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/lit/ - Literature

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8918035 No.8918035 [Reply] [Original]

itt: greentext the plot of your novel

its not like youre going to finish it anytime soon

>> No.8918119

>guy likes peanut butter
>runs into guy with jelly
>they spill on each other
>/pol/ father freaks out cause "mmuhh" purity

>> No.8918162

>31 year old manchild tries lsd
>spurring him to undergo a spiritual journey to cure his own autism

a semi-autobiographical picaresque

>> No.8918174

>climate change is real and shiet
>earth factionalizes and sends people to moon and space
>shit ensues

but the joke is i'll never ever write it

>> No.8918184

>guy is sad and angry
>guy kills friend
>guy kills self


>> No.8918197

>Dude catches wife cheating
>Dude cheats as revenge
The reader should feel both justified and disgusted with themselves.
But I suck.

>> No.8918279

>two journalists visit secluded scottish coastal community in the winter and are cut off for about a month by snow on the only road there (over a high mountain pass)
>theyre sent there to report on a man who claims to be extremely old (115+)
>its written as a combination of first person narrative by one of the journalists and vignettes relating to the history of the community and the old mans life
>the legitimacy of these vignettes is constantly called into question, journalists cant tell if the people are joking

>> No.8918284

Would work great as a children's book desu

>> No.8918291

>literary style as I've gotten about halfway through (40,000 words in) tends to have the rural romantic mysticism of McCarthy but with the study of depraved human actions and gory scenes of rape, manslaughter and torture for a perceived just cause, and the effect of radical religion on the human mind

>setting is deep rural Missouri and Kansas City. Often make style contrast/comparisons between the dichotomy of culture between city scapes and the hidden skeletons of small town secrets

>rural guy who runs a moon shining ring throughout the tri-state area has his toddler son hit and killed by a driver.
> small town police do very little to pursue the manslaughter case because they are actually wrapped up in an on going bust operation to try and bring down the mans illegal business. His wife is actually the mastermind behind it, as her mother was the one who started the shining ring and it has been an entrenched part of the community for awhile. He marries wife and proceeds to inheret the business as she grows obese and diabetic. Both are part of a radical Christian sect born out of the fictional community.
> the rural protagonist eventually finds out he is under investigation and that no one is helping trying to find his sons killer.
>rural Protagonist is noted as being a heavy drinker throughout the book and eventually has a DT induced "awakening" where God talks to him and tells him it is his duty as a good Christian to find the killer and bring justice to the "corrupt community"
> eventually learns the identity of the killer after he was spotted outside the community with blood on the hood, who turns out to be a suburbanite college hipster type kid who frequents the same lake resort just outside the "corrupt community" as rural protagonist does(they both have summer homes out there)
> abducts the kid, keeps him in his cellar basement for 2 months as a sort of ritualistic atonement for his sins.
>eventually rural protagonist guy drowns the kid in the lake with rocks , which has abnormally deep bottom due to it being built on top of a collapsed mine.
>rural protagonist eventually goes to jail for the moonshine, but his murder is never discovered
> told throughout the book from the eyes of both characters, with their stories eventually intersecting with the kidnapping.

>> No.8918296

check out the diary of an oxygen thief. not wholly related but you might find it interesting.

>> No.8918303

>patriarchal homosexual space empire stages a witchhunt on pansexual non-binary space pirates
>explores the extent to which homonationalism, homonormativity, transphobia, and monosexism of mainstream liberal gay movements actually harm queers

>> No.8918307

yea cant wait to steal all your stupid ideas and make them actually good

>> No.8918321

sounds like it could be pretty bad/generic unless you have some nxtlvl insight and/or prose. tread carefully anon.

>> No.8918338

>itt: greentext the plot of your novel so I can steal them
>its not like you're going to finish it anytime soon so I might as well use it

>> No.8918350

Yeah, I just realized that was a very convoluted description of the book haha. Going in I know the plot revolves around a stale overdone plot, but the story itself focuses a lot on the small world I created for it. I'm from a rural community in Missouri (imagine Stephen Kings insight into the rural Maine Yankee life style) so I'm hoping my own entrenched cultural experiences based on the plot in the book will bring it to life and make it seem realistic.

