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/lit/ - Literature

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8915624 No.8915624 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write female characters?

>> No.8915626

By writing me all up in that ass.
(real answer: write a character before you consider its sex)

>> No.8915627

Firstly you think of a man then you give him a woman's name

>> No.8915633

>it's another thinly veiled /pol9k/ thread

>> No.8915636

Just have her make decisions based off emotion and not logic. Done.

>> No.8915638

By drawing from your experience with the women in your life. Or just go to a public place and casually observe interesting looking women for awhile and build a character based on the idiosyncrecies you are witnessing from them. I've done the latter and it strangely works.

>> No.8915645

You write a character, and then you make them a female.
In short, don't let them become who they are because they're a female, but because they're a character.

>> No.8915652

thanks a lot jerk, now i have to go jack off to twinks for the 3rd time today

>> No.8915659

Oh, hello, creator of story! Allow me to remind you of the only three possible ways to write a woman in anything! Because, trust me, you do NOT want to put any kind of effort at all into making a coherent fucking piece of fiction! That would be hard!

>option A, the princess: clumsy, unable to fend for herself, the princess is a real dumb cunt and, if not for the heroic actions of the hunky, handsome, totally-not-another-self-insert-guys MC, would most likely forget to wake up in the morning. Do not give her any more personality than a glass of water, or else she'll quickly unravel as a "woman" and become a "person" whose personality requires even MORE effort and thought to write and....
>option B, the cunty mary sue: think of Korra; a hyper-narcissistic, venomous, willfully ignorant, stubborn, one-dimensionally uncouth tomboy with HELLA grrrrl power, yo! Anything a man can do, she can do better, and with 30% more spunk!
>option C: the other cunty mary sue: tune into Linkin Park radio for this bad girl! She's melancholic, angsty, easily irritated, cold, and has a dark and mysterious past riddled with paternal abuse and maternal absence. She can take care of herself and she's quick to remind you of it! Her favorite hobbies are lurking, sulking, being irritated by nothing, being irritated by everything, hating men, and holding grudges.

I hope you learned a lot from this post. Now go out there and write the next great empowering, gynocentric, rip-roaring tour de force, you voice of our generation!

>> No.8915660


I'll allow it.

>> No.8915661

You're embarrassing

>> No.8915662

Follow this advice if you want to write mediocrity.

>> No.8915663 [DELETED] 

Serious advice: Put on a dress. Imagine it suiting you and imagine going out in it for the day. Walk around your house or room imagining conversations and making feminine gestures.

It shouldn't be hard to write for a different gender, but there are social blocks that warn your imagination against stretching too much. This will help stretch it.

(Disclaimer: side effects may include sexual self-discovery, and as a subsequent social alienation. Use advisedly. I mean, plenty of great authors were nonetheless terrible at writing women, not to mention huge bundles of repression. Maybe leaving that door alone's not the worst idea? Do whatever.

>> No.8915664

No, you.

>> No.8915670


Serious advice: Put on a dress. Imagine it suiting you and imagine going out in it for the day. Walk around your house or room imagining conversations and making feminine gestures.

It shouldn't be hard to write for a different gender, but there are social blocks that warn your imagination against stretching too much. This will help stretch it.

(Disclaimer: side effects may include sexual self-discovery, and subsequent social alienation. Use advisedly. I mean, plenty of great authors were nonetheless terrible at writing women, not to mention huge bundles of repression. Maybe leaving that door alone's not the worst idea? Do whatever.)

>> No.8915674

Ignore link; obv meant for OP

>> No.8915677

Shouldn't you be trying to rip off Pynchon right now Willy T.?

>> No.8915680

Kys, fag

>> No.8915690

Gender/sex isn't interchangeable like the MSM has conditioned you into thinking, you brainwashed degenerate.

>> No.8915721

>saying MSM unironically
holy fuck, the people that have claimed the word "cuck" are proving to be the closest to its new definition. the irony

>> No.8915740

What are you even talking about, brainwashed retard?

We are not cucks, because we're against interracial relationships which we find degenerate to the social well-being of the world.

Although the MSM want you to believe it's okay, we have seen through the deception through the redpill. It may be uncomfortable for you and the other useful tools, but we're not fucking afraid to go against political correctness. The truth shall never be concealed just to appease minorities. We know the truth, and we're here to tell you. Deal with it

>> No.8915758

Nicholas Nassim Taleb, can you please just take a holiday, for everyone's sakes?

