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8922766 No.8922766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books about the alt-right? I have already read Adios America.

>> No.8922783

There aren't any

>> No.8922784


no. get some actual taste you woeful pleb.

t. /pol/ tourist

>> No.8922791

my diary desu

>> No.8922792

No because the alt-right is a media invention

Spencer is a plant

>> No.8922795

t. Shill

>> No.8922799
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unironically the most redpilled movie you're going to see getting a major hollywood release

>and it's based on a fucking iPhone game for kids

>> No.8922800
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Camp of the Saints

>> No.8922813


48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
The Prince - Makavelli
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions and Live Life on Your Terms - Mike Cernovich

Basically, ask yourself the question, what would a stupid faggot fuckboi read, then read that.

>> No.8922817
File: 31 KB, 300x300, not-this-shit-again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had 100 threads about this, and ALL 100 threads have derailed into shitposting contests.

Search the archives or ask /pol/

>> No.8922825
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>that spoiler tho

>> No.8922830

>Spencer is a plant
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

>> No.8922836

These are all meme books outside of the Prince.

>> No.8922840

I think I was that guy hailing Trump with a Nazi salute in some video and he was basically the incarnation of a flamboyant gay stereotype, slight lisp included.

>> No.8922846

Actually, between him and Milo, I'm starting to see the homosexual - Nazi connection. Dem uniforms.

>> No.8922852

the art of war is a meme?

>> No.8922859

tumblr detected

>> No.8922871
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The site seems to be down right now, but Arktos has a good selection.


>> No.8922881

Cernovich isn't alt right

>> No.8922889

Wasn't Rohm openly homosexual even when he was Hitler's enforcer in the Brownshirts?

oh man Trump's preparing a night of the long knives isn't he

There are some good commentaries on it but reading it alone is complete meme territory

>> No.8922901

>The site seems to be down right now


>> No.8922916

Many people on the left and right are likely being promoted by the government or large corporations for deceptive purposes. This isn't a conspiracy, it's been well documented. The idea is to suck the air out of any movement which might threaten current power structures by bringing in useful idiots with similar ideas. Additionally, if people are guessing who is and is not a plant then the high level of distrust will prevent coalitions from forming.

>> No.8922918
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What about neoreactionary, I'm not really into the whole "Jews did it" type of thing.

This list is shit, please help me.

>> No.8922923

Mein Kampf

>> No.8922933

He was, until the media started reporting on them and people called them Nazis.

>> No.8922936

wew laddeh

The rest of it is mostly centered around developments specific to the late 19th and early 20th centuries by people who were still comfortable and dependent on the remnants of European feudal culture

>> No.8922937

The Prince is a massive meme book, no idea why its considered canonical by some

>> No.8922944

Could somebody explain this t. thing?

>> No.8922947

Cernobitch is almost certainly an alt-righter in that he's alt-right when it fatten his bank account.

Note how his beef with the fag in OP pic miraculously just disappeared? Perhaps the FBI didn't want their agents fighting each other and wasting bureau money

>> No.8922948

Care to explain what remnants, I'm not that well read yet (just started on Vonnegut).

And what books do you recommend instead?

>> No.8922949

>No because the alt-right is a media invention

>Spencer is a plant
anyone who pops up in the media spotlight is likely a shill or plant trying to subvert by "taking charge"

>> No.8922956

Can you wait a quarter hour? I can give you a good list but it'll be easier for me to just boot up my laptop and write write it that way.

>> No.8922960

Sure just dump it in the thread.

>> No.8922968

True him and Milo just used it for self gain, as did the prison planet dipshit and Molyneux.

Didn't Milo raise 100k for some course and never went through with it?

>> No.8922989

Molyneux and Paul Joseph Watson were around before the alt right

>> No.8922997

Yes, but i'm saying they used it to get more attention and then abandoned it once it got the neo nazi label.

>> No.8923008


I think the alt right more so claimed them than the other way around.

>> No.8923015
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The alt-right collapsed for a reason, want to save it?
Bring back debate, pragmatism and empirical evidence, ban mysticism and the aesthetic conceit that many members chase.

Alt-right is stuck in their limited views and no longer want to look outside the box, the intellectual drain has already happened, the movement is going to bleed to death.

>> No.8923028


The following are complete meme books. Read if you want to read what every other crossboarder on /lit/ is reading to feel smart and cultured:

The following are political, but not reactionary and some in the current year are ideologies that are considered "establishment" by most radical rightists:
Mix christian fundamentalism with mid-war modernist mysticism and a fascination with hindu texts and you have Eliot. Alright as a poet but not "reactionary" in any sense
Wow, how did this end up here? Burke is THE establishment conservative and generally detests radical changes as actions that destabilize society

A large body of these are reactionary but really dated and not that helpful. If you think that the printing press, modern-day antibiotics and not policing people's thoughts are dangerous innovations then you will enjoy these books but otherwise they will come off as cartoonishly boorish and outright totalitarian:

Not much of this really applies to anything other than Classical Rome.