>> No.8918361
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>> No.8918370

>Bolshevik party member finds his way into committee designing unconventional war machines after one of his ideas ends up surprisingly successful in the soviet army
>he joins higher social circles and revels in his newfound success
>Soviet Commissar Lavrentiy Beria attends a meeting and decides to fold the committee into the low-brow engineering war department due to little output
>desperate for their positions, the committee frantically works on a working model for psychological warfare involving elaborate smokescreens, trained animals, and miniature trains
>at the final presentation one of the committee members uses the trickery to defect and flee Russia, and with the red army engaged and no police nearby the main character and other members must use the remaining prototype weapons and tools to bring him in for treason

>> No.8918396

seems like this has the potential to be humorously camp while darkly surrealistic at the same time


>> No.8918433

>guy with autism makes 4chan threads to steal other peoples ideas
>the book describes his daily life (waking up at 4pm, masturbating, eating rahmen etc.)
>he finally finds a semi-good idea and begins to work on it
>he gets thrown out by his parents and is now homeless
>the rest is basically Hunger by Knut Hamsun, but he dies in the end (he freezes to death in a park)

>> No.8918455

>guy steals an idea of a 4chan thread
>turns out another guy stole it too
>that other novel ends up published and much better than his
>he stares at the manuscript that he belabored over for months, sensing a non-profound emptiness

>> No.8918580

New York Times bestseller written all over it anon

>> No.8918658
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Ok lets see:
>woman protagonist from a wealthy family
>wealthy family problems, scandals, etc
>his father, a pedophile, liar, moron, decides to run for presidency
>the absolute madmen, actually elect him
this is where our story picks up
>huge internal conflict about the morality of supporting her father
>he molested her and others, scammed a lot of people and he is absolutely unfit for presidency
>she is the only competent member of the family
>father becomes more and more unstable, fueled by the success on top of his narcissistic tendencies
>we learn about her past struggles, and the challenges facing her currently
>he causes a foreign policy catastrophe
>she resolves to somehow remove his father from presidency
>struggling with her feelings(he is his father, but he is a terrible person, the nation needs a better leader)
>family falls apart, father dies as a deranged moron
>closure: she intends to undo the bad his father caused, feeling that she enabled him, runs for presidency
1500+ page epic, the anna karenina of our time, a social commentary and the detailed inner world of the protagonist fleshed out in every detail

>> No.8918662

I'd read this.

>> No.8918671

>book about a sentient tree
>it gets cut down
>turned into paper
>printed into a book
>you're reading on it

>> No.8918727

>book about nautilus
>they inhabit earth billions of years ago
>live happily together
>all of them die
>sediment builds up above them
>pressure increases
>over millions of years, they are turned into oil
>some dude discovers them
>whole world with strange new species is now wholly depentent on oil
>humans make oil into plastics
>make kindle out of it
>you're reading on it

>> No.8918735

>tiny town's economy based on one of the most successful strip clubs in Kentucky
>all of the girls are creeped out by the weird androgynous person who starts to come in on weeknights, only a few minutes before closing time
>some other details make this customer seem vaguely threatening (their car has an out of state license plate, e.g.)
>after an influx of narcotics in the town, cops try to track the person down, but he/she always slips away effortlessly
>the main character follows this person home one night, driving all the way to either Chicago or Detroit
That's the first act. There are a couple of simultaneous plots about the other dancers that tie in during the second and third.

>> No.8918797

Watch The Face of Another

>> No.8918837

keksimux maximus

>> No.8918971
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>> No.8918998

That sounds like fun
/lit/ sure loves this southern gothic shit

>> No.8919022
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>> No.8919052

>homeless man wonders around
>odd jobs, spiritual journeys
>ends with a trip to prison and a smile on his face

>> No.8919080

>story following a female freshman in college who is obsessed with one of her professors
>story itself mainly revolves around trying to organize a succesful birthday party for friend with forrays throughout to stalk the professor

>> No.8919460


>Be the future.
>Cyborg lawyer fights for cyborg rights.
>All cyborgs are richfag pieces of shit.
>Lawyer questions if he should keep fighting for the rights of richfag pieces of shit.

>> No.8919468

>Wondering wizard acts as a diplomat in a kingdom on the brink of civil war
>Coif merchant battles depression and accidentally becomes a squire after another failed attempt at suicide
>Goblins are demanding representation in the case for a road who's construction will destroy their settlement
>Fish people are attempting to summon a sea monster to halt inter-coastal trade
>Wizard's spell book gets stolen by old arch nemesis who plans on raising army of dead and taking over kingdom
>There is trouble a'brewin'

>> No.8919470


>> No.8919475

>I think he's looking for his lost bike, but he thinks he's looking for a chest of money.

