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/lit/ - Literature

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8930199 No.8930199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>8921280

"Rupi Kaur is a contemporary Canadian feminist poet, writer and spoken word artist based in Toronto. She is popularly known as an Instapoet for the traction she gains online on her poems on Instagram."

You should all be familiar with this woman and "poetess" by this point. It's generally accepted that her work is barely poetry at all and that she is actively de-legitimatizing an entire art form. Her book "Milk and Honey" has sold over 500,000 copies and is a bestseller. Her poetry is being hailed as an achievement, despite the fact that it is completely devoid of any artistic integrity, effort, or craft. Anyone could produce and market the sort of work that she does.

So that's what we're going to do.

>The Plan
Enter "Naked Came The Stranger." "Naked Came the Stranger is a 1969 novel written as a literary hoax poking fun at the American literary culture of its time. Though credited to "Penelope Ashe", it was in fact written by a group of twenty-four journalists led by Newsday columnist Mike McGrady. McGrady's intention was to write a book that was both deliberately terrible and contained a lot of descriptions of sex, to illustrate the point that popular American literary culture had become mindlessly vulgar. The book fulfilled the authors' expectations and became a bestseller in 1969; they revealed the hoax later that year, further spurring the book's popularity."

The idea is that /lit/ produces a volume of work a la the style of Kaur under a carefully constructed persona, so as to make her more appealing to social media. We'll post our work under our persona's Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts. If things go as planned, we'll accumulate a hefty following of vapid normies. At the peak of our popularity, we reveal the hoax.

>The persona
As of now, we're thinking of a sub-Saharan African woman who was born in England. More to come here.

>Our Work Thus Far

>Means of communication

We'll keep things organized through this Discord server.

>> No.8930229
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>> No.8930250

>a little milk
>mixed with honey
>rights the soul
>and clogs
>the :


>> No.8930366

this would never work out, literally anyone can see these threads in the archive you double nigger. like you'll get two poems out there, someone will say this obviously isn't rupi kaur because it obviously isn't, some attentionwhore memer will say it's /lit/, someone will get screengrabs from the archive, and then you'll have a daily beast article by some hack blogger about the organized systematic cyberharassment attacks on a Woman Of Color by "4chan", and then the board will be flooded by retards, reddit, and /pol/acks sniffing out more culture wars to appropriate. In short, fuck you, the first thread was funny and now it's time to bury it.

>> No.8930375

>didn't read the thread at all
We aren't attributing them to Kaur you fucking moron, we're using our own persona.

>> No.8930378

Futhermore, you're assuming vapid normies that browse instagram for poetry would be able to recognize the differences between real shitty poetry and fake shitty poetry. They can't. That's the point.

>> No.8930386

Furthermore, you're gay

>> No.8930387

and you didn't read mine because the point is that this is 4chan, this stuff never stays quiet.

>> No.8930402

Yes it does

>> No.8930415

Two wrongs don't make a right. Why don't you work on your novels instead?

>> No.8930425
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>Reminder that I will ruin this for the lulz as soon as you try to get it out there

>> No.8930426

cause I'm not a novelist

>> No.8930431

>reminder that this was just a ruse to get you to type that response

>> No.8930438


>> No.8930454

>we're using our own persona.

This is a mistake. it's unlikely that the poems will get attention either way, but if we're going to try an maximise visibility we should try and piggyback off rupi's personal brand.

>> No.8930457


>> No.8930463

We should get /pol/, /b/, and /r9k/ in on this, would be fucking epic. They have some extreme thinkers that could help us on our quest

>> No.8930473


>> No.8930484

By doing that, we'd run a higher risk of someone exposing us, if it even takes off.

>> No.8930488

I can't tell if you're taking the piss

Either way, the subtlety of the project would go over their heads

>> No.8930489

agreed. should definitely steal the name

>> No.8930496
File: 98 KB, 700x711, Screenshot_2016-11-30-16-23-21_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should get this going on /pol/ rather than here.

/Pol/ is ever ready for backfires, media coverages and invasions.

Let's give them the ammos and make the threads there.

>> No.8930502

>implying I won't email dailybeast writers and blame /lit/

>> No.8930509

I think it will attract /pol/ naturally as SJWs (or our confederates) start posting supportive comments on her stuff and it gives /pol/ and the other containment boards an opportunity to do what they do best.

