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8897279 No.8897279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books that deal with gender issues. Anything with people born male who are either feminine or trans or like exploring the opposite gender.

>> No.8897314

OP is a faggot.

>> No.8897324

Fuck off

>> No.8897326
File: 70 KB, 450x719, 2139-0309049393-450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.8897329

my diary desu

>> No.8897330

yeah, my freshman year high school biology textbook

turns out there are only 2 genders

>> No.8897332

myra breckinridge

>> No.8897339

if you're too ugly give up, its gonna get worse

>> No.8897347
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Novalis would have made a cute trap

>> No.8897348
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Herculine Barbin

Spoiler: she kills herself.

>> No.8897352

Woolf's Orlando, obviously.

>> No.8897353

pessoa. good luck tracking down all his pseudonyms tho

>> No.8897358


>> No.8897362


>> No.8897370

wind in the willows

>> No.8897463

kek'd audibly

>> No.8897499

Some of Delta of Venus.

>> No.8897506

My safety razor looks exactly like that, neat

>> No.8897517

Why whenever I look at pictures like this, I gawk in total disgust as I find out it is a man and look away the picture as fast as possible. Am I a raging homophob?

>> No.8897752

If you by that mean closet homosexual, then yes.

>> No.8897756

this, fucking fairy

>> No.8897760
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>> No.8897771

This. Stop being brainwashed into pretending to be the opposite gender, it's not fucking normal. Trannies are subhuman and degenerate.

>> No.8897783

I wish they'd be happy as simply femme males too. (Or masculine women)

Because I'm not calling them by different pronouns.

>> No.8897789

Rebellion against gender roles in general is a symptom of societal decay. In a good society, there are no feminine men and no masculine women.

>> No.8897801

Please go die.

>> No.8897804

Says who?

>> No.8897810

You first
Says me.

>> No.8897834

Since when did /lit/ become more /pol/ than /pol/?

>> No.8897837
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Why are redditors shocked when they see a right-wing opinion on 4chan of all places?

>> No.8897841

I don't know but it's really sad. It's just a couple edgy teens, most likely.

>> No.8897843
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>In a good society
Such as when?

They're a tiny aberration doing no harm. Quit getting so queasy over it.

>> No.8897847


>> No.8897848
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>nobody could possibly have different views! Nope! I refuse to acknowledge people with contrarian views on 4chan! They're just edgy teens, that's it

>> No.8897853

Nope. Gender roles exist because they're efficient. The breakdown of male-female relations, family bonds, and social structure is linked to sexual deviation. It's not the cause, but an unfortunate symptom.

>> No.8897862

impotent rage

>> No.8897867

Nobody's raging here except for you.

>> No.8897872

>all this trans hate
I really don't think trans people are sick at all. But there is a thing though. Gender is not in your biological sex, but neither it is in your mind, it is into our social life and so it doesn't depend solely on the person. When a man feels like he is a woman, even if that feeling is totally 100% genuine and I believe it is, he can only feel so from his perspective as a man. He will dress in a certain way, act in a certain way and may even pass as a woman, but he is, nevertheless, the construction that a person who was once a man has about what being a woman is like. And if he passes as a woman, he is reinforcing that. I really don't mind if people would just dress as they please and do as they please and fuck as they please. Men in heels and dresses, full make up, do it, just do it. And what's wrong about being a man in all that, and to have a high voice, take hormones, build a vagina for yourself even, but to admit you are nevertheless a man that goes through it. No harm. When women are uncomfortable that trans women get into their bathroom, that's totally understandable. Or when women are trying to, I don't know, cut their hair short and wear so called men's clothing and then a trans woman appears in heels and heavy make up and say she is more of a woman for dressing like that, isn't it something of a mockery? I think so called trans women deserve respect for how they dress like, act like, I think they can be capable and good people, I know they suffer discrimination and shit, but I see them as men who dress in a certain way and act in a certain way. Their gender didn't change, because they have a history of being seen as a man for, at least, a certain period in their lives and therefore they enjoy the same privileges that cis men do, even if it is the privilege to choose their own gender. You don't get to choose how others see you, neither you don't have a voice on it, it is a conversation, it takes two parts.