>> No.8919508

>zombie outbreak that infects tractors
>tractors roaming the countryside running over folks
>zombie king arises, society in chaos
>only known cure is alcoholism
>president drunk on live TV screaming about tractors and alcohol
>tractors run out of fuel
>it was all a mass delusion
>the end

>> No.8920031
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The story my childhood and youth badly masquerading as a family novel/ Bildungsroman.

>> No.8920159

>man receives a big inheritance
>decides to kidnap a woman he is obsessed about and keep her as a sex slave/companion
>after years of fake love/being captured, he will release her and hand her a gun, giving her the chance to either shoot him or run.

>> No.8920513

Lemme ask a question again, with some more detail:

The main character's story will be retold, for example with the same people (previously dead) cropping up, and with the MC repeating the same plot points (going to a barracks to execute his friend &c.) -but taking different choices-, with a taunting godlike antagonist (who is himself and stuff).

The issue is this: do I show the protag's history first, like a normal novel, or do I leap into fuckery and have the past be only hinted at, for example hinting that he went to the barracks to execute his friend because he can't stop saying sorry as he frees him?
I thought you said "a bad misreading of a family novel/Bildungsroman" and that was a lot more interesting.

Also Lolita's already been done.

>> No.8920628

>Fat autist on failing space-colony builds a crude mains adaptable five megawatt beam laser out of microwave parts and instructions off the internet

>joins the revolution, who are all fucktards,

>almost gets a waifu, but decides to kill her to skip out on a suicide mission and hijack a ship to escape the doomed colony instead.

>flips off the place he was born and raised with sausage fingers as it explodes violently and his shuttle zooms off into the great black

>> No.8920655

>high school girl raised on computer coding creates an app called "minion" that breaks down the code of cellphone games and makes ten clones of said game without using any of the source code. She borrows a random volunteers phone and in two minutes the process is done
>wins science fair as a professor of computer engineering from MIT visits for his high school reunion.
>he notices that the girl didn't even ask for volunteers phone password to access it and start cracking games
> he follows the girl home and meets the parents and asks her to crack a code he has in a hard drive. "Minion" is a homemade algorithm that eats encryption.
>professor is secretly working for DARPA. the hard drive was NSA level top tier level shit.
>professor doesn't tell her but thinks she should apply for school at MIT
>professor gets back to school and calls G-man. He wants to investigate it as a matter of national security.
>Minion is actually solution to "P vs. NP" math problem and if it gets out, no encryption in the world would be safe.

>> No.8920840

Interesting. What sparked the idea for you?

>> No.8920870

Fucking Elementary.
Season 2 ep 2

I call it the coder trilogy. The plots and everything for all 3 have been written out. 1 sets the stage 2 takes us deeper with Minions potential 3 brings everything to a climactic conclusion

Just took an idea and ran with it.

>> No.8920874

Scroll down to see the description on the IMbD page

>> No.8921415

Too "pie in the sky"

>> No.8921476

Cliche edgy ending

>> No.8921507

>thinks he's edgy and anti-establishment by supporting race mixing

t. bernie bro

>> No.8921521

This is p. cool, you should write it, except for
>follows the girl home and meets the parents
Not sure how someone could pull that off it seeming odd.

>> No.8921685
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>guy walks down deserted city street
>sees homeless man
>gets pissed off
>beats up homeless man
>homeless man fights back
>both are injured, but alive
>they make up
>it's a lesson

>> No.8922247

Sounds like something that has been done before

>> No.8922405

>A bunch of retarded nerds get trapped inside a vidya gaem
>If too many people die before they make it out, everyone dies for real
>By the end they learn about teamwork and social skills and grow as people

Guaranteed YA monies y'all.

>> No.8922428

top kek

>> No.8922527
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Millennial a won't be able to relate because they're social retards. They talk a mean game while they're logged into yoloanalswag.com or highfivemyanus.net or whatever they're into this week, but you yank away the cellphone and the little fuckers disentegrate.

>> No.8922547

baby boomers please log off

>> No.8922568 [DELETED] 

>a world where people on death row can choose to sacrifice themselves as real deaths in TV / film

>the story follows an A-list actor who is the first celebrity on death row to brutally sacrifice himself on-screen as the main character

>> No.8922616

X, newfag