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/lit/ - Literature

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8934887 No.8934887 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently writing, anon?

>> No.8934901

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
- Cyril Connolly

i've taken this advice to heart and i'm writing a full-on mary-sue epic featuring a secret organization of telepaths fighting a network of free-range researchers into fringe science. i'm never going to show it to anyone else.

>> No.8934906

i wrote a grant proposal that made me want to kill myslf all day

>> No.8934907
File: 158 KB, 863x653, 14910566_1128190313934330_4497761123334889307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizophrenia story in 1st person where the writing becomes more and more erratic near the end.

>> No.8934908

experimental comics that make no sense and no money

that's the spirit

>> No.8934913
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>no links or DM's
>mfw I wanna read yo shit

>> No.8934919

Same thing I always write. Poems about the sunset.

>> No.8934982

A book on Sleep Paralysis. The introduction is a detailed account of my own experiences with sleep paralysis, and the rest is informational

>> No.8935269


It's a story about a guy who thinks he lives in an rpg going on a quest to save his town from a militant cult.

>> No.8935290

tell us more anon

>> No.8935293

editing poems and working on DnD stuff

>> No.8935295

Fantasy novella. idgaf

>> No.8935496

I dig it

>> No.8935516

A haunted house novel.

>> No.8935584


>> No.8935616

I'm keeping myself occupied with short stories of kitchen sink realism while I edit my second novel.

>> No.8935679

no, you don't. i've actually written about 120,000 words on this, and there are two cases of a male character using forbidden technology to transform into a fifteen year old girl so she can be fucked ragged by aliens. it's kind of boring, to be honest.

i posted an excerpt in /d/ about a year ago and nobody cared enough to reply even to say they thought it was shit.

>> No.8935693

I like sunsets

I like them a lot

Show me your poems, and I shall grant you your heart's desire!

>> No.8935696


That's your problem

/d/eviant sexuality is even pickier than the snobbiest /lit/izen

>> No.8935698

My diary desu be honest

>> No.8935755

A sext to your mom lol

>> No.8935849

Reminds me of the foundation series.

>> No.8935888

Nice Portal gif anon

>> No.8936052
File: 130 KB, 1024x1024, 1483671513001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Harry Potter fan fic starring my OC

Hey guys what do you think of my fan fic OC character?

Name: Delphini
Nickname: The Augurey, Delphi, "The banging older girl"(according to Ron)

Voldemort and Bella's secret daughter
Really powerful as a result of her parentage - can easily outfight Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco combined
Really proficient in the dark arts
Can fly without a broom
Really pretty (Albus falls in love with her straight away and makes Scorpious jealous when he sees Albus kissing her)
Nihilistic and a wicked sense of humour
Natually talented in magic without even attending Hogwarts
Doesnt have any problems casting the killing curse
Has a really cool tattoo of an augurey on her neck Stop PMing me asking why thats why

Loves: the forbidden curses, snakes, Albus(although she doesnt show it), Slytherins, Augureys, her lost father Voldemort, being badass
Hates: Mudbloods, Gryffindors, Her carer Eupheia

>> No.8936242

I don't write anything. Every time I read I'm overwhelmed by the author's talent and skill and think I should never write.

>> No.8936678

this post

>> No.8936788

Novella using a science-fiction premise as metaphor for mental health issues and self-destructive behavior.
Partially an attempt to make relatable this idea/problem I grapple with wherein I feel super certain of things I know to be wrong and see the only solutions being these super destructive or potentially harmful acts.

>> No.8936831

This is legit retarded

>> No.8936859


>> No.8936955

about white genocide, how and why it happens, why people are ignorant about it and what can we do about it

>> No.8936974
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nice dubbels, godspeed

>> No.8937224

A novella about an Ocean's Eleven-type heist, but WITH MAGIC.
It's in Spanish btw

>> No.8937544

Some horror story.

>> No.8937551
File: 147 KB, 600x558, lizard_people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Middle grade historical novel

>> No.8937558

>can fly without a broom
I don't know why but this is the part that made me die laughing

>> No.8937583

Historical fantasy with an overarching adventure quest and some magic for shits and giggles. Reminder you will NEVER travel the world in the late iron age on slow-ass boats and smelly horses.

>> No.8938314

a post post post post neo post modernism book

>> No.8938688


>> No.8938694

An essay on Austin theory of speech acts and how it relates with Derrida's deconstructive project

>> No.8938929

Im not posting here. Whats your email?

>> No.8938941

Short meta comedy about a pretentious asshole editor who unintentionally shits out a pomo masterpiece while trying to sabotage the company he's leaving to make his own startup.

Only 750 words in but I have quite a good bit planned out, taking breaks to avoid burn-out/losing direction.

>> No.8938959

Great. The world needs another one of these.

>> No.8939000

I did not choose the assignment

At least the reading is great

>> No.8939003

A screenplay. The sun has dimmed and left most of the planet a frozen wasteland. A group of volunteers venture out to see if they can find other survivors but find a bunch of strange shit instead.

Survival horror.

>> No.8939261

100,000 word novel about a teenage girl whose body contains an ancient deity that wants to escape her, causing her to be suicidal. she gets fucked ironically by the son of the pastor of a local cult that is trying to get rid of the deity. also it takes place in the 2030's so there's some sci-fi shit or something like that, idunno. i'm only 14,000 words in. this is just a guilty pleasure novel for me.

>> No.8939269

Some shitty novel set in a tolkien-esque fantasy world but with HunterXHunter anachronisms thrown into the mix. A fairly infamous thief, who is a goblin and a talented fencer, operates in a predominately dwarven city built into a mountain (it has an artificial sun and a ventilation system to keep the place hospitable). She doesn't kill people as an unspoken rule, and has become something of a celebrity because of her heists. While robbing a storage building with her gang, in search of some jewel encrusted furniture owned by a Dwarf crime lord named Clementine, she finds the furniture, as well as a naked (and clearly raped) woman chained to a wall and a man bleeding from the stubs that used to be his arms and legs (both of them dwarves). The goblin flips her shit and slaughters the warehouse guards which her gang had incapacitated.
Turns out that it was a trap, and the tipped off police converge on the building. The gobbo flees, ends up sneaking into a fencing school owned by a titanic human veteran who, realizing that the police are after her, fights her, with a wooden sword no less, and after a struggle the thief is subdued.
In police custody, the goblin finds out that all her companions escaped the police, and the minor conman who was her boss (and adopted father) has no intention of saving her (this in particular emotionally destroys her). One night, the owner of the fencing school shows up and makes a deal with the officer's there to pay the goblin's current bail plus compounding daily interest up to a certain, later due date.
The human then makes a deal with her: She will participate in the city's massively popular swordfighting tournament, and she will get at least second place, and after that she will be free.
The tournament involves a variety wooden weapons, but one's enchanted so that when brought into the tournament circle they can harmlessly pierce the body but as if they were real, numbing and weakening whatever flesh they hit. Fights are won by causing the enemy to faint entirely.
As she gets further into the tournament, she gets more involved with the criminal Clementine, who has his own fighter, a veteran, in the tournament. The goblin later finds out that Clementine is using the man and woman she found in the warehouse as leverage over the veteran, promising to spare them only if the veteran wins.
The villain Clementine is a bald, beardless, fat, and funny dwarf who likes imported, pink kimono's and doesn't like the women he loves finding another man. The woman and man in the warehouse are examples of his wrath. He finds out that he's destined to die by the hand of a goblin, and starts planning his own dramatic end around this fate.
Also, the owner of the fencing school has a Djinn cursed into the form of a pig living with him.

>> No.8939363

except the Foundation series didn't have an arch sociopath named Robert who would occasionally execute telepaths in an attempt to bolster his own fairly weak psychic abilities. did it.

>> No.8939374
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it's possible they may have been fapping too hard to comment before the thread died.. but perhaps i am exaggerating its impact.

> don't fuck her she's an android bro

>> No.8939383

Songs desu
Pls no bully

>> No.8940488

empowered female protagonists are sooooo 2012. make the character a futa.

>> No.8941642

She not empowered at all. She's an itty bitty goblin who keeps having to make deals with powerful people to keep the people who want her dead away.

>> No.8941937

Dystopian sci-fi, not quite cyber enough to be cyberpunk, an emotionally detached unemployed engineer living in a space colony under security lock-down builds a crude laser weapon and under some perverse unthinking compulsion irresponsibly tests it in his home, levels his high-rise, killing many of his neighbours and nearly himself.

He goes on the run, falls in with revolutionaries out of convenience, the cell leader falls in love with him, she's hot so he fucks her, but he's emotionally distant because he's a big fat autist.

Eventually the revolution goes completely horribly wrong, and with state forces closing in she tries to convince him to join her in a desperate suicide mission to crash the space station into the earth as a political statement.

So he kills her and successfully fakes his own death, leaving the station far behind.

In the distance the station explodes behind him; some of the side-characters successfully carried out the suicide mission, and thus the A and B plots both resolve neatly at the end.

That's the basic outline, I'm working on filling it in, making changes as needed while I work; nothing is set in stone.

>> No.8943283
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I'm basically redoing the whole plot and script for a videogame project some friends were doing 3 years ago. The previous main writer suddenly dissapeared and just 2 guys from the original group want to keep going with this.

It doesn't help that the more I check into the incomplete notes the other writer left, the more blatant plagiarism to other videogames I find. They aren't even good videogames to copy neither.

>> No.8945159

Toying around with the idea of a 4chan centered short story. First paragraph:

I didn’t need a timestamp to know it was her. Post no. 365927736: no capital letters. Unmistakable as a scarcely-disguised banana in a YLYL thread. There was always something inevitable about her posts, like she lied dormant somewhere within the board, maybe was the board herself, lived there all the while, waiting for the moment the page flashed before my eyes when she would awaken to haunt me. I knew it was her before I knew it was me reading the post. I knew it was her before I knew I was in love.

>> No.8945197

Been there. I had a similar situation happen to me when one of our designers kept butting heads with me and the other writer (he did dialogue, I did world/mythos building, along with most of the ideas for the creatures/characters populating it.) Anyway, every time we'd start making real headway and get ready to finally begin dialogue/scene building, he'd start interjecting with how we don't write in a way that's accessible and start presenting his ideas, all of which were heavily formulaic and practically plagiarized from popular video games and movies. Inevitably, the project failed because this fag wouldn't shut up, and not long after, we got hit with a C&D from Ubisoft, because our coder was actually an employee there.

