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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.82 MB, 1440x1949, 20161231_145021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8909026 No.8909026 [Reply] [Original]

What is her best poem? what do you think of her body of work?

>> No.8909041

you can blowjob your way to the literary world

>> No.8909057

She causes such a stir and rapid outpouring of interest on here that there it is nearly beyond doubt that there is a manifestation of the /lit/ spirit within her

>> No.8909061

4chan has a natural affinity towards talentless camwhores

>> No.8909068

kardashian shit is not /lit/, stop caring about that retarded family


>> No.8909077

Further proof, that literature died in the 20th century.

>> No.8909081

desu at first I thought she was cute but the more posted about her the more i am simply disgusted and wish to see her no more

what a fucking fraud

>> No.8909103

No it doesn't

>> No.8909157

Pretty hot. She's sucks dick at writing. But I love how slutty she is. She should "leak" nudes if ya noam mean

>> No.8909296

I watched 10 seconds of a yt video, hearing her talk makes me want to kill her, then myself. Probably has to do with her weird over-enunciation, like a british person trying to speak with an english accent, or vice versa. Either way it sounds fake.
I have no interest in reading her since it would probably elicit a similar reaction. everything about her seems constructed and artificial, like a carefully crafted distillation of teenage angst.

Why do all millennials insist on masking their blatant narcissism as fake awkwardness and meekness? It drives me nuts.

>> No.8909317

Who is she?

>> No.8909326

We get it you want attention

>> No.8909341

>everything about her seems constructed and artificial, like a carefully crafted distillation of teenage angst.

very well put, anon. besides being totally in-authentic, there's something about it is just downright creepy.

>> No.8909359


you should all be ashamed of yourselves

>> No.8909556

i'd like to analyse her body of work if you know what i mean - nikolai gogol

seriously is it just 1 person making most of these shit threads

>> No.8909630

Where can I read some of her shit?

>> No.8909644

the trash

>> No.8909666
File: 3 KB, 183x275, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rev Jen is an even better poet. Here is her poem called "Space". It's from her poetry book "I'll Never Wash This Vagina Again"

You say you want space,
So here it is, yours for the taking.
All of it.
All of the vast, cold, dark, heavy, oppressive space.
Outside of my vagina.

>> No.8909670

yes, and people reply anyway. like the jordan peterson shit. everyone wants to post but nobody makes quality OPs.

>> No.8909763

it makes me wanna puke and at the same time a relief that i'm hundreds, probably thousands, of miles away from that vagina

>> No.8910265

Boxxy, dozens of copycat-chans, Rose, Agatha, Ciara, the list goes on

>> No.8910282

She got the pretty little titties

>> No.8910302
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Who dat?

>> No.8910807
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She's another pretty face who will be replaced in a few years when the next one comes along.

>> No.8910851

it does, mate

>> No.8911515

>pretty face
protip: there's a reason she wears so much makeup

>> No.8911518

Who is this whore?

>> No.8911528

that's not poetry...


>> No.8911530

it's disconcerting that you guys are incapable of using google.

>> No.8911552

>Hi, I'm A Slut
>A Slam Poem

Didn't even wait around for her to begin speaking.

>> No.8911568


>The Rev Jen

sounds about right

>> No.8913098


Guess who is me....

>> No.8913106

....in the comments.

>> No.8913427


>> No.8913437

what the fuck is her accent

>> No.8913447

who the fuck is that hack?
>believing she can writes poetry
kill yourself

>> No.8913626
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>that slight English accent that slips in at the end of a word

>> No.8913711

I think she's cute, haven't read her poetry and don't have the interest to though. Don't like how she comes off in her videos either

>> No.8913983

I prefer her earlier work, it was a bit more raw.

>> No.8914000

I hate how she has this idea lately that she needs to incorporate the "british" accent to sound legit.
I disliked her, but now I dislike her even more.

>> No.8914005

your comma usage is proof of literature's death m9

>> No.8914013

>like a british person trying to speak with an english accent

>> No.8914017
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the dress is absolute garbage

>> No.8914090

As others have mentioned, her accent, whatever she's doing with her voice, is annoying and really distracting. Poor girl's struggling with authenticity.
>virginity isn't real lmao, sex is whatever you want it to be lmao
Nice defense mechanism. Talk about a bad conscience.

