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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 800x800, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8927661 No.8927661 [Reply] [Original]

Those NEETs are leaking into this board, please keep an eye out and recognize a thread before responding in it.

Let's keep it clean in here guys, thanks.

>> No.8927666

Go back to r eddit

>> No.8927670

Don't be an idiot and don't even reply.

Don't even sagepost.

>> No.8927671

Also ignore trolls.

>> No.8927677

nigga if you're not going to make a thread about books, go read a fucking book instead of killing threads about books. how stupid are you?

>> No.8927678

people spamming how awful /pol/ is are just as bad as /pol/ shitposters. If you don't want to be part of a /pol/ thread, don't post in it. Simple

>> No.8927681

But that's what OP is already doing, he's just encouraging/reminding others to do the same.

>> No.8927684
File: 37 KB, 347x500, Lovecraft,_Mountains_of_Madness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ isn't a NEET board, it's a normie board. Since /r/the_donald was created, /pol/ has been over half redditors.

To get back on to the board's topic--how do you feel about Lovecraft? I love his work. Pic related is my favorite book of all time.

>> No.8927690

Daily reminder that /lit/ is not your soft mushy liberal safe space

fuck off to /r/socialism if you get triggered by other people's opinions

>> No.8927693

Being bitter 24/7 is a sure sign of people having too much time on their hands. If you have a job, no way in hell you will spend your free time posting on /pol/, I don't believe that.

>> No.8927694

2/10, >>>/soc/ you lonely anonkun

>> No.8927696
File: 15 KB, 307x462, 1457234793359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what threads are you talking about famalam?

>> No.8927698

How about we don't talk about any part of the political spectrum here, neither liberalism or conservatism. You can't keep one and get mad at the other for posting.

>> No.8927704

>he thinks /pol/ is more bitter than /lit/
did we accidentally ERP into liking us after reading kierkegaard again?

>> No.8927705

this, it's not even on topic
gb2 /r/debatecommunism, /r/debatesocialism, /r/debatenazism

>> No.8927706


>> No.8927707

They're easily discernable, usually about politics, or trying to incite hate in a non-civilized way, "redpill" etc.

>> No.8927713

Yeah, I can't see any nazi threads? Examples OP?

>> No.8927714

I've been on 4chan far longer than you, thank you. Take your teenager "I have rights too!" edginess elsewhere.

>> No.8927719

m8 that's a lot of books to ban. the problem is the people who want to get rid of those books have read as many books on the topic as the trolls, and are just as smug.

>> No.8927735

The problem is the edgy /pol/ people who are looking to reinforce their shitty "red pilled" ideas by reading books that reinforce their current ideas. So they can "intellectually" debate with other people, it's the most pathetic place in life one can be.

>> No.8927737
File: 48 KB, 400x510, 1456647267617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to take the red pill my friend. You'll feel a lot better

>> No.8927740

OP is right, but sadly there is no remedy for ignorance.

>> No.8927746

Red pill is a spook, you'll understand when you grow up.

>> No.8927749


>> No.8927751
File: 39 KB, 1056x869, pol crossboarders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing the jews control everything
>believing the white race is being methodically genocided
Honestly it seems like a really depressing, paranoid worldview. Why would it make anyone feel better? Or do you just want company for your misery?

>> No.8927753
File: 49 KB, 500x375, whatbobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to ban discussion about the books, but you also don't have to make so many threads asking what (partisan) literature should I read or spamming the board with Marx or Rand threads. One or two will suffice.

Lastly, make the discussion about the books themselves and the philosophical ideologies of the books not the people who vote for a certain system as lesser.

We can all do without nearly so much "Hurr durr ur a libcuck sjw" or "fuck off Drumpfster" because it's shitposting without argumentative merit and nothing gets accomplished, which is really the end goal of politics, to accomplish the successful implementation and transition of power by a set of held and true ideals.

>> No.8927755

That pic is exactly it, lol'd hard

>> No.8927757


>> No.8927764
File: 348 KB, 991x1287, 1430762056752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ was a right-wing board before it was redditised

>> No.8927769

You can be right-wing and still hate /pol/.

>> No.8927779

>>8927769 nailed it. /lit/ may have been libertarian, but it was never natsoc, and national socialists should return to their safe space at >>>/pol/

>> No.8927782

I'm a registered republican and I can't stand /pol/ or Trump.

>> No.8927792

sweetie, i don't know who you're lecturing but you might want to watch your (yes, you) second person pronouns. rec threads without a specific rec you're unable to find from googling or the sticky charts is supposed to be frowned upon; don't do it for other books either you numpty (yes, you). of course we can always do without less shitposting but that is not equivalent to discussing neither side of the political spectrum, which if you read anything or knew what a roman a clef was, you would be able to see the problem with the proposition i'm argued against. instead you're recommending that we limit the shit that's against the rules but only for the posters who read a genre you don't like. take a holiday in chernobyl for the sake of everybody, you're as much the problem as what you hate.