>> No.8930510

>implying dailybeast cares about the differences between boards and wouldn't just credit "4chan"

>> No.8930514

If we spam it under her name though, even once we've been exposed, which is inevitable because this is 4chan, the project would still achieve part of it's goal, which would be to delegitimise her work.

The majority of the poems poems from the last thread are good enough to pass for her own

It won't matter that people will know that some of the work is fake if they don't know which is hers and which is ours.

The best case scenario that we can hope for is to taint her (and her movements) credibility.

It doesn't matter anyway because I don't see how our stuff can take off without bots

>> No.8930518

I'll be posting the OP and referral to this thread on the most active boards, we need to get this shit going, and new input.

>> No.8930565

I guess that makes sense. Any idea where we can get the bots from?

>> No.8930569

If you're posting on /pol/, remember to mention feminism. We need to do good by them in order for them to cooperate.

>> No.8930662

How about we claim that the book is a Rupi Kaur TRIBUTE, and that the poems are sourced from amateur poets who have been deemed sufficiently oppressed to warrant publication. This would solve the authorship question, as well as allowing for added goofs and gags in the penning of backstories for some of the volume's "contributors." We could claim some of the poems were collected from women in 3rd world countries, Alan Lomax-style, who were given RK's anthology and encouraged to write poems of their own (not sure how to phrase this so it doesn't sound too oppressive? Like the white man coercing these poor ladies to write shitty inspirational poetry in a Hallmark Sweatshop). I think the deviations in style would be somewhat smoothed over by this cover story, although the more obviously meme-y stuff still would need to be at the end.

>> No.8930665
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You think that a group of what many believe to be misogynist misanthropic mouth-breathers launching an attack at a feminist poet is going to somehow DE-legitimize feminism?

Are you stonking cold bonkers, you monkfish liver?

I read the poems. Some are legitimately good, and most are obviously cackhanded drivel. Probably 75% of readers can tell the obvious satire from the satire that only thinks it's satire but really actually is feminist poetry just written by someone who thinks feminism is stupid - which, by the way, comprises probably almost half of what you've got there.

And if you can manage to create a fictional persona that can rocket to popularity through sheer willpower with two-bit verse, then I fucking dare you to do it. Because you think it's just talentless manipulation of persona that people use to get fame, but if that were the case, then there would be a whole lot of rich-ass Syrian refugees right now penning couplets about being told to fuck off and literally die... but guess what? There fucking aren't. Because it doesn't actually work that way except in the simplistic meme-factory of a world you've concocted to make yourselves feel better for being powerless in a cruel and seemingly uncaring world.

So, what you've done here, I guess it has merit. It's sort of amazing in its own, misguided way, and I'm sure it has meaning and power to its authors.

But seriously, try doing this for a Syrian refugee, and then donating the profits to provide them with a home or something. You could make this an act of charity instead of a childish prank. Why not?

>> No.8930707

No one said anything about de-legitimizing feminism. It's about not letting a feminist de-legitimize poetry.

>> No.8930741

you can buy them on the deep web

>> No.8930752
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>> No.8930760

>The best case scenario that we can hope for is to taint her (and her movements) credibility.

Surely that anon doesn't speak for your whole band of merry pranksters, but perhaps has slipped upon a Freudian admission of the underlying construction of your attack:

You think that one poet who some people here think is getting undeserved credit is somehow undoing all the masterworks of poetry?

You're not making sense. You know this. /lit/ knows this.

Come on, now.

Just do something constructive, for fuck's sake. You have amongst you some of the finest minds and sharpest wits this virtual land has to offer... you are the ragtag band of posthuman brilliance that will show the world that when we stop seeking individual credit and act as a collective force, that we can do things that history has long since forgotten was possible!

/end rousing and inspirational battle cry

>> No.8930762

Pseudo intellectual: the post

>> No.8930770

>you think that one poet is undoing all the masterworks of poetry

>> No.8930800

It's not an attack on feminism.

It's about parodying the style of an author with no clear discernible talent who simply got ahead by pandering her low effort work to suit certain political agendas that she probably has no real stake in given her privileged middle-upper class canadian upbringing.

>And if you can manage to create a fictional persona that can rocket to popularity through sheer willpower with two-bit verse, then I fucking dare you to do it.

