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/lit/ - Literature

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8938758 No.8938758 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage. Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting. I see novels as nothing but entertainment despite pretentious people claiming life / philosophical insights and tonnes of people will consider you a disgusting plebeian if you don't initially read shitloads of boring as fuck canon novels.

I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything. There are ten trillion books called "Introduction to [broad and important field]", even if you only have one of each field.

History is similar to novels. Shitloads of reading along with a shitload pretension thrown on top telling you that you truly cannot no nuthin unless you have an in depth understanding of the Greeks / Romans / Christianity / USA / WW1 / WW2 / financial systems / or shitloads of other topics I can't stand it. And then there's current events. I don't care about climate change, outer space, inequality, China, the EU, applied psychology, the education system, diversity, Russia, South America, refugees, nutrition, mental health, and more. Admitting just one of these would make me an iredeemable idiot, no doubt.

Has anyone else had similar thoughts? The spooks are powerful and must be removed but their removal leaves your mind in a promordial state that is more susceptible to spooks than before.

I go to the city centre and see people shopping and the streets are busy, which is comforting compared to when they're empty, but walking through then brings no epiphanies.

I am so past watching movies or tv shows, even ones that pander to "edgy" young males. I just about read books but only because society tells me I should, though I don't derive much enjoyment

And obviously I have an existential crisis but /lit/ is fucking pathetic in demanding that anyone who has one should immediately "grow up" and become a monotheist and wagecuck. I fucking hate wagecucking. Seeing attractive young people is humiliating. I tell myself every day that I'll soon work intensely on one thing but I can't bear to do this. If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit. So I do nothing.

Every "thinker" is at their core an utter fucking fraud. Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test. Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate. I listen to In Our Time podcasts and Bret Easton Ellis podcasts and I think at heart everyone cares about nothing more than social drama.

Apart from money, health, and time, there are very few non trivial concept.

>> No.8938763


remember to sage all copypasta threads

>> No.8938771
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Embrace supra-positivism/pragmatism

Non-transcendental reality: "truth" is what can be predicted. Planes fly, math works.

Transcendental reality: What is revealed by God and taught by the Catholic Church

>> No.8938776

The very idea of falsifiability is a philosophical concept and was largely devised as a logical means to disclaim earlier, more assuming philosophical ideas you mong.

Objectivism is not contrary to philosophy, it is an outgrowth of it.

Also the modern highschool educated man in the west knows more about the world than a Renaissance scholar - this information is not as widely memorized or celebrated, hence why the Himanitarians seem so impossibly advanced.

>> No.8938844

So you want to be a Renaissance Man and you found out it's impossible. The answer is to move up the levels of abstraction.

>> No.8938957

It's okay. You're just young and image conscious. It'll pass and you'll find what you care about.

>> No.8939035

stop fucking corpses

>> No.8939066

Maybe you need a time out, OP. I had this for a while, too. We're grown to always seek out information and knowledge, so we are always chewing and swallowing. Consider that you need some time to digest everything you've been consuming. Take your time away from all of this and just give yourself time to absorb and process.

Remember, OP, crisis are there to help you find the right direction.

>> No.8939186


All I can say is, I feel you OP. I'm just trucking along with Meditations in an attempt to refind any possible values/pseudo-axioms I can latch onto so I can learn more. At this point, the only tautology I hold is that it is important to be able to see things for how they truly are

>> No.8939240

As I see it, you have two choices and I'm not sure if they're mutually exclusive:

Embrace the absurd


Embrace intuition

>> No.8939324
File: 495 KB, 1920x1200, Silhouette of barn swallow in Berwickshire, Scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with some of the points you've made.

>> No.8939446

I'm glad you posted this OP I feel much the same way. as clearly several anons in this thread also do

don't have any answers for you, not sure if there are any. 'change lifestyle' is what is usually said, which is vague & frustrating but probably true

i hope the universe opens a door for you & others who feel similar. we live in fucked up times. no easy answers and no end of dumb advice

>> No.8939522

Hang on op. In a matter of months the answer will be revealed...

...in a book on management of all things....

>> No.8939539

get hobbies and skills

>> No.8939540

>Also the modern highschool educated man in the west knows more about the world than a Renaissance scholar

This is true, and seriously amazing. If you read through just one issue of the New York Times, you probably have more information than many people, throughout history, had in a lifetime. That is extraordinary.

>> No.8939556

cringing at ur euphoria

u shud kys

>> No.8939562

what the fuck is 'spook'?

>> No.8939636

Here's a spook test:
Why do you want to do something?
If the answer is: my ego told me to, then its not a spook

>> No.8939640

not at all dude completely false

>> No.8939642

So if I want to masturbate in public but I don't because of society's influence is that a spook?

>> No.8939646

yes you've been spooked

>> No.8939650


>> No.8939753
File: 10 KB, 235x182, 10408971_10205204120690346_6851544550562315244_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The New York Times

>> No.8939767

Stop being afraid about being wrong and choose some convictions because at this point it seems even a poltard carries himself better than you

>> No.8939798

I really identified with post OP, life is hard. I'm lucky I have a girlfriend to keep me from sitting around being depressed all the time.
Is it possible for you to develop any kind of intrinsic motivation? You probably feel the way you do because you have little control over anything in your life. You feel as if you are being pulled along by things you must do.

>> No.8939843

>The very idea of falsifiability is a philosophical concept and was largely devised as a logical means to disclaim earlier, more assuming philosophical ideas you mong.

This is fucking wrong.

>> No.8940142

pure weltschmerz

>> No.8940154
File: 17 KB, 350x522, thacker-cosmic-pessimism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try pessimism.

>> No.8940511

>Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate.
>I want to grasp meta-physical truths but all truths stem from the same thing

>> No.8940520

I'm glad this pasta was posted with a shop of one of the top five most pseud paintings of the 19th century; a century full of pseud paintings. Really says a lot.

>> No.8940535

>Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out.

If this means that your intellect is more of a huge collection of low-tier spooks, then you're right. This post was embarrassing desu.