>> No.8927793



>> No.8927802

not OP, but here are some good examples


>> No.8927806

Not that guy you replied to but, cringe. You're completely detached from reality, I don't know what to say to you to make you realize that. I was where you are now and I just feel bad kind off man.

>> No.8927814

I need a safe space
still shaking

>> No.8927818 [DELETED] 

autism: the post

>> No.8927822
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, original post on pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is a board of intellectuals, be they leftwing or rightwing. It's full of intelligent people skilled at rational debate.

/pol/, by contrast, is a board of uneducated redditors and stormkiddies who think "cuck", "SJW", and "shill" are arguments.

>> No.8927829 [DELETED] 



>> No.8927831

I think you entirely misread my post.

>> No.8927833

oh good if you were where i am now you should be able to discuss carlyle's use of the first person and its pros and cons for historiography. do you feel bad because you went all "thucycides could do it because he was there"?

>> No.8927838
File: 537 KB, 800x800, donald trump soros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.8927841

When immigrants enter your country, why do you cry about your "safe space"? :-)

Let me guess, it's because it poisons the very essence of that country. If you don't want immigrants in your country, then we don't want /pol/igrants in /lit. Simple as that. See how much of a hypocrite you are, manchild?

>> No.8927843 [DELETED] 

take your meds

>> No.8927845

this is a literature board
you faggots discuss garbage

might aswell discuss harry potter

>> No.8927847

Not the person you are replying to, but I feel bad because you actually believe that your pseudo-intellectualism makes you superior to anyone when your words are so hollow.

>> No.8927863

you have low standards. it's not that i misread it, it's that you over appreciated its worth and submitted it. complaining about rec threads where you can't give an informed answer when rec threads are supposed to be a last resort when you have exhausted all other resources is baffling stupidity.

>> No.8927871
File: 40 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been on 4chan for far too long today, you reflect it with your cringy usage of language. I hope you don't talk like that IRL, I would stomp your face.

>> No.8927885

>he didn't get the joke
>he assumed it was insult time
so do you get this mad every time someone mentions books you haven't read? i'm scared to see what happens when i mention lucian and herodotus controversies

>> No.8927898

Did my use of language get in the way of you understand how you need to read the sticky w/r/t[1] recs of all kinds?

[1]oh god he probably appreciates davespeak though like nadsat kids after the movie came out

>> No.8927903

fucking lmao

>> No.8927909

>we are intellectuals. All posts must be of the utmost quality. Shitposts, or "jokes" as you plebians call them, shall not be tolerated
I think reddit is more appropriate

>> No.8927910


Plenty of insightful books written about politics. How about everybody stops crying and starts discussing? We all love literature that's why we are here.

>> No.8927915


I dunno, I kind of like it here. See that's the thing, we don't need a safe space. Much more fun to trample yours.

>> No.8927917

Smug Redditor: The Post

>> No.8927918

>the board that brought you Striner and Zizek
>marxists were here before leaving due to /his/ split
>ever right wing

>> No.8927922

>>we don't need a safe space

>> No.8927924

>Can there be people with views I disagree with on /lit/?
>No. That can't be. They must be evil outsiders in a conspiracy to ruin a slow literature board.

>> No.8927928

I bet you think you are important, appreciated, respected, and even well-liked.

>> No.8927931

>memeing = being triggered

>> No.8927932
File: 80 KB, 791x208, nazifags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They must be evil outsiders in a conspiracy to ruin a slow literature board.
But that's actually correct.

>> No.8927937

oh lord no, i just really like reading and find those things interesting. what kind of idiot pursues a solitary hobby for social esteem?

>> No.8927939

>24 posts then archived
really made my brain spin

>> No.8927960


>> No.8927962

but really, history books in the first person, Y/N?

>> No.8927965
File: 105 KB, 954x1157, left lit brainwashing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8927970

so which book clubs are we signing chickenoflight up for?

>> No.8927978
File: 425 KB, 600x590, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using NEET as an insult

>> No.8927984

/leftypol/ has some of the most garbage memes. It's sad really, they're like /pol/'s retarded younger brother

>> No.8927992

>Those NEETs are leaking into this board, please keep an eye out and recognize a thread before responding in it.
>/lit/ isn't NEET
>recognize a thread
jfc you even made a png mspaint image. are you genuinely in high school and on a student council OP? wtf is this shit thread for?

>> No.8927993

How long will the pol invasion last? I'll just take a break from /lit/ till it's over.

>> No.8927995

reported for offtopic

>> No.8928017

>can't criticize their ideology
>better criticize the random images they swap to make each other laugh

>> No.8928022

No their memes are just dumb. They're basically shitty imitations of /pol/ except they arent funny

>> No.8928025
File: 14 KB, 236x353, 0de05d815a4f8ff09c3078692e3956be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't criticise their ideology

>> No.8928027
File: 18 KB, 323x377, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it takes to establish /pol/ supremacy on /lit/ again.

