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File: 115 KB, 640x480, milo-book-cover-640x480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8923067 No.8923067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lmao he actually named his book "Dangerous"

What a fucking queer

>> No.8923070

Yeah, he is a queer whom I believe fucks

>> No.8923076

>regressive left is now embracing homophobia and anti-semitism
The alt-right is truly the most powerful political movement of our day

>> No.8923083

OP shut up lol

>> No.8923086

>call someone a cuck
>be dangerous


>> No.8923087

>regressive left
God I hate these nonsense monikers.

There is no such thing as progress or regress. Please unfuck yourself and join reality.

>> No.8923095


The regressive left only stands for oppressed groups if the groups let the regressive left protect (ie oppress) them.

If any of them stand up to the regressive left, or say they don't need them to protect them, they automatically become enemies.

>> No.8923097

It's kind of crazy how much they've done in so little time.
I wonder if it's just because of the pendulum swinging to the right, giving people something to latch onto, or because of really effective marketing and outreach.
Feminism, Black Lives Matter, Occupy, all have accomplished jack shit and they've been around for fucking longer than the alt-right

>> No.8923116

Well....the alt right has been around for a long fucking time too, they just didn't have a name until now.

the biggest mistake people make with the alt-right is just taking them seriously though. It's a group of people who just make fun of everyone else, and dipshits act like it's a political movement.

>> No.8923124

Give them credit where credit's due. BLM managed to increase the murder rate across the US with its rhetoric and recommended policing practices

>> No.8923135

>Feminism have accomplished jack shit

Are you nuts? You might not agree with its ideology but Feminism was the spearhead of the biggest cultural shift in the 20th century after Marxism

>> No.8923136

>a long fucking time

how long?

>> No.8923142

2006 is a long time for a 17 year old

>> No.8923143

he's probably talking about modern, blue haired, wearing t-shirts with obscene vaginas on them type feminism. Not actual feminism.

>> No.8923154


lmao anon you doin okay?

>> No.8923158

Yeah, I guess. They are taken seriously, though, so we have to give them some credit for that.
Obviously there's a bunch of trolling, but they probably played some part in Trump's election. Fucking Pepe was a political issue on Hillary's website.
Lol. Maybe if the DNC didn't screw over Bernie I could give Occupy a little credit for laying the groundwork for his campaign.

>> No.8923159

It looks like a magazine more than a book.

>> No.8923162

Even they've managed to move transexuals from being a marginal often derided fringe to an embraced group in popular culture

>> No.8923165

Third-wave feminism hasn't done shit imo
Besides piss people off.

>> No.8923171


I don't know about that....

The only people I know who ever hated Trannys were women.

Most guys, even if they won't admit it in public, are fucking down with some tranny dick.

>> No.8923173

Third-wave feminism made women take on more male roles and trannies/homos to be accepted

>> No.8923174
File: 113 KB, 1062x764, 13340134_1552009888435557_8180870328287434002_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually take this attention whore seriously? I mean even he doesn't believe half the shit he says. He just acts like a spastic and says things that are 'contrarian' in order to get a rise out of people.

The alt-right is nothing but a boring nonsensical meme.

>> No.8923175

Its getting to the point where misidentifying someones gender is considered hate speech in mainstream culture

>> No.8923177

already a top seller on amazon and it isn't even out yet stay mad commies

>> No.8923205

This tho. Milo is a typical opportunist masquerading as an idealist just like daddy trump. Curious how delusional the alt-right is when it comes to their own spokesmen while reveling in critizing other's delusions

>> No.8923215

>Does anyone actually take this attention whore seriously?

you apparently did enough to post about it.

>> No.8923219

>homophobia and anti-semitism

>> No.8923225

>a serious issue

>> No.8923234

I don't agree with the guy on much, but he's entertaining enough that I like having him around.
We all know what a smartass liberal is like, so it's at least funny having someone on the other side.
Kind of funny that every single alt-right "spokesperson" has a very clear personal agenda; all of them want attention/money way more than actually bringing about change

>> No.8923237

He's an entertainer first and foremost. What he says doesn't matter, what matters is that he's willing to break social taboos in front of kids who feel like their expression is being stifled by the establishment of those taboos. He's to kids with liberal parents what punk music used to be to kids with conservative parents.

