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/lit/ - Literature

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8949991 No.8949991 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I read first?

These just got delivered.

>> No.8949997

read all unless you only got these because others told you to.

nietzsche is probably the most relevant

>> No.8950005

Yeah, I plan to read them all but I meant in what order or what I should start with, what do people recommend to prioritize.

>> No.8950027

start with plato first and go by chronological order i guess. i recommend heidegger because he counters a lot of what plato will propose

>> No.8950057

burn HTWFIP, it's completely irrelevant in modern society and will only get you laughed at. Then read Symposium, then Republic.

>> No.8950064

>burn HTWFIP, it's completely irrelevant in modern society and will only get you laughed at.

How so? Anything you'd recommend in place of it? I've saw good recommendations for "Like A Switch" before.

And thanks for the recommendations in which order to read from both of you

>> No.8950094


it was written over 80 years ago, understandably social culture has changed drastically since then, there is a small ammount of good advice in the book but most of it is just not applicable in todays society.
Not sure what i'd recommend instead, not really into self-help books, but i have also heard people speak positively of Like A Switch. Art of War could actually help out a bit as well.

>> No.8950097

nice entry-level shitstack
read beyond good and evil first

>> No.8950108

How are you gonna understand half of those, what's even the point of skipping almost all philosophy to skip to nietzche.

Kill yourself.

>> No.8950130

What in the fuck are you actually talking about?

>> No.8950134

>what's even the point of skipping almost all philosophy to skip to nietzche
that's what Nietzsche did ;^)

>> No.8950144
File: 27 KB, 600x733, 14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was written over 80 years ago, understandably social culture has changed drastically since then, there is a small ammount of good advice in the book but most of it is just not applicable in todays society

Pic related. Why don't you save your rhetoric and say something of substance, like what exactly has changed that the book misinforms you on?

>> No.8950145

Do you understand what he meant by this?
I'm not sure where I stated that I was reading Nietzsche first or that I hadn't read any other philosophy?

>> No.8950167


>> No.8950172

all at the same time

>> No.8950173

ya tru u needa read kant 2 get nietzsche
u need to understand christianity to appreciate nietzsche

>> No.8950181

do people honestly think to get into philosophy you need to start in some sort of chronological order? i can see referencing philosophers influences

>> No.8950185

The retards here can't seem to read any book whatsoever without asking this board if there isn't some book or flowchart they need to be aware of, first.

It's an enormous joke. These people are broken.

>> No.8950200
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Anon, /lit/ just buys these books to put them on their shelf and impress people, then they read the wikipedia articles so they can discuss the books here. You don't actually have to read them.

>> No.8950214

You actually made me laugh

>> No.8950215

Nietzsche didn't even read Kant. Just Schopenhauer's account of him.

>> No.8950216

just out of curiousity, have you ever read any 20th cent philosophers?

>> No.8950230

(citation needed)

>> No.8950234


What are you inferring about OP?

>> No.8950243

not inferring anything. just curious he is actually interested in these selected works or just reading them to read them.

>> No.8950247

what? he cant be interested of those books unless he has rrad others? u sum sort of tard desu

>> No.8950249

Read Plato first, but ideally you should read The Last Days of Socrates before you read Republic (You better have gotten the Desmond Lee translation)

Seneca and Aurelius can be read in their own time. Stoicism is a fairly intependent philosophy.

Absolutely read Plato and Schopenhauer before Nietzsche, but ideally you should gain an understanding of Christianity before you read Nietzsche. You're skipping a hell of a lot of philosophy if you read Nietzsche with such little background knowledge. I'd recommend some Heraclitus, Aristotle, St Augustine, perhaps some Spinoza and some Kierkegaard before you read Nietzsche.

>Montaigne's Essays

Pretty wide variety of topics. Their literary quality is more important than their actual philosophic content.

>> No.8950256

theyre fucking boring

>> No.8950257

I don't know any that are good enough to be honest.

I tend to go towards ancient philosophers because they have stood the test of time and a lot of time for people to reflect on who are the "greats" where as newer philosophers haven't really established themselves in the same way yet in my eyes. Most of these philosophers who people see as great today weren't even popular whilst they were alive.

Do you have any to recommend?
I read them because I'm interested in philosophy and want to learn perspectives on the world even if I don't end up fully agreeing with all of what is said.

>> No.8950259

is art of war a meme ?

>> No.8950267

>but ideally you should gain an understanding of Christianity before you read Nietzsche.

What exactly do you mean by this? To read the bible(I've read it multiple times although I'm not religious)? To learn the history of Christianity and it's impact on the world over history? Because I've already learned a lot about that too.

If I'm on the wrong path of thinking, correct me.

>> No.8950268


Read Schopenhauer because he is funny as hell in his writing, something a lot of people miss because they think philosophy has to be stern and brooding

>> No.8950277
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x2739, Christianity - recommended reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Christian philosophy. The Bible itself isn't enough.

Nietzsche attacks Christianity a lot. You should understand it first. I'd recommend Augustine's Confessions as a starter.

>> No.8950300



then go fill in the gaps, start with the pre-socratics and work your way up

>> No.8950459

>If I'm on the wrong path of thinking, correct me.
that's how you know you're on the wrong path when you need fucking flowcharts and memes to tell you wahat to read

>> No.8950484

>I'm right!

>> No.8951372

Fucking read them op. It should take like a week.

>> No.8951379

Of what you have, Art of War is probably the easiest read.