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8916344 No.8916344 [Reply] [Original]

>mental illness is just a social construct
>die of aids from engaging in sadomasochistic activity with other men

So this is the power of French Philosophy

>> No.8916504

>mental illness

What did you mean by this

>> No.8916508

revenge of the retards

>> No.8916512


baby's first shitpost

>> No.8916516

I think he's implying homosexuality and fetishes are a mental illness. In which case I'd love to see his porn history

>> No.8916537

>mental illness
>social construct

All spooks

>> No.8916734


That doesn't make the statement false.

>> No.8916753

Bugchasing is the most patrician of sexual practices as it reunites Eros and Thanatos showing once again that all sexualized brings must eventually die and that the undeath of Death Drive constantly reminds us of this every time we are aroused.

>> No.8916791

Nice try pedo homo i only fap to aryan women in wheat fields.

>> No.8916793

this is true. it explains why the appeal of a self-inflicted gunshot only appeals the more you think about desire. sex and death are linked to the very core in ways that only a spoonful of narcissistic madmen, visionaries, saints, artists, thieves, mystics, criminals, gunslingers and heretics have intuited. death is what we want and what we are afraid of and we have orgasms as deferral so that we reproduce and repeat a bewildering and iterative process

life is intrinsically meaningless. technology and capitalism are real but they are only undead expressions of the human death drive and the biological imperative to procreate

culture is an anthropotechnic process. human bodies are no joke. being an acrobat is basically the deal & nietzsche was right about absolutely everything

>> No.8916864
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Reminder that Alex Jones and all Donald Trump supporters are literal psychos and should be locked up and kept away from society.

Society must be defended from these people.

>> No.8916877

>Nice try pedo homo i only fap to aryan women in wheat fields getting blacked

>> No.8917563

>>mental illness is just a social construct

isnt that what stefan molyneux keeps saying?

>> No.8917582

wtf, im a frogposting neo-nazi now

>> No.8917653
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>> No.8917661

tl;dr "It's one massive fake reality tv show"

>> No.8917666

Sex is inherently linked to life, you fucking mongoloid. Also, Nietzsche would have been disgusted by your ridiculous, materialistic and nihilistic rant

>> No.8917710

I can engage in a number of degenerate sexual acts with a female partner, but she'll still get pregnant if I cum inside her. Whereas homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.8917743

>homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end.
So is browsing /lit/, what's your point ?

>> No.8917827

>Whereas homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end
that's why homosexuality is good