says it has expired
Yeah, I thought that was covered quite nicely by "Worse thing that happens is he's a sperg"
Why even post in this thread if you have no intention of coming? (you)'s

>> No.8959441

While we're in a melbourne thread. Are anon's ready to give up darts with the insane prices they're going to? Anyone know any little stores that sell black market darts cheap?

>> No.8959444

I'm trying to gauge how many /lit/ anons are in Melbourne to figure out the likelihood of meeting one in my daily life and maybe finding a bf who actually reads good books and will talk about philosophy and literature and politics with me.

>> No.8959446

Also considering that it's a Melbourne thread, what are some good bookshops in the CBD? I usually go to Readings, but it's a bit out of the way.

>> No.8959448


I'm sure you'll find someone special at Melbourne uni to help you stroke your ego.

>> No.8959449


90% of it is shitposting and the other 10% is mental illness. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.8959450

Post books

>> No.8959451

Hipsters and SJWs? No thanks.

>> No.8959454

Nice pun, but I don't send or take nudes. If I wouldn't do it to a bf (not that I've had a serious one. Just a little thing when I was 14 which only resulted in one kiss and lasted a month), why would I do it to 4chan? It's too slutty.

>> No.8959458


In all honestly. Have you even met anyone who "talks about philosophy and literature and politics" that doesn't come off as a pretentious asshole a lot of the time? Not being cynical it's just my personal experience. And I'm not saying that I'm above the rest or that I'm well read.

>> No.8959461
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Excellently crafted bait. The word SJW is a bit of a giveaway though. I'd avoid it except when baiting dumber audiences like /pol/
This one is so obvious that it's either written by another person or you're getting desperate

>> No.8959464

Well, I have met my parents, who talk about those things without being pretentious. So I aim for that. But I guess it could be an age thing. I think the key is to not take yourself or it too seriously, and remember that fun and laughter and silliness are good too.

>> No.8959465

>waah people don't believe I read
>won't even post one book you enjoy

>> No.8959466


Not the guy posted but you can't really tell if it's bait or just ironic self deprecation anymore.


Yeah I guess you're right. Funny, I know a guy who would be perfect for you.

>> No.8959470

Who cares about replies? I wasn't being serious here >>8959454
Anyone who needs validation from 4chan replies needs help.

The other stuff was true, albeit a bit tongue in cheek (wording wise) at in >>8959444
The sentiment is true though. I would like a /lit/ type bf.

Gee, it's almost like you're autistic and can't tell when someone is being serious or not.

>> No.8959475
File: 179 KB, 1024x493, 8layers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post texts or gtfo

>> No.8959480

Oh, you weren't making a book/boob pun?
Well in that case, in no particular order
>War and Peace
>Dead Souls
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Le Mythe de Sisyphe (read in French)
>The Age of Reason
>To the Lighthouse
>Wind Up Bird Chronicle
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Naked Lunch
>The Tale of Genji
>The The Heike
>Journey to The West
>The Iliad and The Odyssey
>many more. You're asking me to condense many years of reading into a few lines.

>> No.8959483

Beautiful image, just replace "8 layers of irony deep" for "a Hegelian".

>> No.8959484

fuck lads i'd go but too busy tomorrow.
good to know that some melbournians are browse lit though

>> No.8959498

Not bad taste desu, Murakami is overrated though.
>Le Mythe de Sisyphe (read in French)
kek'd, that's so stereotypically /lit/. Are the translations of Camus really that bad? I've only ever read him in French, but I don't feel like he has incredible prose or anything.
Tomorrow is Thursday

>> No.8959504

Not that other anon.

>Le Mythe de Sisyphe
>Naked Lunch

So, Absurdism, Stoicism and complex-to-read works? Read the "Mūlamadhyamakakārikā", get the one translated by Mark Siderits/ Shōryū Katsura and, good luck with that. I'd assume you would like "The Book of Disquiet" by Pessoa too, though not for the same exact reasons as the other.