>> No.8915764

I'm white, faggot

>> No.8915767

I almost believed you

>> No.8915772


this is good shit

>> No.8915779

It's easy OP, you just make her a kung-fu expert who also has a PhD in astrophysics and is beautiful and sought after by all men but not in a sexist or objectifying way. She has to have a high powered career but is also is always there for her kids because she's a great mom even though she's not married. When men aren't trying to take her out to the nicest restaurants or exclusive social events, they are always coming to her for advice whether it's about which stocks they should invest in or how to fix their car's transmission she always knows exactly how to solve their problems. She's an activist for social justice and black people think she's really hip and cool. In addition to her own biological children (which were made in vitro) she's also adopted several from third world countries who've all earned full scholarships to the most prestigious private schools.

Just follow this general outline and I guarantee your female character will be a big hit, trust me OP.

>> No.8915787

Kek at whatever emotional problem you have in your mind that makes interracial relationships such a trigger stimuli for you. This board used to be intellectual.

>> No.8915827

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.8916157

haha what a cuck

>> No.8916162

You just realized that women are childrenlike scumbags and there is no other answer, so you saw that there would be only that kind of comments coming in this thread, thus you wrote what you wrote there.

But it is the truth and you have hard time accepting it.

>> No.8916170

>t. virgen

>> No.8916178

your answer confirms my point, everytime the cucks do not have anything to say

>> No.8916202

try getting laid for once, loser lol

>> No.8916214
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>> No.8916325

you need to understand women.

main points:

1. you are privileged relative to the male population but not aware of it and thus definitely not any happier for it
2. your life mainly consist of vying for social status with a balancing act of trying to be a model citizen
3. you view relationships with your girl friends and your boyfriends through an outsider's point of view. key question: how does this person reflect on me? (not to be simplified, it is possible to derive something positive out of every association provided you frame it the right way - associating with the poor and downtrodden speaks to your charitable character for example even though you might not have anything in common)
4. you are ultra competitive, in fact more so than your average man. but you are a "silent competitor". you know making your will known outright can be a counter-productive action as it relates to your model citizen persona and it is quite unfeminine. so you have to let your will be known subtly. for men you use your physical appearance and a damsel in distress behavior in order to get the response you want. for women you use neutral statements loaded with submeanings. those statements can be both spoken or physical (saying you are sick to your best friend and thus unable to meet up is such an example).
5. you are relatively unconcerned about the consequences of your actions on yourself or others. you want SOMETHING, though unlike men where it might be a house, a wife and a dog or a successful business, or similar, you do not have a defined end-goal. that something is instead an elusive emotional state of which you get glimpses of but never manage to achieve as a constant. your pursuit of this emotional state often results in wrecks around and inside you, but because you are so focused on that state, you believe yourself to be truly justified at excusing the collateral damage it causes because it is for a greater good and you know internally that you didn't really mean to cause trouble. thus all such damage is dealt with little remorse with the main preoccupation being that your image of a model citizen did not take too much of a hit.
6. that mirage of an emotional state thus has almost complete control over you actions.
7. this makes you secretly hate yourself
8. with the only possible solution being a complete submission to a strong male figure or God.
9. your entire life is a struggle as with increasing battle attrition accrued through the emotional state having control over your actions, the paradox of rightful submission leading to feminine freedom through the leadership of the masculine looms as the final answer.

>> No.8916332

Depends on your target audience. If you're writing for teen girls make your character headstrong,emotionally driven and lacking in the part of her brain that focuses on logic. Give her a pretty face bit plain body. If you're going to involve one boy make him be too affectionate of the girl. He also entertains all her whims and wishes and loves her unconditionally. If you're going to involve two,make one boy as stated above and make the other one more confident and laidback. He's the one who isn't direct about his affection for the girl and the one the girl is actually attracted to.
If you're writing for teen boys let the girl always be aware of her female body but let her behave like a teen boy.
If you're writing for older audience and would rather focus on the plot Don't really make the two sexes a whole lot different .
If you're writing drama for older females just make them excessively emotional.

>> No.8916409

Sex is our difference, gender roles shift with cultural norms. (It obviously does, dope)

So, obviously if OP is trying to write about something set in the past he has to siphon his female characters through the lenses of ultra-femme, timidity, submissiveness, conquered sex worker, etc. in order for them to seem authentic. But too much character in your females would lead too much focus away from the male leads. So I went with a cheat laugh.

Ah superior neanderthal halfies. mmmmmm

>> No.8916425


write her as an absolute irredeemable bitch. the worst type of person you can think of.

then have the main character fall in love with her. This is not a joke, she will be regarded as a strong empowered woman.

