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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1483891718565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8949537 No.8949537 [Reply] [Original]

really makes me think

>> No.8949545

>Caring about what figments of your imagination think about the decaying flesh-vessel that your mind temporarily occupies

Women, amirite?

>> No.8949546

i wonder what these sjws would think about a fully haired dick

>> No.8949549

>makes me think it's time for a new bitch
>fucking a squatch
>not ever once

>> No.8949556

the next time she
points out the
hair on your cock is
growing back remind
the girl your body
is not her home
she is a guest
warn her to
never outstep
the kitchen

>> No.8949563

Women are never inside of my body, faggot

>> No.8949573

of course an indian said that

>> No.8949596

of course
said that

>> No.8949604

remind her
even though he's just a guest
he's probably paying the rent

>> No.8949612


>> No.8949621


>> No.8949629

who are you?
the cab driver
i said
i'm rupi kaur
the poet
and he replied
sorry, don't know you
so i tweeted his picture
and bled
from my cunt
on his car

>> No.8949640

Canada why did you let this happen?

>> No.8949652

You need a Tumblr

>> No.8949661
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>> No.8949663

That is grotesque.

>> No.8949679
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i'm so sorry
nuke us, put us out of our misery ;-;

>> No.8949924

I swear we need to make women realize that if they don't bow to are will we will leave them cold and alone. All we need to do is remove the welfare state so the government can't be there only provider.

>> No.8949946
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Saved from a previous thread.

>> No.8949948

if you're so proud of your leg fuzz why do you shave it in the first place

i honestly dont give a fuck about budy hair, not even about pubes, i don't care, but this is just stupid

>> No.8949964
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>> No.8949969
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>> No.8949970
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Last one

>> No.8949977

the next time she
points out the
hair on your dick is
growing back remind
that girl your body is not her home
she is a guest
warn her to
never outstep
her welcome

>> No.8949984

My pants turn
R E D.
People stare----
but they don't know
the joy of

>> No.8950416

very joyce-esque.

>> No.8950432

>tfw so much shaft hair it's like you have a barbed cock like a cat.

>> No.8950471

This is disgusting. Not because it's written by a woman or a non white or anything like that. It's disturbing that it got published. As poetry. I'm getting mad at myself for getting this mad but I'm triggered as fuck and I can't help it.

>> No.8950578
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wow very hateful

>> No.8950593



>> No.8950594

Welcome to Capitalism.

>> No.8950661
File: 468 KB, 485x723, 511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next time he
Asks me to
Poo in the loo
And not in the street

>> No.8950729

sugar and men
both mix
in my body
they are my
let me melt

chocolate rain - rupi kuar

>> No.8950737

why do women think their disgusting jiggly bodies are attractive?

>> No.8950760

Because women are lazy, and being fat is easy. However, they also want to be attractive.
So instead of changing themselves, they (try) to change mens' tastes.

>> No.8950771

They also want poor hygiene and a lack of self respect to be considered attractive. What a time to be alive.

>> No.8950903


> never had his salad tossed by mexican prostitute

>> No.8950930
File: 21 KB, 320x309, 1479523776544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's another "we point at the boogeyman cartoon we created ourselves and spout meme defamation to hide our crippling inferiority complex and participate in an at best hyper-real internet wars while real people are dying in the intervening time"

>> No.8950959

You forgot the word "episode" or "thread". Please meme responsibly and well.

>> No.8950971

holy fuck im laughing cunt

>> No.8950973

nah that was intended to make fun of the utter banality of proper memes

>> No.8950977
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Truly a subversive masterpiece, anon.

>> No.8951004

don't worry anon, it's most likely just "published" on tumblr to a couple of hundred followers

>> No.8951005
File: 189 KB, 406x564, 1481505317764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another neet pretends to be the voice of reason

>> No.8951045


wow very zizek-esque can you even remember the last time you were wrong about anything probably not right?

>> No.8951057

Ha ha wow, another thread dedicated to this hairy Indian fuggo. Ain't that just fucking great!!111 Ha Ha

>> No.8951069
File: 276 KB, 934x701, 2017-01-09_1414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucknuttery is this

>> No.8951192

Fags should be gassed.

>> No.8951244


>> No.8951267


>title is cancer train
>wish so hard that her title is self-referential and ironic.

>> No.8951270


>> No.8951287

well, shit
let's rent a bus and drive off a cliff together

>> No.8951295


shes taking her body back and theres nothing u cis white boys can do about it *snaps fingers*

>> No.8951296

>Can't recite spoken word "poetry" properly
>Disguise lack of talent with shitty music, some pathetic camerawork and weirdly constructed rhythm of speech
>genius, a feminist icon

>> No.8951304

Wow, original...

>> No.8951315
File: 126 KB, 675x450, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have extreme dick hair (like super long hair on 60% of the shaft)

>> No.8951318

Long hair growing around the shaft or sprouting from the shaft?