>> No.8914129

I'd fuck her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8914362

I don't get it

>> No.8914401

pls explain

>> No.8914475

just found out her boyfriend's a "filmmaker"
>that acting
>that tween story
>literally all his "films" are they same shit

do these teenage "artists" types ever realize that their echobox of "artsy" teenager fans are tasteless and that the real world is very different from their quirky wes anderson fantasy world?

>> No.8914608

She's a goddamn teenager, Not a single one of you wasn't an attention seeking angsty faggot at that age. At least your cringey phase wasn't under a public spotlight, so you didn't have to deal with the inevitable humiliation that she will have to when she grows out of it. You should pity this girl instead of judging her.

>> No.8914651

>She's a goddamn teenager, Not a single one of you wasn't an attention seeking angsty faggot at that age.
>Implying these aren't the very people who make these threads and post in them

>> No.8914658

ok, so the only reason they rag on people like her is because they're jealous that someone's famous for being an angsty faggot and it isn't them?

>> No.8914669
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She's so perfect. She's the woman I see in my dreams every time I fall asleep.

>tfw no gf
Hurts so much more when you realize she's what your missing out on.

>> No.8914670

Isn't she in her 20s? Pretty sure it's fair game to make fun of anybody in their 20s.

>> No.8914671

Fuck lit is finally catching up, I must have posted about her accent in a dozen threads. She's an American who lives in London (maman et papa pay for her tuition) and like so many pretentious Americans, she has a quirky tea-and-crumpets idea of Britain as a hip, polka dot-filled fantasy land, so she puts on this utterly affected abortion of an accent. Don't be fooled, I'm a Londoner and I know several Americans who do exactly the same thing. She's actually not that bad a poet, I mean, her imagery isn't uniformly trite, the I'm A Slut poem is pretty good for a slam poem, particularly that prescient line about blowjob eyes. I think she's just the Boxxy of /lit/, she's cute in a quirky, slightly infuriating way and the hate-boner she gives /lit/ is psychologically interesting enough that it makes people comment on all these threads. Like I'm doing.

>> No.8914676
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top kek

>> No.8914677

why does she have a pop-tart tattooed on her arm?

fucking dropped

>> No.8914680


>> No.8914682

It's almost as if modern identity politics are little more than fashion.

>> No.8914686


>> No.8914697

You can do better dude.

>> No.8914698
File: 70 KB, 536x800, 1449709939295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hurts so much more when you realize she's what your missing out on.

I honestly wouldn't want a relationship with her.

I'd love regular hook ups, sure, but not any kind of shared daily life. Her "brave Millennial artist" nonsense and her endless virtue signalling would get real tiresome real quick.

>> No.8914700

any gf is better than >no gf bruh

>> No.8914701

In this picture she looks like Laurie Penny.

Except Penny is infinitely superior desu.

>> No.8914703

There are degrees of gfs and you can still do better.

>> No.8914704

What went wrong?

>> No.8914709


>any gf is better than >no gf bruh


do you seriously believe this

>> No.8914715

she became a slut

>> No.8914717

Probs never stuck in crazy.

>> No.8914737


He has yet to learn that some women are human in appearance only.

There are a lot of psychos out there.

>> No.8914773

What neat Cyrillic he has.

Are we over-generalizing about women again ITT? Some are as emotionally damaged as men, I hope we all know.

>> No.8914784
File: 59 KB, 641x482, I'mCia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when do you still post here

>> No.8914798


>Some are as emotionally damaged as men, I hope we all know.

Yes, Butterfly. We all know. There are psychos on both sides of the gender fence. Clearly emotional derangement isn't an exclusively female quality.

Why do you insist on playing the tedious pedant every single second of your life?

>> No.8914809

I guess I just don't understand this obsession with not hurting anyone's feelings.

>> No.8914817
File: 34 KB, 488x331, Trust issues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the internet was up. I tool a long time off with the occasional drive-by. How's it goin', Bane?

Why do the frogs?

>> No.8914865

>As long as the internet was up [at my place now] (I thought I'd stop by some). I took a long time off

>> No.8914866


In Canada, in 2015, 604 murders were committed.

''Males make up the majority of both homicide victims and accused. In 2014, 72% of homicide victims and 87% of homicide accused were male, findings that have remained consistent over the past 10 years.''

''The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey reports on the lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner, focusing for the first time on victimization by sexual orientation. It finds a victimization prevalence of 43.8 percent for lesbians, making it the second most affected group after bisexual women (61.1 percent), ahead of bisexual men (37.3 percent), heterosexual women (35 percent), heterosexual men (29 percent) and homosexual men (26 percent).''