>> No.8916429

writers hate him

>> No.8916463
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>not writing in an all male homosexual utopia setting

>> No.8916466

>gender roles shift with cultural norms

which is why there has never been a successful matriarchal society

top kek

>> No.8916475
File: 67 KB, 267x200, Asuka+best+grill+_052d2c8256854fc589017699d173c240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka a shit

>> No.8916483

Hella epic! xD

>> No.8916486
File: 34 KB, 183x200, rei+a+shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rei a shit

>> No.8916493

1. men are creators, women are just mere helpers
2. they are less autonomous beings, they rarely start anything and are always going with the crowd or with some carry
3. they behave more like social monkeys than men, they sometime do not have control over their insticts or I would say they are sometimes less self-concious

but do not blame them, they can't help themselves

>> No.8916496


>> No.8916544

Taleb is against interracial relationships?

>> No.8916574

Do your research. Put on a dress and high heels, then cram a dildo up your ass. Go about your daily routine like this and jot down anything that changes.

>> No.8916584

Currently I'm writing two short histories where the main characther is a girl. I don't even think about the sex, just write it like a boy.

If you want to write female characters then do it. Stay away from first person teenager female character since you die of boredom before even hitting 10k.

>> No.8916601

>he thinks the female sex can be reduced to wearing dresses and making gestures

They should be seen as an entirely different species. They only look similar to men, but it's just a disguise.

>> No.8916609

interracial relationships should be banned, desu.

>> No.8916629


Just walk up to as and start a conversation OP, we don't bite :)

>> No.8916643

>mother-wife (Mary, Tethis, Penelope)
>bitch (Odette de Crecy, Helen)
>priestess (Antigone)
Choose one or mix them if you want to make a troubled character. Pro tip: sisters (Raskolnikov's for example) are usually between the mother-wife type and the priestess type.

>> No.8916660

Obviously, by spending time getting to know a variety of women in a variety of ways.

Then you write a character who resembles some amalgamation of their mannerisms, preferences, reactions, etc.,.

This character will ultimately be a reflection of how you see women rather than an objectively feminine character, but that is okay, all literature reveals more about the author than anything else.

Nonsense. Men and women are fundamentally different on a variety of psychological and sociological levels.

That even goes without considering the varying complexities of daily life that come from living as a man versus living as a woman physically and as a member of society.

Simpletons, both of you.

>> No.8916697

Just think of a man and take away rationality and accountability

-From As Good as it Gets

>> No.8916711

Do explain.

>> No.8916775

Says the Westerner who would likely die to be in the arms of a Japanese woman.

Weab trash.

>> No.8916857

Have them call their friend bitch instead of cunt

>> No.8916901

For you

You done fucked up

>> No.8916912

Read books from the 1800s

>> No.8916917

Nice projecting

>> No.8916929

Like male ones except you make them think way, way less and get distracted easily

And fixate on horribly banal things like men would never do

That's literally it

>> No.8916936

Anna Karenina

>> No.8916946

This is good advice

>> No.8916949

Then take away reason and accountability

>> No.8916950

Your not writing a girl your writing a boy with a girl name. You literally admit this yourself, be embarrassed at your mediocrity to recommend it to others.

>> No.8916955

Make here a 7-8/10 skank who's a slob.

>> No.8916988
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ITT: Virgins who don't actually understand women.

>> No.8917009

but what if I don't like talking to peoeple?

>> No.8917015

Imagine you had a mysterious power over other people...but they would never take you seriously even when they were groveling to you. That's what being a woman is like.

>> No.8917058

>gender roles shift with cultural norms
Wrong. Gender roles come directly from sex.

>> No.8917063

females of /lit/. how close is this to being true?

>> No.8917065

Coming from a virgin who is pretending not to be a virgin on the internet. Fucking pathetic, buddy.

>> No.8917073

100%, that's why they're ignoring it

>> No.8917089
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>we're against interracial relationships
>I can't find anyone from any race willing to fuck me

Get this shit off /lit/.

>> No.8917098

Nah. This whole thread is a load of balls, my man.

For writing 3D female characters, the best advice is here: >>8915638

>> No.8917106

Actually it's deduction.

If you use "desu" at the end of your sentences you're a weab, or worse, a moron who is imitating weabs without even realizing what culture he's appropriating.

If you're a weab, then you love all things Japanese, and since the vast majority of weabs fantasize over anime representations of Japanese women, or images of Japanese women, it was a fairly small leap to imagine that a person using a Japanese word at the end of their sentences (and yet is clearly not Japanese) would like to have sex with a Japanese person.

In the case that it's the latter, then you are a special type of moron who should not even bother himself with speaking, as there is no possible way that anything coming from his mind into the world could have anything beyond a comic, or obnoxious, effect.

You dumbass.

>> No.8917108

Obviously it's bullshit, are you retarded?

>> No.8917115


Well, I think you should work on that for your own personal benefit.

For your literary purposes, however, I would read books written by women, from the perspective of women. I would also watch films, written by women or marketed to women with great success, and analyze the female characters in these works.

Possibly also go people watching. I've never tried it, but maybe it actually works when the right person is doing it.