>> No.8928035
File: 1.00 MB, 2000x2000, 1483352835761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: daily reminder to /pol/'s position.
Don't waste our time, we got grown-up things to do.

>> No.8928037

We aren't leaving until we've retaken /lit/

>> No.8928052

>Literally top tier genius as their average IQ
Wow seems legit

Such areas include: Wealth distribution
uh huh

>> No.8928059

So what if i frequent /lit/, /sci/, and /mlp/?

>> No.8928106

So basically you just want us to frogpost instead of talking about philosophy and literature

Wealth redistribution is used by both the right and left and not everyone left leaning believes in socialism, and not everyone who believes in socialism believes in communism.

>> No.8928203


/lit/ has always been far right and traditionalist

zizek, sam harris and other lefties are only mentioned here so we can all laugh at them.

>> No.8928214

Speak for yourself.

>> No.8928226

>/lit/ has always been far right
>far right
m8, have you taken a look at the far right? They aren't the most intelligible bunch.

>> No.8928240


>> No.8928246

>/lit/ is a board of intellectuals, be they leftwing or rightwing. It's full of intelligent people skilled at rational debate.
I don't understand how anyone can actually believe this.

>> No.8928250
File: 897 KB, 800x430, 1483549819648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the redditors on /lit/ get irl mad when they read things they don't like
>tfw every day posting on /lit/ is peppered with buttmad normies melting down

>> No.8928256

woot we've broken righ through the top of the graph, we are smarter than y-axis knows what to do with

now I don't feel so bad about spending my free time posting stupid shit on this board

>> No.8928258

>they don't agree with my shitposting
>they must be from reddit

>> No.8928263
File: 169 KB, 992x744, 0gvnw6znwp7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not really desu

pic related is inside a real, far-left wing safe space.

these """people""" believe there are over 31 genders.

if this is where the west is headed, I welcome our alt-right overlords

>> No.8928264

This board is the comfiest board of them all, usually

>> No.8928265
File: 93 KB, 1252x1252, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor gets called buttmad
>replies by being buttmad

>> No.8928267

uh-ho, everybody watch out this bad ass is here to lay down the law

>> No.8928269
File: 246 KB, 702x2254, sjw nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a horseshoe m8

>> No.8928273

Both the far-right and the far-left are absolute cancers. One is not better than the other, they are both shit and will lead us to shit.

that said, politics belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.8928279
File: 77 KB, 960x419, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928286
File: 30 KB, 540x425, 55e312a3c5079fc37e8a0ab131eb01076d15fa189ff785870f3cc2c867e286a7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928296

>extremism in any direction is the answer to all of our problems
fuck off

>> No.8928316

I'm very unsurprised that /pol/ frequents ifunny

>> No.8928330

Excuse me, not all NEETs are poltards. Please do not slander our kind unfairly

>> No.8928353

>Wealth redistribution is used by both the right and left
Neither conservatives, nor national socialists, nor libertarians believe in wealth redistribution. Perhaps you refer to Strasserists, but they are rare. The left and right would be almost the same if they both preferred equal wealth for everyone.

>> No.8928385
File: 11 KB, 292x270, 1482159237184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug centrists were my favourite meme of 2016

>> No.8928651

This acts like stormfront fags didnt do the exact same shit with /pol/
These boards ultimately aren't about a website cult identity, theyre about discussion
I'd argue with almost anyone on here if they had good points and wasnt just bait, edgy and annoying

>> No.8928709

This would make more sense if the left opinion wasn't held to the same strawman as the center opinion
If you're really gonna make fun of the center, which is a fair thing to make fun off, it can't be this biased

>> No.8928726

He's right you know

>> No.8929365
File: 65 KB, 680x666, 405b73b96167ae63f8d36939a3139b4a40a11a7400109be293dfa154d9d6048a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiro should just delete /pol/ already, pretty much the rest of the sight hates them.

>> No.8929393

There was a big pol happening, so I think all the degenerates returned to the containment area to masturbate to it.

>> No.8929405

I can multitask, nigger.

>> No.8929409

Read "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing", "Black Boy", and "To Kill a Mockingbird". They are related to the happening.

>> No.8929422

I can't.. I'm black

>> No.8929438


I'm a NEET but /lit/ is one of the only boards I go on besides /tv/, /k/, and /out/. Sometimes I go to /his/ for the extremely rare decent historical thread.

>> No.8929505
File: 17 KB, 279x257, 1471502672886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was our board chosen for some shitty culture war that nobody in the real world cares about? We used to talk about books here. Now literally half the threads are "anti-minority literature. if you don't like it, back to rebbit libcuck!" and "expel the nazis". Why the fuck us?