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/lit/ - Literature

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8902092 No.8902092[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

List the five most iconic scenes in literature.

The crucifixion of Christ is number one, but what are the second to fifth ones?

>> No.8902115


1. ahab farting
2. saying farewell to arms
3. jackie chan

>> No.8902127


blacked is kino

>> No.8902136

2. the last supper
3. the grasping of the fruit of knowledge
4. the entrance of dante and virgil into hell
5. the drawing of the sword in the stone

>> No.8902138

No Romeo and Juliet?

>> No.8902162

lol no

>> No.8902163
File: 84 KB, 900x744, Black Panther White Wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moses with his tablets
Achilles shot in the foot?
Odysseus stringing his bow?
Socrates submitting to execution
Dante meeting Virgil (Or his pretend gf?)

Hamlet talking to a skull is more iconic, but sure. We could go on and on.

>> No.8902171

2. The ressurection of Christ
3. The last supper
4. The grasp of the fruit of knowledge
5. The suicide of Judas Iscariot

>> No.8902183

The Red Wedding
Harry Potter time travel
When Katniss and Peta are about to eat the poison berries
Anne Frank masturbating

>> No.8902185

>a women detected

>> No.8902205

>a misogynistic virgin detected

>> No.8902214

Scheherazade reading to thon homicidal fella

>> No.8902221

I'm just a memer, I don't actually hate women :)

I will die untouched by one, though, which is rather distressing

>> No.8902229

>I will die untouched by one, though, which is rather distressing

not if I can help it ;)

>> No.8902240


>> No.8902253

I guess the most widely known ones in general would be something like Christ on the cross, Adam & Eve eating the fruit, the Flood, Odysseus and Polyphemus (or maybe Odysseus & the Sirens?), and Romeo under Juliet's balcony.

>> No.8902255

I legit like this.

>> No.8902272

>The ressurection of Christ
>No witnesses.

>Anne Frank masturbating
Which edition has this?


>> No.8902277

1. Crucifixion of Jesus
2. Birth of Jesus
3. Moses splitting the Red Sea
4. Adam and Eve cast out of Eden after eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
5. The Last Supper
All of them are from the Bible, objectively. How can fedoracucks even compete?

>> No.8902292

>Which edition has this?
the original copies. It was taken out for publication

>> No.8902293

Achilles and Priam weeping
all the bible stuff thats already been mentioned
Socrates drinking the hemlock

>> No.8902306

They don't

>> No.8902309

>Anne Frank masturbating
Her father is such a sick fuck to write this.

>> No.8902316

>tfw your 5th grade copy of Anne Frank didn't have the sexy masturbation scenes

>> No.8902357
File: 126 KB, 1365x2048, Anne Frank Hidden Hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he was illiterate.
And it was edited out. She was showing signs of bisexuality too

>> No.8902364

>tfw no Anne Frank-looking gf to read the diary to under the covers

>> No.8902370

6. Joseph K. waking up and getting arrested
5. Meursault getting hit in the eye by a ray of sun and killing an Arab for it
4. Dante finding himself in a dark forest
3. Hamlet crying about a fellow of infinite jest
2. Raskolnikov axing the old hag
1. Quixote charging at the windmills
0. Xerxes whipping the sea

>> No.8902380

It's pretty hard to study economics when you're illiterate.

>> No.8902384

>no crashing pancake retrievers

What happened to this board?

>> No.8902407

underage fags finished christmas break

>> No.8902414

>Dante meeting Virgil
more like Dante seeing God

>> No.8902417

post her feet d00d

>> No.8902425

They do it all the time.

Also hard to write holy books when you're illiterate

>> No.8902943

That cigar is definitely not just a cigar

>> No.8903001

You're not thinking straight. Don't pick what you think is relevant for you but what most people know. What everyone knows.

Crucifixion and resurrection of Christ
Adam and Eve eating from the tree
Quixote and the windmills
Romeo and Juliet balcony
The Excalibur crap

Sadly the Greeks and Romans aren't as popular, so unless you can count that horse in Troy, most people don't know about the war, Odysseus, or whatever the fuck.
Also you pretentious faggots nobody care you're not an illiterate nigger, so don't pick something from the Divine Comedy or Moby Dick, you stupid fucks.
If anything more biblical references can be added, like Moses splitting the sea or Abraham about to kill Isaac, or maybe even something else from Shakespeare, like some Hamlet maybe dunno dude lol

>> No.8903013

Also I'm not sure thinks from Harry Postre or The Lord of the Dicks will ever be considered for this list because they're known to most people from the movies and not the books does that make sense? Although I guess most people know about biblical references through other medium and all the others too.
Fuck me and fuck y'all ya bunch of nerds xd

>> No.8903034

Go away Bill Clinton.

>> No.8903056

This is correct. The real challenge is picking the most iconic scenes apart from the Bible. I would go with:

>Hamlets, "To be or not to be..." soliloquy.
>Dante descending to Hell
>Romeo under Juliet's stairs
>Scrooge's awakening on Christmas morning
>Lancelot and Guinevere cucking Arthur

Not saying these are the best, but these are probably the most iconic in the sense that the vast majority of the educated populace is familiar with them, either directly or indirectly.

>> No.8903068

That's ridiculous. No Dickens novel can be there man, what are you talking about? It's just stupid. You can't pick something from A Christmas Carol over Quixote. Use your head anon.

>> No.8903090


The vast majority of people haven't read or even been exposed to Cervantes. They may know Don Quixote has something to do with knights, but his exposure is nowhere near the level of Dickens--especially a Christmas Carol. Dickens is the most adapted writer to screen of all time, even surpassing Shakespeare.

Again, I'm not saying they are the best scenes, only the scenes which more people would be familiar with. The Trojan Horse is a good candidate as well.

>> No.8903095

So you actually think most people know about Scrooge than Quixote fighting the windmills? Is that correct? Are you really that young?

>> No.8903101

to be fair he's probably right, scenes from a christmas carol & great expectations at this point have been done and parodied far more in western and especially anglophone culture than Quixote. Scenes from Dickens span both childrens and adult works appear more frequently.