>> No.8917134


>> No.8917141

Women lie to protect their position, even on the Internet.

>> No.8917146

All relationships are interracial.

There is no such thing as a pure, undiluted genetic stream.

Humanity has been forged through a never ending process of migrations, intermixing, and war - which usually ends in the appropriation of the losing side's women (and some men), followed by more intermixing.

Your so-called, "redpilledness," is an illusion brought on by your inability to escape the Matrix you have contrived to protect the fragile inner world you seek to uphold regardless of it's soundness or validity.

Although your kind opposes those from the "non-binary," and transgender movements for these same reasons, you are actually guilty of the same sorts of logical inconsistencies and a preference for fantasies custom tailored to your particular dysfunctions.


>> No.8917158

>Although your kind opposes those from the "non-binary," and transgender movements for these same reasons, you are actually guilty of the same sorts of logical inconsistencies and a preference for fantasies custom tailored to your particular dysfunctions.
Your post was good until this part


>> No.8917159

you do realize that there is a filter on this damned site that turns T.B.H into desu whenever you right the acronym right? I've been asking about this "desu" filter for a while but no one has addressed it.

>> No.8917163

Are you aware that we are posting on an anonymous image board

>> No.8917164


>> No.8917165

>There is no such thing as a pure, undiluted genetic stream.
yeah, since we aren't clones. The genetic clusters are all easily identifiable, though. Usually even without lab equipment.

>> No.8917169

That's the funny thing, women lie even on anonymous image boards. Because even one more man learning the truth is damaging to them.

>> No.8917172

t. newfaggot

>> No.8917177

>If you use "desu"

get a load of this newfag, senpai desu

>> No.8917179


>> No.8917187

Damn, you should study biology or psychology before spouting 'facts' around.

Also, people don't change gender, they change sex.

>> No.8917190
File: 168 KB, 1372x767, 1402030743814 (2016_08_24 05_26_26 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do not have control over their instincts sometimes
>meanwhile men apportion blame of the rape of women on themselves: she wearing a sexy outfit that accentuates her body in a way that men can't help but get turned on by.

Alright ill give your post a 4/10 but only because it at least started convincing.

>> No.8917192

>study biology and psychology to realize that you can change your sex/gender
No you really can't. If you support transfaggotry you're a special kind of liberal drone.

>> No.8917197

>implying men in the first-world blame rape on women and it's not just a feminist meme

>> No.8917199

Write them as male.
Remove reason and any trace of altruism.

>> No.8917200


>> No.8917202
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>> No.8917211
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>Remove reason, any trace of altruism, and the penis.

FTFY, friendo.

>> No.8917217

That's quite some fantasy you've got there.

>> No.8917227

I said apportion blame: " Rape is a terrible irredeemable crime and the men who do it are shitbags BUT girls really need to not to dress like sluts when they go out to prevent themselves from getting raped"

>> No.8917237

That's just basic advice though. Go back to tumblr

>> No.8917240
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Nice response

>> No.8917248


>> No.8917280

Lol, you didn't understand what I was saying, bud.

>> No.8917322

Who is the lead? How many are you making?

I like this anon's idea of the difference between men and women.
I digress though. How do you write people in general?
Basically it's probably best to think of them as many of the women you see around you especially if you can get to know some of them. People all have varying personalities too. I guess just focus on the the fact that uh..maybe women are human too?!
But keep in mind, it doesn't have to be perfect. At the end of the day you're not a women and you can only project from what you gather from different women you meet. T.b.h, some female writes kind of suck at writing male characters too. lol I'm not even sure if I could ever make a perfectly well written male character since I'm not a guy. I just project off the guys I've seen/know. If it's a historical piece, you will have to put that into context as well. And again, obviously each character will have a different personality.

>> No.8917333


>> No.8917336
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>mfw this post is true and 75% writers think this is how you write any and every female character

>> No.8917352

Nice try tying to boot me off so you can stay in you "safe space" without having to debate people you disagree with. And sjw are the only triggered ones?
>Basic advice
Not really. Besides you miss my point: if women are the only impulsive ones as you say, why would it matter what they wear? Are you saying that all rapist are only mentally ill men(highly disguised point of view btw) or just criminals? If either is true, why then why would it matter what women wear? These men will commit such evil/irrational acts regardless. You'd think they hold all the blame?You confound yourself in your own reasoning.

