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/lit/ - Literature

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8931109 No.8931109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't you just love how this board pretends to be Christian and then whenever they talk about God they use irreverent language? Well, I got bad news for you, homeboy: Read Matthew 12:31,32. Congrats, you just earned a ticket to hell.

>inb4 "That's not what that padsage means, it actually means something else"

If your 'explanation/interpretation' requires a massive amount of mental gymnastics, you know your full of shit.

>> No.8931112

>he doesn't realize that /lit/ is an atheist board

>> No.8931114

I'm just a Christian on 4chan to virtue signal

>> No.8931137

Strange, just today anons were claiming /lit is a Catholic/Protestant/whatever board.

Curious, isn't it. Almost as if no-one wants to actually be Christian when shit hits the fan.

>> No.8931142

If you need to be something you're not in order to virtue signal on a board that uses 'normie' as an insult, you're the biggest pleb on earth.

>> No.8931152

Prior to the great softening, Catholic church doctrine held that less than 1 in 10,000 christians would actually make it to heaven.

Lutherans came along and made a slight change from that into nobody will ever deserve to get into heaven, then Calvinists with their full predestination god has already decided and there is nothing you can do.

As the churches gradually lost authority in peoples lives the barrier they present to the laypeople on entry to heaven has been continually lowered.

But the Word has not changed.

>> No.8931181

Interesting. Any supplementary reading regarding this?

>> No.8931250


>he thinks "speaking against the holy ghost" means "talking about god in irreverent language"

and you're the one who brought up mental gymnastics

>> No.8931278

/pol/ falseflagging obviously

>> No.8931285

I thought you could do whatever the fuck you God damn want as long as you repent?

>> No.8931293

I just posted evidence you can't.

>> No.8931297

If you're a trinitarian Christian it actually means just that. According to the trinitarian view, God is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is God. Ergo, speaking against God equals speaking against the Holy Spirit.

Sorry bro, you can try again, tho.

>> No.8931299

Ah I see. Why is he so petty? Of all the sins, being rude about him is the worst? He's a hard god to love, I have to say.

>> No.8931301

Not so obvious if you ask me.

>> No.8931307


nigga it means if you deny god you aren't going to heaven

fucking wow, who would have thought

it doesn't mean you're going to burn for eternity if you say oh my god

>> No.8931313

OP here. That's the reason I stopped being a Christian. The omnipotent Creator of all existing things, even pettier than your average fife year old pre-school kid?

This why I hate it when /lit/ of all places talks as if Christianity is a rational, loving religion, full of intelligent and kind people. I'm like: do you even know everything your holy book says or are you just feel-good cherry pickers?

>> No.8931320


ahhh the Word. such a lovely god

>> No.8931325

How does it follow? How did "blaspheming against" become "deny God"? Seems to me your twisting Jesus' words. He said it black and white. There's nothing to interpret here.

Your reasoning is exactly what I had mind when I said mental gymnastics. You proved me right. Thx tho muh nigga xD

>> No.8931329
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Protest-nats, everybody.

>> No.8931330


>there's nothing to interpret here

actually there is by definition because we're dealing with an english translation of a text written in koine greek taken from the original aramaic

>> No.8931331

If you posted this on r/atheism somebody would've given you gold

>> No.8931335

>Prior to the great softening, Catholic church doctrine held that less than 1 in 10,000 christians would actually make it to heaven.

Source? I know the Church has an unofficial number, but it isn't well known, and it certainly isn't 1 in 10,000, especially not 1 in 10,000 *Christians*

>> No.8931339 [DELETED] 

Really nice literature thread you got here.

Sage and reported

>> No.8931343

Ah, the classic "dude the bible is like soooo ancient and bruh it's like it was written in such ancient language we can't just like interpret the words EXACTLY AS THEY WERE FUCKING WRITTEN, nah dawg we can't kno fo sure what Jesus actually meant lmao"

So fucking predictable. And btw, that just raises the question: why didn't the ALMIGHTY God preserve his word better if wanted so bad that everyone believes him?

>inb4 "dude the ways of the Lord are mysterious and shit rofl"

>> No.8931344

The church has always maintained that hell could be empty, we just don't know, sure scripture implies that only few will make it, but that fact is not directly deducible from theological deliberation, so it is not official doctrine. The church is very smart about these kinds of things, more so than most people can appreciate.