This illustrates an important point. Rupi was only able to achieve success through the creation and careful manipulation of her personal brand. If you look at her instagram page at least a quarter of her posts are selfies.

People aren't buying her for her poetry, they're consuming her image. Furthermore she's been allowed to succeed because it was lucrative for people within the industry to market an attractive woman in her early twenties who's poetry gratified the ideology of a certain profitable demographic.

If we go the alter ego route, we won't have any success for the same reason that thousands of other poets with experiences of genuine suffering (in comparison to those of a spoilt canadian) haven't had any success

>> No.8930801

Cheap shots at anon's ego to make yourself feel better for dismissing perfectly valid criticism by calling it pseud: the reply

>> No.8930809

>Just do something constructive, for fuck's sake
like what

You have amongst you some of the finest minds and sharpest wits this virtual land has to offer.
you're giving this board way too much credit senpai

>> No.8930812
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ur a monkfish liver...

>> No.8930817


desu she is Punjabi and Punjabis treat their women like shit. I'm sure she's at least heard of some women getting beaten in Brampton. I'm not trying to be racist or anything but when they come to Canada they don't come all the way. . .


>> No.8930823

So, you're attacking a systemic problem by levying a specific raid against a single person?

Isn't that exactly what people are doing when they try to attack systemic racism by focusing on individual racists, and thereby miss the point?

Isn't that precisely how the endless infighting that has been the hallmark of our recent social turmoil is perpetuated?

You know how they say that the best revenge is a life well-lived?

Well, the best remedy for bad poetry is brilliant poems.

I sympathize with the intent of trying to take down consumer culture and heave bombs at a machine that has created more value in being like a person you are told you should be like than the person you feel that you are. But that's a battle you can only fight in the long-term, and it's made of small victories like building small coalitions of artists who support each others' work.

Your heart is in the right place, but the fact is that nobody can judge Rupi Kaur. She's not your enemy. Let her have what she has - if you're right, and she's essentially sold her soul for fame, then the reward is its own punishment.

Let time do its work; what defines greatness is the impact it has on our lives. You're fighting a paper tiger, here, and how do you know you're not just giving her exactly what she wants by becoming the very meme of male aggression she's fighting against?

It's a trap.

>> No.8930829

ya okay but also its fun

>> No.8930830

bro, her most famous work was a bunch of photo's of her in yoga pants with a period stain in an attempt to challenge menstrual taboos.

her head is all the way up her ass.

the work is a perversion of any serious attempt at emancipatory action

>> No.8930831

>the best remedy for bad poetry is brilliant poems
No. The vapid masses think brilliant poetry is bad poetry.

>> No.8930838
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>but the fact is that nobody can judge Rupi Kaur. She's not your enemy.

>> No.8930846

>creation and careful manipulation of her personal brand
That's what all famous people do?
What's so wrong with that.

>People aren't buying her for her poetry, they're consuming her image.
And? People buy products endorsed by celebs, because they are consuming their image. Is that *really* wrong? Who is it hurting seriously?

>an attractive woman in her early twenties
Oh no people like attractive people, I guess no attractive person should get anything due to their looks ever again.

>ideology of a certain profitable demographic.
She has a fanbase who has given her money, it's their money and they can do whatever they want with it. Is it bad for a nerdy male white youtube game podcast maker to have an audience mainly similar to themselves?

>haven't had any success
Sounds like the biggest case of sour grapes I've ever seen.
You're jealous of her success and it's textbook tall poppy syndrome.

You say it cheapens poetry or the artform but you're not the arbiter of what poetry is. You're a nobody. Dictating what art should be cheapens the entire enterprise of art, you idiot.
The artform is whatever poets make, it's whatever people listen to.

The whole pleb/elite dichotomy you've constructed in your head alongside this notion of 'real' poetry vs 'fake' poetry is just your opinion. Why not target any other so called 'hacks', this is just an excuse to attack a woman because you hate women and what to scapegoat them for your own lack of success (pro tip: it's your fault not theirs).

Pathetic. Wish /pol/ would get off /lit/ srsly.

>> No.8930849

Well, why not start trying to sue authors and poets you don't think deserve the accolades they've received by trying to sue for plagiarism on behalf of the Library of Babel?