Finish reading Vonnegut, he's great and his work spans many ideologies. Heinlein's novels are also a good read.

If you want pure political philosophy that has survived the 20th century then dive deep into Burke: I myself volunteer with a local conservative political party in my country and I try to steer the young'uns toward Burke and away from the meme authors. Most conservatism in the anglosphere traces itself back to him and his prescriptions on how society and the status quo can be changed and maintained through a vigorous civil society and small reforms that act as pressure valves. He's essential reading if you want to understand modern-day traditional conservatism.

>> No.8923032

Nope, they fully embraced it (maybe Molyneux to a lesser extent) but they Milo and PJW consistantly proclaimed to be apart

>> No.8923041

I forgot to mention that the ones I didn't touch on I really don't recognize or am not familiar enough with to make any kind of judgement, although their obscurity in itself should be a red flag to take note of.

>> No.8923051

Terveisin is a Finnish way of signing of letters, like regards. yours truly, etc. It's often shortened to t. People on /int/ started using it, they probably got it from ylilauta

>> No.8923052

He consistently avoids labels but uses proxies to do his dirty work phishing for teenage donations.
Why is he even relevant? His values change like a weather vane. Wouldn't be surprised if he drank colloidal silver or believed in ayy lmaos.

>> No.8923060

>Shoah mindset


>> No.8923064

Taking this observation to it's logical conclusion, if this behaviour continues well into the spring we know that one of two things is correct:
>Trump does not give one shit about le alt-right and will happily stab them in the back to eliminate them as a potential threat to re-election
>The deep state is going rogue and is actively working to undermine Trump's rule

>> No.8923066
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You mean written by alt-rights, about alt-rights or just things alt-right people would like and draw from?

>> No.8923072


Who the fuck reads Tolkien and Lovecraft to feel smart and cultured? They don't even fit any literary canon. I mean their works are beautiful (in Tolkien's case) and bizarre (in Lovecraft's) but I'm pretty sure they're only read for escapism, not for lit theory.

>> No.8923078

>about alt-rights
This was written before the alt-right was anything other than a bunch of losers with steam accounts and wordpress blogs, but you could replace some names and it would apply just fine

Thunder on the Right is a good read about radical rightism in general

>> No.8923099
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This one should be able to answer all your questions.

>> No.8923107

>Who the fuck reads Tolkien and Lovecraft to feel smart and cultured? They don't even fit any literary canon.
I said *feel* not *be* cultured. They're held up as works of their respective genres as they existed before the evil essjawdoubleyuus*** came in and literally ruined all of modern fiction. In a sense it is escapism, but with a specific political flavouring.

***DISCLAIMER: I am not an SJW and do not abide identity politics in any way shape or form. I simply detest how it has become a label to be used to smear an opponent without any supporting evidence. Please do not derail this thread any further.

>> No.8923117

>Frankfurt School
*Uncontrollable vomiting and shitting*

>> No.8923125

I think Burke ended up on the list because people in the neoreactionary movement generally consider the modern Conservatives to be the 'grandsons' of pro-enlightenment conservative and Burke has some good arguments to make against it.
The neoreactionary movement is Burke-on-steroids for a reason.

I've tried reading Julius Evola while I was part of an alt-right movement in my North-European country and they kept recommending it.
His writing is atrocious, his ideas read like an Indiana Jones vilain trying to obtain the holy grail with Nazi magic.
Spengler was boring too, I actually threw the book in the trash because it was too boring to get through.

I've been reading Burke for two days now, started reading some Mishima and I'm reading some neoreactionary blogs and I already feel like I have a much better grip on things and I'm already a lot less idealistic.

I've dropped the alt-right movement and while I'm still pretty radical, I'm mostly a paleoconservative now with a larger than normal disdain for immigration.

You're right about Burke, the man saved me from being one step away from swastikas and entrenched politics.

>> No.8923145

Also any other recommendations?
I hear a lot of conservatives mentioning Carlyle.

>> No.8923514

Le Camp des Saints is the dystopian novel that actually got the future right. Everyone should read this book.

>> No.8923524

>If you think that the printing press, modern-day antibiotics and not policing people's thoughts are dangerous innovations

Someone who doesn't unironically believe these things is not a reactionary and shouldn't be calling themselves one. I'm pretty sick of getting lumped into the same camp as people like Moldbug and Burke.

