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File: 205 KB, 444x593, Marx_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8900926 No.8900926 [Reply] [Original]

Y'all motherfuckers like Marx?

>> No.8900938

I like his critique of capitalism. Not so much his alternative.

Also, are you the same /pol/ retard who keeps making these threads where you talk like a black man and want to talk about liberalism, leftism, women, etc?

>> No.8900949

Yes. I also think this thread will go to shit in no time.

So you like to complain but in the end do nothing?

>> No.8900954

>So you like to complain but in the end do nothing?

I am a 4channer, lad.

>> No.8900971
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>Karl Meme

>> No.8901168

If I could travel back in time and kill 3 dudes, the first one would be Mohammed, the second John Calvin, and the third Karl Marx. Fuck these guys.

>> No.8901181


>> No.8901444

>Calvin and Marx
chuckled, now get back to work anon

>> No.8901449
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>> No.8901653
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Yeah, mostly. Few bumpy spots in Capital III, but as I understand that was the most Engels-heavy volume anyway.

>> No.8901731 [DELETED] 
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>I like his critique of capitalism
>best seller
Marx was a retard leech who like most Jews wanted to live off other people's work instead of getting a job

>> No.8901744

>the salt seeping from pol


>> No.8901752

>reddit spacing
>says pol instead of /pol/

>> No.8901757

back to your containment board

>> No.8901789


>> No.8902037

Do you have a better solution to our problems than communism?

>> No.8902048

>Christian anarchism

>> No.8902071



>> No.8902525

who doesnt love santa?

>> No.8902541

In anarchism, no one will stop you from being a Christian.
You would naturally try to locate others, but not rest your congregation there in your dying faith. You'd want to convert. You'd fail more often than not, so you'd search out ways to get the younger and more impressionable people to convert...

In the event of an anarchist society, the rightwing will gravitate towards anarcho-primitivism.

>> No.8902801

But God isn't real

>> No.8902825

Honestly never heard of the guy
What'd he write?

>> No.8902959


Yes please.
Karl is the best.

>> No.8903111

only correct answer

>> No.8903274

of course.

only children and pollacks dislike him.

>> No.8903277

means, motive, opportunity. 2/3 ain't bad.

>> No.8903304

it's funny because according to dialectical materialism it wouldn't matter if you killed marx because sooner or later someone would develop his theory or something similar.

>> No.8903306

well then we kill Hegel

>> No.8903331
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>> No.8903414

Das Kapital, Communist Manifesto and loads of essays. He basically started the movement against capitalism (i.e. ownership of industries by a select few wealthy people) in favour of ownership by the actual workers producing the material.

>> No.8903432
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This is an anti-ressentiment board.,

>> No.8903600

>nietzsche rejecting a book about economics.

>> No.8903605


you have to go back

>> No.8903617

Pure ideology

>> No.8903651
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>Nietzsche entertaining anything to do with ressentiment

>> No.8903655

>stop being ripped off by capitalism and take control of your own destiny

>> No.8903659

Hell yeah bish

>> No.8903666
File: 56 KB, 480x377, gg no re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boi you made me do it:

>Christian and anarchistt: When the anarchist, as the mouthpiece of the declining strata of society, demands with a ffne indignation what is 'right," 'justice," and *equal rights," he is merely under the pressure of his own uncultured state, which cannot comprehend the - real reason for his suffering - what it is that he is poor in: life. A causal instinct asserts itself in him: it must be somebody's fault that he is in a bad way.

>Also, the "fine indignation" itself soothes him; it is a pleasure for all wretched devils to scold: it gives a slight but intoxicating sense of power. Even plaintiveness and complaining can give life a charm for the sake of which one endures it: there is a fine dose of revenge in every complaint; one charges one's own bad situation, and under certain circumstances even one's own badness, to those who are difterent, as if that were an injustice, a forbidden privilege. 'If I am canaille, you ought to be too" - on such logic are revolutions made.