>> No.8917427

in all 9 of your points you literally just projected male traits onto females desu

>> No.8917482

Savage AF

>> No.8917487

Is that why the vast majority of cultures have the exact same gender roles? Gender roles are a direct result of biological sex

>> No.8917671

Gender roles are a result of material conditions humans find themselves in. Of course the nature of human reproductive organs plays a role, but it doesn't directly lead to the creation of gender roles. If you study history you will find a lot of social structures we now consider obsolete or unethical developed independently in various places, but not in all. If you look at the one thing that all major civilizations have in common though, it is that their means of producing food was agriculture. Whenever you have agreeculture it makes sense for a class system to develope (hunter-gatherers don't have class based societies, at most their hierarchy is as simple as having the eldest persons decide stuff). If you are staying at one place to tend to your crops and let your sheep and cattle graze, you will build permanent housing. Get enough people in one place and you have a town that somehow needs to be managed. Since you no longer have a small tribe, the management units have to be split down, and the most obvious choice is of course that humans who are closely related form these units. This is the first time private property can develope, because now individual units within a larger community are owning land and houses. It's not far from here that the concept of inheritence and trade with other communities happens. This is how initially certain families could rise in wealth and win more influence. With time the roles performed by humans differenciate and you get different classes. If one wealthy family in your town owns more land and cattle than your's, and you have say 10 siblings but not nearly enough work to do for all of you on your own families property, it makes sense for you and the wealthier family that you go tend their fields and get paid some money in exchange. It's easy to see how social classes developed like this and how they depend on the production of children. Since only females can produce children and pregnancy makes you less viable to work, systems will develope where women essentially become their husband's private childbirth machines. That's all their is to it, a combination of the fact that children on grow in the uterus and the material necessity to manage private property in a specific way exists. When societies function differently, the gender roles will be different too. Matriarchies can sometimes be found among hunter gatherers, but never among agriculture based civilisations for this reason. Now with the industrial revolution and later the digital revolution the means of producing ressources very much changed, making families and thus gender roles obsolete from an objective point of view. Yet you still have upper class families in place, whose interest is of course to hold their power, which requires to stick to obsolete notions of gender. If gender roles are overcome capitalism will fall apart, so that's why you guys are so anti-feminist.

>> No.8917691

women entering the workforce and instantly doubling the labor supply brings even more power to upper class families. how dumb can you be lol

>> No.8917735

Learn some basic economics and sociology, before you spout such things.

>> No.8917770
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>If gender roles are overcome capitalism will fall apart

Mods delete this thread already

>> No.8917771
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>> No.8917794

With flaws. Most of what people call "strong female characters" are actually just Mary Sues. It's quite disgusting, the current state of things

>> No.8917806

Mental Gymnastics: The Post

>> No.8917822

The true mental gymnastics is inferring from chromosomes and hormon levels wether a human should wear a dress or go to war.

>> No.8917825

no you

>> No.8917835

then you end up like that awful character in true detective season 2 or something tarantino wrote

that's not a strong woman, that's a woman playing a man

>> No.8917838

name x examples

>> No.8917840

Except that's exactly true you imbecile. Just like when the doctor found your extra chromosome he inferred you were going to be a fucking retard.

Christ. If that was bait, it was good.

>> No.8917841

>The true mental gymnastics is inferring from chromosomes and hormon levels wether a human should wear a dress or go to war.
Are you mentally retarded?

Men should go to war because they are stronger than women.

>> No.8917873

First, you put pen to paper.

>> No.8917877

use linebreaks

i want to know what the argument is about but tl;dr

>> No.8917891

I would say in general women are less likely to be rebellious or aggressive than men. Conflicts with people they dislike will be more passive aggressive, and they would be more likely to conform and obey authority. I think we would have longer attention spans as well, though this is just based on a study about school age children.Women may also use more words,especially ones with emotional connotations, to describe a situation or experience. Also, women tend to have a habit of reading too much into things, especially relationships. When dealing with stress or sadness women are more likely to have a support system and turn to it than men.

This post is just based on my thoughts so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.8917898
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>Men should go to war because they are stronger than women.
>mfw I realise this same boring fucking men vs women argument is going to be played out over the internet for all eternity

Besides, you're missing the point - only fucking stupid people would ever volunteer to go to war.

>> No.8917905

>Besides, you're missing the point - only fucking stupid people would ever volunteer to go to war.
This is why people say that women have no sense of glory or honor

>> No.8917919

>only fucking stupid people would ever volunteer to go to war.
Spoken like a true coddled millenial without convictions and beliefs. Not everyone is a pansy like you, nu-male.

>> No.8917931

>This is why people say that women have no sense of [spooks]

So women are actually superior, huh.

>> No.8917935

My mom could beat your dad up.

>> No.8917942
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>le spooks
Awful meme, Untermensch.

>> No.8917951

OK, I'll sum it up. Basically, I argued that while the way reproduction works is one requirement for similar gender roles to develope everywhere independently, the way a civilization produces it's ressources and manages it's society is the actual main factor.

>> No.8917954

And and that latter factors are similar because there is only so much ways you can produce food with primitive agricultural technologies.