>> No.8923532

8/pol/ (AKA ironmarch shills) pls go

>> No.8923539

If you want an actual answer I would say Culture of Critique

>> No.8923635
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Kant, Schelling, Fichte, Hölderlin, Hegel, Reinhold, Maimon, the list goes on...

>> No.8923647
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>> No.8923649
File: 106 KB, 600x332, bicameral_brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut I read if I think thinking at all is dangerous

like dis

I belive in divination, oracles, fates, lost powers, rayp, handsome men, cattle theft... wut I read for this

>> No.8924101
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Mien Kampf

Fascism IS, and always has been, the alternative to conservatism.
It's still imperialist as hell of course.

>> No.8924106
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>> No.8924115

>literal brownshirt
What a twat.

>> No.8924175

brown shirts are /fa/

>> No.8924254
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I like that Spencer is at least getting people talking.

Something about him is too crass and simplistic for me. He's never going to be more than an irritant and it irritates me that he doesn't realize that. But I suppose at least he's normalizing the idea of alternatives to limp-dicked progressivism.

>> No.8924290

>At long last someone is sticking cocks back into politics

>> No.8924295

Post content.

>> No.8924483

Burke was a reactionary you fool. He opposed the Enlightenment.

>> No.8924573

I hate everyone from /pol/.

>> No.8924759

Neoreaction A Basilisk is -a- book about the alt-right.
I haven't rred it so I can't say if it's good or not.

>> No.8924868


>> No.8924888

let the real men talk, honey

>> No.8925111

I would bet my life savings that you have never read a book by a FS philosopher.

I would bey my life savings that you base your beliefs on vague notions from internet hate preachers.

>> No.8925121

>hate preachers.

Go back to tumblr, sweetie. This board is for people with minds that can handle uncomfortable truths.

>> No.8925131

>I belive in divination, oracles, fates, lost powers, rayp, handsome men, cattle theft
Táin bó Cuailnge

>> No.8925135

Chainmail is /fa/ too but LARPers are still cringy

>> No.8925143

I want Richard Spencer to anschluss my boipussy with his manly Aryan cock.

>> No.8925165

Whats wrong with 48 laws of power?

>> No.8925179

Mein Kampf
The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem by Henry Ford (4 volumes)
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.8925660

Definitely Milo yeah, but how so with pjw?

>> No.8925689


>> No.8925745

>replies to a post asking about alt-right writers with a list of 19th century german idealists
good job

>> No.8925766

ITT: plebbitors who think alt-right means "Trump supporter"

/lit/ is the worst board on this site and you should honestly all gb2reddit or tumblr or whatever other shithole you came from

>> No.8925908

Mashallah brother

>> No.8926184
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> alt-righters will NEVER start with the greeks

the idiocy runs deep

>> No.8926330
File: 15 KB, 305x335, young man pumped full of categorical imperatives, doesn't feel so good, autism, many such cases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that the true leader of the alt right is an autistic young man looking to complete the system of German Idealism, cool the earth and raise Thule again

>> No.8926340

I also don't read books it is degenerate, recitation from memory ONLY

I am trying to make myself illiterate, have not had success with experiments yet

>> No.8926347

Thanks anon!

>> No.8926393

The "alt-right" is a populist neo-nazi bastardation of the Novelle Droite, the Conservative Revolution and other intellectual writings with real principle. And it wasn't even those fool Spencer who coined the term, it was Paul Gottfried who himself exceeds the collective intellect of the memelord "leaders" such as Spencer, Heimbach, Cernovich etc.

De Benoist spoke of the problems of the American Right at the NPI conference a few years ago but it seems none of them were listening or cared in the slightest. All they care about is their 15 minutes of notoriety and leader worship of a clown

>> No.8926401

Same as Milo, embraced the movement, and claimed to be apart of it. Until this


>> No.8926574
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He literally started the alt right in the states in 2009 creating it on the model of Europe's New Right.

He had a weekly podcast in 2010 with Jonathan Bowden and was closely associated with Counter Currents.

People who say he's a plant are newfags who got into the right wing because of the migrant invasion and Trump.

>> No.8927181

Yes because Dialectics of Enlightenment isn't one big fucking exposition about an uncomfortable truth. It's like talking to teenagers in here sometimes.

>> No.8927624


>> No.8927645

>people unironically believe the alt-right exists

>> No.8927652

You're right. He is too simplistic and I have a suspicion he immerses himself in a echo chamber of people with similar extremist views.

That's the only way I can rationalize him deciding to say "Hail Trump" with the Roman salute at that Alt-Right rally.

Goddamn, he really fucked up and turned away most normies with that stunt.

>> No.8928496

>Reject Decadence

Wasn't the whole point of the book was embracing decadence? That's why it was called 'Ride the Tiger', holding on to the tiger that is the personified Kali Yuga and let it take you where it goes, thereby reaching enlightenment.