>> No.8923247


>Third-wave feminism made women take on more male roles

Except for the "personal responsibility and accountability" role

>> No.8923272
File: 694 KB, 1900x2375, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly never understand if leftist are really just, unironically, seeing all those stuff and being happy with themself like or just trolling me or who ever is reading.
I mean, if someone call you cuck or what ever polfags say nowdays you should worry. Its like someone trained you to be such a pussy.
Just read those comments >>>8923205 >>8923215 >>8923225 >>8923086
Jesus Christ.

>> No.8923278

>right wing women are empty headed actors payed to read teleprompters written by their corporate masters
>left wing women are accomplished self directed intellectuals and writers who come up with their own critically constructed views


>> No.8923285

woh dude conservative women ARE HOT!

I'm alt-right now, let me change my twitter pfp to pepe and follow sam hyde on twitter, I've seen the light!

>> No.8923289


This post is too dangerous for me. The alt-right has won another victory.

>> No.8923296

>If an anonymous kid calls you names you should be worried


>> No.8923300

10/10 great argument

>> No.8923307


>> No.8923316

Just like the one about female reporters making your penis hard, so they're right automatically.

>> No.8923318

>accomplished self directed intellectuals and writers who come up with their own critically constructed views

>image contains Trigglypuff,Raven Simone,Ellen Degeneres,Andrea Dworkin,Lena Dunham,Whoopi Goldberg and Milo Stewart among others.

The blond air heads side of the collage is also stupid but surely you jest

>> No.8923319

An incredibly tacky magazine, too.

>> No.8923324

No I also find that stupid the subjective attractiveness of female figureheads of a movement does not lend it credibility >>8923307
What a glorious refutation

>> No.8923326


Those are all spooks r9kpol

>> No.8923328

I'm no fan but at least they actually have some sort of talent as entertainers to some people which makes tremendously more respectable than just being a blond bimbo who can read lines into a camera

>> No.8923340

True but the majority of all those women are airheads I didn't post the photo and I think the person who posted it is more stupid than those levelling arguments against the photo

>> No.8923341

>seeing all those stuff and being happy with themself like or just trolling me or who ever is reading.
Holy shit, what are you attempting to convey?

>> No.8923394

That's the most flattering picture of Lena Dunham I've ever seen.

>> No.8923397

shit, I thought that was the dewey kid.

>> No.8923399


The only thing that this proves is that Fox News was smart and hired attractive people.

These are not left wing women. As a classic liberal, this image is infuriating.

>> No.8923416
File: 115 KB, 663x768, oSeGN8dZCuxIHg067L-wet-8-2FiwQ2VlfPwlGFU6ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a real leftist woman for you

>> No.8923423
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1474738455776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le REAL leftism
>No m'lady I'm a CLASSICAL liberal
Kill yourself you contrarian fuckstick

>> No.8923429


>> No.8923435
File: 3 KB, 217x232, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average right wing woman

>> No.8923445
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average left wing woman.

know the difference

>> No.8923453

Milo isn't alt right, he's a liberal opportunist, defending things like "free-speech" and "feminism=bad, islam=bad".

Those things are axiomatic, so easily defensible and easy to argue the side of, yet people lap it up like he's actually intelligent or expressing anything new or intelligent, he's not. He just does what he does for money, and none of his alleged views are even that extreme.

>> No.8923454
File: 36 KB, 600x600, gKWTLn6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923471

rolling for Stacey Dash or Dana Loesch

>> No.8923492
File: 89 KB, 640x480, ZZZ_082312_lifestyle[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Che Guevara, left wing icon, pseudointellectual and terrorist
>literally NEVER, not ONCE in your entire life, have a relationship with a woman who was above a 4/10
Fucking pathetic 2bh

>> No.8923516

This insult doesn't have the same effect on the alt-right that it does on you

You get upset when you hear "cuck" because it's based on fundamental truths about your supplication to minorities and women. Deep down you know that you're a cuckold to conventional social norms and morals that promote self-hatred, and when somebody points it out you get angry

When a proud alt-rightist gets called cuck it just doesn't make sense because he's asserting his self-interest. He's the one risking rejection for an unconventional morality that places value on his own wants, so he doesn't experience conniptions. It's the difference between calling a fat person a pig and a skinny person a pig. Neither really wants to be a pig, but the fatty's going to feel the hurt a lot more personally than the skinny guy

>> No.8923529

Really makes me think pal

>> No.8923533


>> No.8923541

Breitbart and that type of fake news is legitimately dangerous, though. It's like a cult of retardation. Alex Jones too.