If you search it for any text, you'll get a reference number, meaning it is in there and was published in 2015, meaning that literally every word ever written after that is something that has already been published.

If you really wanted to, you could even kick it back to 1941, when Luis Borges wrote the idea in his short story of the same name.

I think this would probably have more cultural significance and question the deeper structure of authorship and "credit" than going after a poet who, honestly, probably not even that many people have ever heard of.

Bringing a plagiarism suit wouldn't even be that hard to do, and it's not like you're trying to win it, right?

>> No.8930854

>the artform is whatever people listen to
>people are listening to shit

>why not target any other so called 'hacks'
what other hacks have sold 500,000 copies of shitty not-poetry

wait a minute r u trying to bait me

>> No.8930855

...I'm sorry. That was unnecessary. And monkfish liver is actually quite tasty.

>> No.8930859

Really, not far off at all there. Like, hauntingly accurate. Now, about actually arguing the point being made... how's that going?

>> No.8930862

>people are listening to shit
Says you. Who are you? Just a talentless loser.
Nobody cares about your opinion.
Even if it was shit, everyone has a right to create art.
What are you the nazi art police? Shall we burn all things you dont agree with?

>what other hacks have sold 500,000 copies of shitty not-poetry
Oh so she's the #1 worst poetry hack in the world?
The very worst?

Seriously fuck off this board.

>> No.8930863

It's about the poetry written, not who has written it, faggot.

>> No.8930866

This idea should really be looked into. Seriously, it could be epic: 4chan sues every author and poet after May, 2015 for plagiarism.

That sounds like a campaign /lit/ should get behind.

>> No.8930867

this is bait

>> No.8930868

But /pol/ has the subtlety of a fucking brick, they won't be able to resist shitting it up with blatantly obvious memes or "hahaha NIGGERS"
/lit/ is much better suited for this
That being said some of the frogposters that shitpost here are going to send it there anyway and probably already have, which is why the project will fail before it gains any ground at all

>> No.8930870


That's not how the'Library of Babel' site works. It generates text strings based on a seed, so next to none of the permutations have been generated as of yet, and the strings aren't that long anyway

>> No.8930872

>subtlety of a brick

>> No.8930873

Right... that's why there are so many direct quotations of her work here and not just a bunch of commentary on her identity.

Oh, wait - that's right; there's not A SINGLE QUOTE FROM HER WORK ON THE ENTIRE THREAD, IS THERE?

Fucking let that sink in for a minute before you respond. Literally nobody has quoted anything they find to be an example of this alleged "bad poetry," and here you are trying to tell me it's not a thinly veiled attack against the person.

>> No.8930878

>missing all of the previous threads
>or literally any of the many rupi threads posted every single fucking day
You fucking retard

>> No.8930882

Unironically ironically kill your are self

>> No.8930883

being this cucked by the hyper real

>Bringing a plagiarism suit wouldn't even be that hard to do

>> No.8930888

That's exactly the point, isn't it? It exists insofar as you can reference it on a preexistent database, so it can be claimed as having been published before the author laid claim to the words.

If I had set up an algorithm that would populate my blog with "alskjla;jfslkjaglsjd;" when it is searched for by that exact string, and someone tried to claim that they wrote that and therefore owned it, it could be demonstrated that it is my intellectual property because I can show it appeared in some form on my blog.

Therefore, by that logic, once the Library of Babel was published, all ownership rights of any literary works of any type are null and void because any segment of 3500 (or however many) characters can be found on it, and since you can chop up any work into a series of that many characters (or fewer), it owns the entire language.

Don't even get me started on the picture part, either...

>> No.8930889

There are two in the first two posts of this thread. End your life immediately.

>> No.8930890
File: 19 KB, 564x564, 1483243143700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, wait - that's right; there's not A SINGLE QUOTE FROM HER WORK ON THE ENTIRE THREAD, IS THERE?

This is literally the 7th thread we've had you dumb cunt

>> No.8930893

We have to get /pol/ in on this. A CANADIAN, WOMAN, NON-WHITE, and FEMINIST

holy fuck, this is gold! we have to take this inferior brainwashed whore down

>> No.8930895

Fair enough. But when people don't like a movie, they usually sit around talking about all the reasons it sucked, not why the director shouldn't be famous. The lack of discussion of the poetry itself suggests that you're not actually mad about the poetry, but at the undeserved fame of the poet, which you can't really define in terms of poetry, which is sort of exactly the problem, don't you think?