>> No.8914868
File: 386 KB, 653x768, 1481786930627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trump won you fat dyke. Accept it already.

Stop bringing it back to this shit apropos of nothing.

>> No.8914872


Pfft. Please.

Her feelings say more than real statistics ever could.

Go and take your "statistics" elsewhere, you mansplaining oppressor.

>> No.8914897

what hath though thigh thine smallest titties doth feelith like?

>> No.8914919

None of the above won.
HRC got the popular, but by a hair, several hairs across the board, the Orange One seems to have gotten it through the electoral college. I'm sure Stein made a much bigger impact than is being allowed though. But hey, this is not a democracy. Not even a democratic-republic.
Donny Tiny-hands may be a good thing in the end.

>> No.8914927

The Hillary fags just keep on giving the salt. Still asspained enough to post about how not asspained you are. Sad!

>> No.8914939

It's not that bad, it looks really professional. I bet he could easily shit out another mumblecore movie.
Also someone post the copy pasta from the last thread.

>> No.8914944


I'm a woman gotta take pictures of my face constantly have to keep taking pictures with my face in them I have three different websites just to post pictures of me looking cute for my family friends and total strangers did you see me wearing this new clothing did you see me standing in front of this building one time I went to the library and just so you know that I went there I took fifteen pictures of myself standing next to it and looking cute haha look at this one it's of a burger I ate that I wanted to show everyone and also 80% of the frame is my face can you believe the cutesy affected expression I'm making don't I look cute when I'm doing absolutely everything that I ever do on a daily basis that I photograph myself doing have you seen these 214 pictures of me visiting Madrid for one day have you seen how I stood next to all the things and my face was there and I was cute hang on don't take a picture of me let me make sure I'm posing my facial muscles in a way that perfectly makes me look youthful and girlish and attractive in a series of gestures and expressions that are half-conscious because I'm a narcissist but also half-unconscious because I've simply introjected a constant need to be posing and preening and peacocking in every moment of my fucking life and everything I do is just a vehicle for appending my face to it because I'm a woman WOW excuse me are you misogynistic or something it's not like I do this for you are you kidding me you actually think that I spend all day every day every hour of my entire waking life specifically accentuating all the secondary sex characteristics you find attractive and posing my face to look cute and young for YOU are you delusional I do this for me and nobody else I just like to feel attractive nevermind the fact that attractive presupposes the question to whom I do it for me and nobody else now excuse me while I take a picture of myself factitiously soullessly smirking in a way that I've unconsciously learned makes me look Dorky-Cute Variant #81 while I try on sunglasses in a fucking Walmart

>> No.8914950

Uhh, no. I hate her guts. Glad she isn't president. That fucking party threw my vote away.
I never trusted the media before, but this past year has been extremely disgusting.

>> No.8915069
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I think it's funny.

Not every poem needs to be an expansion upon millennia of arcane exegetical buggery.

Sometimes someone can say "MY VAGINA" and you can let it go, or simply enjoy that the poem took literally 7 seconds to read all of, caused a feeling, and then move on.

Here, I wrote a poem:

I said I'd write a poem
to this I'm now committed
I must maintain my stature
amongst the bedeviled beshitted

so simple it is to moan!
Each whore can do it nightly
At least they each get paid
Peon critic does not, rightly

And in their mire I sit
A critic of critics! To my eyeballs in shit!
Awaiting anon's complaint
To make me a martyr, perhaps a saint!

But really I'm writing for writing's sake
and not for retard reader's pate
and as I've now just finished my plate
I'll summarily fuck off.

Look at that
do you hate me now?
Guess what: I'm published, too.
I hope you're boiling in your own juices, babe.

Bottom line, contribute to the state of the art or at least complain in a demi-articulate manner, perhaps in the form of critique, satire, or competitive work.

>> No.8915093

have you never been on /fa/,
men are equally as vain, fuck you

>> No.8915163

I didn't like your poem (there's a few places where your poem doesn't scan, and the mix of slant and perfect, masculine and feminine end-rhymes is off-putting to me personally, but then I take an orthodox approach), but that's okay, because you're expressing yourself creatively. Congratulations on being published by the way.