>> No.8945211
File: 3.63 MB, 1944x2592, eric campbel new-guard-rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much writing, but I've been researching for my history thesis. My topic is the New Guard, which is the closest thing Australia ever got to a fascist party, and why they failed to appeal with the typically conservative rural population.

>> No.8945277

In the preliminary stages of writing a longer short story than what I usually churn out(maybe ten or fifteen 8x11s) about a guy in a squadristi of Italian blackshirts who go to a coffee shop after hours to bust up and arrest an alleged communist meeting going on there, they get into a shoot out and the main character (younger guy) feels a bit perturbed by the turn of events. Still, he goes with it anyway because he's scared.

also erotica about a couple who have an intense slave-master relationship and the woman is pregnant but a new woman enters the scene and they break her together

>> No.8945402
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>> No.8945427

A fake diary of an anon stalking a general thread, collecting posts, and then keeping an archive of responses he never posted. Its inspired from that one guy on /sp/ that creeped in threads and recorded every post from some guy and writing a diary about how funny he was and how he wanted to be with him forever.

kek "The Philmarilion"


>> No.8945439

Fuck you let me read it

>> No.8945475

What level?

Sounds really interesting.

>> No.8945741

Doing post production on a grindhouse vampire novel for March release.

>> No.8945799

is this about me?

>> No.8945925

I really want to write a book that goes from scene to scene, haven't decided whether from time to time is a good idea, with no apparent link except that they share a society. It shouldn't be anthropocentric either/ This is one of our major blind spots; we think a story can be told solely in terms of humans and their immediate surroundings.
Narrative is a pretence. There is no absolute knowledge - even if people touch on truth, their perception of it comes from their own limited experience. In reality, events at a large enough scale are not obviously connected, and hypotheses about history are prone to confirmation bias and distortion. Narrative implies that there is enough local information to put together a story - but to have a perfect narrative, you'd need perfect knowledge; knowledge of every preceding and simultaneous event. In fact, if all the initial conditions were given, you wouldn't even need to write the story - it could be deduced. But then again, if quantum randomness actually is fundamental, any attempt at projection will likely yield a possible chain of events, but not the true chain. So by attempting a perfect narrative by initially eschewing it ends in incoherence. The only answer is to eschew narrative itself, but perhaps this is beyond the capacity of human thought.

>> No.8946012

A slow-motion, extremely detailed description of a suicide bombing in Amsterdam. It´s called "Aesthetics of a massacre".

>> No.8946236

Sounds like it could be very good.

>> No.8946300

Your death scene, OP.

>> No.8946344

how do i overcome the embarrassment and fear of my writing being shit?

>> No.8946362

Sounds like it could be very edgy.

>> No.8946369
File: 124 KB, 770x510, 9-12.-Istanbul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a short story kind of dealing with the idea that happiness needs to come from within yourself and that different places/ people aren't the deciding factors over your happiness etc
It's semi autobiographical I guess.

Is that interesting?

>> No.8946377

No but you can make it interesting if you write it beautifully.
One of my favourite short stories ever is about a traffic jam, you can make anything work if you know how to write.

>> No.8946445

You don't.

You just write until its finished, and let your editors de-shitify it for you.

>> No.8946611

Cortázar is good, yeah.

>> No.8947126

nope. i will keep dropping hints about it, though. protagonist realizes he's up against telepaths and uses fringe tech to build remotely-controlled humanoid robots because the telepaths won't be able to read the robots' minds. nobody seems to wonder why all these robots look like hot fifteen-year old girls with the strength of a T-800 terminator. also protagonist is dedicated to the idea of not killing anyone on the opposing side, so has a good line in tasers and sedatives.

>> No.8947407

A very long story about getting old and dying

>> No.8947857
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Just undergrad, it'll be a Bachelor of Arts honours thesis. I'm still very early in my research and I'm still trying to find an exact topic, but their rural campaigns seem to have been neglected by historians so far, and from what I can tell they were an utter failure. They basically behaved like the Nazi S.A., but in the relative stability of depressed Australia it just didn't have the same impact as it did in Germany, and they were despised by pretty much everyone as a result.

>pic related, they wore KKK style uniforms to their most secret meetings

>> No.8947922

I'm not writing anything. I read that Milton went on a six-year literature, philosophy, history binge after college before he started writing Paradise. I haven't read enough to write competently.

>> No.8948694
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That sucks anon, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you and the other writer manage to get the story you intended to do done with an actual good team or on other medium.

Personally the only reason why I want to make this game work is because I actually designed some of the main villains and even helped to give them their backstories and personalities -since apparently "that wasn't important" for the previous writer-, and I don't want them to go to waste since I got attached to them and their situation.

>> No.8948715

Theater, genre comedy. It's my second one. The first one was very well-recieved.

>> No.8949678

A kids play about a virtual contest made it to know who is the more intelligent sixth grade kid, and how a problem kid has to win that contest to overcome the trauma of his old brother, practically a prodigal son who won that contest years ago.

>> No.8949681

this post.

>> No.8949779

Yeah, that's a tough one to get out of.

Damn. Probably a good idea, might do that.

I stopped for some reason, but it's still a WIP rather than an "I've given up" thing.

A pirate adventure story set in underground Fallout-esque tunnels/vaults and irradiated overworld. I think it's a load of bollocks and I hate it, so we'll see.

>> No.8949804
File: 133 KB, 615x898, Draft 2017-01-09 at 12.42.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently polishing this page for a final draft.
This is near the very end of the story.

>> No.8949809

paper about Kant's use of the 'I think'

>> No.8949813

I can only imagine how fast Austin is spinning in his grave what with the Derridean appropriation of his project

>> No.8950488

About a knight who had a one night stand with a witch who then declared to destroy the world.

>> No.8950495

Derrida actually makes some good points about him, specially concerning the parasitic/normal speech divide. His reading of illocutionary force in Nietzsche's terms is just pants on head retarded, no wonder Searle was mad

>> No.8950548

Somebody should help me out. I need to come up with an instance or example of a new employee in a factory setting that's set in his ways and doesn't want to learn a more efficient way to work or do something. I don't know why I'm having such a hard to time thinking of one.

>> No.8950570

Not sure i understand....you want a real life example of someone like that?

>> No.8950609


It can be real or made up

>> No.8950612
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I like you, because I'm basically doing the same shit. Don't you ever stop anon.

>> No.8950985


Anyone have any ideas for this? I'm imagining that I'm trying to train a new employee but he has his own way of doing thing so he's not listening to my instructions even though his method is less efficient and takes more time. I'm drawing a blank on what we could be working on and why his method is less efficient.

>> No.8951454

Draw some R34 of your girl, then we'll talk

>> No.8951480

I like the cut of your jib.

More please

>> No.8951536

Whats that about exactly?

>> No.8951549

It's the adventures of a nihilistic clone who seeks to be the most famous supermodel in the solar system. This scene is during the denouement, and she is coming to understand the true nature of her pursuit.

>> No.8951905
File: 40 KB, 640x480, slipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An erotic Cinderella story about the Prince and his foot fetish

>> No.8952151

"This reply"

>> No.8952161

If you can't think of anything don't force it, put it on the back burner or something and work on something else

>> No.8952506

> a new employee in a factory setting
> set in his ways

how did get get set in his ways if he's a new employee? how did he get hired if there is a massive labor surplus with thirty people for each position?

we had a guy like that at the plastics molding place i work at. insisted on doing things his way. then he went into a rant about how people from India are worthless lazy stupid coffee-colored niggers.. five feet away from the factory owner. who is Indian.

he's gone now.

>> No.8952512
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r u 4 real tho?

>> No.8952516
File: 388 KB, 550x1698, SID_SE_Luna_dt03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this awful feeling that one day i'm accidentally going to post some of this somewhere, and someone will trace it back to me. "oh my GOD, you wrote THAT? keep away from me. i have pepper spray."

>> No.8952527

>> 8951549
> nihilistic clone
> cares enough about what other people think to want to be famous

you keep using that word. i don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.8952624

A story about a quasi-medieval desert society of slaveholding supersoldiers in a state of constant internal conflict after their ruling dynasty got obliterated with its crown and title in a civil war.

>> No.8952695

Yeah, yeah, I know I know.
"detached, self-destructive, vapid, and gratification seeking" felt a little long winded.
>A _real_ nihilist wouldn't even care about living lol
It's a spectrum, dude.

>> No.8952812

Yep, took it as request from an anon on /aco/. I put it down for a couple weeks due to work and other stuff but I have some good ideas on how to finish it

>> No.8952996


>> No.8953379

Diary of a Madman by Gogol


Any Goosebumps book

Cringe - you're not clever lad

The train movie. The Thing.

You should be guilty.

Ha, that's kind of funny. Maybe have him stay further under the radar than fucking the leader.

>> No.8953773

a spectrum? so some nihilists lie on the ground and refuse to acknowledge consensus reality until they die of thirst, and others... refuse to believe in the quotidian world, but only on weekends?

>> No.8953783

>living in a space colony under security lock-down...

>He goes on the run, falls in with revolutionaries out of convenience,

do you imagine space colonies would ever get big enough to have unsupervised areas? anywhere someone could go on the run to? "Oh, that section, it's old, we don't use it for anything so we turned off the cameras and pressure sensors and we don't even acknowledge the mass in the station's rotational component."

why would an unsupervised section even have fresh air?

i don't mean to sound harshly critical, but your editor would point this out if they were at all invested in this.

>> No.8955152


>> No.8955155


>> No.8956265

i used to write a lot of porn. then i realised that once i'd written it, i could no longer fap to it. i felt it was cutting down on my options, so i tend to write the lead-in to the porn and then just not write the climax. the result is kind of weird, and i have dozens of what look like unfinished stories simply because they got to just before the vinegar stroke and then ended.

>> No.8956717
File: 591 KB, 600x800, 1483537678264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing a typical Angel Demon love story (not romance, just love story).

Angels and Succubi used to live together in heaven. Angels fucked Succubi and vice versa, there was much happiness to be shared. but a neckbearded Archangel decided to cast them all out of heaven because he was too /r9k/ to score a succubus of his own (his mortal flaw was refusing to improve himself and thinking everyone should accept him for what he was, a gross hobbit looking man with terrible social skills)

The Succubi respond to being cast out of their home, by turning Earth into that asshole's paradise, and using their knowledge of make up and eugenic beauty breeding secrets to turn earth women beautiful and irresistable.

As the Archangel comes down from the heavens to extinguish all the Succubi and take human wives to heaven, they defend the demonesses by nuking Heaven. Everyone there is dead except for one Angel girl.