>> No.8897879

Yadda yadda yadda we've all heard this before. Your biological sex and your gender should be the same thing unless there's something seriously wrong with you. It's a mental illness, not a "gender identity". Get help and stop condoning trans people's delusions.

>> No.8897886

I don't think you read the post, I oppose gender identity.

>> No.8897889

The issue is not the label itself, it's the fact that people think it's okay for a man to be feminine or a woman to be masculine.

>> No.8897895

Avoid those books and pick up grays anatomy. You'll realize how simple we are in biology and that there are clearly 2 sexes and anything past that is propoganda that shouldn't be conformed to.

>> No.8897898

Is that a book? Fkn pronoun fag

>> No.8897902

What are your reasons as to why they *shouldn't* be?

>> No.8897908
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>Megan Kelly told me so, so nyaaah ;p

>> No.8897909

>women are the only sex that can birth children and have an instinctual desire to be warm and nurturing for their children
>because of this they never had the need to develop creativity or intelligence
>men developed to be strong and smart so they can hunt food for their families
>because of this they had to be assertive, dominant, strong, and creative to survive
But nope! Gender is fluid and not biological at all!

>> No.8897915

Read >>8897909
Basically gender roles are being dissolved by capitalism and liberalism, due to postmodern boredom and decadence. It will cause declining birth rates and dysfunctional societies. See also the Calhoun experiment
What kind of retard watches Megan Kelly?

>> No.8897917

Feminine and masculine are just spooks, imaginary, whatever you call it, there is no reality to being feminine or masculine. Some time ago women who wore pants were masculine as fuck in comparisson, now it's alright. And it really is. You could be considered a faggot in some places for not having a beard. In some places men kiss on the cheek, in others you cannot touch another man without having gone too close. These things could change back and forth and beyond and they are relative to a given culture, a given society in a given time. It's something so obvious and it's something that people like you, along with a lot of trans people don't get. You'd both agree that wearing a dress make a man feminine, you just hate it and they love it. I think it doesn't make them feminine at all.

>> No.8897918

fucking Jesus this board is so full of shut-ins

>> No.8897923

You're wrong. Masculinity and feminity are real and biological. Don't even try to point at fashion. Women are submissive, men are dominant, these are intrinsic truths.
Great argument. I suppose it's accurate. I don't base my views on what is PC or fashionable socially. Shocking I know

>> No.8897928

You remind me of my autistic "friend" in HS who identified as an anarcho-socialist or some edgy political stance like that and sent me """gender statistics""" and shit over steam chat at like 2 in the morning

>> No.8897931

Do you have any counter-arguments?

>> No.8897938

Maybe that life, although less survival-based, has grown much more complicated than what your retarded post assumes

>> No.8897939

>Women are submissive, men are dominant, these are intrinsic truths.
And yet, the opposite can be true, and it doesn't mean all women need be submissive housewives

>> No.8897942

Yea but some men really are huge faggots (for example you), so some biological divergents do exist.

>> No.8897947
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>> No.8897950

The biological drives are still there. What do you think will happen when Western society inevitably collapses? We'll fall right back to traditional gender roles, and no one will have time for trannies or fags.
It can be, but it rarely is. The fact that it's becoming more common is a symptom of decay. There's no reason for a woman to be masculine and no reason for a man to be feminine; it only hurts them evolutionarily.

>> No.8897954

Can't we just gas all the non-heteros? They're only like 5% of the population it wouldn't be a big deal.

>> No.8897963

>What do you think will happen when Western society inevitably collapses? We'll fall right back to traditional gender roles
Highly doubtful. Widows/Widowers with children would have to 'play' both roles

>> No.8897965

Non-heteros are fine, it's not like they reproduce or anything. We just need to get fag shit out of the media and stop catering to their feelings. It's not normal, the normalization of homosexuality is caused by destructive liberal impulses that will ultimately weaken us.

>> No.8897973

Nope. Gender roles have always been a thing, and when times are tough they are always efficient. A woman can't hunt and a man can't have babies, these are biological truths.

>> No.8897975

>We'll fall right back to traditional gender roles, and no one will have time for trannies or fags.

