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/lit/ - Literature

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8908762 No.8908762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>how's your game with females
>your favorite writer

>> No.8908767

William Shakespeare

>> No.8908770

Really bad, I've been told I'm very flirty but not confident enough to actually ever make the next move and ask them out

>> No.8908784


>> No.8908792

>tfw all the virgins or romantically/sexually unsuccessful people itt will be told that they are worthless people and to go back ti /r9k/ by insecure redditors

>> No.8908796


>> No.8908799



J.R.R Tolkien or Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.8908805

>pretty good, in a committed relationship (ironic considering my favorite authors)
>Hemingway and Kerouac

>> No.8908806

what's the point of these threads desu

we need bettar mods

>> No.8908809

>what's the point of these threads desu
data collection

>> No.8908814

wheres the data going?

>> No.8908815

My diary :^)

>> No.8908822
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advertisers and the NSA

>> No.8908823

can i read

>> No.8908831

>I don't care about sex or romantic relationships, I stay businesslike with my female colleagues, yes I guess I'm an autist though I don't have any problems with social interactions

>> No.8908844

>Lost virginity to a whore when I was in high school and made out with a few girls at parties. That was at 17 though, and I've had 0 contact with women since.

>> No.8908847

S-s-sure anon!

>> No.8908857 [DELETED] 

Kys, virgin

>> No.8908894

Kill count: 5 girls/1 guy

>> No.8908919

Bisexual currently seeing guys, but have had plenty of women as well
Roberto Bolaño

>> No.8908928

>I don't know. I was with eleven women and then I found my current girlfriend who i've been with for creeping up on six years now.
>I couldn't possibly choose a favorite.

>> No.8908934

I've had both long and short term relationships

>> No.8908941

Teenager girls are really easy target

>> No.8908943

That's a good way to be bro. Don't give women the power over you that you'll do anything for pussy. They will come to you. Not in hoardes, but some of them are okay with not being able to own you with their sex, and that's a good sign of a cool chick.

>> No.8908965

>unable to stay faithful in a relationship, but have no trouble getting into them

>> No.8909093

Bretty awful in the past; now my game is solid but I'm in lub with a gril I've been seeing for a year and a half and I'll never get to reap the benefits.
Probably Tolstoy

>> No.8909099

>David Foster Wallace

>> No.8909105

I mean:

>Bad [1]
>[1] David Foster Wallace

>> No.8909123

I'm a terrible flirt

>> No.8909129

Have a gf
Don DeLullo

>> No.8909147

>fucked two women while I've been dating my current gf, who I haven't had sex with and have been destroyed by guilt desu
>Wolfe or Tolkien probably

>> No.8909158

How can you be destroyed by guilt when clearly she isn't very into you? I don't mean to instigate. I understand that /lit/ is heavy on the catholic side but if a girl's relationships are dictated by sky fairies then she isn't in love with you. She loves an ideal.

>> No.8909161

I'm a big homo

>> No.8909166
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>It's ok, provided I keep myself grounded. The girls I'm attracted to are usually way beyond my league, whereas I consider more 'realistic' girls to be beneath me. I also have some sort of body dysmorphia which acts as a mental/psychological block, killing my boner any time I have sex with a girl. Twice so far.

>> No.8909174

I hate the people on /lit/ so much

>> No.8909179


>I also have some sort of body dysmorphia which acts as a mental/psychological block, killing my boner any time I have sex with a girl.

Get thee to a gym.

>> No.8909189

Shes not catholic, she just lives pretty far away so it's tough. Our schedules don't match well so I barely get much time with her nowadays as is. I guess she probably has cheated also but I can't really be upset when I've done the same
Both times I was way drunk so I don't remember much either.

>> No.8909190

What's the point then?

>> No.8909198


>> No.8909199

Kissless virgin in love with a mentally unstable still traumatized girl friend who got hospitalized after suicide attempt following abuse by her psychotic ex boyfriend before before we knew each other
Philp K. Dick

>> No.8909200


>Reads Nietzsche
>Can't even cum in a girl

Keep following your leader, kek.

>> No.8909204

I'm really attracted to her personality.

the women I cheated with were just hot but I haven't spoken to one in a year and the other one still tries to talk to me occasionally but I ignore her

>> No.8909211

no game whatsoever

>> No.8909213


I'm a hardline autistic misogynist to the point of being deranged, frankly, and I've published pseudonymous demi-philosophical stuff about how women don't have souls and technically shouldn't count as people, but I'm also writing a book on radical neo-existentialist individualist feminism that is hopefully almost done, and I'm a serial-womanizing submissive femdom fetishist with several FWBs, with whom I meet up once or twice a week to have good conversation and lick their boots. I'm madly in love with a Catholic saint who I think was Edith Stein in another life, but I screwed it up by wanting to bang other women while I'm with her, and she has subtly severed our connection while pretending we're still best friends. It makes me want to die, so I medicate the pain by finding more girls to sit on my face and make me clean their apartment, which just makes it worse.

