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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 500x500, anarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
892243 No.892243 [Reply] [Original]

Just looking for some literature based on this.

>> No.892245

You mean fiction?

>> No.892248
File: 100 KB, 521x700, aa_jackson_subj_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no.

>> No.892252


>> No.892253

Holy shit. I just realized I asked the lamest board of them all for some help. Sorry. Back to /mu/ for me. Fags.

>> No.892256

kill kill kill kill kill the poor
kill kill kill kill kill the poor
kill kill kill kill kill the poor toniiiiihghiiighgttt

>> No.892258


fuck you pretentious shit

>> No.892260


Later, hipster.

>> No.892265



>> No.892266


yes I am mad

>> No.892267

just read fight club op

>> No.892273

Read Chomsky on Anarchy but real anarchists don't read when they can fight random strangers.

>> No.892274
File: 26 KB, 522x399, 127707035686912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, fight club is the true anarchist book you should read it op

>> No.892279

Anarchism through peace and thanks. I wouldn't expect stuck up /lit/ fags to give a damn about anyone who's a social class below them nonetheless anarchy.

>> No.892280

you know, kafka was an anarchist

>> No.892282

I liked anarchy when I was like 12...

>> No.892285


>> No.892286

Shut the fuck up, Jesus. That never happened.

>> No.892288

I think you're pretty neat too.

>> No.892290

Why do anarchists live off food stamps and their parents money and live in communes?

please, some on help me out. whenever i ask them i get called a bourgeoisie cretin

>> No.892291

Read your own shit, OP.

>> No.892293



Kafka was a libertarian socialist (or anarchist), and attended meetings of the Mladych Klub, a Czech anarchist, anti-militarist, and anti-clerical organization


>> No.892295


>I'm misguided

Anarchists don't accomplish anything. Seriously.

>> No.892296

>implying you didn't know shit about anarchism at that time and it you just wanted to be against authoriteh and your parents because you were a rebelz

>> No.892301
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1278702114025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot like our politicians

>> No.892302

>>892293 HERE


>> No.892303

ah, a fellow euro

sup bra

>> No.892306

I'm not European

>> No.892309

>implying he didn't mean politicians in general

>> No.892310

>>implying he knows my political standing at the age of 12 better than I do.

You basically just summed it up. I mean, I knew shit about anarchy and politics. But really it was just one of those political fads that everyone goes through. Now I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.892311

meh anarchy is a nice thought, it's not just all total chaos and shit, but in the end it is ridiculously short sighted, possibly more so than communism

>> No.892316



>> No.892318

>>implying wikipedia is a reliable source.

>> No.892319

You now realise that every damn political ideal are the same

>> No.892321

>implying it's not

>> No.892328

>>implying contrary to my opinion.

>> No.892329

>implying facts are opinions

>> No.892330

Anarchy's just as stupid as politics. It's like science versus religion.

>> No.892331

OP here. I'm not wanting to read up on it to go with the angsty crowd or anything. I'm just interested in the whole matter and I appreciate it for what it's worth. I would also like to think that this could be accomplished sometime in the near future and we could have a better society through unity.

>> No.892334

Militant workers and socialists have accomplished more than anarchists ever have (which is very, very little). Read some books from Wellred or marxists.org.

>> No.892335

read the coming insurrection

that'll make your fellow anarchists wet themselves and listen to you more

>> No.892337

>>implying that unity and anarchy can coexist.

>> No.892340

no one has answered this

>> No.892341

>>implying implications.

>> No.892345

Peace through Unity. Unity through Anarchism.

>> No.892346

Sorry. Thought it was rhetorical. The answer is of course: they are retarded.

>> No.892347


>> No.892348

oh thank god there's sane people left

>> No.892349


>> No.892350


>> No.892354

nah, dude's got a point

>> No.892355

No. He doesn't.

>> No.892357


This is why america is the way it is

>> No.892358


>> No.892359

why? because we're awesome? and we kicked europes ass in every war weve ever fought?

>> No.892361

Nice counter actually.

>> No.892363

here here

shove it europe

>> No.892368
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>> No.892370

and also we won in Vietnam. shove it asia, as well.

>> No.892372

is this why you're an anarchist? got picked on in school?


>> No.892374


now we know you be trolling

>> No.892377
File: 110 KB, 475x475, 1278706127676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dislikes America, but uses the American office for a reaction face.

>> No.892380

How the fuck did you not pick up on that sooner? I thought I was being so obvious. Christ you niggers are dumb.