>mfw basically every ancient cultures had catamites, 'two-spirits,' asexual monks and nuns, and all manner of weird 'degeneracy'

>mfw /pol/turds will continue shitposting falsehoods outside their containment board despite being wrong and I shouldn't even waste my time responding

>> No.8897979

As long as they can't have or work with kids, I guess. Faggots are pedophilic at way higher rates than normal people.

>> No.8897982

If they are intrinsic truths, there wouldn't be examples of the contrary and if there are examples of the contrary, there is no reason to deny them. It cannot be a symptom of decay if nothing is decaying for it. In the same way that you can't say it hurts them evolutionarily if we cannot observe that it has hurt them evolutionarily. You see, by that very logic, if it were a failure of some sorts, it wouldn't be winning so much. Otherwise, if it does hurt them evolutionarily, then there is nothing for you to worry about, because it won't go far anyway.

>> No.8897983

And? Degenerate societies fell. It's a cycle all successful societies go through. We're nearing the end of the West.

>> No.8897993

>this faggot leftist degeneracy is allowed on /lit/
>any right wing threads are immediately deleted

Fuck the mods.

>> No.8897994

There are examples to the contrary, but as I explained, they are going to cause the collapse of our society. Have you read about the Calhoun mouse experiment? It's a good parallel to what's happening in human societies right now. Gender roles being damaged will cause destruction sometime in the future. Gender roles existed because they worked, period.

>> No.8897998

>A woman can't hunt and a man can't have babies, these are biological truths.
Oh okay so you're just trolling

>> No.8898001

>>8897982 here
(not to mention, of course, that the whole evolutionary thing is wrong, there is no "survival of the species", evolution is just genes getting passed or not depending from what's going on outside and changing fenotypes and shit for it, but we owe them nothing, nor to our species, race, or mammals or life on earth, on top of the fact that we are too different from animals and it's not like we are going to be extinct for wearing this or that)

(also i know we are only shitposting each other anyway)

>> No.8898003

You seriously deny this? We have different roles because we have different abilities. Men and women compliment each other, they can't exist without each other. Women are just not very strong, men are just not very nurturing. This is because of biology.

>> No.8898015

What's your point?

>> No.8898026

But you're acting like it would be impossible to exist otherwise (minus men having children; that's the only actually impossible thing)

>> No.8898029

delete this faggot shit you fucking mentally ill cunt

>> No.8898039

It's basically impossible for the majority. You're talking about the exceptions that prove the rule. Women didn't hunt because they needed to stay home to make babies, in this way they were inherently valuable. Men went and fought because they didn't have that burden. These same dynamics are still at play, albeit a bit more abstracted.

>> No.8898041

You know you guys can just become muslims if you hate gays so much.

>> No.8898043

Muslims are going to take over the West if you keep this fag shit going on

>> No.8898044

Okay I'm done you've just been restating yourself for the past 8 minutes

>> No.8898047

Enjoy burning in hell for eternity, you bug chasing faggot.

>> No.8898049


>> No.8898052

One of the most important differences is actually how testosterone interacts with stress and leadership. That said men are getting progressively less masculine thanks to xenoestrogens and women are getting more masculine due to environmental factors so gender disparities actually are slowly disappearing. It's not a good thing though, it's really inefficient and if this continues we're fucked and will get replaced by shitskins.

>> No.8898058

>Rome fell
>wtf it had nothing to do with politics, social power jockeying and economics, it was le buttfucking!!!
>America is falling
>wtf it has nothing to do with an economic system based on limited resources and constant growth, it was le buttfucking!

Yeah sure, poopy dicks are the secret cause of everything bad, what the fuck do thousands of years of historians, economists, and sociologists know

>> No.8898064

The gay population in the US is less than 4% and the trans population is less than half a percent. You've all been duped by big media into believing these are major issues.

As for OP, the only classic genderbending lit novel that I can think of is Orlando by Virginia Woolf.

>> No.8898065

Solid suggestion. I hated the book but it's reasonably well written and deals with those issues fairly well imo.