>> No.8951331
File: 229 KB, 627x720, gyllenkino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprouting from the shaft. Grows very quickly, so trimming is a pain.

>> No.8951336

Why does she talk like this? Why does she overact everything she says?
She is so vulgar. I do not understand the appeal, there is nothing here. I'm really disappointed, if he was a man people would shit on him so hard.

>> No.8951339

I have a hairy bush but certainly nothing from the shaft. I don't think that is supposed to be normal.

>> No.8951349

i think the most unfortunate thing about the feminist movement is their lack of proper representation. im sympathetic to some sjw ideas but their most outspoken proponents are lame and impotent to cause any change or garner any empathy from any of those that are not already followers.

>> No.8951365

she is hot. I have a thing for these type of chicks even tho i hate their art

>> No.8951374

>she is hot.

>> No.8951385

>he doesn't like a qt Indian feminist who speaks softly
bro you're missing out. you can literally trick them into working for you while you sit at home writing all day.

>> No.8951427


ill cause some change in ur pussy, if u want me to

>> No.8953356


>> No.8953360

when is Creme et Sugar out?

>> No.8953427

It's a work in progress. We were going to attribute everything to Kaur herself and spread the fake poems but realized a) she might bring backlash against us and b) it might just increase her popularity, especially if she's being "attacked by racists/misogynists at 4chan" so we made an alter ego and are gaining a following slowly. Just posted the first poems today.



>> No.8953439

Lol these are great

>> No.8953446

Me too, right up to the top on the underside of the shaft

>> No.8953598

I don't actively disagree with her message, but her writing is god-awful and she's about the least compelling speaker I've ever had the misfortune to listen to.

>> No.8953648

well what the fuck. when my leg hair starts to grow back I would actually apologize to my boyfriend for not having the time to shave because it's pointy and actually hurts, not to mention that it isn't very aesthetically pleasing. he didn't mind though.

here I can try this

the next time he
points his dick
towards you
spread your hairy legs
and remind your man
that your body
is now his
he can do with it
whatever he wants
even piss all over
cause that's love

>> No.8953718


>> No.8953732
File: 274 KB, 1600x1067, healthy sperm copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything about this is fucking gold

rupi apologists BTFO

>> No.8953761 [DELETED] 

Is she wearing a bra?

>> No.8953763

>while real people are dying in the intervening time
what are you doing about it bro

>> No.8953918
File: 55 KB, 740x550, the loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is she like a retarded Shel Silverstein?

>> No.8954025


>> No.8954124


>> No.8954158
File: 30 KB, 543x572, internet-feminist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rupi Kaur is the voice of a generation of women. Shame on you, OP, for harassing this wonderful young lady and proving her right.

>> No.8954179
File: 31 KB, 544x500, amazing-grace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb writing an erotic poem about dick hair

>> No.8954187

True art

>> No.8954194



>> No.8954263

if you
break a
into multiple
that makes
it deep
- rupack shakaur

>> No.8954297

But remember: It's empowering to wear makeup! It's not for the sake of men, it's for women to feel powerful and confident!

Because if they didn't wear makeup, they'd look as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside, and men would have no reason to humor them at all anymore. It's the last thing keeping them acceptable.

>> No.8954311

Why does she do this

It hurts

>> No.8954320

Poetry is
the act of
sentences into
disjointed fragments that
make the most
of mundane statements
into the
works of art.
I am an
I am a god.
Worship me
your wallet.
- Ruby Cow

>> No.8954348
File: 551 KB, 964x912, 148000198480158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no one actually believes this is art r-right? Just like how all modern/contemporary art is ironic right?

>> No.8954361

have to use tweezers or learn not to give a fuck. it hurts at first but you get used to it.

>> No.8954508

If you dont like the empowerment, just skip it. You are missing out on a great collection by defining it by one of its minor traits.

>> No.8954510


You don't even read poetry tho

>> No.8954550

>originally self-published
welp, that changes everything.
i can respect that.

>> No.8954605

It's from being circumcised. I have a few hairs on the shaft. It's the skin changing position after they cut you. Thank your kike doctor for that. Look on the brightside though, at least our foreskins went to good use in Oprah's face cream.

>> No.8954658
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>> No.8954734
File: 297 KB, 1594x1184, Screen Shot 2017-01-09 at 10.34.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, this chupacabratic smegmattery is literally embodying the need for feminism, and you're only fomenting the cultural myopia of judging the message by its speaker. But if you're gonna do that, you should probably realize that you will have to either stop talking about it on this board or find a way to disentangle the boolean consequences of your endeavors. Churlish gadflies.

>> No.8954791

It doesn't matter, it wont take off unless the spam the shit out of their account or use bots to gain visiblity, which they won't do.