However, the anons you responded to were phrasing their concerns from the majority opinion of the board as dictated by the general culture. The community on /lit/, similarly to any community of critics, is partly defined by a slowly evolving palate of universally understood but rarely spoken tastes. In a community of critics which has developed a distaste for, say, cheaply produced horror films, no exegesis, synthesis, analysis, or discussion is required in the review of cheaply produced horror films, other than the observation that such a work adheres to the norm. A community of music critics who dislike glam metal need only remark that a song sounds like Motley Crue in order to dismiss it. Likewise, /lit/ has developed a strong aversion to slam poetry and related forms. To the majority opinion of /lit/, there is nothing particularly revolutionary or new in "Space". Its only noteworthy in that it exemplifies this particular fashion of writing poetry, which has already been deemed worthless as a subject of discussion within the community. Were /lit/ arguing this view in opposition to an outside source, their reasoning for such a harsh critique would have to be defended in a "demi-articulate manner," -- but otherwise, their complaints are understood by default.
>>8909763 and >>8911528 were simply signalling their adherence to the normative opinion -- a form of criticism no less valid than clapping, booing, jeering, or cheering.

>> No.8915190


Ah, I'm in a gore thread.

I suppose I'll shut down and jeer instead next time.

I'm not actually published, I simply enjoy the persona, however I'm working on publishing zines at the moment.

I'm actually quite terrible at poetry. As I've recently stopped taking adderall, I'm trying to relearn writing, and I figured I never truly "understood" poetry so I'd start writing a poem a day.

I've been reading a lot of poetry and I have about 30 or 40 poems written on hand. Most are awful. Genuine dreck, like above described. However by virtue of my reading and writing more, I'm improving in self-expression and focus off stimulants in spite of my... retardation?

Ah, I've digressed.

No, I frequent this board in cycles. I have for years. Soon, I will self-publish little cheaply-made booklets to get some confidence. I intend to do all the formatting and creation, all the distribution myself at first. I have a lot to learn in each of these areas, however developing the source material is step one.

Why the fuck am I typing all of this out?

Do you have leads on other online literary communities? I need some correspondence. This one has lead me down some good paths in the past, but I'm in need of diversification. The recent uptick in nationalists and propaganda (last couple of years) has been ruinous to the community.

>> No.8915200

>a film made 60 years ago on a shitty developing country is better than a film made by some upper middle class brit in 2016

Really makes you think.

>> No.8915213

jesus, I'm utterly incapable or reading this shit. congrats if that was your intention

>> No.8915220


>> No.8915222

for vvhat pvrpose

>> No.8915227

you can easily find out who we're talking about by using op's image and google

>> No.8915238


fycj, you're still here?

Do you know what happened to Feminister and REI?

>> No.8915247


>I'm sure Stein made a much bigger impact than is being allowed though.

If you count embezzling millions of dollars from disenfranchised Democrat voters to be making an "impact" then sure.

>Donny Tiny-hands may be a good thing in the end.

He is going to wind up being a competent (and potentially somewhat successful) economic reformer. That's about it. Which is a good thing, btw. It's exactly what the nation needs right now.

The hysteria coming from people thinking he's the spiritual descendant of Hitler is naive alarmist crap from people who are too easily hoodwinked by globalist propaganda.

>> No.8915250

There aren't many online literary communities with quality discussion. Even fewer that I'm aware of. Historically, truly great movements have arisen from small, highly localized enclaves of artists rather than disparate and impersonal webs of correspondence, though the internet is still young in literary terms, so who knows. I've recently found my own local cultured in-group. Most of those taking part are unpublished, unknown, struggling, and are likely to fail. Yet, there's a genuine free flow of ideas. People readily share thoughts without fear of deviating from social conventions or the law. Real creative work gets done. Its the closest I've ever felt to Voltaire in the Salon, Sartre sipping coffee across from de Bouvoir in the Quartier Latin, Burroughs lounging in the Beat Hotel, Joyce drinking with Hemingway and Fitzgerald in a hotel barroom. But of course without all the surrounding Paris-ness.

My advice to you is to invite yourself into your local scene as a productive writer. If you don't live in a city, either consign yourself to nothing but your work, move, or die (either in a metaphorical or literal sense). And don't lie about being published. People won't trust you, and trust is worth more than silver or gold or your work in a hick magazine.

>> No.8915257
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Lay off the adderall, m8.

>> No.8915271


>don't lie on an anonymous board

While I may construct random fictions here to suit whatever point I want to make, it's something I seldom do. Your honest response beget my honest response.

Fair enough. I've always lived in/around large cities. I'm near a liberalish hotbed right now, one in flux. It's pretty interesting, quite a few artists. Most mediocre, some very good. I may get bored or anxious here soon. But I'm in a place that's inspiring me now. I simply need friends, which is why I'm debating a return to school.