>> No.8923542

Being a cuck is both racist and sexist so it's naturally suited for right wingers.

>> No.8923552

at this point....do you guys even know what cuck means?

>> No.8923557

So what type of fake news is acceptable? I can't think of a single news outlet that doesn't type unmitigated bullshit.

>> No.8923560


I bet you are one of those faggots who mumble on about a bundle of sticks.

I don't even use the insult nor do I like it but holy fuck you are dumb.

>> No.8923567

>I wrote three paragraphs to a one word response because I'm NOT a cuck!!!


enjoy your Reaction Formation just like all the other repressed abrahamic conservatives

>> No.8923574


so that's a no then?

>> No.8923576
File: 45 KB, 253x384, analia_hounie_01_display_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavoj Zizek can fuck pic related despite being a sweaty bearded speech impaired slavic coke addict, solely because left-wing politics is so attractive and alpha

>> No.8923584

Yeah because they wouldn't publish "Dangerous Faggot" the brand name he's gone off of for a while now

>> No.8923588

Your post in indecipherable

>> No.8923595

You're the one with the Christian morality, you just haven't picked up on it

>> No.8923596


The 24 hour news cycle was a mistake as a lot of non-problems become "problems." That is where you get a lot of shit from "mainstream news," but it's not necessarily fake news.

Shit like Breitbart and Alex Jones just making shit up for either hits or recognition is horrible though. I consider stuff like that fake news. Stuff like how Obama is a Kenyan muslim bringing Sharia here.

>> No.8923597


That wasn't an affirmative nor was it a negative. Are you retarded?


>> No.8923598

does he really do coke, or is this just another meme because of his nose? i'm actually curious now

>> No.8923603

Why are you assuming he is a leftist. He's a giant faggot and most people from both sides agree.

>> No.8923614
File: 316 KB, 1265x604, 6cMnovt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually true. Modern lefties are completely brainwashed and just think whatever the media tells them to. Deep down they know that they've never challenged their own assumptions. They try to assert the moral and intellectual high ground but they never had it in the first place. They're sheep, they're cucks.

>> No.8923619
File: 199 KB, 446x612, meet moon man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The alt right manages to embrace a wider demographic than any other conservative movement ever has.
It has a lot of rallying points.

The left only has its college educated urbanite whites and PoC's as its core supporters. The working class non-whites show a mostly uncommitted support for them, for lack of a bette alternative. But you see a lot of non-whites support alt right ideas.
I truly think the days of the left are over and it only has itself to blame for turning leftism into an intellectual and moral prestige game for its individual supporter.

>> No.8923622

Ok, so you don't then. Thanks, all i needed.

>> No.8923634

So what do you make of prestige news outlets like the Washington Post, which last week was caught making up claims that Russia hacked the Vermont powergrid, or The Guardian, which last week was caught fabricating statements purportedly from Julian Assange? I consider that fake news since it's misinformation masquerading as reporting in order to promote an ideological narrative

>> No.8923639

>that image with that post

crossboarders really have no reading comprehension or self-awareness at all

>> No.8923645


>right wing values that stress self-discipline and commitment result more often than not in good-looking and successful people
>left wing values that stress success is a matter of the right conditions result in deformed Bosch-looking characters

Whoa, what a surprise.

>> No.8923660


This may sound pretty stupid but I only get my news from newspapers and my local newspaper's Facebook page (where I have a fake profile). The fact that they're not always spitting out information is a good thing since they don't have to keep people's attention and have time to verify things before immediately posting them.

If it's online no matter where it's from honestly it's probably sensationalist shit.

>> No.8923671


No, fake news is basically whatever the political opposition reports.

Calling something fake news totally isn't a totalitarian inclinaton, like when the nazi's called the media they disliked "lügenpresse". I virtue signal all the time, so I can't be an authoritarian shithead.