Complaining is never any good: it stems from weakness. Whether one charges one's misfortune to others or to oneself - the socialist does the former, the Christian, for example, the latter - really makes no difference. The common and, let us add, the unworthy thing, is that it is supposed to be somebody's fault that one is
suffering; in short, that the sufferer prescribes the honey of revenge for himself against his suffering. The objects of this need for revenge, as a need for pleasure, are mere occasions: everywhere the sufferer finds occasions
for satisfying his little revenge. If he is a Christian - to repeat it once more - he finds them in himself.

>The Christian and the anarchist are both decadents. When the Christian condemns, slanders, an besmirches "the world," his instinct is the same as that which prompts the socialist worker to condemn, slander and besmirch society. The 'last judgement" is the sweet comfort of revenge. The Revolution, which the socialist worker also awaits, but conceived as a little farther off. The "beyond" - why a beyond, if not as a means for besmirching this world?

>> No.8903683


>The Christian and the anarchist are both decadents. When the Christian condemns, slanders, an besmirches "the world," his instinct is the same as that which prompts the socialist worker to condemn, slander and besmirch society. The 'last judgement" is the sweet comfort of revenge. The Revolution, which the socialist worker also awaits, but conceived as a little farther off. The "beyond" - why a beyond, if not as a means for besmirching this world?

When he says stuff like this, I don't know how on earth those 20th century French fags have the gall to claim influence/inspiration from Nietzsche and yet call themselves Marxists/Socialists/etc.

>> No.8903691

nice satan trips, but i have a question.

why would i want the value of my labour being extracted from me and not improve my life by getting rid of the class that is literaly stealing me?
should i keep pasively under the boot just for the sake of not being "resentful"?

>> No.8903744


>why would i want the value of my labour being extracted from me and not improve my life by getting rid of the class that is literaly stealing me?

You have to understand that in the grand scheme of things, the scheme of greater things, you don't realize matter. By you I mean the worker, the rabble. Nietzsche realized this.

>should i keep pasively under the boot just for the sake of not being "resentful"?

It's not a question of should. In a non-decadent age, you wouldn't have a choice.

>> No.8903776
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>> No.8903789


>You have to understand that in the grand scheme of things, the scheme of greater things, you don't realize matter. By you I mean the worker, the rabble. Nietzsche realized this.

what are you trying to say?

>It's not a question of should. In a non-decadent age, you wouldn't have a choice.

i would have a choice, i wouldn't submit to an order that doesn't benefit me.

>> No.8903793

>laying blame on anything but an economic system

>> No.8903796


It's never just the economic system though, is it?

Face facts: In the Marxist/Socialist/etc we find ressentiment par excellence.

>> No.8903820

a true marxist only blames the economic system and avoids moralism.

>> No.8903825

Honestly its far easier to direct popular rage at the "bourgeoisie", who are simply participating in within the system, rather than something as nebulous as the system itself. Ultimately, the opposition is the system itself, and all symptoms of ressentiment at large are a means to an end. Really, the system is demonstrably the problem, and calling popular rage ressentiment is just intellectual posturing.

>> No.8903828

Jerald, don't you understand? You don't, do you? I AM Karl Marx!

>> No.8903829
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>a true marxist

Don't even get my started on why it's wrong to blame the economic system.

>> No.8903838

>He basically started the movement against capitalism (i.e. ownership of industries by a select few wealthy people) in favour of ownership by the actual workers producing the material.

No he did not you worthless socdem faggot. Read the guy before claiming him as your own.

>> No.8903841

why is it wrong? enlighten me.

>> No.8903890

Communists are so fucking retarded.

This thread essentially /pol/ tier, if you change every mention of "capitalists" with "jews".

I'm glad I'm nothing like you fucking losers.

>> No.8903900
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The Jews are an ethnic group from different class backgrounds with different short and long-term interest.
The bourgeoisie all share the same long-term interest.

>> No.8904050

Might be the point but Hegel was the one who said that it wasn't a necessity that he wrote the phenomenology but that it was a necessity that it be written.

>> No.8904064
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The bridging word

>> No.8904067

How stupid are people who say that Marx is responsible for bad commies? Aren't they aware that all the worker benefits you take for granted were achieved through the pressure of socialist movements?

I love Marx OP, he's still so triggering that people can't handle his theory 100+ years later.