The angel girl wanders Earth in despair at her entire family and world being destroyed, and being the last of her kind, and a Succubus comes along to cheer her up...like many succubi tend to do.

>> No.8956754
File: 91 KB, 398x600, f78d4c261569c20d1242eaba02841dc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are being killed by a Dunkleosteus.

A group of ichthyologists hop on a boat to investigate this strange phenomenon.

When they finally come across it, and it is stalking them, the group decides to try and kill it.

However, one girl on the boat is totally against this idea. So one by one, she formulates ways to kill her boat mates and sabotage their mission to kill the rare creature, so she can find a way to control it.

>> No.8956813

I'm writing a gritty military thriller about a secret anti globalist Organization composed of Patriots from the militaries of all the major White countries. Their mission: Saving the West. The story goes like this. Colonel Steve Danger is a war hero Marine combat veteran. Danger awoke to the crude realities of the redpill when PC america abandoned him after he completed 2 tours of duty in Iraq with over 100 comfirmed kills and headshots. Rejected by his libtard family, Col. Danger takes to the road as a hobo, hopping trains and drinking malt liquor, befrending a stray dog and witnessing first hand the decay which has befallen our once great nation. A video of col. danger taking on a whole gang of ghetto thugs goes viral and becomes a rallying cry for a generation of patriots tired of getting pushed around. But They are onto him. The liberal media smears danger as a racist nazi bigot, and antifa death squads are dispatched after him. But there is hope.

>> No.8956843

>libtards being able to have death squads
While that one made me chuckle, I think having a vet just like Danger be part of that death squad would make the stakes really high and awesome on that part. I doubt any libtard, or PC puppet of theirs could cause any meaningful danger to, danger. It would also point out how that organization is willing to dance across the hypocrisy line just to get what they want.

>> No.8957034

PETA would love this. they don't have any problem with killing people as long as they can save one cute fluffy animal. PETA's leader is on record as saying she believes the optimal human population would be zero.

>> No.8957873

I've been watching old 80s horror movies and I kind of have an idea for a story in my head but it's kind of stupid in honesty.

Basically it's a story about a group of 20 somethings going to this mountain community on a nature study trip, and they stop off at a local community for supplies and to find a local guide to take them up the mountain, which at first seems friendly enough, but they notice that the residents are mostly really old people, and some are very reclusive and seemingly unresponsive, and antisocial, some almost mad/demented, and that there are seemingly no children or young adults to be seen within the community.

Then they too start to change in strange subtle ways at first, and their old mentor goes missing after a few days, making them investigate more thoroughly.

Basically it's unveiled that in the past one of the founders of the community was into the occult and struck a deal with a demon for he believed was immortality, which in exchange cursed anyone residing withing the community to age at an accelerated rate, eventually turning into "dark ones". People that have gone past their destined lifespan, and turned into strange living corpses. Active, yet inert and reclusive. Seemingly displaced in reality.

Dumb idea I know, but it sounded kind of fun to write in a shlocky and melodramatic way.

>> No.8957910

essay on Dante's presence in Dorothy Richardson and Beckett and how it can charts the downfall of intertextuality and its role in ordering a narrative

>> No.8958223

it's a cool idea, but if you look at horror as addressing humanity's fear, the one you describe only affects people over the age of fifty, because they're the only ones who realise how close to death they are. the 19-year-old crowd will never go for it.

so fuck them, write it. try to work the word "Tithonian" into it somewhere.

>> No.8958236


>> No.8958501

Dumb idea? Not at all, I think it sounds pretty neat. Meanwhile I'm going the ol' fantasy route of finding some sort of powerful artifact because the MC is power hungry and eventually claim himself ruler of a kingdom that quickly expands into an empire. Then a large and organized group of rebels pops up, but I'm uncertain if the rebels should win or lose. I'll see when I get towards the end.

>> No.8958662



>> No.8958670

lol I thought this was awesome after your first post, now I want to read it even more

>> No.8958674

sounds like lovecraft. therefor not dumb but eldritchly awesome. I wanna suck your tentacle senpai.

>> No.8958679

Sorry guys, I'm new to this board, is it acceptable to ask for advice on plot devices? I need some help.

>> No.8958682

ask away

>> No.8958685

What is a Mule?

>> No.8958707

I've written about 20,000 words, alternative historical fiction. I'm trying to gradually introduce this tag along character but only slowly introduce his character. I plan on him basically being an unbelievable fighter and steady head but I really don't want to do the whole cliched "he was a warrior for 40 years and killed millions and blah blah" I want the reader to realise hes awesome themselves.
Any ideas on how to make the reader almost subconsciously rely on this character?

>> No.8958713

oh, right. it's been about forty years since i read any of the Foundation books. oh well, into the trash my work goes! and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.8958715

you show him being awesome. you don't have other characters standing around murmuring about how awesome he is - you have him demonstrate.

having said that, awesome fighters are kind of common.

>> No.8958716

hmm, maybe you could introduce a sort of shit-hits-the-fan scenario where he leads everyone out of whatever that is

never have him talk about his past but make it apparent through cues - idk, maybe he could always have a weapon on him, or talk like a soldier, or some shit

>> No.8958718

The sun was a burning hole in the midday sky. A ways below,there sat the earth. The light above did shew her ruddy countenance,well worne,bearing such stony peaks and the mountains betwixt.

>> No.8958724

Yeah I like this actually.
Where do you guys dump your text to share? I'll post it if anyone wants to read.

>> No.8958726

please do

>> No.8958728

Since he's a tag along character I assume the story is in third person. Either way, you need to show the reader just HOW he is this unbelievable fighter and HOW he's steady headed.

If he's a tag along character I also assume he's not in the grand scheme of things that much? You could show his attributes at certain times, if he's for example around generals trying to come up with a strategy to defeat a rival army and are arguing about something he could step in, come up with a strategy none of the generals thought of, and convince them to use his plan instead since they can't beat his points in an argument.

Just my two cents on the issue.

>> No.8958730

same fuckhead fantasy novel i've been working on for years

just kill me now

>> No.8958731

but then again! from wikipedia:

The Mule: "One of the greatest conquerors the galaxy has ever seen, he is a mentalic who has the ability to reach into the minds of others and "adjust" their emotions, individually or en masse, using this capability to conscript individuals to his cause. Not direct mind-control per se, it is a subtle influence of the subconscious; individuals under the Mule's influence behave otherwise normally - logic, memories, and personality intact."

MY character is an arrogant, brash entitled sociopath - sort of like if Martin Shkreli and Julian Assange had a baby and it turned out to be Donald Trump. he's never had to work for anything in his life, because his psychic power lets him take what he wants. nobody has ever contradicted him for more than fifteen seconds. naturally, he's the richest person in the world.

nothing subtle about him - if he's pissed off (he has no control over his emotions, of course), he will persuade someone to stop breathing. and they will.

i figured if i'm going to have an antagonist, it should be one i can easily hate.

>> No.8958751

For years? How long is it? What draft number are you on?

>> No.8958839

OK I'll paste it on pastebin shortly.

>> No.8958848

>calls other works cringe or trite
>finds YA genre fiction amusing
C'mon buddy

>> No.8958850

rap lyrics

>> No.8958864

im writing a creepypasta of sorts

want me to post

>> No.8958868
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My story is about this human 16 year old who's raised by the princess of this kingdom of elves. He begins to question why he's the only human and confronts his mother about it, and it frustrates him because he won't get a straight answer. Growing up, he was told to not to ever travel to the north, where the "Mad King" resides with his evil army. Hoping he'll find his people, he secretly leaves at night to find the other kingdom. When he arrives, he sneaks inside and gets caught by guards and is brought to the mad king. Instead of being punished, the Mad King tells the protagonist that he and his personal guards were once a part of the Elf Kingdom's royalty, and broke away to preserve their race and traditions. Eventually, the protagonist pieces together that he is the Mad King's son. The Mad King then tells the protagonist that he told the Princess if anyone ever stepped foot on his kingdom, war would be declared and she would be wiped out. So now the protagonist has a choice; does he stand with his biological father or does he stand with his adoptive mother who raised him from birth?

>> No.8958874

Drafts: lost count. Half a dozen at least. I started it late in uni and I'm pushing 30 now. It's been an obsession since then. It really wasn't supposed to have taken this long, I just wanted to write some basic pulp shit based on games and books I liked.

Well, that didn't happen. And I discovered philosophy partway through and that made things more complicated. I used to think this would be easy but it is hard to write shit that I don't completely hate.

I'm trying to finish it this year, but it's like trying to close Pandora's Box. I really despise cheesy & banal endings just b/c. And now all of my favourite writers are existentialists and fucking poststructuralists and the original plan was supposed to be just swords & dragons & wizards.

>> No.8958881

OK here you go, chapter one, it's the first time I've written anything so don't expect a masterpiece but I'm happy for some criticism.

>> No.8958893

I haven't had such an experience, but I have started at least 5 books so far, with only one being finished. The 5th one is W.I.P. and going smoothly, so it's something.

But just keep at it and you will finish it, regardless I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.8958906

be glad you didn't start writing SF, where your work is out of date within five years.

> had to rework the start of the novel because cellphones were suddenly a thing

>> No.8958912

i am not done with the first oart but i notice some problems already
the writing is much to expository and preoccupied with how life was shit back then and yet it seems too unrealistically comfy. a peasant would not be so expository and would be very "minimalist" in his writing. It'd be like "I kissed my wife goodbye and saw the boys to sleep before i left to see the chief"

>> No.8958930

Oh yeah good take thanks. I'll have to think about this. I guess I'm putting too much of myself into the character. How do I make it less comfy? Do I focus less on how terrible life was and let the reader make their own judgement?

>> No.8958963

Thanks man. Things do get better. Plotting, dialogue, characterization...generally not just being fucking obvious with everything.

The most recent, stunning discovery, is Just Don't Be Such an Asshole. Trying not to lose my mind over The Reader and so on. The temptation to lecture or sound fucking wise or edgy is the absolute worst. It's really hard to be unobtrusive and just show what's happening there without having big pointy fingers or melodrama. It's really hard and I get frustrated but in the end I wind up coming back to it.

Kek. I actually hadn't thought of that. I guess you guys have your own unique problems. Over here in fantasy-land it's basically not being smothered by Tolkien or GRRM. Maybe that's just me tho.

I'm actually trying to get out of fantasy now because that whole concept is so polluted. I never intended to be a philosophyfag but that's what happened.

Basically now I'm trying to put as *little* Serious Stuff into my story as I can. Or dialogue at all, in fact. The more that happens without anybody talking, the happier I am.