>> No.892382

>implying you need to use two arrows to use green text


>> No.892383

well....look at the OP

should be a clue

>> No.892390


>> No.892392

k, i've had enough of this

thread closed

>> No.892393

oh....well this is awkward

>> No.892395

>>inability to think of a decent comeback and tries to point out something completely unrelated to our discussion to throw off other users into thinking that he is not a faggot who can't think good.

>> No.892397

>a lot of negatives

>> No.892401

No thanks. I'm actually allergic. I'd rather read Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.892408

i got kicked out of my punk band for reading atlas shrugged

they called ayn rand a christian capitalist.

>> No.892417

hahahaha, you funny.

>> No.892428

You should dig Jospeh Proudon's books. He had a real deep though about what anarchism is and more precisely on propriety.

>> No.892435

Actual anarchist here with actual recommendations. It's more likely than you think!

To get to the root of modern anarchism you should look into Pierre-Joseph Proudhon; in particular What is Property?.

After that, I'm a big fan of Emma Goldman, so I'd recommend reading some of her essays (the most obvious collection to get being Anarchism and Other Essays).

Also, read Thoreau's Civil Disobedience. It's great.

>> No.892438


you grew up white and middle class

>> No.892455

>implying you came from the school of hard knox.

>> No.892460

Yeah because to be anarchist you have to come from a poor family and to have been persecuted by the bourgeois... I can't understand why people think your political beliefs should be state be your social class.

>> No.892461


Yup. And, believe it or not, I'm still white and middle class! That's right, even though I have different political beliefs than you I'm still just a regular person!

>> No.892462

*by your social class.

>> No.892463

>>implying you are not subhuman scum.

>> No.892464

so, you're a hypocrite?

>> No.892469

Plus, Proudhon lays out framework for actual anarchist economies, unlike the vague, utopian anarchist hogwash produced by most idealists.
Also, see Bakunin, Godwin, and Woodcock.
Especially see Nestor Makhno. He led an anarchist army during one of the russian civil wars. The russian and french have quite a history of anarchy. Spain also had a few more or less functioning anarchist societies from time to time.

>> No.892471

yeah but this is 2010 i mean wut can we do rite???

>> No.892474


How so? I'm not going to stop participating in society just because I think it's not ideal. And no, I'm not going to move to Somalia, because Somalia is quite clearly not an anarchist state.

>> No.892476


What are you 13 OP?

>> No.892477

I remember vaguely from school of some anarchist actions in Germany... but I might be wrong.

>> No.892488


what are YOU, a commie?

>> No.892497

What are YOU? Completely uneducated about the subject with nothing to offer but your unexplained disapproval?

>> No.892498

So, what do you guys have against anarchy as an ideal? I didn't realize /lit/ was so opposed to this. Or maybe it was just the hot topic reminiscent symbol? In my opinion self rule is probably the highest form of government, although impractical and probably unachievable.

>> No.892503


*that is, unachievable on a wide scale.

>> No.892516

Impractical and unachievable pretty much sums it up. Don't get me wrong, I have read and still do read much on the subject, I'm happy to suggest a few sources for budding would-anarchists here in this thread, but anarchy as an ideal is too utopian for me. It assumes humans as ideal beings. The working principal behind anarchy is mutual aid... which humans just really aren't into. I'm not a big fan of capitalism, but the reason most of us live in capitalist societies is because it is the natural expression of human nature - devious cutthroats, hedonists and highway robbers.

>> No.892528

Anarchism can work as a counter-movement to destroy some failing statist-system, but it'll never work as a solitary movement.

>> No.892536

If you mean fiction then The Disposessed by Ursula K LeGuin is pretty damn good.

>> No.892566

George Orwell was an anarchist, I hear.

>> No.892568

you hear so wrong it's ridiculous

>> No.892587

On anarchism, Orwell wrote in The Road to Wigan Pier: "I worked out an anarchistic theory that all government is evil, that the punishment always does more harm than the crime and the people can be trusted to behave decently if you will only let them alone."

>> No.892594

"Anarchy won't work!"

Like any political or social system "works"...

>> No.892611



>> No.892631


Also anarchism through peace is a pipe dream at best, no real change comes through that, humanity is not advanced enough yet.

>> No.894296

Hey because he asked for book suggestions on anarchy that means that he is undoubtedly a devout anarchist. He probably has fully committed to trying to force this style of "government" down everyone's throats.

Why don't you go demean someone else guys...

>> No.894338

Everybody Poops

>> No.894345

There's this book called Suffled How It Gush: A North American Anarchist In The Balkans.

It's non-fiction, but reads like a novel. I enjoyed it.