Right now Mann and O'Connor

>> No.8909215
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>> No.8909221

This really is severely autistic. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.8909224

You are not in love, go die in hell

>> No.8909226
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too autistic to know any
Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.8909231

im 19
my social skills are on inverted controls
I really like Faulkner. Delilo is slowly become one of my favourites too.

>> No.8909233


Were the girls strangers?

Were you drinking?

Sometimes pressure/stress and alcohol can do that.

>> No.8909243

I know. I feel like I got caught in a Catch 22, because I was so autistic and broken that I bet everything on a hail mary quest to have sex with as many women as possible. Somehow it worked out, but in the process, I apparently became confident and interesting enough to attract an actual partner. Now I'm stuck like Buridan's ass between giving up the Domme Harem Quest that has been my life for nearly a decade or giving up my one shot at real love.

Please don't bully me unless you are a girl.

>> No.8909244

Can relate, not sure what to do about it. Game was decent a few years ago, now I'm too self conscious to even try. It's also affecting other areas of my life.
>stated above

>> No.8909256
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>Not great, I'm okay socially but I can't close on relationships ever. Messed around with a few girls but still a virgin.

>I don't know, but I'm reading Norwegian Wood right now and its good.

>> No.8909263

I have a gf :^)
Woody Allen

>> No.8909284

Same here. The times I do get a boner I still can't feel sexual pleasure.

>> No.8909290

>Uh, I used to be terrible but I'm pretty charismatic now and girls seem to like me. I'm still a virgin but whenever it comes up I just lie or recount a sex story from a Pynchon novel. I'm not particularly self conscious about it though and it saves me an immense amount of time and money not chasing girls. I'm not opposed to having a relationship with one but she'd probably have to pursue me.
>Hard to say. TS Eliot or Stanislaw Lem?

>> No.8909295

>The best moment of my life was when a girl (who I coincidentally liked) shook my hand on my birthday five years ago.

>> No.8909297

yo OP this is a SFW board u idiot reported... damn liberals without family value ruining everything..

>> No.8909300

>haven't spoken to a female of my age properly in about 7 years
>Kafka or McCarthy

>> No.8909306
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Is /lit/ the erectile dysfunction board?

>> No.8909308

But they do have power over me, it's just my anxiety and fear of rejection overpower them

>> No.8909310

>Went from being awkward with girls in high school to about a girl a month since I've been in college but I kinda shot myself in the foot because the only one I'm interested in a relationship with is a close friend that knows both reputations
>Pretty big toss-up, it's hard to name just one. Gaddis, Milton, I'd say Virgil but I don't know Latin yet so I've only reas translations

>> No.8909319

>decent. Haven't had enoughface to face practice because I live in a shithole
>Hemingway, Vonnegut, Steakley, Gardner

>> No.8909331

Pretty good, but I haven't talked to a girl I was interested in in probably 3 months :(
I'm really enjoying Beckett right now but I can't really pick a favorite.

>> No.8909346

>Joyce or Pushkin

>> No.8909363

>Great if I'm buzzed

>> No.8909371
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>literally so dumb a girl with Aspergers took the lead

>> No.8909374

Old enough
I don't like being pursued by no one and I don't like flirting even though people think I'm being flirty. I'm not, I'm just nice

>> No.8909390

>I've never had a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure I could get one fairly easily. Women say I'm attractive but they never act on it, so idk. It's so much hassle having a relationship that I can't be bothered beside social expectations and I don't like doing things for the sake of appearances (but obviously that's a temptation, and I guess it would make it easier to empathize with friends in relationships etc. which would be a plus). My parents had a fairly shitty relationship, not as bad as some people's, but loveless, so maybe that's affected my view of things. But plenty of people have that situation and aren't as skeptical of relationships as I am. So I don't know really. I'm not asexual if I at all sound like that, just cynical about how relationships always turn out. Sorry for long-posting. Also feel weirdly protective of my virgin "purity" which is weird for a guy. Not sure where that comes from.
>Tolstoy or Pynchon probably

>> No.8909419

They like me but I don't like them
Alice Munro

>> No.8909435

Ugly virgin so breddy bad

>> No.8909438


0 experiences. Hoping for a gf in 2017.


>> No.8909446

0 experiences, never tried to have any
Clarice Lispector

>> No.8909447

game on point
I dunno, Flann O'Brien?

>> No.8909452

>still unaware of how to play
>Hemingway probs

>> No.8909453

John Williams

>> No.8909464
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>Addicted to porn and spent my teens hating women so you can probably guess
>Houellebecq desu

>> No.8909479


Gym equipment and going to the gym in general reminds me a lot of BDSM

>> No.8909480

>shit, have had one shitty gf

>> No.8909491

>Flann O'Brien
Man I love him. his absurd and physical prose, coupled with his characters' lack of awareness, really makes him funny. Something about Irish writers

>> No.8909539

>Lesbians are usually pretty easy, especially if you're not autistic and butch
>Poe, Hemingway, Fitzgerald; hard to pick

>> No.8909540

>I've got a decent body count-- 15. But now I'm yearning for something more than one night stands. Ideally, id like a gf whom I could date for a year or two. The only problem is that I don't really know many women worth dating. Woe is me.

>> No.8909546


>> No.8909553

none to speak of
the pynch