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8922262 No.8922262 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of philosophy should I read if I just want practical advise on day to day living and ways to deal with the meaningless and mundane nature of living?

>> No.8922273

Take the fucking redpill, cuck

Start with Schopenhauer's 'On Women'

>> No.8922287

any stoic or cynic

>> No.8922291


> women being a big enough deal in your life that you have to read philosophy to comprehend them

Nu-male tier.

>> No.8922302

Fuck off, feminist. Women deserve to be told that they're inferior

Who built Western civilization? white men

>> No.8922303

That's called "self-help", faggot

>> No.8922307


> Who built Western civilization? white men

> we wuz ancient greeks and romans an sheeit

>> No.8922313


>> No.8922314


Oh look it's le /pol/ strawman fag again. Did you get triggered by frogs again?

>> No.8922317

>he thinks /pol/ is satire

Trump, Brexit, etc. Wake up. Your time is over

>> No.8922324


advice from ancient philosophers is probably more legit than advice from dr norman shekelsberg trying to sell his latest self-help book.

>> No.8922348

Meditations is perfect for you

>> No.8922523

I kek'd

>> No.8923555


which translation?

>> No.8923569

I'm also in search of help. Im not sure how I should work around some decisions I want to make in my life. For example, here is an easy one: Im thinking on asking a girl to be my gf, out of nowhere and just for my entertainment. I don't even like the girl, I just want to know her reaction toward it. The problem with it, is that I think my action is too selfish as I'm searching my own entertainment from her reaction.
I know, it's stupid, in the past I would have done this with no second thought, but for some reason I had an existential crisis that ended up in me trying to be a better person. I'm not even sure if it is ok to ask for advice on it. Might as well kill myself once my mother dies.

>> No.8924449
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is seneca worth reading?

>> No.8924525
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>not fighting class oppression
Back to the drawing board for this one.

>> No.8924529

Thomas Aquinas

>> No.8924542

As a personal recommendation, I would suggest the art of being right by Schopenhauer.

>> No.8924556

stoics, maybe. whats a good philosophy that will help me transcend the the negative feelings from knowing there are beautiful women being all kinds of sexual with all kinds of men and my not being part of that, or just general alienation

>> No.8924565

Enchiridion, ya pleb. /thread

>> No.8924585


>> No.8924594

>metaphysicalizing the contingencies of post-industrial bourgeois life
"living" has no "nature", and your sense of meaninglessness is purely a result of the fact that Western middle-class society has, over some time, vaporized all elements of its own world that can be understood as "cultures" or "values". The only thing valued any longer is money, but of course, this is never fulfilling as everyone knows the truism that money is just empty tokens we carry around to represent the fact that we've "earned" certain commodities

>> No.8924760

Easiest way to find out is to do it. How bad is pain of being wrong if your only doing it once for experimentation.

>> No.8924951

>mundane nature of living
>in the 21st century
God, you people are so fucking lazy. You have instantaneous access to the ENTIRE history of human art and are complaining about life being mundane? You don't deserve it. Unironically kys.

>> No.8924973


I'm really loving the simplicity of my own post

>> No.8925068


Actually, this.

I used to be a Rightist, neo-traditionalist, Nietzschean, read Stoics, read Evola.

Then I realised that all philosophy after Marx was either bourgeois ideology, or attempts at building a war-machine, that is, a tool to bring down the current system.

Obviously I realised I was a proletarian (I don't own a factory or a controlling share of any big business). If you're a bourgeois feel free to dismiss this post or play the fascist game, class struggle needs honest enemies too. At that point, I worked out where I stand, and hey -- here I am.

Basically, if you want philosophical understanding, read all the old classics then realise they are philosophies of the ruling classes of their times, trying to cope with (for instance, Stoics) the breakdown of their version of 'postmodern degeneracy'. Then, decide which side you're on.

>> No.8925080

>Trump, Brexit,
Trump isn't even the president yet and Brexit has led to nothing

>> No.8925177


>What kind of philosophy should I read if I just want practical advise on day to day living

all the philosophy you need senpai

>> No.8926003


>> No.8926005

cosmic pessimism

>> No.8926008

Stop asking and just be.

>> No.8926019

Read excerpts from different translations and go with the one you like best.

>> No.8926020

Walden is pretentious bullshit. It's great if you were born into money and thinking looking down on those less fortunate for having to actually work is a good philosophy to hold.

>> No.8926023

so where would you say you are on the political/intellectual/whatever spectrum now?