>> No.8958968

Stopped reading after 2nd paragraph, my dude. It drags and the tenses are fucked. Seriously, it shouldnt take so long to say nothing.

>> No.8958982

You're right, I think I'm trying to hard. I'll cut it back.

>> No.8958996

read shakespeares sonnet poem on the icy winter in the countryside

>> No.8959005
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And basically that I have realized that the main villain, an overbearing control freak, is me. He's a complete cunt but he is 100% convinced that he's doing the right thing and saving the world, as most cunts of that nature do. Previous iterations of my story attempted to do this in obnoxious ways that were forgivable I suppose because I was somewhat younger (read: virtue signalling like a motherfucker). So now one of those heroes has grown up and embraced being everything he used to hate while still being good at his job. Sort of like Alonzo Harris. Substantially less charisma tho.

So that guy has to get blown up real good but he essentially has access to the drafts of all the previous stories, and he knows exactly what the heroes are thinking and saying before they even get off the ground. He's basically survived them all.

It started a regular fantasy, but it's now a post-nuclear fantasy about the intrigues of a thieves' guild-turned-evil corporation that has become the law of the land. Paranoia abounds. Also VR war machines and the undead. There is one crusty and quietly Catholic black dragon with its wings sheared off that has a few good lines. And a bunch of other fuckups and pirate misfits scavenging progenitor tech they don't understand in a world now completely beyond redemption.

If Gene Wolfe had an alcohol problem and a series of minor concussions, along with a hotshot of Tolkien extra-light and a fondness for Alan Furst, I guess that would be...something. But again this was all supposed to be simple a few years ago.

>> No.8959007

same anon as above,finished it now

u need to read something like cormac mcarthy or something,looks like it might be about people settling iceland or greenland or something,if you wanna get back to your germainic roots read the sagas and look at how shit life was back before modernity and really reflect on how the average peasant warrior viking probably would'nt think too hard about shit,maybe put it into 3rd person,it got better when he wasn't expositing

>> No.8959012

Thanks for reading it. I agree, it's too wordy. I've read a lot of amateur writers just write way to much to explain things and it's just boring and unnecessary which is what I've done.
I have done tonnes of research into facts but you guys are right. Some peasant wouldn't have waxed poetic about that stuff. I think I'll have to switch to third person and re write it all.

>> No.8959023

maybe not rewrite it all dont be a perfectionist retard

u need to get around the historical inpetus for the conquests and the mindset of the average person back then and stuff i'd rather u do that and be not so good at it than have another person wax poetic about modern times,but you need to get into the "nordic mindset" like read some neitzche or something,and just try to wrap your head around that of your people,holistically,read even "deconstructions" of nordic medieval and ancient and modern history something like laberinto de soledad but for nordics

>> No.8959025

o and if u can read some historical works about the period that is all

>> No.8959026

My diary, desu.

>> No.8959104

At the moment just notes. Not really sure what should I do with them. Could turn this either into a novel or a pen and paper RPG setting. Maybe both, I don't know.

It's dark fantasy heavily inspired by some video games like the Soulsborne games as well as Shadow of the Colossus and on the literature side, mostly Tolkien and Lovecraft. It also has some Princess Mononoke and Attack On Titan influence I guess.

It's about a fantasy world in which gods are somewhat parasitic or maybe more like symbiotic life forms, that survive off of the faith of mortal beings and in turn providing them with magic. They are all attributed to certain domains like fire or water or whatever. Also some abstract concepts, more about that later.

The interesting thing is, that if any of these gods fail in feeding off of worship or faith or if their domain gets damaged severely, they become corrupted. For example: The former good of nature Furyel (all gods and with -el) became corrupted due to the humans being drawn to the grand city, forgetting their former ways of living in harmony with nature and exploiting the natural resources of the forest he resides within. He once was a great wolf but now is an unrecognizable, ever shifting blob of fur, teeth and claws, with some eyes here and there. He infects everything he touches, causing a beast plague to arise, that transforms both humans and animals into grotesque beasts. Humans become something similar to werewolves.

In any case, three of the gods decided to band together (they usually don't cooperate) and chose humanity as their subjects, helping them to build this enormous city surrounded by five sets of walls, and forbidding them to worship anything else but them (which caused the nature god to become corrupted, they basically tell humankind, hey we are gods, those other things are devils). This all takes place over the course of several centuries and at the time the story kicks in humankind is in this cross dark ages-victorian state of developemnt. The 3 gods are the god of fire and light Andorael, the god of darkness and death Beliael and the god of water and balance Mythrael. The thing is, that due to the close proximity of the city to the forest, the beast plague soon reaches the inside of the first wall which holds the farmlands.

>> No.8959105

Andorael has become the "main" deity due to his religion, which somewhat resembles a dark age christianity, being practiced and somewhat enforced heavily. He leads a crusade against the beasts and tasks his knights to venture outside of the walls to find Furyel and kill him so that the beast plague may end. The second largest religion is the one of Mythael, being casually practiced by many commoners. He also has several monestaries in which his most dedicated followers practice withdrawal from worldly cravings, similar to buddhist monks. The smalles religion is the one of Belial. First people were just very hesitant to follow his teachings as most saw his domains as evil and undesireable. In recent times, the small size of this religion can mostly be attributed due to differences he has with Andorael and the resulting discrimination of his followers. They're not allowed to practice their religion in public and are met with gruesome punishments, like his preachers having their tongues cut out if caught.

Damn this is getting too long.

Andoraels knights capture Furyel but can't manage to kill him, so they bring him back to the city, were he is locked in the dungeons. The overly arrogant Andorael provides his clergy with magic that is able to kill him and trusts them with doing so, but they instead keep him in the dungeon and extract his blood to find the secret of life as he and his beasts have insane regenerative powers and the three gods, while providing them with all kinds of magic, never gave them magic means to heal wounds, illnesses or prolong human life. They eventually manage to distil his blood and create this medicine that cures practically anything. As soon as Andorael realises this, he gets pissed and goes down deep into the dungeon to kill Furyel himself but never returns.
In his absence, the influence of his church weakens and a school is opened, dedicated to unravel the mysteries of magic (basically wizards). They learn to use magic without having to channel it through faith but instead deconstruct it in a scientific way.
This eventually attracts a new deity, Pandorael. His domain is the pursuit of knowledge.

>> No.8959108

Mythael leaves the humans as soon as it turns out, that the medicine that was created from Furyels blood still carries the plague in it, turning users that abuse it too often into beasts, causing the whole city to fall into chaos. He goes into the snowy north to return to the mortals that were his subjects before he decided to ally with the other two.

Andorael on the other hand, changed his plans and decided that humans were not worthy of his shiny shinyness and instead of killing Furyel he leaves him alive in his anger, hoping his taint will bring down the humans eventually (pesky humans, not listening to what he says). He then went down into the unexplored caves below the dungeons to find new mortals to worship him. He eventually finds these bat creatures that are unfortunately to dumb to properly worship him and he becomes corrupted, infecting the bats with chaotic fire which start to ascend the caves and dungeons and the humans are greeted with fiery demons pouring into the city from the palace.

Eventually all the wizards vanish as they try some crazy combined spell to stop the demons which obviously fails. (this also causes the sun to disappear, though I haven't quite figured out how exactly this relates to their spell or whatever, but everlasting darkness is cool I guess)

Shit this was a much longer exposition than I planned it to be. This is basically all just background info, the actual story takes place after all these events, with the city being pretty much fucked and only small settlements of sane people still alive here and there.
The remaining humans all worship Belial, which is quite fitting as mortal life is scarce and short and night is eternal and yea, he's the god of death and darkness and all.

Weather I have dedicated characters or “players” living through this story is dependant on what this concept is being turned on (as I mentioned earlier, either a novel or a RPG).
In any case, they are “Undying”. Corpses resurrected by Beliael to get things a bit more under control. So much death is cool and all but with all humans dead, there'd be no one to worship.

On their journey through the ruined city they'll meet insane folk, remnants of past factions like a group of Andoraels knights that still think he'll return someday, bringing the sun and therefore light back and all kinds of beasts and demons to fight. Oh, also Pandorael which is on the bring of being corrupted himself since no one is left to seek knowledge anymore with all the wizards gone and shit.

Yea fuck this turned out long. Does /lit/ think this has potential or just an awkward amalgamation of ideas?

>> No.8959115

Also excuse the countless typos and grammar fuck ups, I'm tired

>> No.8959181

Just short stories about small town Australia

>> No.8959193


Really like it my man, written anything about it yet?

>> No.8959200

OK I've had a go at cleaning this up, let me know if you think it's any better.

>> No.8959203

Tell me more. I grew up in small town Australia and miss it. Got anything to share?

>> No.8959206

as I said, only notes so far, glad you like the concept though, my gf constantly nags me about doing something with it already but I'm really unsure if it's really kewl or just some cringy pool of random ideas

>> No.8959224

I'm not so sure about that.
Some young people see the old differently. Usually it's hard to for them to put themselves in their position. To understand what it's like to have an ailing back and a dodgy memory or being so damn slow to do everything. They appear inhuman to them, and I think they secretly fear getting older.

I want to play on that. The "dark ones" are a representation of that inhuman element of aging. The older a "dark one" gets the more inhuman it looks. They eventually lose all trace of the humanity they once had, forgetting what they were completely, and leave the village and lurk within the surrounding forest and mountain.

They are slow by themselves but there are so many of them that it does not matter. They are so quiet they move without sound. They appear unmoving, yet seem to easily get around when they need to.

When the group tries to escape in their car, they find themselves unable to do so because the dark ones in the woodlands literally form an unbreakable wall of bodies. (They are literally a mass of dead weight so strong it stops the car in it's tracks)

The townsfolk was hesitant to say anything to them at first because they are basically frightened children in a manner of speaking, but they also wanted to protect these people. They thought the dark ones would let them go if they remained ignorant like they have done to some travellers in the past, who come by to trade from outside the area.

But circumstances left them to prod a sleeping evil. So they either have to accept their fate or try to take on the evil at it's source.

Also I love the mythology idea. Should interweave it into the opening chapter of the book, like they are listening to a radio drama based on the tale, but are talking over it.

This could be really fun idea to play with, now that I think about it.

>> No.8959266

Not that anon. But small town Australia is shit, especially ROCKHAMPTON.

>> No.8959273
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Just one shitpost after another.

>> No.8959287

very love, much craft

>> No.8959302
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I'm a huge fan of David Gemmel, and his book "Legend" saved my life once (I don't mean like I didn't kill myself because of it, I mean it literally saved my life during a car crash) so I decided to write a loving satire of the story.