>> No.8955073

If I was not a woman
I dont know what I would be
because women
are everything
and more
they are more
they are more
they are more

>> No.8955077

a vagina
is like the sun
and feisty
creator of worlds
blinding with beauty
try to touch mine
I dare you

>> No.8955080

it is sexist to say
that girls do not defecate
oh let me tell you
we do

>> No.8955088

There is no such thing as fat
would you say
the moon
its dark side
was too round?
no such thing as
too much
of something good
for example, pizza

>> No.8955089

kinda bummed, that these are my best poems ive ever written :^)

>> No.8955093

so what
if im a dirty whore
who likes to be used
jokes on you
im using you
to use me

>> No.8955095

when at last
the final petal has fallen
man will realize
the flower
was in the heart (of woman) all along

>> No.8955097

every queef is poetry
unique in shape and sound
tone and texture
smell and taste
the french have a word for that
and I think thats beautiful

>> No.8955099

my sugar daddy
wanted me to shit
on his dick
but I said
I dont give a shit
I dont give a fuck

>> No.8955103

they say money
is the root of all evil
but I say it is man
oh yeah
he invented that

>> No.8955105

I eat my placenta
and drink my minstrel blood
my body is
a sacred temple
and the power of pussy compels me

>> No.8955114
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>> No.8955165

in dreams
i am moving through heavy
the love is enor
it is lifting me up
i'd rather be sleeping
i'd rather fall in to
tidal waves
and go where the
deepest currents

>> No.8955447

I have tons of shaft hair, and I'm uncut.

>> No.8955520


>> No.8955567

why is this considered poetry

also, im gonna never shower under my foreskin so my gf can gag and puke whenever she gives me head

my body my rules

>> No.8955571

have fun getting dumped
men can't do anything woman do

>> No.8955580

implying a women who didnt shave wouldn't get dumped by a normal man

>> No.8955596

There's a reason circumcised men don't get carcinoma benis, you know

>> No.8955643

plebs buy pleb things. Read Adorno. Mass culture will kill the world.

>> No.8955658

>really makes me think
Yes, makes me think she should start practicing feeding cats. Cats never complain about hairy legs.

>> No.8955667
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>> No.8955675


>> No.8955678

Dayum dis nigga auden crazy

>> No.8955697


Is this the result of Creme et Suger? How very disappointing...

>> No.8955902

Our bad boiz. Hey who's a good living Canadian poet that I could find and meet irl.?

>> No.8956013

Ugh You dun goofed... should have stuck with the original plan. This will never get very far and dareisay cringe worthy

>the consequences will never be the same

>> No.8956224


Agreed. Wholeheartedly agreed. There is no succinct advantage to this move that the original plan could not provide or could be dealt with in some way or other and only countless negatives.

This requires too much work to carry through. Those twitter users with thousands of followers put in a lot of time each day, tweeting and re-tweeting, often with overlap between different mediums (cross tweeting with facebook, tumblr, instagram, etc). They build followings in a way that I severely doubt anyone here actually has the interest to do and sustain for so low a payout (the destruction/dilution of some hack's success among her own circles)

2. "Abony Williams" due to your insistence on shilling her here is easily retraced to the lit archive and thus will deflate your sails before you even get the ship running. There was a beauty to just making fake Rupi Kaur poems. They seemed like the real thing to casual passerby. All you would need is Rupi to address 'one' fake and you would have gotten your result.

3. Even if you do somehow manage to have and sustain the will necessary to build up a fake twitter following, it doesn't change the fact that your character is veeery poor. 'Abony Williams'? Really? Did you learn nothing from the first spat of poems that you all came up with? I'm the guy who deleted the majority of the goddamned things because while funny to us, would never have been believable to anyone else. With 'Abony Williams' you're using the subtlety of a sledgehammer, an injoke at the cost of any success. So dissapointing.

This will fail, bigly

>> No.8956255

>Rupi went to the same university as me
Waterloo has a terrible English program, that must explain it

>> No.8956257

trashed it hardcore.

>> No.8956270

How long until she wins her Nobel prize?

>> No.8956277
File: 66 KB, 460x690, RupiKaur_MilkAndHoney_ForWeb-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what, her legs are clean shaved.

>> No.8956401

Shes a better poet than all yall

and mighty fine babe, 10/10 would slurp the curry

>> No.8956452

Thats terrible, and your an idiot.

>muh there only can be one poem that mentions a train

>> No.8956460

you idiots

>> No.8956525

Great, some taerd with a compulsive obsession with black people hijacked the original concept

>> No.8956595

Every part of this plan seems to have been done too hastily. Scrap it and try again.

>> No.8956682


>> No.8957014

Parts of it are even in the same meter/ rhyming convention.

>> No.8957080

she was doing the typical slam poetry spoken word style.

The auden poem was a consistently rhythmed 'rap' which increased in velocity

>> No.8957169

>skipping leg day

>> No.8957250

>her legs are clean shaved.

I guess you can say, shes not a Hare Krishna