>> No.8930899

>the lack of discussion of the poetry itself
>the problems with the poetry not being self-evident and unworthy of discussion

>> No.8930904

It doesn't matter, faggot. She's a roastwhore, poo-in-loo feminazi who writes shitty poetry. While we are unpublished despite being much better. It's an unjustice and we have to save whiteness

>> No.8930905

Fine, I got carried away. I thought that pic was a screenshot of the mockup on gdrive, honestly. But seriously, this >>8930895 - you aren't critiquing her poetry, you're just calling it shitty and then saying that she doesn't deserve to be famous.

So, here's a challenge: Come up with 10 examples of contemporary poets (let's say the past 30 years, since 1987) who everyone agrees deserves their fame as poets, and explain what it is that makes their poetry "worthy." If this can be done in this thread, and receive general consensus, then I'll agree I'm a complete fuck-off and make no more comments about any of this.

But I bet you find it's like counting to 5 on /b/...

>> No.8930907
File: 101 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2017-01-05 at 10.05.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contributed.

Literally just copied the subtitles from an efukt video.

>> No.8930908

false flagging bait

>> No.8930912

Okay, that was actually funny.

>> No.8930913

but not subtle at all
you've failed

>> No.8930922

>no linebreaks seemingly inserted at random
>lack of female empowerment

2/10 would not fall for

>> No.8930923

Isn't this basically the same thing as those Sarah Andersen edits? Although I can tell that it's not the same people doing it because this scheme actually has some complexity to it. You'd never see that on /pol/.

>> No.8930928

/pol/ is ten times more ingenius than the cucks on here.

If we get them involved (if anyone is here visiting, please spread this to /pol/), they'd make sure this roastie had a psychotic breakdown and quite possibly killed herself. One less feminist in the world.

>> No.8930930

Melissa Broder
Jordan Castro
Ana Carrete
Tao Lin
Ben Brooks
Zoey Camp
Timothy Willis Sanders
Marie Calloway
Heiko Julien
Richard Chiem
Noah Cicero
Tom Harris
Elizabeth Ellen
Roxane Gay
Mira Gonzalez unironically
Sam Pink
Rebecca Gibney

>> No.8930934

It's pasta from a video where some lass is getting fish funnelled into her ass.
I thought it would be funny but ah well.

>> No.8930939


>> No.8930940

>this is how /pol/ unironically see themselves
Learn to spell ingenious before you come onto a literature board and call us retards
/pol/ will screw this up by making the poems incredibly obvious and shitty then hurling cuckoldry-based insults at everyone involved, I'm calling it now

>> No.8930941

>roastwhore defender

She needs to be destroyed. Fuck off back to plebbit, moralfag

>> No.8930946

I fucking hate the bitch. You're being autistic about it.

>> No.8930954
File: 476 KB, 1244x829, IMG_74141[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this disgusting subhuman scum

she should fuck off back to whatever third world shithole she comes from

>> No.8930959
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 342c9651406ce4e3a6426d87d37aa5b7_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8930968

>>8930959 bloated

>> No.8930969

>/pol/ will screw this up by making the poems incredibly obvious and shitty then hurling cuckoldry-based insults at everyone involved, I'm calling it now


we had a shot at greatness

and it will all be ruined by people who think that calling each other niggers is the epitome of humour

>> No.8930972
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 1481665891671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess youre right

>> No.8930980

Okay, /lit/ - there's the first submission. Please explain the consistent and agreed upon rubric for determining the works of these poets as superior and worthy of all accolades.

Ready, GO!

>> No.8930985

they're white

>> No.8930993


>> No.8931002

Honestly, though I'm beating a dead horse here, I still contend that this >>8930849 would far closer qualify as "greatness" than trying to create fake bad poetry that exposes what you think is real bad poetry as bad poetry.

Seriously, someone create a google account on behalf of the /lit/ board (whose identities are protected as an incorporated body of artists) and levy a public petition against every artist published after May of 2015 on the grounds of plagiarizing the Library of Babel.