>> No.8923675

They reported shit up about Iraqi hackers and aluminum tubes over a decade ago. Syrian rebels are actually jihadis, the Serbs weren't bayoneting babies in their incubators. This doesn't mean Alex Jones is right, just that both sides are wrong.

>> No.8923690


I also think America should be burnt to the ground and that all Americans unironically deserve to die

>> No.8923697
File: 326 KB, 690x460, when a post is haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women can be right wing or left wing
>women are people
>uncovered whores broadcasting their faces on the satan box do not deserve to be acidfaced
0/10 Tbh

>> No.8923700


good satire

>> No.8923709


I don't think that's true.
He fucked a qt once, but most of the other women have looked very average.

His current gf/wife, whatever is the relationship status, is ok looking.

Being into Lacan seems to be the common thread for all of them. Not surprising at all, lol.

>> No.8923711

Why is a gay man working for the radical right? Don't they know they'll give him the Ernst Rohm treatment the first chance they get?

>> No.8923734
File: 30 KB, 537x416, 1481939998189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fascism is extremely homo-erotic and beneath the surface totally cool with topping a cute boy.

Sparta is their fav of the classical Greek duo of poleis and that place was gay af.

Actually, loads of gays love fascism, it allows for taboo and all types of kinky transgressiveness an accepting rainbow flagged hashtagging liberal neighbourhood just turns into a bore. They will never tell your leftist straight ass.


Behold, the Golden One. And check the comment section especially. They probably have a small buzz in their dicks seeing those pecs.

>> No.8923750

Imagine if you encountered this guy during your outdoor walk, flexing for a tripod-camera setup while wearing a loincloth, axe, and plastic helmet.

>> No.8923794

>influential communist
>literally looks like what someone would imagine if you told them the words "Jewish woman"
Really makes me think

>> No.8923844

>Feminism, Black Lives Matter, Occupy, all have accomplished jack shit and they've been around for fucking longer than the alt-right

Holy shit, this.

I agree with a lot of what these groups say (though I disagree with them a lot more), but when people say 'HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE FEMINISTS OR BLM??' this is why. They don't do anything. They don't help anyone. They don't make anyone's lives better. They don't make any form of change that is beneficial to anyone anywhere. They are just loud fuckers that bitch and moan and complain in to prove how morally just they are.

>> No.8923860


is this a post-ironic to amass as much cringe as possible in one memetic post?

don't tell me you're really that insecure about your masculinity, cuckboy

>> No.8923862


Well, they also are funded by George Soros and are an active insurrection against Western society, calling for the death of police, white people, and being paid to riot in the streets and embrace mob violence so... They have done a few things, just horrible divisive things

>> No.8923868


this guy is majorly spooked and looks to have fas

>> No.8924150
File: 32 KB, 800x533, 1471569193231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about you wanting to be in "our side", its about the fact that liberal attracts the ugliest fisical / soul of this earth. And nice try, almost all of them go to colllege and are independent.
In the other hand, theres not suprisse that the ugly women just want to kill ("""abort it""") their unborn child, hate their own race, etc.

>> No.8924169


>> No.8924196
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1398740650266s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a testament to the power of hollywood that they can make her look kind of average looking for her gay little tv show. Of course, the ugliest thing about her is her soul or lack thereof.

>> No.8924604

>implying all media is left wing

>> No.8924715

>Andrea Dworkin

>> No.8924725


Waaaaah porn is bad! Waaah nobody will believe my rape story because I'm fat!

>> No.8924735


>Bosch-looking characters


>> No.8924761

>Ayelet Shaked
Ugh, not that stupid jewess. most of the girls I met in Israel who were good-looking were sadly leftists desu

They're maybe two right cuties there, the rest look like trying too hard moms. They're just not as detestable as those inhuman supposedly females on the left.

>> No.8924769

Fuck off cuck. /lit/ is an alt-right board.

>> No.8924779
File: 4 KB, 155x224, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but porn is literally a tool by the Jew

Stop watching it

>> No.8924789

Milo is fucking based. I'm actually so excited about alt-right, I actually hold power to transform the world from being cucked and bluepilled to being redpilled and free from the cucks who control the establishment. WE made Trump win. WE passed brexit. WE are the fucking counter-culture.

>> No.8924794
File: 3.79 MB, 495x335, laughing dr who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8924802

top heh

>> No.8924803
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1455570745800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8924842

why ron paul is in the topics?