The premise of Legend was a quaint, idyllic western country besieged by evil bloodthirsty Mongols, and an old hero named Druss had to come out of retirement to help lead the defenders. Another younger character who had left the military had to come back and fight, finding love on the way. The book was written while Gemmel had cancer, and he fully expected to die while writing it. However, at the last moment he pulled through, and so changed the ending to be very positive.

My story is more or less the opposite. A corrupt, violent feudal state enters a war with another corrupt violent medieval state for reasons nobody understands, and a bunch of characters who think they want to go to war are pressed into the hideous meatgrinder of a late medieval siege where simply waiting out the opposition isn't an option. The enemy is coming over those walls with fire and sword to kill anyone who doesn't die to starvation or disease first. The characters spend as much time trying to figure out where to bury all their dead as they do actually fighting the enemy. Corpses start washing up when it rains, the ground water gets poisoned, all that bad stuff.

I have had the ending in my mind for years, it is only now that I've finally gotten off my ass and started writing.

>> No.8959312

pls elaborate on how a book saved your life during a car crash dude

>> No.8959316

I'm writing a Worm/Shadowrun crossover fanfiction.

>> No.8959338

I brought it up in front of my face when my father screamed before the crash. Later we found a piece of glass stuck into it the size of a human hand. If that hadn't happened, it might've hit me in the throat. We were in the mountains of Tahoe at the time, it took an hour for an ambulance to arrive for the guy we crashed into.

So it's not 100% but I'm fairly sure I was saved by a few hundred pages of sword & sorcery.

>> No.8959358

that's an awesome story. good for you mate. poor book though :(

>> No.8959371
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My mom still has it with my stuff from when I went away to college. I'll give it to my son someday, tell him to keep it in his glovebox. A Lucky Charm from Based David Gemmell.

>> No.8959380

let's hope your great-great grandson won't receive it from a comrade of his father who hid it from ISIS in his ass for several years until he died from it, at which point said comrade took upon to the duty to hide the book that once saved the little boys great-great grandfathers life in his ass before finally returning back home to deliver the book to the boy and till him this moving but also pretty gross story. and ffs the boys gf better not leave it at the apartment!

>> No.8959414


Tbh sometimes I feel like I'm doing shitty imitations of Bukowski or something, like trying to glorify alcoholism and bein all indifferent and shit but my experience with the small Australian town is that it's a bunch of cunts, who are at least genuine in their cuntiness. You hear all around these places real obnoxious contrarians who only want to talk about how "when I move to Melbourne" and about how "Townsville has no culture". But you also get the deluded people who think that there's no other truth than the plight of rural Australians, doin it tougher than just about anyone in the world and fuck those greeny cunts down south who don't know shit etc.

I'm trying to write small town Australia simply as it is, I don't want to say anything about it one way or another, want it to be warts and all - and obviously being a young guy, in a town where frankly there isn't much to do aside from get on the piss with your mates, my stories tend to revolve around Friday afternoons and pubs and all that nonsense but you'd be surprised (or you might not be) how much humanity you see over those weekends.

>> No.8959875

Nigga the Dunkleosteus aint a fluffy animal

>> No.8960835

I don't give a f**K what people say, I wanna know more

>> No.8960857

Well I'll read some of you end up posting it.

>> No.8961756

check out Bruce Sterling's "The Artificial Kid"; one of the themes was how life extension challenged extremely old people to adapt, not always in the best way.

>> No.8961768

>I'm actually trying to get out of fantasy now because that whole concept is so polluted. I never intended to be a philosophyfag but that's what happened.

my god.

> trying to get out of the fantasy genre
> and into philosophy

that's like trying to climb out of the frying-pan and into the cesspit full of septic discharge.

"I won't lie to you about your chances.. but you have my sympathy."

>> No.8961772

it's an animal and they will defend it to the death. preferably your death. because animals are noble and kind and caring and cute and humans are evil spiteful monsters.

>> No.8961831
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I know man. I know.

On the bright side, I feel like I have a very high-powered set of binoculars for looking at how absolutely destroyed the rest of my life is. Philosophy is honestly my passion but I have even less intention of making a living there than I did in writing.

So basically I now have a whole shitload of philosophy, that I am trying to wrap up in a fantasy novel...without sounding so philosophical that I become a cunt...in order to fucking put everything I pulled out of Pandora's Box back into it...so that I can

move the fuck on

That's basically my life. I shot myself in the foot being obsessed with writing, and then tried to treat the wound with the mad scientist philosophy toolkit, and now I'm here. It's why post-apoc is my favourite genre.

But the thing is, I can't really be a cunt or emo or anything about it. I'm aware of how retarded all of this is & sounds. So basically I'm trying to turn a mountain of garbage into one small and finely polished rock that can go on amazon or whatever for a reasonable 6.99 or whatever the fuck. There's not much money in writing or philosophy unless you hit the jackpot, which can't be anyone's plan A unless they are really fucking stupid (and I used to be really fucking stupid).

So yeah. It's all basically about climbing out of wreckage. But if down the road you read about a post-apoc fantasy story with war machines and wingless dragons and zombies and a lot of kind of weirdly muted philosophyfag stuff in it, that's me. My plan is to get it finished, and I actually think it would be a good movie. But I'm expecting to be doing fuckhead jobs for a long time to come.

In the meantime tho, I'll take that sympathy. Thanks man.

>> No.8962374

like you serious or is this spook?

>> No.8962645
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seriously. i regard philosophy as failed fantasy writing. all most of it lacks is ye olde map at the front of the book and a list of invented words at the back. and a plot.

>> No.8962667
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forget that shit, anon. you're better than that. you seem to be able to express yourself well, so forget philosophy. as HST would have said, it's a fucking dry socket, and it doesn't impress the chicks.

gonzo SF is the way. you can write any kind of insane shit and they'll clap and ask for more. how the hell else did Rudy Rucker ever get published?

pic vaguely related.

>> No.8962855
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>i regard philosophy as failed fantasy writing
I really agree with this, And failed fantasy writing is often just bad philosophy (that is, ideology). I used to think it was about writing the *perfect* ideology... but yeah, about that. The word 'ideology' destroyed "fantasy" 4evah.

And yet...

So now my definition of a good fantasy story is basically something that maintains your interest and conspicuously manages not to say anything outrageously stupid. Plus one or two good set-piece scenes and a lead character who doesn't make you want to take a melon-baller to your eyes.

My feeling now is that only real ideology you are allowed to present in a work of fantasy fiction had better be coming from the villain, no ifs, ands, or buts. Which is why I think I like the idea of making myself the villain, or at least some approximation of me, and then watching myself get blown to pieces. It sounds kind of weird but I actually enjoy it now, strange as that sounds. It's not so much about presenting an ideology but about watching the one you're stuck on get Blowed Up Real Good.

I love HST. He's kind of out of my system now but my early takes on magic were 100% based on psychedelics.

Now it's all about fucking capitalism. But capitalism is a no-no too, so that also has been shelved. Bitching about capitalism is extra-stupid. Slowly I'm inching back towards people who don't sound like tropes.

In a post-apoc world there's no room for romance, and I hate irony. That space in between bullshit romanticism and bullshit cynicism is where I try to make things happen. Mostly about surviving repeated blows to the head & nuts. And then sort of carrying on.

But, you know, with swords & shit.

>> No.8962907
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>no room for romance
More political romanticism rather than romance between characters is what I mean. I'm not really into romance so much. I prefer pirate-ship battles and smuggling and paranoia and Things You Weren't Supposed to Know. Grave-robbing and the Spanish Inquisition. Drugs and alcohol and gambling debts.

Basically Lord of the Rings by way of William Gibson, maybe. Even the second part of that story sucks. Although I did some mushrooms not so long ago and for some weird reason re-read it and the hornet's nest with the corporate logo on it bothered the shit out of me.

It reminded me of why mushrooms were never one of my favorites.

>> No.8963386
File: 104 KB, 401x243, Lol_jean_pierre_approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. you should totally read Michael Moorcock's "Wizardry and Wild Romance", where he deconstructs the entire sword and sorcery genre from its sources up to, oh, about fifteen years ago (when the book was written). he has a lot of cogent things to say about heroes and their place in literature.

melon baller to the eyes, huh?

>> No.8963426
File: 494 KB, 1284x2080, vonbek002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did read that, years ago. MM wrote one of my favorite stories ever, The War Hound and the World's Pain. That man had insane range and a way of being able to write fun pulp stuff and also some pretty sophisticated stuff. He's amazing. War Hound isn't really one of his best stories, but the basic idea is great. And this line:

>in heaven, you might become the person you always thought you could be. in hell, you know you are the person you always feared you were

That's no joke.

My dream writer would be something like a cross between him and Alan Furst, who writes sophisticated WW2 espionage stories about alienated spies and intellectuals. Maybe some other guys. I love War In the Shadows-type stuff but the real thing is not allowing things to turn into cartoons too soon. People I think need or want to see other people make bad decisions and pay for them. That's my feeling.

I am myself a shit writer with no discernible talent for language. I took a writing class in uni and there were people who are just legit geniuses on paper. Those people are natural craftsmen. I had no real problem admitting this, they were just stylists with words.

I seem to be something else and I'm not sure what. I agonize over philosophy stuff that nobody cares about, but it's cunty to say to other people that they *should* care. So I try to just be entertaining, but what's entertaining for me is watching good ideas turn into bad ones and bad ones turn into good ones. I don't know what it is that I do exactly or even why I am obsessed with this. A friend asked me once why I didn't try to make a game instead and I genuinely didn't have an answer for him. I think I like writing conversations between angry and disaffected people who are carrying weapons or who are on Doomed Quests and so on but can't really help themselves. I'm not into meta and I'm not into escapism. So rather than write a dense philosophical text I think I'd prefer to have the voices in my head just try to kill each other with arcane weaponry.

Eschatology > deconstruction.

>> No.8964080

Ur mom

>> No.8965093


I'm in the process of writing two very different fiction novels where the main character is pretty much a self-insert, but with better lives and friends and better jobs, etc.

They will never live to see the light of day.

