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895574 No.895574 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes, when I'm reading, I read the first sentence and undertand everything, but in the second sentence I forget the secuence and I just keep reading without even notice it then I realize that I read six pages and I didn't undersand shit and I have to read it all over again

does this happen to you?

>> No.895588

Yes, but not for 6 pages long.

>> No.895586

Not everyone has adhd.

>> No.895590

sometimes, but I usually realize before six pages. maybe for a couple of paragraphs. also I get obsessive compulsive about re-reading sometimes, even though I understand the essential sequence. I'll try to analyze a page for some deeper meaning which may or not be there for fifteen minutes until I remember that obsessively analyzing while reading typically is typically counterproductive and prevents me from properly absorbing the text.

>> No.895592

Only when my mind wanders to other shit. But yeah, I don't think I've ever done it for more than half a page, which I then go back and reread.

>> No.895600

This happens to me a lot. Sometimes I decide to re-start reading the book just for the sake of it.

>> No.895603


This. Occasionally I'll space out and realize I've 'read' a paragraph or two without comprehending any of it.

>> No.895638

Sometimes when my mind is occupied with not-related thoughts. But I notice that pretty fast, just 2 or 3 sentences after I got away.

>> No.895660

it's called ADHD. I've had to re-read chapters for that.

>> No.895682

I don't have ADHD but I do this, mostly when I'm worried about something and trying to read to get my mind off it. Usually when this is happening, I just put it down for a bit. When I come back to it, I realize that I'm not just stupid and I can comprehend it pretty easily. This usually happens when I'm trying to read Foucault but I'm in an anxious mood. If i'm feelign that way I'll just pick up something light to read.

>> No.895694

If my mind wanders I might read a page or so like this and have to go back and reread it.

>> No.895696

sometimes, when I'm reading descriptions, I just read and read, and realize that I don't have a mental image of the description I just read, but normaly it's just for 2 paragraphs or so

>> No.895697
File: 138 KB, 400x390, Neuromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me the first time I read Neuromancer OP.

I hadn't even realized Linda died until I finished the book.

>> No.895719

shit i do that too, i love books but i don't have the patience for them.

>> No.895732

Neuromancer might not be the best example. I love the book (so let's please not turn this into a Gibson flame thread), but the writing can be VERY hard to follow.

>> No.895734
File: 76 KB, 175x179, Neuromancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No argument there man, but it all came together really nicely though the second time I read it Two seconds after I finished it the first time. I basically picked up on all the juicy little things I missed.

First time though, I was completely lost after only about seventy pages.

>> No.895737

Huh, that's the same feeling I had. Maybe I should have reread it too.

>> No.895745


A majority of the plotpoints are hidden away far too much in confusing text, I remember throughout the course of the first reading I missed:

The Flatline being Case's old mentor.
Corto being Armitage.
Molly having a romantic relationship with Johnny Mnemonic.
Who the fuck Riveria was, and why he was in the story.
The significance of the talking head AI.
Who The Finn was.
What the fuck ICE is.

I felt really stupid after finishing it, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who had issues with it.

>> No.895764

Happens to me all the time.

>> No.895778
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I got all of that pretty quick. thing that got me was

those stupid flying drone things that Gibson never really seems to describe anywhere in the whole book other than by name until the one action sequence with one involved

also, Jamaicans in space was a wtf moment

>> No.896933


Well La-Dee-Da Mr. Fancy Reader Man.

>> No.897195

Yeah, but only for a paragraph or so.

>> No.897235

I generally notice after less than 6 lines, so never 6 pages, but yeah it happens.

The way I keep my mind from wandering away is by anotating a lot. It's impossible to wander when I'm also filling the lines with various symbols.

>> No.897259

Fuck yes this shit happens to me a ton. Say I'm in a car, or on a bus, or I'm sitting somewhere and a conversation sparks and I just start listening to it.

Then I'm 3/4 of my way down the page and I realise I've been READING THEIR CONVERSATION.

>> No.897333

oh my god.

You write on your books?

>> No.897374


There's more of my writing than the author's in the end.

>> No.897388

It's not some fucking blasphemy or something

You should see my Poetic Edda, I ran out of space on some pages

>> No.897412

OP is autistic.

>> No.897414

Not so much anymore.

>> No.897423


Autistic people have a much easier time at focusing on something like a book.

>> No.897437


>> No.897446


>writing on the Eddas

as a Pagan, I am horrified

>> No.897457

I'm an Asatruar, brotato chip

Now go dance naked or stab yourselves with swords or whatever it is you pagans do

>> No.897467



And my horror is not at you reading the Eddas, which I consider to be a sacred text, but WRITING on them. I treat the Eddas like the Muslims treat the Koran - washing my hands before I touch it, not letting bodily fluids get on it, etc

>> No.897490

That entirely depends on whether or not you, and those you consider to be "one of you", happen to not be syncretists, dualists, wiccans, or other similar faggots.

>which I consider to be a sacred text
Nigga better be jokin'. It's a book, nigga, a few pieces of paper with some words which present ideas and concepts.

It so happens that annotating those pieces of paper allows me to correlate and understand their contents easier.