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8923110 No.8923110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What type of book should I read to impress a girl like pic related

>> No.8923122

I have a gf with big tits and she approached me while I had Ezra Pounds Elektra and my group therapy hand outs in my hands. She voted Clinton.

Also I gave her a UTI.

>> No.8923129

One Hundred Years of Solitude.

Mainly because you should actually read it and get over your judgmental self.

>> No.8923141
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nice, I gave my ex gf a world rally blue STI

>implying I read non-white authors
>implying congolombia is white

>> No.8923156

I think the only way you'll impress that one is if you castrate yourself with a broken latte bottle, hand her all your money, and promise to spend your life righting ever wrong society laid on her.

>> No.8923190

mate who fucked u ova

>> No.8923194
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Life of Pi
Cloud Atlas
The Poisonwood Bible
Eat Pray Love
The Handmaiden's Tale
The House on Mango Street
Gibs me da Monie by Ta Nahesi Coates
anything by the bad Murakami

>> No.8923196

No reading will do that. You have to become the embodiment of the man she deems virtuous. Or at least you have to pretend to be one, this can't be hard since she thinks Hillary Clinton is in it for other women. Other things that are required: physical attraction, financial stability(she looks like someone relatively well off), actually talking to women.

>> No.8923217

>Quadratic formula
>Basic trigonometry
>Formula for volume
Fucking high school education disgusts me, normies consider this hard

>> No.8923218


definitely schopenhauer

>> No.8923239


>(she looks like someone relatively well off)

Which means that she would never date someone who was less well off than her. She's gone past her "broke musician" phase when she was younger. She is looking for dat cheddar now.

>> No.8923260

Daddys little girls don't care about you making more money than them. They have plenty. Just have some money and don't be a complete loser

>> No.8923264

Any pleb YA fiction bullshit. Might as well read Harry Potter, desu.

>> No.8923291


No woman heading into her 30s with tits that glorious is going to be okay with that. Be real.

>> No.8923350

A checkbook.
[/end thread]

You can shut this thread down, now.
Good night, folks.

>> No.8923393

What part of don't be a loser didn't you understand? Or is that asking too much now ?

>> No.8923466

Ullyses, tell her you've read it even though you actually haven't, you fuck. Just look it up on Wikipedia, you ass. You don't even need to read it.

>> No.8923483
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>> No.8923487

She's fat. She'll be a landwhale in a few years, mark my words.

>> No.8923666

>>implying I read non-white authors
>implying congolombia is white
He doesn't read the Greeks.

>> No.8923669

Business/economics/tech non fiction. Gladwell core shit

>> No.8923677

You should read a book called HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME as well as 8"x6" MINIMUM

Alternatively be Tyrone

>> No.8923694

i look at this woman and i have all my instincts working out to do anything possible to fuck her
these instincts could end up fucking me up in a possible dialogue, i would become anxious, nervous, i can't take my eyes off that tits

i don't think woman feel that way about man
how is that fair?

>> No.8923736

>i don't think woman feel that way about man
Yes they do, just not "men" like YOU.

>> No.8923767

"They feek like that, but not towards men who feel like that." that's what you've just said

>> No.8923776

i'm not a man yet, but it feels good to be called a man by a woman, even if its on the internet

>> No.8923793

They don't feel that way about subhuman incel beta cucks is what I meant to convey.

Just CHAD and quite possibly TYRONE.

>> No.8923800


>> No.8923915

Yeah. Something like these.
Emily isn't too sharp. Just another brainwashed bourgeoisie.

Nice rack to look at, but I wouldn't even hate-fuck.

>> No.8923966

>Ancient Greeks
>Not white

>> No.8923984

They were Mediterranean which is different than Europeans.

>> No.8923990

Dude, even Japanese people are white, it's not that specific.

>> No.8924001
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So now sudacas are white?

>> No.8924002

They are pale, white usually refers to northern Europeans. You're right that it isn't a rigorous term but I was pointing out that when "White Culture" tries to claim the Greeks as their own they are mistaken.

>> No.8924073

I have a college degree and its all jibberish to me anon

>> No.8924257

is Argentina white my friend?

>> No.8924271
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Yes (No) my friend.

>> No.8924283


>getting this mad over a chick that you're never going to fuck anyway


>> No.8924296

Why do those breasts have great control over me?

>> No.8924301

The Politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy
Killing Hope by William Blum
The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine
Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner
Dirty Wars by Jeremy Scahill
Kill Chain by Alexander Cockburn

As a simple well meaning liberal supporter of Clinton she will be aghast at the image of America presented in these books: a monstrous totalitarian entity raping and massacring and overthrowing democratic governments and supporting dictators around the world to secure markets.
It will fly in the face of her image of America the do gooder.

>> No.8924312
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>> No.8924315

what about Dumas and Pushkin?

>> No.8924323
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how to get booktuber gf?

>> No.8924370

>Eat Pray Love

Don't confuse things she'd read with things she'd be attracted to you reading.

>> No.8924386


>implying the other murakami is good

>> No.8924481

only cucks read to impress girls.

>> No.8924518

>implying you wouldn't kill for a girl
Face it, it's your primal instinct.

>> No.8924532

I'd kill most people ITT to improve the quality of /lit/ threads tbqh

>> No.8924544
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based Ryu is one of Japan's best living writers, something a baka gaijin like you would never understand.

>> No.8924546

You don't have to be wealthier than her, you just have to have more value than her in some area. Looks. Intelligence (publicly ratified). Fame. Etc.

>> No.8924553

>Latte bottle
Do you know what a latte is?

>> No.8924566


That is pretty hypocritical of him desu. But who were they bombing out in the middle of the Pacific? Whales?

>> No.8924572

Who's this ______?

>> No.8924619

One that breaks the mould of forming cackhanded expectations about people based on their looks and one or two data points. Just live with wanting to fuck her and stop pretending that you need to make it anything more than that. I mean, for fuck's sake, why would you even ask that question? If there's a real person you want to impress, then just ask them what their favorite book is and read it. There's no girl "like" pic related anyway, OP - there's that girl, and then there are other girls. Break out of meme-world and wake the fuck up; people are impossibly complex constructions and irreducible to simple input/output matrices you can manipulate to curry their favor... Fuck, man. Seriously, fuck.