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File: 55 KB, 561x700, Aristotle nigger reading aristotle i am not from america so i cant be racist-130520-1257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8896296 No.8896296 [Reply] [Original]

Why is philosophy so boring?

>> No.8896304

Nigga you just dumb

>> No.8896460
File: 238 KB, 1023x724, depositphotos_50123813-stock-photo-confused-business-man-reading-book[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why can't niggers into philosophy, /lit/?

>> No.8896464

>t. salty guy who read plato on a subway

>> No.8896467


I find actually thinking to be exciting, yet overwhelming sometimes.

>> No.8896473

He has large fingers

>> No.8896500

thats the guy who said thats why you read plato!!

>> No.8896512


Honest question, Tyrese.

>> No.8896514

Because it's literally mental masturbation.

>> No.8896515


>> No.8896516

Depends what type you're reading. I find there's practical philosophy you can use in everyday life, and then there's the bullshit that goes off into metaphysics and existentialism and all that crap.

If Plato and Aristotle are too boring for you try reading the Analects by Confucius or Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Failing that, at least try Voltaire.

>> No.8896519

existentialism is a practical philosophy lmao fuckin philistine

>> No.8896521

>there's practical philosophy you can use in everyday life
To be fair most humanities are "useless". Not that there's anything wrong with that, Art is also useless

>> No.8896528 [DELETED] 

Is it? You can have all kinds of theories about existence as you like, doesn't change the fact that you exist. So I see it as useless.

>tfw there are people who waste their entire existence mulling over the nature of existence

>> No.8896536


>you can have all kinds of theories about gravity as you like it doesn't change that gravity exists
>you can have all kinds of theories about bone fractures as you like it doesn't change that bone fractures exist
>you can have all kinds of theories about the causal relationship between immigrants and rape as you like it doesn't change that rape exists

>> No.8896538

Those are some sweet false equivalencies, bruh

>> No.8896550

Are you literally retarded
Have you never read a single existentialist author

>> No.8896563

It's just incidentally boring. It is not meant to be entertaining and therefore, when it is, if it is, it also only incidentally entertaining.

>> No.8896938
File: 5 KB, 219x230, 890098809098098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be fair most humanities are "useless". Not that there's anything wrong with that, Art is also useless

>> No.8896988


>> No.8897012
File: 15 KB, 318x455, thefoundationcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not reading good philosophy.


>> No.8897049

STEMfag detected

>> No.8897058

That spam though. I've seen you in another post.

>> No.8897068

It's not spam, look at the website. I posted this in my own thread.

>> No.8897102

Plato is boring, Aristotle can sometimes be boring. Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Deleuze & Guattari, Alain Badiou, Quentin Meillassoux, I find particularly interesting to read, really depends on what you want from Philosophy

>> No.8897127

You are too new to understand what he was referencing.
Lurk for one (1) year, read books, and try again. Alternatively, go to a board that is more accommodating for people like you.

>> No.8897476

Because it's useless.

>> No.8897515

>Plato is boring
This is how you spot the pleb.

>> No.8897649

Are you into Heidegger? Derrida, maybe? Bataille, perhaps? de Sade, possibly? Foucalt, perchance? Artaud, mayhaps?

>> No.8897769

Man why isn't mayhaps used more often, I love that word

>> No.8897797

That magnificent prose! How can one man be so articulate, so swift in his every word that each word feels like a stream of water flowing through your mind.

>> No.8897811

Kek. I'm that Anon, I just got bored and typed in Memenglish.

>> No.8897859

Thinking about it: may > per > pos > per > may
Also, all of those name-dropped in my stream of memery were French speakers, related on topics too.

>> No.8897871

Just in case, Heidegger was not part of the stream.

>> No.8897873

>stream of memery
Lolmao that's pretty catchy

>> No.8898302

>stream of memery

>> No.8898733


>implying Plato is more boring than Aristotle

Alight, I'll admit it, you rustled my jimmies

>> No.8898740


Even the smart ones have to act like dumb apes if they want their friends and relatives to accept them. The Australians have a similar problem, it's very sad desu.

>> No.8898778

>nietzsche was a pleb

>> No.8899015

Look up different philosophies on wikipedia or something until you find one that really meshes with your worldview, there's definitely something out there that reflects how you live or want to live your life.

I used to think philosophy was dull and those who study it pretentious until I found stoicism. I realized how closely it reflected how I had been trying to live my life for years, and through studying that I sort of gained a fascination for philosophy in general.

>> No.8899029


>> No.8899058

Because you don't get it.

>> No.8899064

I mean, I'm not saying just read wikipedia, just use it as a resource to find something interesting and go from there. It's almost always better to read the source material over a summary

>> No.8899065

No, far from it. You just don't understand.

>> No.8899067

>Just imagine there is a world because my word-play say it is!
How many centuries have metaphysic philosophers have been circlejerking about word-play? At least Aristotle put some commom-sense since the beginning.

Nietzsche killed them all.

>> No.8899070

No, what's sad is that while acting like a dumb ape, you would categorize the behavior of others as ape-like. Irony, but a sad kind of irony.

Probably for the same reasons that the majority of the population can't understand it, you fucking retard.

>> No.8900223

>until you find one that really meshes with your worldview
reading to confirm your existing views is weak. you read philosophy to expand your world, not to cement it.

>> No.8900415

I'm just saying I think it's a good way to get into philosophy in general. Read up on something that you already feel sort of familiar with, gain an appreciation or even fascination for philosophical thought so that reading it doesn't feel like a chore, then expand that to other philosophies that seem interesting or challenging