Hell, go after the sacred cows. Sue Dylan. Go after Bowie (and I *love* Bowie). Include Rupi Kaur, by all means, but take a wide swath across the landscape of artists, and strike at all of them at once. You want to fight the system that allows people to be made rich by simply being born into a position? Then take away ownership of language.

>> No.8931003
File: 34 KB, 658x580, rupi husband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too obvious?

>> No.8931020

why is my box for male white
letter go
I am covered in your dirty stamps
enveloped in your licks
still I will be returning to sender

>> No.8931026

if women ruled the world
there would be no crime
no war
no poverty
only an endless celebration of joy and love
whoever does not want this
has chosen to be the enemy
of all that is right
and all that is good

>> No.8931033

you say I can (or ASSert I must) have hair on my head
but not in my pits
the hecks up with that
oh I will show you pits alright
I will bite down to the core
and I will leave my seed to roam the earth
with much more than peach fuzz

>> No.8931038

A bird
is like a kind of dog in the sky
if you think about it
hard enough
anything is possible

>> No.8931045

Heya...this was my contribution. Also the original poster stating this needs to all be misattributed to her.

To reiterate -- the only chance for this scheme to work is to dump all of this on the net as her work.

You don't have time to create a believable alt-persona. That will take some serious work.

Simply post the best everywhere and see what sticks.

God speed.

>the caspian queer

>> No.8931048

damn skippy we point central fingers at the patriarchy
rape culture
female oppression
its said never to trust something that bleeds for yada yada, and doesnt die
it is funny that you think you deserve trust
when all you want to do with us is lie

>> No.8931052

Don't do it, OP. Do this >>8931002 instead...

It's a way juicier endeavor.

>> No.8931055

if you ever feel weak
feel strong
if you ever feel scared
feel brave
if you ever feel sad
feel happy
if you ever feel tired
feel awake
these are just some of the powers
of your feelings

>> No.8931061

if you have no intimate partner
do not be afraid
or sad
don't forget to
for it's all that matters

>> No.8931063


That seems really lameish. You are a failed writer so you want all other writers to stop because muh infinite monkeys with typewriters ?

>> No.8931069


tfw no gf...
tfw no safe space from the cult of ure rape

>> No.8931077

good post, we're all cowards burning in post-ironic hell.

>> No.8931079

I want to stain your soul
with love
you want to stain my knees
with grass
this is why we love cats
and call them pussies

>> No.8931081


Thought this might be an okish idea that got no (You)s

How about we claim that the book is a Rupi Kaur TRIBUTE, and that the poems are sourced from amateur poets who have been deemed sufficiently oppressed to warrant publication. This would solve the authorship question, as well as allowing for added goofs and gags in the penning of backstories for some of the volume's "contributors." We could claim some of the poems were collected from women in 3rd world countries, Alan Lomax-style, who were given RK's anthology and encouraged to write poems of their own (not sure how to phrase this so it doesn't sound too oppressive? Like the white man coercing these poor ladies to write shitty inspirational poetry in a Hallmark Sweatshop). I think the deviations in style would be somewhat smoothed over by this cover story, although the more obviously meme-y stuff still would need to be at the end.

>> No.8931096

I kek'd

>> No.8931098

to what end though, the library of babel tactic (aside from feeling like a gimmick) is too scorched earth. no one would be safe, not even us as our own attacks would technically be encoded in the library. hell even our own exchange right now.

whatever point we would make would be too metaphysical to even matter.

at least with the rupi case, we'd be doing something, which would be to show the banality of her ideas (and ideology) through the ease with which her poetry is reproduced. think a sokal affair for the current zeitgeist.

it would be a shame that she has to be caught in the cross fire but it would be a necessary means to an end because we need someones success to ride in order to spread our message.

strictly speaking the hoax has nothing to do with her. she's just a useful tool that we can use to spread the good word

>> No.8931111

fucking lol

>> No.8931120
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>> No.8931127

>satire that only thinks it's satire but really actually is feminist poetry just written by someone who thinks feminism is stupid
>Because it doesn't actually work that way
>what you've done here, I guess it has merit
I hope you'ŗe just trolling.

>> No.8931146

>because we need someones success to ride in order to spread our message.