>> No.8965105

>Stop PMing me asking why thats why
It's parody, guys

>> No.8965119

Reminds me of that article "pastor has sex with teenage girl to expel demons" or whatever. I don't know if it was just a parody article, can't find it again

>> No.8965146

make the deals degrading, like public humiliation and rape and shit. yaaaaaaaas

>big fat autist
please make him literally be fat and with autism. that would make it incredible

also the first line sounds like you got it out of a plot generator lol

your first story was exciting until you got to "he feels a bit perturbed and goes with it anyway bc he's scared :(" boring. write something else. maybe he was scared because he knew the commies, maybe one was his brother and he didn't say anything because he was afraid they would think he was a commie too, etc etc

it will be shit, but finish it anyway and keep going back and redoing it til it's less shit then get an editor

cheers, good luck

>new employee
>set in his ways
maybe he is older, rejoining the workforce after an injury and his old position/factory is gone, the job is now with new factories and new employees better optimized, and maybe they put him in a bit of a position of power so that he can say he doesn't want to work with the new technology, and people sort of have to listen to him or convince him otherwise

>> No.8965165
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>> No.8965172

I like you, anon. I hope you succeed, eventually.

>> No.8965258
File: 851 KB, 1873x2088, 1411225996553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same series of short stories (connected by generally having the same main character) that I've been writing for years, except the focus has shifted from "look at the elaborate fantasies this neet weaves in his head to feel less depressed", to what made him that way. It's a lot of fun to write, and some of them have been published in journals and stuff, but the vast majority will just remain unpublished.

>> No.8965292

I would be writing a story for the video game I'm making if I had any idea where to start.

>> No.8965311

you should read some Stephen King

>> No.8965347

my diary, desu

>> No.8965383

Dystopian YA fantasy with evil hive-minded dinosaurs, space aliens, and a "human" race that has only existed for 3,000 years. They're a hybrid of two distinct hominid species, one of which is on the verge of extinction.

... It makes more sense in context.

>> No.8966159

it's not a parody article. that sort of shit happens all the time, particularly in Africa.

>> No.8966167
File: 289 KB, 1200x1200, Every_Dystopian_YA_novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dystopian YA fantasy

this is like having a fetish for shitting in your pants and masturbating at the same time. it's only a problem if you feel compelled to do it in public.

the world does NOT need more Dystopian YA fantasy. seriously.

but if you can't resist.. here's a handy guide.

>> No.8966185
File: 509 KB, 1024x1587, Matthews_Rodney_038_Mongrove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heroes betray us. By having them, in real life, we betray ourselves.
- Michael Moorcock

doesn't matter if the world doesn't pay you to write.. you appear to be self-aware, which is more than 99% of the flesh robots on this planet. it's your blessing and your curse.

pic related, it's my favorite Moorcock character.

>> No.8966329

no. its totally about me!

>> No.8966334


>> No.8966342

>emotely-controlled humanoid robots because the telepaths won't be able to read the robots' minds.


>> No.8966569

My protagonist is a brown dude.

That's gonna be a really awkward love triangle.

>> No.8966772

that's.. about.. all i have.

the biggest problem is the head of the Telepaths has these two old women he found in the Basque part of Spain.. who occasionally dream of things that will happen in the future. trying to second-guess THEM is a real pain in the ass.

>> No.8966777
File: 464 KB, 1599x1200, 1379298477177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all. Samuel R Delany wrote that sort of thing all the time.

>> No.8966927

I mean, I would roll with it, but he ends up in a political marriage with the youngest princess of the matriarch of the People of the Sand as a maintenance of some local peace treaties and if he's rolling in the sheets with two dudes as well, well.

Like, the first hot white dude I can exlain. The other hot white dude makes the whole thing a mess, because the only eligible second hot white dude is the brother of the first, unless I make up a whole misplaced hot white dude in the desert just for the express purpose of the love triangle.

I'm going to look this Delany fellow up. Any recommended books by him, or just general?

>> No.8967061
File: 215 KB, 1600x718, fzd_ep74_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. I appreciate it. It's a struggle, but it's a good one. When I feel like I'm making progress.

That's a hell of a good line. And Dancers at the End of Time is one of the reasons I think MM was so good. I remember Mongrove.

>you appear to be self-aware, which is more than 99% of the flesh robots on this planet. it's your blessing and your curse

Sounds like you've got it too. Philosophy was basically only good for giving me a vocabulary for articulating what the butterflies in my stomach were freaking out about. What philosophy doesn't tell you is what you're supposed to do, which is kind of what I was hoping to find.

I'm getting more interested in religion again now for that reason. Kind of a surprise. But fantasy stuff is right there on the edge of that. It's why I was attracted to fantasy in the first place, the feeling that it was dealing with universal stuff.

Then I learned about ideology and how much of that stuff is only apparently universal. Ok. But there's something going on in fantasy stuff, and in post-apoc fantasy stuff, that is more than that.

So it's not quite religion, and it's not quite philosophy, and it's not quite post-apoc...but somewhere in the middle. Something that says, somehow, in some way, that despite all of this shit that we know, that we know about illusions, fantasies, heroes, all of this, that life is still worth living. Even though as a generation I think we just know too much about the past to feel comfortable with old illusions, and we are at the same time too fucking self-aware to know how to make new illusions...and that just staring at the television without illusions will make you go mental.

So I'd kind of like to close Pandora's Box. Even if it's only in a personal way. But, as I said, this thing started simple and got way out of hand. I would have quit a long time ago if that wasn't the basic lesson of culture today, that things have gotten way out of hand and are almost overwhelming at this point.

But art is good.

>> No.8967406

Good job. Keep working hard.

>> No.8967419
File: 52 KB, 640x420, cantstandya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch of something i just wrote this afternoon. trying to fit it into something, and it definitely needs work.

Time—Cormac looked through its long haze and saw the girl’s face, which he tried to conjure in the blackness of his mind. Sarah’s dark brown eyes; her ruddy clean complexion; her small button nose; he tended these features like a garden, nurturing the memory of them, trying to spring them to life again.
Outside, a bright swarm of buglike stars lit the sky, blotched in grey clouds.

>> No.8967439

Sci-fi novel about a man captured by slavers to work in an underwater mine on an "ocean planet" for the rest of his life. Something gets fucked in the mine, and nightmare creatures living in the water flood into the station, and the story is about the dude escaping.

First novel I've started, and I'm just 3 paragraphs in. Looks good to me so far, but probably shit compared to actually published books.

>> No.8967458

>That's a hell of a good line. And Dancers at the End of Time is one of the reasons I think MM was so good. I remember Mongrove.

did you ever read "Elric at the End of Time"? it was hilarious. Elric is all ".. but I have a doom-laden destiny."

Mongrove replies eagerly "Ah! I too have a doom-laden destiny!"

Elric replies "I doubt it is as doom-laden as mine."

you have to love an author who can poke fun at his own serious work.

>> No.8967460
File: 189 KB, 500x482, 1410863019847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever read "Slaves of the Klau" by Jack Vance? not the same as yours, but not entirely different, either. there was a movement in SF in the late sixties / early seventies where they liked to imagine civilizations advanced enough to travel in space but not morally advanced enough to be above using slaves. i think John Brunner did one in that field, too.

pic totally unrelated.

>> No.8967501

A semi-positive nihilistic answer to 'Journey to the End of the Night', with a more positive view on humanity, with some viewpoints of Camus, the influence of desire and memory on perception of 'Invisible Cities' by Italo Calvino and my own personal philosophies/convictions (the insurmountable superficiality of life, escapism into pleasures, etc.) added in.

The main plot revolves around a failed philisophy student, blessed and cursed by a rational disposition, and his search for meaning in/of life, fueles by a fear of and feeling of looming death.

He ends up working as a gravedigger, feeling that physical labour and helping to bury the dead is a nobel and meaningful job. He converses with his collueges, debates with the local pastor and lets his superficiality flow in conversation with women. He creates and invents stories about the dead he buries, their histories and their personalities. He regularly visits a prostitute with a passion for philosophy far beyond his own, to lose discussions and see his reason fail. He later goes on to create life, by having sex with her in the graveyard and thus 'conquering death' by creating life in a place where death is so present and close.

The book is supposed to be vague, characters have no names but will be named after a characteristic/distinguished feature. I am also thinking about introducing every chapter with a symbolic dream, I want symbolism to play a big part in it.

All in all its very vague, I'm still working on the concepts, characters, dialogues, etc.

As a key philosophy I would concord with Camus': life is absurd and one must add meaning to the life that will eventually turn into a void. Life is the fight against (the feeling of) death, a long and prolonged defeat, fought by feeding, saving and creating life.

What do you guys think?

>> No.8967518


>> No.8967578

A song of ice and fire

>> No.8967587

isn't this EXACTLY how Conan the Barbarian and Superman were created?
Give it your honest best shot I bet you'll write something truly worthwhile. Or at least a good yarn.

>> No.8967595
File: 18 KB, 200x300, 412917e9f3a365f55be041d202200f69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. MM could write heavy stuff without being too serious about it. Or needing to score crazy cool points by showing how disaffected he was. He was just a natural like that, a kind of a genius. Gloriana was amazing. That tone, the Dark Elizabethan stuff, John Dee, Quire, all that...that was just perfect to me. Not a long of jokes there, but...man. And just a one-off, not a long series...

I always wondered how he pulled that off. But maybe the landscape was just different then. I don't know. I used to write more absurd/self-referential stuff but I don't feel that stuff so much anymore.

But humor is important. Seven Samurai is basically a perfect 10/10 story, and I don't think anyone would be able to stand it without the humor.

>> No.8967611

Very well done. Highly convincing. God I actually kind of miss the days when I would see unironic mary sues around every corner. These parodies make me smile.

>> No.8967624

high school or early college

>> No.8967656

You are a lying fat piece of shit

>> No.8967684

it's fine but you probably already ran out of steam. don't start a writing project with poetic language (unless it's a problem). start as prosaically as possible and fill in the rhetoric later so it doesn't pull you off course trying to up the ante in terms of style

>> No.8967700
File: 92 KB, 450x310, frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started writing today. I'm shit at it but I just had to try it. Basically I make up stuff as I go.
I'm only at the intro which is now complete.
I'll leave a quote from it.

"The sun was slowly descending across the horizon as dusk approached, inviting the glowing moon from the east. The wind began to dance with the pines as the stars were appearing. Night fell upon the vast and untamed northern wilderness. Vidar and his grandfather Sigurd quickly gathered some firewood and sought refuge in a nearby cave which was too small to house a sleeping bear."

Please give opinions. Keep in mind that I'm not totally inexperienced, so criticism is gold.
Also this is just a 5th of the intro.

>> No.8967704

I meant I am totally inexperienced, don't know how "not" ended up there.

>> No.8967767

if you're truly nihilistic then you won't write a book using words. you'll climb to the top of the nearest skyscraper, scream your work out into the night, using a language of your own invention, then you'll jump to your death, knowing that no act that man can perform has any significance.

fuckin' kids these days, call themselves nihilists..