>> No.8931348

not an argument

>> No.8931352

Critical analysis of a passage in the Bible is literature, you brain dead fuck.

>> No.8931354
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Leave us alone Cathocucks.

>> No.8931355


>why didn't the ALMIGHTY God preserve his word better if wanted so bad that everyone believes him

the Lord works in mysterious ways ;-)

>> No.8931357

Oh I'm sorry my reply didn't live up to your sterling example.

>> No.8931362

A thousand years from now, the gollarks from planet zog will uncover this thread from some old archive. Their most competent translators will try to make sense of this discussion. And when they reach your post, they will bash their heads in trying to make sense of "kno fo" and "rofl" and "lmao"
Eventually they will declare that these were primitive sounds made by the humans to indicate some sort of emotion. Because as we all know, the gollarks from the planet zog have no concept of metaphors, vernacular and wordplay

>> No.8931363
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/lit/ is catholic, it's never been protestant. reddit is atheist.

>> No.8931365

Oh I'm sorry but I don't see any critical analysis here, fedora-tipping neckbeard. Be so kind as to link me

>> No.8931366

>Christian defending GENOCIDE for retarded reasons
>muh religion of peace tho xd

>> No.8931374
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Did you even read my inb4, bro?

>> No.8931380

Oh I'm sorry NOBODY GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU. If you don't like this thread then leave, asshole.

>> No.8931382

Dear r/atheism,

Maybe just let people believe what they want and don't be dicks about it

>> No.8931384
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Join your leader

>> No.8931385

You're giving a false teaching.

>inb4 "That's not what that padsage means, it actually means something else"

Gee, maybe you just have to look at the context Jesus spoke that line in?

If you were to consider what a line in, say, a Hollywood movie meant, wouldn't you want to know where the character who spoke it was, who he was talking to, what was happening, what the conversation was about, etc?

But no. Let's just look at a couple of verses in total isolation and remove all context. That will let us deny what theologians think Jesus meant and what the Church teaches He meant.

Everyone please go back and read that entire chapter starting from the beginning.



Who was Jesus with?
What had He just done?
Would you say He had just performed something? What kind of thing had He just performed?
Is an exorcism a miracle from God?
This miracle that Jesus had just performed, who had just witnessed it for themselves?
Based on their educational background and experience with demonology, would the Pharisees have known for sure what they had just seen?
Would they have already accepted the premises of the logical argument that Jesus then presented to them?
Did the Pharisees know Who they were speaking with beyond all doubt?
What had the Pharisees just accused Him of doing?
Was their accusation honest?
In accusing, what had they themselves done?
Had they made a final decision, knowing full well the situation, to side with one group against another group?
Given your answers above, what do you think the full meaning of "blaspheming against the Holy Spirit" is?

>> No.8931389

You're actually saying that translation would be very feasible for us, I take it? If so, congrats, you're proving my point.

What Jesus said is straightforward, there's no need to assign those words any other meaning they inherently have.

>> No.8931401
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Lol why is r/atheism suddenly trying to troll /lit/? I have half a mind to report you fedoras except you're entertaining as hell

>> No.8931403

I'll admit the number may have been an exaggeration on my part, I got it out of a history of the middle ages I read recently.


This guy's blog lists a great number of citations on this particular issue.

Saint Augustine:

>The Lord called the world a “field” and all the faithful who draw near to him “wheat.” All through the field, and around the threshing-floor, there is both wheat and chaff. But the greater part is chaff; the lesser part is wheat, for which is prepared a barn not a fire. […] The good also are many, but in comparison with the wicked the good are few. Many are the grains of wheat, but compared with the chaff, the grains are few.

>> No.8931405

>believes in a petty, peevish God that is willing to forgive rape and genocide but not blasphemy
>"Hey reddit, don't be dicks yo"

How does it feel to be this fucking dense?

>> No.8931406
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>this thread

>> No.8931409
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You don't strike me as a person of particularly vast erudition. I fear that if I get into with you I will end up having to explain basic shit to you which would defeat the purpose of the discussion and for that reason I would rather there be no discussion at all, that is, with the likes of you.

>> No.8931411

>the feel when you simply disregard their points because you're too stupid to present a counter-argument

>> No.8931414

Maybe just let people believe what they want and don't be dicks about it

>> No.8931416

Uggh is that a parody?