>> No.8924861


>rolling for Stacey Dash

I tried reading her book but she just kept going on and on about her Twitter drama. I thought conservatives were better than that.

>> No.8924875
File: 56 KB, 395x504, no homo shave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sparta is their fav
That's just the Italians. The Germans had different sources of inspiration.
Also Spartans are not the ones known for boy rape, you got your cities mixed up.

But congrats on posting the gayest video I've seen all year.

>> No.8924912

>right wing women are dumb bimbos following the narrative set to them by conservative culture trying to look as conventionally attractive and sexually pleasing to men as possible while liberal and left wing women promote their own ideals and place importance on them
>the ideas of women that i don't find attractive have less validity than women who cater to me sexually
hmm. really gets the wheels spinning.

>> No.8924920

i'm in love

>> No.8924932

>arguing for leftism
>treating women as property meant to elevate the status of men
stop blindly following right-wing behavior and ideology while claiming to be a leftist you fucking idiot

>> No.8924939

desu they are both ugly in their own right. Also the right-wing women seem to be mostly news presenters and journalists who make a business out of looking the way the do whereas the left-wing women are youtube non-persons (who also make a business out of looking that way) and actual politicians, lawyers and academics confirming what you said about women promoting their ideas rather than putting a lot of effort into their looks.

>> No.8924946

These things are only funny when they point out some massive contradiction in thinking. This one might as well say 'I'M MILO AND I SUCK' for ten lines straight.

>> No.8924991


>> No.8924993

>Yeah, he is a queer whom I believe fucks

>> No.8925239


>> No.8925294

Didn't he molest a kid in sixth form or something like that? I'm sure I read that somewhere.

>> No.8925307

> In 2007, he self-published a volume of poetry called “Eskimo Papoose” under the pen name Milo Andreas Wagner. Last year, the Houston Press reported that the book amounted to plagiarized Tori Amos lyrics, with some Britney Spears and Mariah Carey thrown in.

>> No.8925355

why do commie retards keep giving him attention?

>> No.8925357

Someone replied before me stop throating feminist dick I direct you to>>8924725

>> No.8925367
File: 25 KB, 501x400, germs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this panel from December Zizek argues against PC throughout


and points out how he has been banned from several major papers he used to write for, after publishing his views on transgenderism in society
and in a few other articles for political action on the boarders supported by military force (i.e. not in line with most others on the left)
and (and that's what I want to say) how he is in a position not to give a fuck (he's acclaimed and gets his book publishing contracts anyhow), while his 2 decades younger contemporaries would be much to afraid to write such articles as he did.

>> No.8925384
File: 21 KB, 320x309, 1479523776544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

include me in the screencap

>> No.8925389

I can't wait to purchase this book. Why are you so homophobic OP?

>> No.8925395


>> No.8925400

>right wing women are dumb bimbos following the narrative set to them by conservative culture trying to look as conventionally attractive and sexually pleasing to men as possible while liberal and left wing women promote their own ideals and place importance on them
Wow thankyou for that analysis

>> No.8925425

To be fair, the other side started it by calling themselves 'progressives'. Bloody Hegelianism.

Also the right should really say 'the repressive left'. Less dumbly teleological, and more accurate.

>> No.8925437

PC is very much a right wing authoritarian invention historically. Also he's very close to Butler, it just happens that tumblr types hate third wave feminism, and I believe that's the market some print media tries to tap into.

>> No.8925450

6/10 b8

>> No.8925483

Looks like it's trying to mimic Bret Easton Ellis's covers.

There are too many self-sucking queers in entertainment.

>> No.8925486

>right wing women
>most of them are blonde
this explain everything

>> No.8925493

Stereotypes are harmful dyke

>> No.8925504
File: 10 KB, 215x235, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are property anon. so are men

>> No.8925518

This. It feels punk as fuck

>> No.8925523

>These things are only funny when they point out some massive contradiction in thinking.
honestly the writing is always shrill and preachy. The best ones are the ones with the funniest face drawn on

>> No.8925530
File: 27 KB, 512x288, 876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8925546

>Also Spartans are not the ones known for boy rape, you got your cities mixed up.
not him but laconising was associated with anal sex, which is part of the reason why socrates and alcibiades caught so much shit

>> No.8925572

>people ITT actually think alt-right is counter culture

>> No.8925595

You guys realize that every time you do this you're just further proving Dworkin's point?