>> No.8898067

It's both actually. It's not "buttfucking", it's general sexual deviance that is being encouraged. It's inevitable under the current ideology and economic system but it must be stopped or else everything goes to hell.

>> No.8898070

The problem is normalization and gender roles. Homosexuality and transgenderism will only increase with prolonged exposure to it in the media. And gay societies don't make babies. Where is Mr Shekelburg gonna get labor without anybody giving birth? Immigrants.

>> No.8898072

This kind of degeracy is dysgenic, m8. Look into intelligence research, the average IQ on g-loaded tests is plummeting.

>> No.8898080

Well, if you guys are the viable males of the society, no wonder women are going into gay relationships

>> No.8898090

Not an argument. Do you really want to see the day where America become majority Muslim? I'm not even all that racist, hell I'm a dirty half Paki shitskin, but my family is entirely integrated to the West. A large amount of unintelligent, unintegrated immigrants will dilute the West. Technology and society will revert, culture will be destroyed.

>> No.8898098

I'm not American, but I'm merely pointing out that the reason that women may be going for men of other races or other women may well be because the modern white man has a massive chip on his shoulder and clusters around in sites like 4chan and The Red Pill. Many simply don't like women, and next to none actually respect them.

I mean, either that or they're raging SJWs. And no one should pretend that they're even human, let alone that they should pass their genetics on.

>> No.8898107

This is the breakdown male-female relations. Women trying and failing to be men, men becoming submissive and introverted. Men shouldn't fall in line and start respecting women, because a vast majority of women don't deserve the same respect as a man. They're different and that's fine.

>> No.8898112

What's wrong with just being effeminate and/or gay? At what point do you decide you want to call yourself a new thing and other people must honor that? More importantly, how is that anything other than image-conscious retardation?

>> No.8898120

>women don't deserve the same respect as a man
Why not? why do men deserve inherent respect but not women? Why does anyone, period, deserve to be respected without earning it?

>> No.8898134

MSM is literally destroying the white male.

>> No.8898169


The white male capitalist is literally destroying the world for "profits" (None white and none male capitalists too, but looks who's in charge of most of it, man)

>> No.8898320

But the people on here will just say 'it's the jews'

>> No.8898322
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Kys, my man.

>> No.8898324


I'm shocked.

>> No.8898335

pls be my gf

>> No.8898353
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Gender is not a natural kind. I challenge anyone to dispute this. Gender has become qualia, it is now an aspect of self. This is a result of political and social forces, it does not reflect reality.

To see this, ask yourself what the definition of a certain gender is? For example what is a pansexul? The politically correct answer is "someone who is attracted to all genders". Notice how pansexuality is defined in terms of other genders? Well this is also the case for all other genders. For any given gender, it's meaning depends upon other genders and nothing else. As this holds in all cases, gender itself is defined in a circular fashion.

Male and female, however are natural kinds. Sexual preference is also grounded in reality. A man who wants to be a woman and is attracted to men is a homosexual man, not a mtf or what have you.

>> No.8898354
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Notice how she absolved the MSM of all bias and agenda in one swift misdirect.

>> No.8898386
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Notice too how I predicted the Cubs win, and gave out a nifty cookie recipe.

In that post.

>> No.8898506 [DELETED] 


You said "Myth", and then started talking about some other macro issue. Not at all addressing why you wrote that off that charge against the MSM as a myth.

Be coy all you want; it's transparent.

>> No.8898512


You said "Myth", and then started talking about some other macro issue. Not at all addressing why you wrote off that charge against the MSM as a myth.

Be coy all you want; it's transparent.

>> No.8898559 [DELETED] 
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Ah. Forgot.
Yeah, there's propaganda wars going on. I hate the social-liberal press as much as the reactionary/fascist press, but no one is destroying any while males but other other white males. Yes. White on white crime, in the form of class warfare.

>> No.8898563
File: 83 KB, 1147x483, Boring-Conversation-Anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Forgot.
Yeah, there's propaganda wars going on. I hate the social-liberal press as much as the reactionary/fascist press, but no one is destroying any white males but other white males. Yes. White on white crime, in the form of class warfare.

>> No.8898644

The first trap I have seen that's actually passable.

>> No.8898660

fuck off kike