>> No.8918156

>asking how to write a woman
>on 4chan
>on the internet

i wish george constanza wasn't dead
don't you know any women on a personal level?

>> No.8918231

don't bother arguing with him, it's generally accepted than men are way shiteir than women as people.

just look at crime stats women vs men

even if women are given leeway when it's come to sentencing i guarantee u the most heinous unforgivable acts of crime are by men because they are just shittier in general, it's known fact and men will try to justify it by saying "testosterone blah blah we are naturally more aggressive" or whatever but really they are just terrible people on average compared to women and thats all you need to know.

so let them have their /r9k/ thread to feel good. reality still stands though.

>> No.8918234
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>don't you know any women on a personal level?

Sure, I do. But none of them are of literary merit and aren't worth writing about.

>> No.8918242

if you want an interesting woman, go research interesting women then

satre's cucker and dickinson for example

>> No.8918247

The drive that makes men commit crime is the same drive that makes them do great things

Women just look cute and waste oxygen

>> No.8918248

reee, etc.

>> No.8918255

Put every thought they have in context of what it does to their pussy. Like:

"I went to the pet shop, and they didn't have my brand of rabbit pellets. That made my pussy dry."


"Sheila stepped into the DMV, and got in line behind six black men.

'FUCKING SP-LASH!!!" her pussy went.' "

>> No.8918256

>muh biological influences
>not realizing that due to statistics, muh hormones, genetics and simple variation the answer is more complicated than
'women are good lmao' and 'women are bad lmao'

i want constanza back

>> No.8918267

This is just about the worst place you could go to ask any question related to women or understanding them.

>> No.8918272

how do you figure?

>> No.8918286

oh this is my favourite response too considering

the state of the average modern male that have been bred to be completely useless and not even nice to look at

a true waste of space many of you are.

>> No.8918297

Came here to post this.

>> No.8918310

>Came here to post this.
Leave your reddit memes at the door

>> No.8918328

>worst place you could go to ask any questions related to women
What's better /his/?

>> No.8918341
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>> No.8918407

bretty good. Main 3 imperatives are need for social acceptance, instinctual/emotional interface with reality, and inability to give meaning to logical abstractions

>> No.8918421

Is this OP?
You already received a few good answers that are basically telling you the same thing, just think of women you know/ have seen/ have heard of. It's not that hard. If you don't want to use real world experience to write the truth because you don't like interacting with people, why be a writer at all? Why even make this thread?
>Most them are of little literary merit
What are you even going for in your story exactly? Is it action, adventure, romance, suspense, fantasy? historical? Modern? Future?
I really think you are just lazy and wanted to used this as an opportunity to shit post with a bait thread. I don't think it is so hard to discover how to write interesting female leads, or enjoy writing them if you are so eager as you say.

Just look at Miyazaki he doesn't even try that hard:
[An excerpt from an interview.]
Why are your protagonists always female?"
Question: Why do you always choose a girl as your theme?

Miyazaki: I don't logically plan it that way. When we compare a man in action and a girl in action, I feel girls are more gallant. If a boy is walking with a long stride, I don't think anything particular, but if a girl is walking gallantly, I feel "that's cool." Maybe that's because I'm a man, and women may think it's cool when they see a young man striding. At first, I thought "this is no longer the era of men. This is no longer the era of taigimeibun."[1] But after ten years, I grew tired of saying that. I just say "cause I like women." That has more reality.

>> No.8918431
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>I really think you are just lazy and wanted to used this as an opportunity to shit post with a bait thread.

>> No.8918451

>How do I write female characters?
step 1: have female friends

most of the US hasn't got this far. American men can't write good female characters and vice versa because American men and women hate eachother

>> No.8918456


>> No.8918461

This. This so fucking hard.

>> No.8918518

As infected as /lit/; the best they could do is bring up historical figures, from fuck-ups like Thatcher to patriots like Pavlichenko.

Mrs. Pabel, I'm CIA

>> No.8918532
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Except you're saving capitalism. Feminism is saving capitalism by curbing its negatives.

>> No.8918533

Nope. /his/ has more /pol/ invasions than /lit/
Plus /his/ is more obsessed with queen Victoria than anything.
You're half right about /tv/. It's half memes and half /pol/ though.

>> No.8918550

You're on 4chan man, did you really expect any positive conversation about women at all?

>> No.8918715

>As infected as /lit/
/his/ crossposter come from /pol/, /lit/ crossposters come from /r9k/.

/his/ rarely talks about women and when they do it's more bout their role in society. Crossposters talk about "degeneracy" and other /pol/ related things but not about women themselves. The outright woman-hate that you see on /lit/ is pretty rare on /his/

>> No.8918723

you don't write women characters because women have no character


>> No.8919179

Because men are domineering, violent, creeps? Big accomplishment

Birthing and general size differentiation are sexual norms. You're telling me you don't know what gender norms are?
Why are you and your sweaty pimply friends posting ITT without knowing the first damn thing about this topic?