>> No.8925950

>every critical theory that invalidates my fickle feelings of self-importance is shit, no further thought
So...this is the cognitive power of the alt-right...huh...wow.

>> No.8926076
File: 291 KB, 599x456, 1472086032498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8923278 >>8923399 >>8923435 >>8923492 >>8923588 >>8923645 >>8923697 >>8923416 >>8925486 >>8924912 >>8923285 >>8923289 >>8923296 >>8923307 >>8923278 >>8923492 >>8924761 >>8923399 >>8925400 >>8925486 >>8924939

Nice meme, fags.

>It shows that physical attractiveness is signifi-
cantly correlated with general intelligence


Now, right wing have more intelligent, attractive, responsable, good morals, mature & powerful people.

>> No.8926088

What I love most is how leftist voters are all poor people. Irl we are supposed to be sympathetic but I just can't help but laugh at how they are all bitter failures and losers

>> No.8926093

>this projection

>> No.8926165
File: 26 KB, 358x272, shhh...nothin_personnel...kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8926175

Oh yes everyone on 4chan is a 6'4 alpha male with a 145 iq who smashes 3 girls a week and has no issues whatsoever :')

>> No.8926197


>> No.8926212

honestly every one of these "alt-right" figures are full of hot air, they are just voicing vague criticisms that everyone has, not offering any real solutions beyond that. they play right inton the hands of established neocons who have jumped on the bandwagon to pander for votes.

there really needs to be some kind of ideological impetus else everything will fall flat and we will be back with the same load of rubbish we had before.

>> No.8926233
File: 107 KB, 787x900, milo halsband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regressive left getting BTFO even in their own area

2017 is a beautiful year already

>> No.8926246

Uh oh

>> No.8926260


>right wing have
>daily mail

Masterbait friend, masterbait.

>> No.8926262

>yellow journalism

>> No.8926283


>> No.8926288

wow do I have to be gay to get one of those QTs as my gf?

>> No.8926296

It's literally covering a story. Have a fucking argument you retard

>> No.8926298

Ad hominem.

>> No.8926302

shut up libcuck

>> No.8926308
File: 356 KB, 658x357, wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good morals
>face uncovered
>appearing on the satanbox

>> No.8926312
File: 40 KB, 656x368, Hating.Breitbart.PG-13.(2012).avi_snapshot_00.22.05_[2016.10.17_13.56.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8926314

not an argument

>> No.8926337

This is actually true, which is why most good looking men and women are leftist.

>> No.8926339

That's some serious qt.

>> No.8926358

>this delusion


>> No.8926378

Milo is the showcase of US/UK anti-intellectualism which people aren't really aware of. People enjoy the sensationalism, they think politics and sociology is currently all about "twitter-fights" like Milo and his SJW haters, and that other girl like Lauren. The "alt-right" is probably the dumbest orientation you can be associated with.

In the meanwhile, people that can and do speak well on issues in society/politics are the ones americans (the failed state that gives birth to failed intellectuals, along with the UK) don't even dare to know about.

Aleksandra Jasinska-Kania/Zygmunt Bauman, henry Giroux, Etgar Keret, Richard Wolff are people with much more interesting thoughts than a homosexual right-wing pseud.

>> No.8926379

Nope. Leftists are poor failures at life who look enviously upon the (WELL DESERVED) wealth of the conservative.

>> No.8926380

Because he says and does things they find distasteful and somewhat offensive, while also acting a clown and being generally a non-threatening individual.

Same as Richard Spencer.

>> No.8926385

You're an idiot who probably thinks Atlas Shrugged is the height of literature.

>> No.8926387

There's nothing wrong with communism

>> No.8926396
File: 85 KB, 3580x3280, 1482196663394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in DC in the conservative/libertarian circle. I know literally one person who likes Ayn Rand. Get a better boogeyman

>> No.8926466

Go back to /pol/ child

>> No.8926491


>> No.8926498

You're right how could I for-[COLLAPSE]

>> No.8926730

Just a reminder that Milo is balding, doing drugs and won't last more then another 2-3 years.