>> No.8931419

Nope. It's an actual r/atheist guy. Got tons of upvotes too

>> No.8931426

>Who was Jesus with?
A group of Judeans with some Pharisees.
>What had He just done?
He'd just exorcised a demon from a demoniac.
>Would you say He had just performed something?
An exorcism.
>Is an exorcism a miracle from God?
Yes. God is the only one Who can drive out demons.
>This miracle that Jesus had just performed, who had just witnessed it for themselves?
Some Pharisees.
>Based on their educational background and experience with demonology, would the Pharisees have known for sure what they had just seen?
Yes. The Pharisees were familiar with the Scriptures and demonic possession would be known to them.
>Would they have already accepted the premises of the logical argument that Jesus then presented to them?
It's self-evident that a demon can't perform a genuine exorcism.
>Did the Pharisees know Who they were speaking with beyond all doubt?
They knew they were speaking with a man who had just performed a miracle from God.
>What had the Pharisees just accused Him of doing?
They had accused Him of witchcraft.
>Was their accusation honest?
No. They knew God was responsible for the exorcism.
>In accusing, what had they themselves done?
They had knowingly lied and slandered God by attributing His miracle to a devil.
>Had they made a final decision, knowing full well the situation, to side with one group against another group?
Yes they had knowingly totally rejected God and sided with the devil against God, blaspheming against God in the process.
>Given your answers above, what do you think the full meaning of "blaspheming against the Holy Spirit" is?
Standing before God with full evidence right in front of you that He is God and knowing for sure that He exists and that He is good and that He is loving and merciful but still clinging to lies and denying Him to His face. That is the unforgivable sin, the rejection of God's forgiveness. (i.e. what the majority of humans will do when they stand before God's throne on Judgement Day.)

>> No.8931427

Oh god the cringe

>> No.8931440
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>> No.8931441

No good points have been brought up, they could be diffused by the introduction of a little literacy, a little genuine study, but because those contentions are still there must mean we are facing off against illiterates.
Truth is that some dude sitting in the desert in 300AD preemptively proved you all wrong, because the romans and pegan population raised the same questions up until then.
This shit isn't new, the answers are already out there, go find them if you dare.

>> No.8931443

Right? I have nothing against atheism but these smartasses treat atheism like it's some sort of superior dogma where you hate all other religions and worship idols like "science" and "evolution" without applying any of said principles of science or evolution.

tl;dr r/atheism has made atheism into a religion. A pretty intolerant religion

>> No.8931444

Augustine is referring to a particular passage there.

Anyway, most people will go to Hell. That's far fewer than the number who deserve to go there.

>> No.8931462

So true it hurts. Can confirm, was a former r/atheist before it turned into an anti-christian circlejerk. I'm still an atheist, but I don't like to associate myself with edgy "atheist" teens whose only excuse is that they hate church service.

>> No.8931503

>54 replies
>13 posters

Really makes you think

>> No.8931510

Argument by incredulity.
The quinque viae blow this away.
Atheists can't understand that though.

>> No.8931520

>Prior to the great softening, Catholic church doctrine held that less than 1 in 10,000 christians would actually make it to heaven.

Can't fathom the word purgatory. Go read Dante and then come back to posting bullshit.

>> No.8931534


>> No.8931568

>look, I can name logical fallacies!
>atheists just don't understand these epin arguments!
Your fedora is showing, christfriend. Anyway, it's not an argument against God's existence, just a joke about the absurd contrast between the primitive, Jewish tribal God seen in the Bible who's described as having having opinions and feelings and demands animal sacrifice vs the universal, all-powerful, inhuman supreme being found in theology (and also sometimes in the Bible). It's laughable to imagine the God in Aquinas's arguments making laws about what people eat or whether they can masturbate etc.

>> No.8931579

I concur. Have my fedora as my payment, my good man, for the enlightenment you have gifted me with!

>> No.8931589

What a shit thread


>> No.8931611

Discussing things on an internet board doesn't amount to not letting other people believe what they want to believe. I can discuss anything I want and I don't need to ask your permission beforehand. Also, you don't need to reply if you don't like what's being discussed.

>> No.8931612
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Such stupidity.
If I ever saw your lumbering ass in real life I would fucking hogtie you and murder your family.