>> No.8967780

>Give it your honest best shot I bet you'll write something truly worthwhile. Or at least a good yarn.

i am giving it my honest best shot. i spend hours pondering exactly how Nomad is going to respond when the Agency quietly hires six thousand Indonesian soldiers to find, or kill him. does he involve the regular army? do they give a shit since climate change has essentially destroyed the country and most people have moved to south america or new zealand? is he going to try to kill them all, or give them a chance to turn around and go home? if he gave them that chance, would they? what would happen if he *did* kill them all? he'd have to dive into the Grey Book and pull out some nasty grey tech.. neurotoxins, perhaps, or a non-contagious targeted virus that leaves them too tired to fight. Nomad is coming to appreciate that having a reference full of almost god-like technology doesn't mean all of his problems are going to be easy to solve.

god damn it, he can't kill anyone yet until he's established who the hell the Agency actually is, and why they want to kill him. perhaps they've learned of the Grey Book, and they've decided to monetize it..

>> No.8967784

"I haven't failed.. I've found ten thousand ways that didn't work!" - Edison

"Pull down your pants and ROLL IN YOUR MISTAKES!" - J.R."Bob" Dobbs

>> No.8967788
File: 23 KB, 316x331, Lol_doland_straight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, yeah, gonna keep working on this.. just never going to show the results to anyone.

>> No.8968049

I've never read Michael Moorcock, but now I'm going to. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.8968054

Time—Cormac looked through its long haze and saw her face, which he tried to conjure in the blackness of his mind. Sarah’s dark brown eyes; her ruddy clean complexion; her small button nose; he tended these features like a garden, nurturing the memory of them, trying to spring them back to life.
Outside, a bright swarm of buglike stars lit the sky.

>> No.8968073

A girl and her twin sister who suffer from a car crash which makes the family change for the worst. The father becomes alcoholic and is a judge but also a complete cunt who started teaching one of the twins at about 11 years old that he's going to love her in a way that other dads wouldn't and she can't say anything about it because people would become jealous. Mom is never around and is running for Senator. Both sisters are polar opposites and assissting their last year of highschool. The story is told from the sister who is a drug addict and has her boyfriend supply her with the drugs in exchange for sex. The other sister is basically smart, reliable, but also daddy's little girl which he visits from night to night and she knows it's wrong but doesn't resist. Her sister sees them do it since the start and pretends to sleep but wishes to make dad happy too. In the end, it was always one of the sisters who adopted a split personality of her sister who is smart and kind since she died in the car crash and is being medicated.

I don't like sugar stories

>> No.8968076

Have you guys ever gotten your short stories published? I'm thinking of submitting to some international literary magazine, what do you guys think of that?

>> No.8968077


Also, the father was raised in an alcoholic and abbusive family which would led to him going to his neighbors house but the neighbor is a pedophile. Makes him pose naked for the neighbor to take pictures to share with others of similar interest, fracturing the kid and putting him in a interest as deacribed earlier with one of his daughters

>> No.8968078

Did you lift it from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines?

>> No.8968082

Nope, and is it that similar? Tried to aim for something as close to unique and dark

>> No.8968680

Going to start a short story today about a biblical parable from genisis.

>> No.8968698

I think you should go for it. Make sure you obey the submission guidelines, and prepare to be knocked back, but give it a go.

I had one piece of flash fiction published, and it was probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me.

Certainly the idea that someone will pay for your writing is a great encouragement.

>> No.8968819

i keep a note of whatever the voices in my head ask me
currently seeking treatment so maybe it will come in handy during therapy or something

>> No.8968838

what do they ask? do you respond?

>> No.8969147

come on, you have to elaborate on that.

>> No.8969165

A story about a shy woman entering the BDSM world and understanding the nature of God through it.

>> No.8969187
File: 49 KB, 331x499, 51eQsE1X5+L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moorcock is awesome. That other anon has helped me remember how much I like this guy, I'm reading him now. It's good times all around.

Going to have to start an MM thread if this keeps up.

>> No.8969194

Sounds rather pretentious, if you'll excuse me for using that term. Do you claim to understand the "nature of God", or are you somehow conveying her understanding without explaining any of it?

>> No.8969230
File: 15 KB, 220x396, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a shy woman entering the BDSM world and understanding the nature of God through it

sounds like Fifty Shades of Pray

>> No.8969661

why publish? it doesn't pay for shit, you have to trade away some of the rights to the work, and it doesn't serve as an advertisement to other editors "dude's been published, wow, he must have a huge dick".

you get better distribution posting on livejournal, to be honest.

>> No.8970620

ah, it'd be full of penis jokes. you know how Americans are.

there used to be an alt.fan.moorcock, but most of the posts in there were for gay escort services.

>> No.8970666
File: 91 KB, 900x467, elric_wip01_by_remton-d5pbik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought this myself. I'm not a burger myself but goddamn, the fact that the man's last name inhibits discussion of his work is ridiculous.

Even if some of it is admittedly kind of funny.

Anyways I'm reading Hawkmoon now and goddamn it is cozy af. It's like reading the most /lit/ possible Final Fantasy story. I really am realizing how much I want to write just like that man. This thread has actually been really helpful in that regard, so if you are the same anon I've been bouncing ideas off of for a while, thanks is in order. I've rediscovered an influence or style to emulate and that is fucking *hugely* helpful.

Here, have a dope wallpaper. Elric is fucking boss as hell.

>> No.8971147
File: 797 KB, 1604x1100, 1472_Hawkmoon_Defends_Castle_Brass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, god, yes. i read the Hawkmoon books when i was a teenager, and i was "fuck, yes. THIS is what fantasy is, not... friggin' Tolkien with his pipe and his slippers and his cosy fireside chats." only just now realizing what an influence Moorcock was on what passes for my style, which is a god-damned relief because the first authors i ever read were Edward Elmer Smith.. and Isaac Asimov. jesus christ.

>> No.8971165

Writing a monologue trying to explain why I became self-destructive and depressed to try to stave away intrusive thoughts and maybe feel better about it

and some poetry

>> No.8971180

I want to write a set of I guess short stories that interlace.

>> No.8971181

>I really am realizing how much I want to write just like that man.

until you get to the Pyat novels and you realise Pyat was a complete asshole. then you turn to the Jerry Cornelius books and wish you had lived in the fab sixties.

>> No.8971187

After months of trying to figure out what I should write, I've finally come to a decision. I'm going to write Crime and Punishment.

>> No.8971200
File: 43 KB, 330x549, Dancers_at_the_end_of_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Mibix, kroofroodi! Hrunt!"

>> No.8971205
File: 65 KB, 790x416, BTAF_atlas_shrugged2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not? i think it was Kathy Lette who published someone else's book, word for word, claiming it was "postmodern appropriation".

if people can do shit like that, anything goes.

>> No.8971209

I'm writing a book about a hotel that is actually a portal to the afterlife, that is, when the ferry to cross the river is full, dead people make reservations to stay and wait at the hotel for their turn.

The story revolves around a character who just got hired at the hotel (which exists in both planes) and is slowly starting to uncover what exactly the hotels does, when he dies, and then is able to cheat death by working loopholes in the reservation system.

Then it sort of goes alice in wonderland with him going to the afterlife and regular world as an adventure.

>> No.8971230

"Epic" half allegorical half character study narrative that Ive been developing in my head since junior year of high school.

Follows a child damned by god since birth, opening scene is a failed coat hanger abortion. Wont go into too much detail but the beginning of the novel adopts a Southern Gothic style, and then when he leaves the south and enters college the novel shifts to a tone of pure electricity and examines the dopamine binge and following burnout that American society has pushed us towards. The book progresses into an anti western of sorts as the boy leaves college and heads for the West with his companion a man obsessed with atavistic notions and a vision of a future in which man returns to his seemingly natural state. The boy has a very damaged and cocaine addled psyche and internalizes the idea that it is easier to be a monster then to bear the pain of being a man. The story has very deep religious undertones and the kid is obsessed with rebellion against the divine. The last part of the book revolves around his perceived submission to god and acceptance of this role of anti-christ figure in which he murders with impunity across the west.

Typing this out in any kind of coherent manner is impossible and trying to encapsulate the entire thing in this post is a waste of time. Basically I dropped out of college just to write this and I believe it will be great

>> No.8971236

sounds pretty cool dude, I believe in you.

>> No.8971247

thanks man, that means a lot

>> No.8971263

Why did you not go for the meme and say Don Quixote?

>> No.8971300
File: 276 KB, 565x610, the-elric-saga-part-1-cover-art-robert-gould-d50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friggin' Tolkien with his pipe and his slippers and his cosy fireside chats

That's Tolkien all right. He comes up a lot for me because back when I thought Catholicism was for plebs and naifs. Weird/dark/edgy, right? Weird/dark/edgy.

Then philosophy happened. Now I think Catholicism is more contrarian than all that...but Solutions are death for writing. And irony sucks. The place I'm interested in is that space right between the death of irony and any one of the easy and failed solutions we can choose from today.

So Elric...Elric is a better look. Tolkien is a motherfucker to think about because in the end you're thinking about Catholicism, just like people have been thinking about forever. But Elric is another one of those heroes who are right there in that liminal space between Law and Chaos. That works for me in a big way. That is more interesting to me than anything. And it's not like MM didn't know this.

>Elric knew that everything that existed had its opposite. In danger he might find peace. And yet, of course, in peace there was danger. Being an imperfect creature in an imperfect world he would always know paradox. And that was why in paradox there was always a kind of truth. That was why philosophers and soothsayers flourished. In a perfect world there would be no place for them. In an imperfect world the mysteries were always without solution and that was why there was always a great choice of solutions.

It's insane how much I agree with this.

>> No.8971319

>ever forward through the ever thicker

Stopped reading right after that. How fucking careless.

>> No.8971394

An erotic story about an elf servant who serves her human master while his wife is absent.

>> No.8971517

>elf servant
hey I love harry potter

>> No.8971550

just some silly fiction and my dairy

>> No.8971565

Honestly I had no idea. Wicked if true, definitely I won't be quitting til my book is done.

Maybe I can pass it off to someone and pretend someone else wrote it.

>> No.8971575

how many years after the novel was written did she republish it? had copywrite run out?