>> No.8926750

you go back to tumblr faggot

/lit/ is /pol/ and /pol/ is /lit/

>> No.8926753

He's a white male. A stressed white male who works with politics.
Of course he's balding.

>> No.8926761

which drugs?

>> No.8926829

He's so fucking stupid. I really want to fucking knock him out.

>> No.8926836

>/lit/ is /pol/ and /pol/ is /lit/
nice nu-speak paul

>> No.8927711

pretty sure this is a sam hyde quote

>> No.8927718

Not an argument

>> No.8927731

>lol this guy is retarded

>> No.8927768

but liberals unironically do that all the time

>> No.8927778

Protip: Jews aren't white.

>> No.8927897

I bet you do, pussy

>> No.8928002
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I just don't think that a fat lesbian is the best person to talk about gender issues. It would be like reading a book on Judaism written by /pol/. Feminist "scholarship" is interesting because there is absolutely no stigma attached to being completely, utterly, biased. It's retarded and anyone who takes it seriously is either a woman or an effeminate man.

Speaking of which just looking at that hamplanet makes me want to turn gay.

>> No.8928055
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This first post is so poorly written that I can only glean a vague sentiment. Also, being a conservative woman or minority is pretty much their equivalent of being a "cuck". The fact that you automatically go to physical attractiveness when discussing women is sexist and honestly dumb. Also, cherrypicking.

>> No.8928171
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>The fact that you automatically go to physical attractiveness when discussing women is sexist

Oh the humanity! What will these alt-right fascists do next?

>> No.8928213

I didn't say it offended me, just that it's sexist (which it is, because anon would never bring up the attractiveness of conservative men) and dumb (which it is, because why should the attractiveness of conservative women be relevant in any political discourse?).

Also I never mentioned the "alt-right" or "facist" memes in my post. There's no chance of a productive conversation if you assume anyone who disagrees with you is a "triggered SJW". Ironically, you criticized me for generalizing anon as an "alt right facist" (which I didn't), but generalized me.

>> No.8928244

i want /lit/ cucks to go to tumblr and to stay go.

4chan is a far-right website now.

let us all praise Richard Spencer for showing all of you vegan limp-wristed homosexuals the light.

>> No.8928271



This was made a year before Milo became a Trumpkin when he was just a Technology reporter for Breitbart. This debate is what made me enjoy and respect him. Yes he's acerbic and he goes on the offensive, but what's really important is that he genuinely care about the young men (no fag joke intended) who are shit on in our culture.

>> No.8928275


>which it is, because anon would never bring up the attractiveness of conservative men

Maybe anon is straight. If you use the word "sexist" on 4chan you probably are a little triggered. It's not really in our lexicon, and methinks thoou dost protest too much. This is a blatant shiposting thread and there was no chance of it ever being a "productive" discussion and the fact that that irritates you somewhat makes me think that you are new to this website.

>> No.8928293
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>> No.8928299

he's an attention whore stop and he will go away
>atlas shrugged alt right why is /lit/ so retarded

>> No.8928318

>muh 4chan culture
This isn't /b/. There are great discussions on this board all the time. Also, I've been visiting this website for 10 years, not that it matters.

>If you use the word "sexist" on 4chan you probably are a little triggered.
If someone visits 4chan in the first place they are probably incapable of being triggered. Also, /lit/ is probably the most leftist board on this site and sexism gets called out all the time.

>> No.8928352

>If you use the word "sexist" on 4chan you probably are a little triggered.
Saying "sexist" is a cause of triggerment on 4chan, not a symptom. Remember this place is like opposite land.

>> No.8928363

Regressive also makes sense since they seek to destroy enlightenment values like equality and free speech.

>> No.8928377


Instead of responding to any of his arguments, you keep moving the goalposts and attacking one, insignificant part of his post. His decision to use the word "sexist" is not really a point worth discussion.

/pol/ pls go. /lit/ gets multiple of these troll threads every day, we just want to talk about books.

>> No.8928387

why did that faggot not call it dangerous faggot

>> No.8928469
File: 1.25 MB, 854x764, lemurdickseverywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milo is an efficient worker. gobble gobble


>> No.8928550

It offends me how he makes fun of fat people at gyms but has a neck like a sausage
Politics aside, how are you that high on your own farts