>> No.8959511

Alright, thanks for the recommendation(s).
I really like the French writers, but the Russians are my favourite. I'd love to learn Russian, but I grew up in the country and the only options were French and Indonesian (fucking useless language).

>> No.8959514

I read a lot of him when I was 15, and really liked it, but haven't touched it since. I was just spouting from the top of my head. There are plenty of other books I've loved over the years.

I read him in French because it was easy (highschool french desu), I did find that it was quite different in translation.

>> No.8959517

So which exclusive private schools did we all go to?

>> No.8959525

Also, after looking it up, double thanks. I've been meaning to look into some form of Buddhism, because I don't know much about aside from the whole 'rich man went to poverty voluntarily and sat under a Bodhisattva tree and reached enlightenment' creation story, and I've read the Bible, Qu'ran, Torah and parts of the Vedas, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. I feel like there's a bit of a gap in my religious knowledge.

>> No.8959526

oh true. is this thing even on though?

>> No.8959528

approx. 7-8k per year private school

i'm not that bad am i?

>> No.8959530

The real question is, will a magistrate avoid sending you to prison when your QC mentions what school you went to?

>> No.8959533

Why do you need a private school? I went to one for a while but was desperately unhappy, because there was very little true intelligence, just a lot of spoon feeding and good facilities (and the people sucked). I switched to a state school and was much happier, and got an ATAR well into the 90s.

>> No.8959534

I read him in high school french too.
Our teacher was this eccentric old lady who wrote her PhD thesis on Camus. We did a lot of stuff on the Algerian War which was pretty interesting.
Have you read Stoner? That's my favourite book of all time.
Select entry state schools > Private
The website says it isn't. Has anyone been recently?

>> No.8959544

Coincidentally I just borrowed Stoner from my library to read for the first time.

>> No.8959558

Best library in Melbourne?

I'm quite partial to the Baillieu even if it was better before the renovations started.

>> No.8959559

>I know a guy who would be perfect for you.
Oh? Are you at Melbourne Uni?

>> No.8959570

State Library desu. It's so classic. I work in libraries and most actual public ones are havens for centrelink fiends, parents who can't control their kids and retards.

Most of them don't even have many books and focus on having computers and recording studios and vidya and shit.

>> No.8959572

What do people even do in libraries these days?
It's so much easier to download books than to go to a library and hope they have it. The only times I go to them are to study in groups or for events.

>> No.8959575

See >>8959570

>> No.8959579

I'm down but I'm pretty sure I'm a sperg. Also I only just got into lit so I'd be very lacking in conversation.

Stoner, Meditations, Blood Meridian, Infinite Jest, The Stranger I've read since the start of the holidays so I'm making some headway. Currently going through Kants Critique of Pure Reason.

Is that embarrassing?

>> No.8959583
File: 138 KB, 908x540, nice spooks faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that embarrassing?
Only if you let it be. Stop caring what other people think of you.

>> No.8959584

Sorry disregard Infinite Jest, I read that in my last year of high school don't know why I mentioned it.

>> No.8959586

What are you studying at uni this year?

>> No.8959590

Good point, I suppose my fear is misplaced but surely you can relate to being surrounded by elites when you're merely a beginner.

>> No.8959592

Media and Comms major 3rd year, decided to pursue a philosophy minor this year. Unimelb.

>> No.8959597
File: 54 KB, 348x437, max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but what are you reading for?
If it's for your own betterment rather than the admiration of your peers then it shouldn't matter.

>> No.8959603

Yeah but I'm not considering reading, I'm considering going to a meet up. A social situation that requires you to relate to your peers. Maybe I should just ask for recommendations or something.