>> No.8971583

that does sound fucking sick wicked tight, up until the last line. kinda boring. You got a really cool premise, you could do something amazing with it if you keep it fresh and original and exciting. your head must be a cool place when you write man

so what about the cleaning staff, do they know about the hotel's double life? who is the manager? how deep does it go. do the hotel cleaning people stumble upon things they cant explain, like ectoplasm and shit idk

what happens when there's a complain to the front desk. is there room service to the dead people?


>> No.8971606

You're gonna want to read Magic Mountain and "Magic Mountain: A Reader's Guide," since Mann already kind of did that except less explicit / less fantasy, more magic realism

>> No.8971675

may not have been kathy lette. it was some famous postmodernist, though. i don't care enough to look it up.

>> No.8971678

why would god create someone who was damned from birth?

fuck that, why would god claim he loved mankind and then create the botfly, which can only lay its eggs in LIVING HUMAN EYEBALLS? thank you, O lord.

>> No.8971683

Tolkien didn't have Moorcock's example to go by, but i don't want to sound like a Tolkien apologist. anyway.

Fritz Lieber! "If Fahfrd and the Grey Mouser ever met Aragorn, they'd steal his horse." - me

Jack Vance's stories of Cugel the Clever. if Cugel ever met Aragorn, he'd steal his horse AND his boots and any magical items he happened to have. and then fuck his girlfriend.

>> No.8971782

Thanks! I definitely don't expect to be published at all but I'm going to give it a go.

>it doesn't serve as an advertisement to other editors

Really? Anyway I just see it as a way to get my name into the literary world and let people know that I actually exist.

>> No.8972708

how much did you make anon

>> No.8973050

part of the central theme is that god is the almighty and therefore good and evil and has seemingly designated this child as an anti christ figure. However the narrative goes on to explore if god even really exists at all and if that even matters to the causality of this boys development. Society thinks he's damned by god and so does he. And so does the narrator for that matter

>> No.8973051

also by damned I don't mean forsaken but chosen for a path of darkness

>> No.8973751

so, what it comes down to, is god plays us like the sims. or SimCity, and he's just built twenty nuclear reactors around the edge of town. and not one fire brigade.

tl;dr version: god is a childish spiteful shit who treats his creations like toy soldiers. praise be unto him.

>> No.8973808

My journal to be honest. My children might as well know what my mistakes were, or have some sort of story to go off of. I know that I would want to read something my Grandfather wrote, anyways. I probably won't ever finish it, but hey ho. Pass the baton and whatnot.

>> No.8974363

A shitty knockoff of L'Etranger but it's basically about a sperg with crippling social anxiety who hates society.

>> No.8974985

I feel for you anon. You sound thoughtful and intelligent. Two things I wish more of society would become.

And yes, people *should* care about things; like the truth.

But just keep trying new things, and don't give up on humanity. There are many people worth getting to know....
you just have to weed and wade through the assholes to find them. Hopefully the way you repersent yourself - will make you a beacon to others of like-minds.

>> No.8975207

i edit fairly intensely, but was just trying to figure out a way to express how we try to conjure people's faces. i definitely need to read up on the psychology, physiognomy, etc. of what i'm trying to do.

thanks, though. i write in bursts, but maybe i will try to write with less poetry. cheers dude

>> No.8975256

yep pretty much

>> No.8975284
File: 1.64 MB, 1351x900, 1483578093038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's all good. I don't mean to shit on Tolkien. He's a giant. I went bananas last week talking about Final Fantasy 6 because it seemed to me like a genuinely non-Tolkien or post-Tolkien epic. But this isn't to take any shine off the master. He's the Homer of the genre. Crumbs/banquet. But in a sense Moorcock is throwing his own psychedelic party next door and that's a good look too.

Fafhrd/Grey Mouser I think is probably a good look today too. It fits with the cynics//grimdark/GoT kind of vibe. A Lankhmar film seems very doable to me these days. Somebody's got to write it.

Thanks man. I haven't given up. I'm frustrated as *fuck,* and introspection has pretty much shredded all my internal filters for stuff, but honestly I think that's par for the course right now. Lots of people feel this way. So while it's not a good look to be naive, equally so it's not a good look to be a misanthrope or a fuckface. It's enough to just try and be a decent human being.

I've become rather fond of this picture. The airship, the tilt on the horizon, all of that. Just an accidental clip from a video game but it's a beautiful image.

>> No.8975286

A bunch of haikus.

I also want to start a short story about the last thoughts of Medusa as her head falls to the ground after Perseus beheads her.

>> No.8975287

This is the oldest thread I've ever seen on /lit/, desu.

>> No.8975366

A noble but arrogant barbarian and a freshman from wizard school set out to punch a dragon.

>> No.8975528

I've decided to write a journal/diary describing every human interaction in my day, however minor it may be in a realist fashion.

Hopefully this will give me some insight.

>> No.8975663

i wish i could remember all of that quote from Angus McKie's "So Beautiful and So Dangerous".. it was along the lines of, "If I get to heaven, I will march up to God and SHOVE HIS FUCKING TEDDY BEAR DOWN HIS THROAT!"

>> No.8976437

Postmodern cyberpunk slice of life.

Cyberpunk is the one true sci-fi.

>> No.8976443

inb4 Helliconia Summer
/d/ tier faggotry is surprisingly publishable

>> No.8976702

I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure this is a character from The Cursed Child? In which case it just shows how much of a hack Rowling is.

>> No.8976710
File: 26 KB, 450x325, whos-afraid-virginia-woolf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you discover you were a better writer a hundred years ago when you weren't planning anything and just going for it

>> No.8977810

>virginia woolf

>> No.8978779

its always the same kind of thing. they only ever ask questions, and a lot of the time its the same ones over and over
mostly they ask what i think about the voices themselves
i always respond, i feel compelled to and dont know how to break away from that

>> No.8979505

i was quite disappointed when the Megacorps didn't rule the earth by 1998.

i don't recall a lot of fifteen-year-old girls being fucked ragged by aliens in Helliconia Summer. did i miss something?

>> No.8979669

A deadly strain of the hantavirus appears and starts killing people. A man falls in love with the virus and begins taking telepathic instructions from a incorporeal voice claiming to be the virus itself.

Meanwhile, a police officer in the same city is horrified to find an object from his dreams show up in real life. He steals it and spends the rest of the book in shock as the police force starts accepting donations from a strange occult corporation along with instructions to hunt for the main character mentioned above as well as the object found by the officer.

The hantavirus is revealed to be a manifestation of the gnostic Sophia, and is being generated from the runaway mind of a detached secretary somewhere else in the city.

The main character and the officer have a lot in common. I'm thinking of calling the book Gravity Twin, or An Infinity of Halves, or perhaps Penelope Sacagawea and the hologram heart

>> No.8979906


Nothing much at the moment apart from my 4chan posts.

Recent projects included the following:

-a polished pdf about the spoken word recordings of Aleister Crowley. The pdf is just right but I haven't printed myself a proof copy (I attempted something with 11x17 at a self-serv that didn't pan out, it's sitting). Maybe I take it back up again later, and there is a local occult bookstore that I may approach if they might care to stock a bespoke pamphlet.

- a large image file which amalgamates the written versions of the Gettysburg Address (uploaded to wiki).

- a large section on the Rhind Papyrus' mathematical content, on wiki. the Rhind papyrus is a noted ancient Egyptian mathematical document.

- recently for myself I've been writing and editing a series of documents meant to engage the US Declaration and Constitution as texts, specifically with a view toward memorizing them where practicable. I have the declaration down to about 90% (not including signatures), the text is pretty much cold in short-term memory).

-I have one or two other personal projects that I am developing as pdfs and which are sitting on the back burner. I am considering getting a ez-tier-blog in order to organize and publish my work, from what I've seen, wordpress looks to be a good solution.

>> No.8980654

nice i would read that

>> No.8980771

I'll greentext it because I'm lazy

>Protagonist in early 20s lives comfortable, directionless life
>meets homeless man in the early hours of the morning
>homeless man thinks of himself as a writer, talks at length about his ideas and (fictional) current events, needs money to submit his work to publishers
>Protagonist promises to help, gets homeless guy's number (he has a shitty mobile phone), they part ways
>Protagonist goes home, never calls him
>Some time passes, they meet again, homeless guy is in a suit, got a journalism job
>They hang out and talk about the job, homeless man is somewhat aloof
>Protagonist is inspired by homeless man's success, wants to write, wants to keep seeing him
>Their relationship develops while remaining somewhat cold, homeless man becomes protagonist's mentor
>Homeless man (unexpectedky) suggests they move in together, this happens
>Begin to find out about the man's pitfalls, his subordination to various types, personal problems, perversions
>Protagonist gradually loses his ambition and respect for the man
>Scandal happens, man flees
>Protagonist is left unscathed, gets to know some of the people who knew the man, finds peace with the world, enrolls into university, treats life with a certain levity
>the end

Writing it for myself.

>> No.8980923

I like the idea. Plan on ever publishing it?

>> No.8980925

Almost sounds like an experiment on how well you can cope with hearing voices.
In any case, if you find this hard to bear, I think you should be glad they're not telling you things.

>> No.8981041

I am writing a story about the struggle and existential crisis of a man inside a feminist society. It starts out in a very realistic setting and, as the story progresses, society gets more and more dystopian, ultrafeminist, in such a way that it leaves the reader thinking it might actually happen. In the end, the man receives the death penalty for a bizarre crime and is killed in a very cruel and humiliating way, leaving the reader with boiling blood and depressive.

I am sure it will become a classic of 21st century Literature.

>> No.8981083

I don't know what to write, I have no inspiration. Does anyone can give me tips on how to think of an original story?

>> No.8981120
File: 70 KB, 1280x688, Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me.mkv_snapshot_01.04.00_[2017.01.15_14.26.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anyone give me tips on how to think of an original story?
Read a lot. Watch a lot. Listen a lot. Pick up whatever you can, but don't try to find something to borrow - it should come naturally, when you're immersed in the creative output of another.

>Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don't bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: "It's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to."
(Jim Jarmusch)

>> No.8981286

I don't feel the need to, but if I finish it then I might as well try.

>> No.8981526

I'm not working on any particular project. But I just got a brand new journal that I wanted to be half diary and half poetry book because I think poetry is pretty neat. I'm also really new to it so I'm terrible.

Here's one I showed a girl I really like.

You are a tree
whose papery leaves
I wanted to decorate
with lovely words
but your simplicity
is beyond reproach
so I will just let you

How the fuck does poetry work?

>> No.8981566

Not like that.

>> No.8981589

that's phase 1. Any more constructive things?

>> No.8982132

Voltron fanfiction
Going to try for another chapter tonight

>> No.8982151

A question adressed to /adv/ about my personal life.