I wish you luck.

>> No.8915278


>Guess what: I'm published, too.
>I hope you're boiling in your own juices, babe.


>I'm not actually published, I simply enjoy the persona

uh... okay? I guess you got /lit/ real good then? ...

>I must maintain my stature
>amongst the bedeviled beshitted

This made me laugh though.

>> No.8915280

Burn out? Maybe/hopefully something good came along to distract them, as I was temporarily.
What's fycj?

I like the guy he's chosen for dealing with China, but that's about it. He and his crew are going to embezzle and cheat the already working poor, and fail to bring enough J-O-Bs back. Trashing the minimum wage, privatizing Social Security, will make people very very angry. This is not going to go over well. The next financial meltdown is likely to happen in the next four years too. Accelerationism here we come.

>> No.8915285

Stop posting this hack.

>> No.8915298

I know.
Prettier than Taolin, you have to admit

>> No.8915311
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>The next financial meltdown is likely to happen in the next four years too.

This is all but guaranteed. And thankfully the best candidate of the lot to handle it managed to get elected. It'll be a shitshow for sure - that is inevitable - but having a socialist like Sanders try to steer the nation through that would've been so much worse.

>Accelerationism here we come.

Wait until Gen Z hit the scene. You aren't prepared for how badly they are going to rustle you.

>> No.8915317


''The recent uptick in nationalists and propaganda (last couple of years) has been ruinous to the community.''

kek. Go back to your safe space.

>> No.8915324
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>> No.8915339
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Don't worry, love.

You'll see that I'm right in time.

>> No.8915447

I want to fuck her boipucci

>> No.8915458

I don't like buttstuff.

And I don't think we'd be on any particularly friendly terms if we met. Okay looking.

>> No.8915620


>> No.8915630

Same dude

>> No.8915665

you forgot to take your name off lol

>> No.8915691
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>Truly wondering if BF is the only poster on /lit/ and she's been fooling me this entire time

>> No.8915707

i had no idea gay guys were so peaceful

>> No.8915709

BF can you be my litfu gf?

>> No.8915716

It's because you're an anti-essentialist cuck; most gay dudes have feminine brains.

>> No.8915731

No, fuck off I hate you

>> No.8915732

But you don't even know me. For all you know I could be your dream bf

>> No.8915750

I'm a man so suck a dick fag

>> No.8916132

Are you sure about that?

It's not gay if it's a butterfly penis.

>> No.8916265

>my team lost so democracy is dead

>> No.8916430

liberal arts education

>> No.8917976

This is why "spoken word" gets a grammy award and not a Mann Booker. She's a performer with literary pretensions. "Transcripts" are texts only in the literally derivative sense.

>> No.8918643
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>british person trying to speak with an english accent

>> No.8918794

I like B cups they're nice

>> No.8918922

*jacks off and has an explosion of cum everywhere*

Alright got all i possibly can out of that woman
*halo appears above head because celibate reformed virgin male*

>> No.8919087
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>you're pretty sure the clitoris is just a myth
what did she mean by this?

>> No.8919125

Based butterfly finally redpilled, welcome to the new age

>> No.8919351

Perhaps you misunderstand that last line.
The idea behind accelerationism is to feed the leftist revolution by putting or allowing a fascist/semi-fascist regime in power. It's dangerous. May not work, but these corporatists he's stacking in branch with, may just light the fuse we need.
I don't need your red sleeping pill, son. I'm gonna be awake for this.

Didn't watch, but some guys don't know how to please a woman clitorally. They're sure, or insistent, in pleasing vaginally only to the point of denying there's such a thing.

>> No.8919432

I meant american trying to sound british you dweebs

>> No.8919443


there's no leftist revolution happening

>> No.8919472

there is no such thing as "slam poetry" in my country/culture, fortunately
for me poetry is quite simple: if it isn't evidently beautiful its simply disgusting

>> No.8919485

you are really good at capturing how embarrassing butterfly was

reminds me of a 17 year old trotskyist on livejournal or something

>> No.8919627

marxist drivel.

>> No.8919645 [SPOILER] 
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>Pissy pleb-y boys ITT

>> No.8920048
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I didn't know where or what the clitoris was until I was 25. I'm sorry Butters. Sorry Anonette, Anontina, Annona. . .

Still, it's partly girls' fault for pulling that: "If you loved me you'd know what I like, I'm not telling you what to do!" thing

>> No.8920182

dumb ass tripfag

>> No.8920701

Anne Sexton was the last good female poet.