>> No.8959605

I think it would be done by then, starts around 10 doesn't it?
lets contact them and find out
you can read books?
we will check first thing tomorrow morning, its wednesday and this isn't till saturday fucking relax
I can definitely talk politics
Minotaur for science fiction & fantasy, just ignore all the retards there for the pop culture merch
Paperback Bookshop and Hill of Content at the top of Collins St
Metropolis Books in the Curtain Building
Embiggen Books on Little Lonsdale
Resistance Books in Druids House
Basement Books on Flinders St
>tfw I made it my mission to photograph a hundred book shops for librarything to get a gold medal on my account

>> No.8959607

Is Basement Books something like Basement Disks (one of my favourite music shops in Melbourne)?

>> No.8959609

Politics in the /pol/ sense?

>> No.8959612


No lol. You'd spit on me on the street if you knew who I was.

>> No.8959613

I usually just go to fucken Dymocks mate. I'll check these out.

>> No.8959615

>on Saturday?
>tomorrow is Thursday
get out

>> No.8959616

What? Why?

>> No.8959618

Pleb. Melbourne has great indie bookshops.

>> No.8959620

As someone who hates the image of Melbourne urbanites I've probably avoided these unconsciously.

>> No.8959624


Well, let's just say I only come to /lit/ for the bantz. Not a women-hating/minority-hating poster btw. But I don't read much at all. Why are there so many gays on /lit/ though?

>> No.8959625

You just have to pretend they aren't there and look at the books dude. If you hate them, how do you even leave the house?

>> No.8959626

It will be when I confirm if the book market is still a thing first thing in the morning

If not maybe we can try something else
Northcote is good, open til 8pm so you can chill and beat the heat
There is a library down in South Melbourne that has a huge stock of fucking Criterion dvds for loan

>> No.8959627

Fair enough.
I don't think most people on /lit/ are on a level where they won't be able to relate to you though. It's just a fun meet up, nothing serious

>> No.8959629

I live on the Mornington peninsula lad, a bit out of the way. I just often commute for uni.

>> No.8959631

well they are in a basement
they're the only secondhand bookshop left in the CBD
Dymocks ruin books with fucking awful rfid theft prevention tags that they put INSIDE THE FUCKING BOOKS

>> No.8959632

>Why are there so many gays on /lit/ though?
Maybe literary culture is more accepting of homosexuality, meaning gays feel more comfortable expressing themselves

>> No.8959633

Is anyone else paranoid that they are talking to people they already know but are too scared to talk to them IRL?

>> No.8959635

Damn, that IS a bit out of the way. Why not move closer in? The myki fairs must be insane.

>> No.8959637

Good. I don't care if you're left or right, provided you're neither a /pol/tard or an SJW. Well considered opinions please.

>> No.8959639


Eh, would not say that about /lit/. Especially with all the /pol/ posters invading here.

>> No.8959641

I have like no money, hopefully this year I will. Also my work is at a winery here.

>> No.8959645

>provided you're not a [...] SJW

bogeyman of the right and /pol/, to describe anything that challenges them

>> No.8959647

Is it worse at the moment, or is it just me?

>> No.8959649

What do you define as an SJW?
It's basically a buzzword at this point.

>> No.8959650

Uh oh...

>> No.8959652 [SPOILER] 
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/pol/ is very gay

>> No.8959654

No, I've met genuine SJWs. I do not mean everyone left wing. I do not agree with /pol/.

Arguably /pol/ is the bogeyman of the left.

Basically, don't be an extremist retard who refuses to see other sides to a problem, is prone to focusing solely on identity politics, and is prone to creating buzzwords or simplifying political arguments to the point of ridiculousness.

>> No.8959656


>> No.8959659

>creating buzzwords or simplifying political arguments to the point of ridiculousness.
Says the person talking of "SJWs" and "/pol/tards"

>> No.8959660

Not him, but I'd define it as someone who is only interested in identity politics and progressivism for the sake of it. Usually for the benefit of an online presence.

I disagree with the notion that "everyone who is left is an SJW cuck" as do most normal people.