If OP was serious, pardon the sperg-out. These memers have been sitting on /lit/ and smelling the place up for a long time.

>> No.8919429

You need to have sex with a lot of them.

>> No.8919466

imagine you lived on easy mode
everyone is docile towards you and at the same time want to have sex with you and would do almost anything to get it
there you go, you've got a woman character

>> No.8919473

To write a woman character, write a male character who is the most accomplished, highly-achieved, famous person in the world. Like, write Albert Einstein if he had also been Napoleon and Mozart in the same guy. Write how he must FEEL, being the single greatest person in human history, the nexus of the world-spirit, the fucking centre of all creation. Then take away all his accomplishments, achievements, and fame, and give him a vagina.

>> No.8919474
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''Because men are domineering, violent, creeps? Big accomplishment

Doesn't get more pseud than this guy

>> No.8919495

Just talk to some

>> No.8919498


Think of a woman.

Imagine how she acts and thinks and why.

Stick with it for the rest of your story.

>> No.8919540

Plebeian response, Redditor

>> No.8919775

but that would involve social interactions and getting out of his basement.

>> No.8919995

You're retarded

All societal differences between men and women are a result of biological differences. Women can differentiate between very similar shades of red that men will see as exactly the same and the theory behind this is that they need that for gathering berries and determining which where healthy and which were poisonous. Men are bigger and stronger because they hunted.

Men are in more high positions in business and such because to get there you need to take big risks and risk taking is linked to testosterone. More men fail and but when they make it, they are more successful. After having a child hormone levels change and women are more likely to want to raise it than men.

Do to genetic variation, there will be women with more testosterone who will become successful but this is a minority.

Men and women should be equal under law, but they are fundamentally different creatures in a biological sense and trying to make them exactly equal in every sense will create extreme injustice.

Sex/gender/identity/whatever are not created by society but rather come from biological differences. Why is this such a bad thing? Why does it matter if men and women don't have the same roles? It's not the same as hair, eye or skin color because these are not a fundamental part of who people are but sex is.

>> No.8920116

I would use my real experiences with women,then fill the rest with imagination and some basic tropes.

>> No.8920135

>ctrl+f youtube
>find this video
I expected it earlier but good job

>> No.8920545

You are soooo retarded
>but they are fundamentally different creatures
Never contended this.
>.../gender/identity/whatever are not created by society
>The nuclear bomb is natural
This much NON SENSE

>> No.8920651

But can you explain whyyyyy

>> No.8920702

You treat them like the whores they all are.

>> No.8920756

Kek, where do you think you are?

>> No.8920780

Nice job forgetting about the monogamous marriage in every civilization that ever existed, you marxist twat. Agriculture+patriarchy went always hand in hand, the combination of the two is what led to private property, classes and civilization.

>> No.8920838

>.../gender/identity/whatever are not created by society
No, that's denial, retard.

>> No.8920843

How are you so dumb? It's amazing.

>> No.8920864

>.../gender/identity/whatever are not created by society

LOL what a retard.

>> No.8920872

This. no one will notice

>> No.8921170

Best post

>> No.8921207

Think of a man and take away reason and accountability.

>> No.8921220
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If you make female characters realistic and not Mary Sues, feminists will flip out, so avoid doing that

>> No.8921226
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As a female, I'd say cause them to make more decisions based on emotion and kindness than practicality or wariness. If she has a past in which people were perpetually unkind to her to the point that it hardened her and didn't make her twice as kind, she'd likely make almsot every decision based on selfishness and blind self-confidence, or selfishness and self-underestimation if she's fat/unattractive. Fem here. I'm completely serious.

>> No.8921233


>> No.8921237

stop talking shit and be pseuds and post some good butts & feet

>> No.8921715

You first

>> No.8921718

Post feet

>> No.8921763

Have you considered interacting with females?

>> No.8921765
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I always start with physicality when I'm writing as a woman. So I always have a vagina and think about having periods. I always start with an embodiment. And I think when I read men writing about women, they never seem to have thought about that. They've never thought: actually, you've got a cycle, you're different.

>> No.8922058

gtfo retard

>> No.8922079

nah bro, nah

>> No.8922115

this was so cringe-y

>> No.8922156

This post sums up why the humanities are so retarded.

This is not rigorous or falsifiable in any way and has no evidence to support it. But people believe it any way because it flatters their biases

>> No.8922162

Er, more?

>> No.8922282

Tl;dr Sun also rises as interpreted by American academia

>> No.8923056

>fails to capitalize or use punctuation, yet feels the need to hyphenate slang

This was so cringey.