The message that popularity of art does not always equal in your subjective opinion the heights of quality, never thought of it that way before, really activates ones almonds

>> No.8931164

>to what end
>library of babel tactic
>scorched earth
>encoded in the library
>the cross fire
>a sokal affair for the current zeitgeist
>the hoax
>just a useful tool

why do /pol/ people always write like their life is a some kind of cyberpunk hacker narrative

>> No.8931173

>really activates ones almonds
That's not really the point I was trying to make.
All I was saying was that the easiest way to grab attention for the fake poetry is if we misattribute it to someone already famous.
Whether Rupi is a good poet or not is irrelevant. although it helps that she isn't as it makes the work easier to parody.

There are plenty of talentless hacks across all art forms
most of them aren't peddling the cheapest form of ideology to their readers, and of those that are, not that many are as easy to imitate as Rupi. again due to her chosen medium

>> No.8931177

because i've had a couple of beers and I know that I can shitpost and pretend to be a hacker on an anonymous anime image board without it ever coming back to the real me

>> No.8931186
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We live heroic lives anon, can't you see it?

>> No.8931203

>mfw a bunch of autists pretending their lives were some kind of cyberpunk hacker narrative got the 45th POTUS elected

>> No.8931209

men seek power
women seek beauty
men seek women
women must be power
and beautiful

>> No.8931212
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go back to /pol/
this is a war against bad poetry, not against colored people

>> No.8931213

when we dig in fertile soil
the goddess of earth comes reigning down in buckets
unclogging her pores sullied by mans pollution
heave and ho in the torrents
shes a squirter

>> No.8931218

choose one

>> No.8931237
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>> No.8931723

This poet needs mocking, she's shit.

>> No.8931731


>> No.8931809

that mexican man
that korean guy in spain
that slave woman from unbuntu
are all me
in a wig

>> No.8931811

any man in

>> No.8931828

there was an angry ungandan who
was he there for revenge on the white
man did he try his best
to get what he deserved

>> No.8931842
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>> No.8931857

so you liked them?

>> No.8931865

the struggle for
world domination
will be fought
entirely between
men and womyn

>> No.8931868

rhythm and meter were alright.
intent was a little spooky
they were passable

>> No.8931903

I fucking knew redditshits would try their fedoras in here


Fuck off

>> No.8931913

Why do all fedora-wearing shit heads all write like they are wanking over the inspirational poster they imagine themselves being quoted on?

>> No.8931930

>unironically being a cuck

>> No.8931936

You misspelled 'cock'.

>> No.8931961

Her "work" has been discussed here since it started getting popular. It's generally agreed that it is dull and undeserving of praise.

>> No.8931968

This post is good.

>> No.8931977

I dont see your essay on why Kapur is deserving of praise or remotely talented.

>> No.8932033

No, thanks. We're doing this to point out that it's shit poetry. No alt-right cucks required.

>> No.8932042

But anon, feminist poetry doesn't have to be idiotic.

>> No.8932117
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Why don't you all devote your time to something less destructive?

Bring together your talents to make a collection of great original poetry, or writing, or anything.

Unless of course there is no talent on this board.

In which case I wonder why levy an attack against Rupi on the basis that she too is talentless?

Is it because she's managed to make her inaptitude sell, and you haven't? Take a look at yourself, anon.

>> No.8932204

No, for the lulz

Lurk more

>> No.8932219


too many
reasons to love;
unwilling to admit
misogyny under the guise of

will he
open his eyes to a
new age of woman?

>> No.8932220
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>> No.8932236

Beautiful anon
i was
two to the three
even knew how much
milk and honey
there was in a portion
does it matter
how many times i dipped cereal

>> No.8932300

>you have to be talented to know talent


>> No.8932448
File: 62 KB, 600x600, apoembyrupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have
a soul
Wont you listen
to it?

>> No.8932455

If anything, if this has the most thin chance of working, it'll prove how much of a fraud and lazy Kapur is. I dont care if there is context and precedence to her work. Fucking millions of women have gone through what most of her poems are about but they are lazy, simplistic and boring.

>> No.8932543

the pay

unjust, unfair unhumane
in a trap
why me, why us
runners must be sent
to map
indignity, infringed inpain

>> No.8932548
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>> No.8932607
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omg i <3 this

>> No.8932608

gb2/pol/ with this bullshit. it doesn't belong here.

>> No.8932834

go back to toronto, rupi