>> No.8959664

I use it for a blanket term for those groups. It's not like I coined them, nor do I use them as a bogeyman or a shut down. I simply used the simplest descriptive words for the extremities of right and left in the internet age I could think of. Then I quantified it.

>> No.8959666

>Arguably /pol/ is the bogeyman of the left.
/pol/ and the alt. right really exist

"SJW" is whatever triggers them

>> No.8959667


I was at a party on New Years. It was real small, like 10 people. This one girl went on this HUGE tirade on every topic possible. Race, Gender, Sex, whatever. It destroyed the night. Huge fight broke out between her and this guy and it ruined everyone's night.

I don't care what political beliefs you have but you can't construct well thought out arguments when you're drunk and high which they both were. She was crazy. Commenting on every little detail about the guys there. Some of them are just as hateful as /pol/ is.

>> No.8959672

the accusation of identity politics seems to be applied to any minority group that doesn't want to be second class anymore

and incidentally
>denouncing identity politics
>while insisting on white supremacy and insisting women know their place

>> No.8959676


Not to mention any time you disagree with ANYTHING they say you're instantly branded as either sexist or racist. Even worst you get the "You don't understand because you're a straight white male". Clearly some of these people aren't even interested in a discussion, just looking to antagonise an flex their "intellect".

I tend to avoid discussions like this 100%

>> No.8959677

You can't deny that there are left wing people who are equally intolerant, moronic and insecure as /pol/ types though. Call them whatever you want. They exist too.

>> No.8959680

I was >>8959654
And I would classify /pol/'s white/straight/male's are superior as identity politics as well. Identity politics is not about minorities exclusively. The right does it too.

>> No.8959682

>describe what my opinion of an SJW is
>"We'll then you're clearly just a white supremacist who hates women and minorities."
Give it a rest

>> No.8959687

>Not to mention any time you disagree with ANYTHING they say you're instantly branded as either sexist or racist.
disagree with an alt. right troll

they're coming from a different and more honest perspective but are just inept in expressing it

>> No.8959690


Almost took the bait but you made it too obvious. Tread lightly next time, senpai.

>> No.8959691

>the stupid people who agree with me are more honest than those who don't.

>> No.8959693

What I was thinking.

>> No.8959708


>T. Melb Uni

>> No.8959711

If we could get back on topic and not bitch, I have emailed fed square and will follow up with a phone call in the morning.

If its not on anymore, any other suggestions?
Do any markets hold similar events? I think I've heard something about the camberwell market, I dunno.
Would people want to just meet up and go around a bunch of places, I know them all as seen here >>8959605 but except for basement books that will be more expensive :(

>> No.8959718


Tbh after talking with some of the people in this thread I don't want to meet up with them.

>> No.8959722

I might go too grill here too.
Lure of books is too strong.

>> No.8959723

Just do what you do in all social situations and completely hide your political and religious affiliations like everyone else who is sane.

>> No.8959724
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What do you think of my politics baby?

>> No.8959725

Half of them aren't even australian and wouldn't come even if they were

>> No.8959726


But what do I do when the beers start flowing?

>> No.8959730

She's probably hotter than you desu.

>> No.8959732

I know she is fampai.

>> No.8959733

>committing philosophical suicide

Nah seriously though at that point no one gives a fuck.

>> No.8959735

People have to troll and disrupt anything good or positive

>> No.8959739

W-who're those on the end babe? I can't see from the picture.

>> No.8959742

Shouldn't we be sleeping?

>> No.8959743




>> No.8959750

It's not even 1 yet.

>> No.8959766

Herodotus, The Histories
Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War

I want to get around to reading The Anabsis, what translation would be good?

>> No.8959771

I'm not working atm
But I should go to the pool in the morning to swim, and call fed square too

>> No.8959772
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goodnight /melblit/

>> No.8959783

Sleep tight. Don't let the urbanites bite.