>> No.8904074
File: 8 KB, 300x424, engels-mayday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not enough to just read Nietzsche and apply him to people that sound like the ones you wish to hate. You also need to understand what you think you're criticizing. Your self explanatory quotes are just a strawman, and you have no understanding of the materialist conception of history or dialectics.

>We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you.
- Karl Marx

>> No.8904080

This. He grasped what was essential and was the most serious intellectual that ever existed.

It's crazy how he actually synthesized all the past thought before him but since people think of him as a political dude they don't think to consider the rigorous philosophical foundations of his work.

>> No.8904085

Your meme tier understanding of Nietzsche is embarrassing.

>> No.8904091

>He basically started the movement against capitalism
That's totally wrong... there were many theorists [Saint-Simon, Owen, etc], i.e. the "utopian socialists" that Marx/Engels hated so much, and activists [Luddites, Chartism, etc] long before him.

>in favour of ownership by the actual workers producing the material.
The only thing Marxism has ever actually materialized in was state monopolization of capital and making everyone an employee of the state; that's not a coincidence.

Because "scientific" Marxism has only operated as an ideological justification for exploitation. Economic determinism just means capitalism is always going to be temporarily "necessary", i.e. whenever a Marxist revolution happened immediately you got state capitalism and socialism was "put off" for the future.
Most of the real gains haven't been made under the banner of Marxism.

>> No.8904093

Idiots read "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways..." and take it to mean that philosophy is useless. Someone who actually has a background in philosophy understands that Marx dissolves the border between abstract theory and practical human activity, or political activity. The class conflict is also fought on the ideological scale, destinies of whole countries depend on who controls the dominant discourse. Radical philosophers can radically change the world by interpreting it in the manner of Marx.

>> No.8904100

How can one avoid a reckoning with the Darwin of History (as Engels called him) and yet claim to have any intellectual sensitivities?

>> No.8904104

By claiming to be an "analytic" philosopher, you get an academic pass on being clueless about Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger and others.

>> No.8904113

>Radical philosophers can radically change the world by interpreting it in the manner of Marx.
No, literally no more interpretations of shit is worth anything i.e. the young hegelians were just a bunch of wankers. There's already enough interpretations of shit out there, we don't need no more wankers, practical activity is the only thing of real substance today. Interpretation won't change the world.

>> No.8904117
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>the only option in this scenario is a suicide bomb

>> No.8904122

There is no dividing line between interpretation and practical activity dude, that's the whole point. Militants are made by discourse and dismantle the system by engaging in discourse.

>> No.8904125

>implying you know anything this hard

kek. keep your mouth shut ignoramus

>> No.8904130

I'd just like to interject for a moment. You appear to be using an element from this image in your post: http://www.partiallyexaminedlife.com/wp-content/uploads/KarlMarx_StNick-e1443052082162.png
You may have done this accidentally, but you've violated the terms of its copyright license. This is a serious offense and I hope you take it as seriously as it deserves.
Not to say that you're not allowed to create derived works from this image, you are, but this picture is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. Therefor, you are free:

to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work;
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share alike - If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

In this case, the attribution requirement is resolved simply by including the following in your post:

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Now that you have read this, I hope you have a better understanding of your rights and obligations when remixing and sharing this work. They will let you edit, now be nice and credit~

>> No.8904139
File: 252 KB, 472x395, 1481230288271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this was the last picture he took before shaving off his beard, retreating home and not allowing anyone to see him before he died.

>> No.8904142

How is that wrong?

>> No.8904143

>The bourgeoisie all share the same long-term interest.
a decent life? the nerve of these people!

>> No.8904169

Phone posters need to leave.

>> No.8904172

You included, my friend

>> No.8904184

this is the most dishonest and uneducated thing i've ever read

>> No.8904221

But /pol/ that Jewish capitalists have inordinate influence on policymaking and use this to advance their own material interests.

They just don't that goyish capitalists are just as bad and even more numerous.

>> No.8904266

of course, they are not an evil group that gets toghether to destroy the white race, they are just people serving their own interests, wich sadly is in direct opposition with the interest of the proletariat.