>> No.8923059

The truth hurts faggot.

I'll get you a band-aid.

>> No.8923069


>> No.8923222

Aren't you all Hemingways?

>> No.8923238

Think of a man, but take away reason and accountability.

>> No.8923250

underrated post

>> No.8923327

>Misspelling weeb

>> No.8923348

Just shut the fuck up now before you embarrass yourself more.

It's spelled weeb newfag.

>> No.8923474

lol what happened to /lit/? since when is it a requirement to be an antisocial, ignorant loser to post here?

are you all really so deluded that you can't understand that gender is 100% arbitrary? everybody is different.. you make me sick

>> No.8923507

Write strong male character.
Add tits and vagoo
Change name to something feminine

>> No.8923887

Size and birthing lead to some practices, but the length of a woman's hair has nothing to do with them. That they wear dresses has nothing to do with them. That they have no little, to secondary, to no say in the general household business. That they are considered physically inferior in every respect, despite they're ability to birth ten fifteen kids and raise them, may in many cases be correct, but intellectually inferior too? Obviously some women are not too sharp, but is that because of her sex? /lit/ misogynists continually insists this is so. They insist, or at least infer, that woman should be put back in old gender roles for the betterment of society. Kept quite. Kept like cattle.
There's lots of of gender roles. Social norms that have little to nothing to do with a person's sex, but is applied because of it.

>> No.8923896

Saying a woman at home is like cattle is the same as saying a shepherd is no different from his flock. Men and women specialize and prefer different things. Neither role is superior to the other.

>> No.8923923

holy... omg wow... that's like genuinely hilarious! if that was the first paragraph of a novel i'd totally read on

>> No.8923934

Dude. Not all stay-at-homes are treated the same. Read between the lines or let it go if you can't understand.

>> No.8923986

It's sad because you really have never met any women

>> No.8924134

And not all working women are treated the same either. Irrelevant, because the point can apply to everyone.

>> No.8925011

Hourglass (with preferably long lengs) is truly the supreme women figure.

>> No.8925016

They have smaller brains.

>> No.8925018

>gender is 100% arbitrary

>> No.8925039

>reason and accountability

>> No.8925064
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>Just like when the doctor found your extra chromosome he inferred you were going to be a fucking retard.

>> No.8925075


>> No.8925122

Feels great to be a minority so I can write freely about women as the low iq sluts they are and get away with it!


>> No.8925904

mods pls ban

>> No.8926089

>I'm not a guy

>> No.8926326

You need to go back.

>> No.8926382
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Now why would you want to do that?

>> No.8928516


>> No.8928750
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>Except that's exactly true you imbecile. Just like when the doctor found your extra chromosome he inferred you were going to be a fucking retard.


>> No.8929101

First of all: don't think of a character as just a "woman" character, just like you don't write "man", "black", "jewish" or whatever.
Unlike real life, genetics are not the first thing you should think about when you build them.
Try to meet actual women, and not just one woman that will be your base for writing all women in the world.

When you write about females in a male world, you have to think about feelings like fear and oppression. That's not for her, but for the world around the character. If she's pretty, she probably knows it and uses it to her advantage, or likes it, or doesn't care. It depends. If she's not, she may be insecure, or something else. Think more about consequences and less about nature.

>> No.8929113

eat shit, unpublished pleb.

>> No.8929138


>> No.8929588

Then you take away all reason and accountability

>> No.8929884

Can we make this a new copypasta?

>> No.8929892
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>> No.8929905
File: 206 KB, 1080x1080, long-sleeves-band-punk-we-are-anonymous-we-are-legion-we-do-not-forgive-we-do-not-forget-expect-us-d0012016110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know the truth, and we're here to tell you. Deal with it

>> No.8929965
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>mfw /lit/ has devolved this far

>> No.8930114

That is the worst post I've read on 4chan in a while, good job.

>> No.8930133

You sound like an absolute cuck

>> No.8930148

I hope it gives you nightmares and you never come back.

>> No.8930407
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This isn't the real butters, is it? I can't remember what her tripcode was.

>> No.8930437
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It was this, but apparently it's crackable
I was without one for longer though.

>> No.8930468

oh is she actually gone? I dont come to this board that often. glad to hear it.

>> No.8930754

But men are childrenlike scumbags 90% of the time too.

>> No.8930786
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This is fantastic advice

I heard some people here like migrants

>> No.8930842

Me too. I see it was actually posted a lot in this thread so that warms my heart.

>> No.8930860
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>and war - which usually ends in the appropriation of the losing side's women (and some men), followed by more intermixing.

tfw no rape concubine gf
tfw no rape catamite bf
tfw you'll never appropriate anyone

>> No.8931179

omg is that emma