>> No.8926036

Just read the bhagavad gita

>> No.8926383

Well, just did it. She didn't mind at all, she said it was cute and it was presented to her in a really gentle manner for which is kind of happy compared to how other men approach now adays.
At the end I didn't even tell her it was not real, I'm hoping her self steem goes from it.
Thank you anon.

>> No.8926927
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>> No.8926981
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Read my diary desu.

>> No.8927125


I got cancer from this post.

Marxist dialectic. Proletarian. Critical theory. Wow. Read the Gulag Archipelago and realize the fruits of this poison seed you've planted. This identity warfare, class struggle, seeing all questions in terms of oppressors and victims. It's a convincing trap of dualistic thinking which projects every color as a satisfying one-dimensional shade of grey, some position along the continuum of two opposites.

A factory? Oh, my. Did you just wake up from a coma? Are you old enough to have seen the global scourge which disassembled more human beings than the population of California? Yes, rich people are rich because they own -factories-. What timeline did you pop into this universe from where you could still possibly entertain this line of thinking?

Yeah. And I own two businesses. You've overstayed your welcome at your parents. Get a fucking job, you piece of shit.

>> No.8927133

Elliot Rodger My twisted World

>> No.8927172

Baruch Spinoza wrote philosophy that rationally and precisely explains why we must accept other people's actions without accepting them, love the world for the fact of its existence, and still live without fear of a God that looks to command us. His book is called the Ethics. It is a dense work of philosophy at times, but I cannot recommend it enough. Look for Gilles Deleuze's book Practical Philosophy on Spinoza of help in understanding the blessed life.

>> No.8927182

sorry, mean to say, "accept other people's actions without understanding them"

>> No.8927199
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>he says nervously

>> No.8927250
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>> No.8927272


> Drumpf finally BTFO
> tfw when too intelligent to vote for cheeto
> Drumpf is a joke i cant wait until he pulls out and takes all the money hahaha you're going to look so dumb, literally a meme candidate you got PUNKED
> Trump isn't even President something will stop him haha (nervous sweating)

>> No.8928028

>Get a fucking job, you piece of shit.
proletarians work for a living while rich people make money from owning property, titles to debt, and stock.

"get a job" is thrown around by capitalists all the time but i don't think the bourgeoisie realizes the world would be better if they got real jobs too and stopped moving money around

>> No.8928304

why the hell should i care about the wellbeing of a mass of unintelligent, shallow, violent, egocentric monkeys e.g. the working class

>> No.8928314

Seneca's letters and Marcus Aurelius' Meditations are just the thing you need I suppose.

>> No.8928319

is pic related a trap? I can't tell the difference any more

>> No.8928335

Nothing prevents you from opening your own business though, not even in the awful late-capitalism we're currently living in

>> No.8929268


sean pls

>> No.8929350


Because you're part of it.

>> No.8929537

Are we still on the hate Camus train because The Myth of Sisyphus addresses this specifically.
Existentialism might work as well.

>> No.8930339

I have completely different needs and interests than the working class retards
What i always find so funny is how marxist cucks go out of their way to defend some of the most materialistic, anti-intellectual and selfish people there are.
the only thing that seperates them from the upper class is their lack of intelligence, they aren't any morally better than them

(i'm not some right wing retard btw, so don't bother making a jab at right wing ideology, i couldn't care about the wellbeing of the upperclass either, even though they are slightly less insufferable than working class plebs)

>> No.8930645

Epictetus, the Handbook. Honestly, Stoics are the only way to go.

>> No.8930648

Really? I mean, I liked the Summa, but I'd hardly call him practical. Might we not suggest Augustine instead?

>> No.8930657

>identifying with a stranger businessman who gives absolutely no shits about you and anything you care about
Did daddy not love you enough, anon?

>> No.8930661

You think ancient Greeks were less self-serving than modern man? Why the fuck would you think that?

>> No.8930664

>Nothing prevents you
Jesus fuck how sheltered can you get?

>> No.8930758
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, 1475432469029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's fucking poor beaners scrounging up enough money to open hotdog carts every other week in town to feed their six kids and three chihuahuas and this lazy first world cuck is too busy wallowing in self pity going "b-but it's too hard!"

>> No.8930900


>> No.8930916

No, I think that anon was saying that feeding other people with hotdogs is honerable, owning the hotdog stand but contributing nothing towards it is [insert negative thing here].

>> No.8930971
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My time hasn't even come yet.

>> No.8930974
File: 10 KB, 240x255, richard spencer king of egypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
